MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1435 Five thousand

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In the face of the steel supreme, Ye Chen did not dare to care. The golden rule is the most lethal of the five basic rules. Even the law of fire is not comparable, let alone the law of water.

The surrounding air is gradually moist, and the surface of the leaf dust has a layer of water jacket. This is not the ability of the leaf dust to enlighten, but the function of the basaltic sacred sacred itself. In the five basic rules, it can form the armor. Only the law of gold and the law of earth, although other laws can forcibly condense a layer of law, but the effect is far worse, and will affect other abilities.

Not only a layer of water on the surface of the skin, but also a layer of water jacket on the sword of the dust extracted from the leaves, both of which have water-containing laws.


The Steel Supreme took the lead in launching an attack. The figure flashed and a shot stabbed. The golden light seemed to be a golden waterfall across the sky, creating an illusion that it could not resist.

Ye Chen has already been ready to go, the swords of the sky are sweeping, the front of the sky is choppy, the blue swordsman faces the golden waterfall, and a strong gold and iron symphony bursts.

However, Ye Chen still underestimated the power of the Steel Supreme and the Golden Rule. The guns and swords attacked, and Ye Chen felt that an invincible force was transmitted to the body along the Cangwu Sword. Suddenly, Ye Chen went all the way out, instead of steel. Supreme, the body just shook, obviously occupied the upper hand.

"It’s not a matter of half-dealism, it’s the law of gold."

Stopping the body, Ye dust eyes are dignified a lot, the same is the power of the law, his own water law seems to weaken the opponent's golden rule on the offensive, there is no limit, there is no way to completely isolate the power of the law.

Think about it too. The same size of the gold gun and the water gun collided, obviously the gold gun is stronger. The two are essentially different, the strengths are different, and the water law is balanced in all aspects, but to a certain extent, it also represents mediocrity.

"You are not my opponent, advise you to hand over all the chaos."

Steel is so proud that it starts to look proud.

"On attack power, you are indeed stronger than me. But the battle is not just attack power." Ye Chen sneered, a blood red sword shot from the right eye.

The steel supreme was too late to dodge, the soul trembled, lost the sense of the outside world, and the gold armor on the body also faded, but it did not disappear.


The blue swordsman tore the gold armor, leaving a deep sword mark on the steel supreme body. Silver red blood splash.

It is the leaf dust that is shot.

"not good!"

Steel Supreme wakes up, quickly retreats, and quickly condenses the complete form of the gold armor.

Ye Chen did not chase, the soul will attack the secret law Hell's sword is his killer, has no effect on the primary demigod, but it is very effective against the anti-Supreme. The reason why Hell's Sword is so powerful is mainly because it also contains Hell's will. The only drawback is that it is very expensive and cannot be continuously applied. What he needs is to shock the steel supreme.

"Great. Unfortunately, you can't continue to display."

Looking up, the steel supreme slows down.

Ye Chen said faintly: "Just perform three times. Your soul will be created. Once the soul is created, you will not be able to fully mobilize the golden rule, and the time to push the law will be shortened."

The force of urging the law is very demanding on the soul. The martial arts **** contains the soul. Once the soul is created, the martial arts **** will also have defects. Of course, the golden soul is generally difficult to be injured. Casting the soul will attack, because the soul will attack is difficult to produce a satisfactory effect, but will waste your soul power, Ye Chen's soul will attack contains the will of Hell, so it can have a certain effect on the anti-Supreme.

"It seems that you are very confident."

Steel Supreme is very unwilling, the stronger the leaf dust, the more chaotic characters of leaf dust, if you can get the chaos of leaf dust, he can at least save tens of thousands of years, you must know that chaotic battlefield not only has chaotic characters, but also Some opportunities, once you get the chaos, he can look for his own chances in the future.

"When you get to the level of you and me, who will have no confidence in one or two."

To tell the truth, Ye Chen also wants to grab the chaotic character of the steel supreme. Unfortunately, he can't help the steel supreme. Even if the sword of **** can make the soul of the other party suffer, Ye Chen also fights with the steel supreme. If we continue to fight, we will only lose both sides. The advantages brought by the quasi-half-dealism and the golden rule are too great, and it is not so good. At the same time, Ye Chen couldn't help but think that if his own law of water is replaced by the law of gold, how strong is it? It is estimated that it can sweep most of the primary demigods. Even if you encounter the Chaos Flame Bird King, you will have a fight. Of course, it is not that the law of water is not good. In fact, if Ye Chen can't fight the steel supreme, he can also use water. The operation is gone.


Very simply, the steel supreme turned and flew away. If Ye Chen realized that it was not the law of water, he was willing to take an adventure. The law of water has a water technique, which is extremely fast and resilience, second only to the law of wood. Forcing death, too risky.

“Is the Steel Supreme gone?”

"Why don't you be the other person, you have to go."

"I thought that Steel Supreme is one of the best in the anti-Supreme Supreme. It seems that I am watching the bottom of the sky. There are no thousand or eight hundred in the anti-Spirit of the Chaos battlefield. There will always be some extreme metamorphosis, maybe There will be a stronger anti-Supreme Supreme than Steel Supreme."

"Well, the anti-Supreme Supreme is only a lot more than what you said. Generally two or three universes can produce a rebellious supreme. Some powerful universes even have multiple anti-sky supreme. I listen to some older people saying that the emperor universe The most anti-Japanese supreme."

"In addition to the Emperor universe, there are still some universes that are not inferior to it. Who is strong and who is weak, this is not allowed, it is between the two."

There are many discussions in the universe around the world.

After staying in the fifty-fourth field for more than twenty years, Ye Chen left and went to the next domain.

Time is like running water, and it has quietly passed away. Soon, Ye Chen has come to the chaotic battlefield for 5,000 years, ninety-nine fields, Ye Chen has gone to seventy, and the last twenty or so left, during this period. Ye Chen met many anti-sky supreme and primary demigods, and even encountered an intermediate demigod.

Intermediate half-god does not say him, Ye Chen is not an opponent, relying on water to escape.

The primary demigod is strong and weak, and has encountered the top junior half-god.

The anti-Japanese supreme makes Ye Chen very emotional, and the surviving Supreme Supreme is not easy to provoke. Ye Chen estimates that many anti-Supreme Supreme are stronger than themselves. Ye Chen even saw a two-step understanding of the two laws. The anti-day supreme, powerful and unimaginable, is harder than the intermediate god.

Read The Duke's Passion