MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1454 Qinglian Juggernaut

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Xu Jing looked at the battle of the Sirius.

Sirius Warfare also quickly looked at Xu Jing and asked for mercy: "If you are willing to let me go, I am willing to hand over all the savings, and Sirius is yours."

"kill him!"

Xu Jing is cold and cold.

She will not forget that Sirius is fighting against the three sisters of Baihuatang. One of the sisters has been with her for more than 20,000 years. The two are in love with their sisters and have a good relationship.

"Hey, he wants you to die when he is born."


The body melted into black smoke. When it reappeared, the Sirius Warrior has already reached a long distance. He is a sacred universe life, and he can be turned into a fog.

"Can you escape?"

Ye Chen is also a fire fist to the Sirius battle.

This time, the power of the fire fist is much more than 10,000 times, and it is even more than a hundred million times more than the comet. It is all over the sky and falls on the wolf war. The next moment, the whole man of the Sirius war broke out. For the fly ash, the sparkling light shines through the vastness of the Great Sirius.

"The Sirius war is holy?"

"Who is killing him, so strong! The Five Supreme also kills the Undead Siege! If it is one of the original five great supremes, it is now the Yin Supreme of the yin and yang war."

Almost everyone in Sirius City saw the scene just now, and it was very shocking.

"Invincible, peerless."

The black flower wars the holy soul is touched a bit, Ye Chen gives her a lot of feelings, mysterious and powerful, gentle and considerate, and there is also an unspeakable domineering, compared to the arrogant overbearing of the Sirius warfare, Ye Chen is undoubtedly more attractive The former conquers the woman with the heart, and the latter only conquers the woman by force.

"Love flower sister, you rest in peace! Qiu has already reported."

Xu Jing said in his heart.

"Xu Jing, are they?" Ye Chen looked at the black flower wars and other people.

Xu Jing said: "The big sister is the main flower of the Baihuatang Church. We are very good, and the rest are Baihuatang sisters."

"Black Flower Warfare, thank you for taking care of Xu Jing for so long. Send you a gift, hope not to be surprised."

Ye Chen’s right hand smashed, and hundreds of smashed light spots did not enter the black flower battle sac, which is the crystallization of divine power. The five elements of the law and the cultivation of the primary demigods make Ye Chen cover up the radiance of the divine power, not too conspicuous, and the crystallization of the power of the black flower sacred body is also concealed by the leaf dust, and the leaf dust does not hope. The black flower war sac was killed or was remembered because of the crystallization of divine power.

The black flower warfare is about to refuse, and suddenly, the eyes are surprised.

It is the crystallization of divine power!

A crystal of crystallization can almost save the gods of 10,000 years of hard work, and hundreds of crystallizations can at least save a million years of hard work.

"Thank you." The black flower warfare was grateful, and immediately looked at Xu Jing, a hand, three objects flew to Xu Jing. They are the celestial armor, the celestial weapon, and the storage ring. "Sister, these are your things, my sister is still giving you, my sister will not blame my sister for licking your things."

Black Flower War Saint is a bit shy.

Take over the heavenly device and the storage ring. Xu Jing softly said: "How come, big sister, without you, can I live or not, I believe that the Baihuatang sisters think so."

There is no Baihuatang without the black flower battle, there is no Baihuatang, and everyone has no home. There is no power to protect them, compared with life, what foreign objects count.

The next day, Ye Chen and Xu Jing left the Sirius City.

"The treasures of the Sirius Warrior are quite a lot."

For the savings of the Sirius Warrior, Ye Chen will naturally not be soft, and take all of it. One does not stay, even the chaotic stone mine near Sirius City has been dug most of the leaf dust, into the five elements of space.

Comprehend the five elements of the law, Ye Chen can open up a five-line space in the chaotic battlefield, this five-line space is very stable. It will not be shattered by the law of chaos, and the five elements of space are in the body of Ye Chen, which is equivalent to a moving storage ring, but the space inside is much larger than the storage ring. It is more advanced and completely suitable for life. Inside, it is no different from the real world.

In the five elements of space, the continuous mines are endless. In the depths of the mine, there is a paradise, birds and flowers, waterfalls and springs, and countless beautiful scenery.

Xu Jing sat on a flat ground and was working hard to cultivate.

With a lot of divine power, Xu Jing will make great progress every moment. After all, it is low and progress is fast.

Leaving the Nine Domains, Ye Chen came to the Eight Domains.

Ye Chen found that the more the top ranked areas, the more powerful, the more treasures, the dazzling variety of forces.

In order to find Murong's allure, Ye Chen controlled a large number of forces and asked them to help them find out. He still understands how powerful people are.

For a time, Ye Chen’s name was completely started. The top ranked domain, everyone knows that there is a Qinglian Juggernaut, with peerless force, and the five supremes are not his opponents.

"Juggernaut, there are no people in the seven domains."

"Juggernaut, there are no people in the fourteenth domain."


Although I have been looking for it in other fields before, the strength of the leaf dust at that time was not very strong, and there will be some mistakes and omissions. This time, Ye Chen told the public to turn the entire chaotic continent into the sky, and let alone one place.

A domain.

This is the only place where Ye Chen’s control forces dare not dare to get involved, because there is also a peerless strongman here – Yin and Yang.

The yin and yang wars were originally one of the five most supreme, called Yin Supreme, and the strength and the light supreme are comparable. However, under the chance of coincidence, Yin Supreme is not only promoted to the primary demigod, but also comprehends another law of yang, a strength , earth-shattering, no one is his enemy.

A domain of Yinyang City is the power of the yin and yang war, and is the only force in a domain.

The main hall of Yinyang City.

In the empty and deep hall, the yin and yang battles open their eyes. "Is it finally?"

Across the distance, he felt the smell of leaf dust. This kind of breath can only be felt by him, because he and the other party are the same level of power.

"It’s so exciting, I finally have an opponent."

The yin and yang warfare sanctification flashed into a white airflow, and the speed was fast, not under the leaf dust.

Far away, the two saw each other.

"Yin and Yang Wars!"

"Qing Lian Jian Sheng!"

The two men reported each other's name.

"I am looking for someone, I hope you can cooperate."

Ye Chen said.

"I am very happy to cooperate, but the premise is that you can not die in my hands, die, you do not need to cooperate." Yin Yang Zhansheng smiled, warfare skyrocketing.

Leaf dust brows slightly wrinkled, but quickly eased.

"Okay, as you wish."

The days without opponents are very boring, and Ye Chen also wants to know how powerful the yin and yang wars of the two top rules are, and how they compare with their own five elements.

"Crisp, it is the strongest who has reached this level."

The yin and yang wars are nodded with satisfaction.

Ps: The public number sword tour is too empty. You are welcome to add me. There will be pictures of the characters in the mobile game, and the situation of the old book and the new book will be announced slowly.


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