MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 104 president of love

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Jingzhuo sat on the velvet chair and stared at the paintings on the wall.

She asked the servants to hang up all the paintings that You Qian sent before, as a reconciliation with herself.

Jing Zhenzhu slowly said: "I've been strange all these years, it's not that you just walked away. It's you who shouldn't come here because of me, and let Xiaoying see hope again and again. ."

"I know that most of you accept Xiaoying's feelings because she is my daughter."

"I should have let you go sooner."

In those days, You Qian's situation was somewhat similar to Jiang Shengyan's.

You Qian's father is a gambler. The family needs a lot of money to pay off the debt. Therefore, You Qian works day and night and becomes Jing Pearl's right-hand man.

You Qian could have resigned early to do what she really liked, but it happened that Jing Teng was in trouble, and You Qian postponed the resignation time. Not for anything else, just to do the last bit of affection.

In those few years, Jing Zhuying tried her best to chase You Qian.

Jing Zhenzhu held the bridge of her nose with some thin hands, "For so many years, whether you have been sorry to me or I have been sorry to you, I don't know."

The feelings of those two people, only they know, Jing Zhenzhu is just an outsider.

Seeing her daughter desperately fluttering into the flames, how could Jing Pearl not feel distressed?

Several emotions are intertwined, and Jing Zhenzhu has long since not known whether she is resentful or guilty.

Faced with Jiang Shengyan, Jing Zhenzhu valued it, but couldn't escape the shackles of the past, for fear that one day Xiaoyou would be like her mother, and she would fall into the whirlpool of not being able to ask for it.

Late night, in a hotel suite.

Jing Zhuying frowned wearily, glanced at the time, opened the laptop on the table, and made a video call.

"Good morning." Jing Zhuying burst into a sunny smile on the screen, and she could not see the tiredness just now.


On the screen, there is an elegant woman, thin but full of charm, her hair is loose on one side, hanging down from the collarbone.

Jing Zhuying smiled and said, "After the donation ceremony, I will go to you."

Jing Zhuying came to Yancheng to hold a painting exhibition this time to donate all these paintings to the museum here.

"Yeah." You Qian was still indifferent.

Jing Zhuying: "I saw my daughter, her eyes are very similar to yours."

"Yeah." You Qian didn't seem surprised.

Jing Zhuying's eyes were slightly red, "Actually, for so many years, you... have you ever liked me?"

won't wait for you."

"This sentence is enough." Jing Zhuying smiled again, "I will keep up."

You Qian was about to hang up the video, hesitated, and said, "I don't like children. When I promised you to have a child, I hoped that you would stay by the chairman's side. On this matter , I was wrong. Although I don't care that I'm a scumbag, but...sorry."

Jing Zhuying took a breath and was silent for a long time, and said, "It's my fault, I messed up the lives of four people."

You Qian: "You shouldn't fall in love with me."

Jing Zhuying: "I never thought to stop loving you."

The two looked at each other for a moment, then You Qian said, "The scenery here is very beautiful. There will be a bonfire event for the local indigenous people in a week. I will stay and participate."

The video hangs up as soon as the voice falls.

This is what I mean.

Jing Zhuying smiled and closed the screen.

My woman is a scumbag.

Not to mention that the person himself has gotten it.

It's just hard work.

[Jingteng Group is amazing again! The secretary to the president sits on the president's lap in public, and there is a video to prove it! 】

[Relying on the superiority of the body is the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality! Please see today's big melon: the py transaction between the little secretary and the boss. 】

Damn, this face-seeing world! 】

In the middle of the night, a video was quietly released, and as more and more people watched it, it quickly went viral on major platforms.

Jingteng's public opinion turmoil soon subsided, and it was pushed to the forefront again.

The person who posted the video clearly chose to let the video go viral at a time when many people were falling asleep and the publicist had no time to react.

In order to gain popularity, major marketing accounts have chosen this event as the topic, with various angles, and various eye-catching titles are endless.

The comments below have exploded again.

[Looking at a serious secretary, sitting on the boss's lap in front of the public, shameless! 】

【I always thought that only male bosses have a serious relationship with the secretary, how can female bosses do the same? 】

[Sure enough, one is not serious, and the whole family is not serious! The daughter of a **** is indiscreet! 】

The little girl Xia Yun, who just became Jiang Shengyan's secretary some time ago, saw these comments, and her hands shaking while holding the phone were so angry.

These people have no idea what kind of person Secretary Jiang is, why are they attacking her with such dirty language? !

Several secretaries and sisters in Xia Yunqun were enraged by the overwhelming rumors on the Internet, and they went to quarrel with people when they posted on Weibo.

Reply one by one under the nasty comments.

Xia Yun clicked into the comment - [I am the most disgusting person who relies on unspoken rules [vomit]].

Reply: [Secretary Jiang was reused by President Jingteng by virtue of his strength. ]

[You are that friend! What everyone knows, what archway is there? ]

[Keep your mouth clean! ]

[As far as she is coquettish, I can say enough! ]

The more Xia Yun replied, the more vigorous the people who quarreled with her.

The little girl's eyes were red, and she blamed herself for being unpromising.

Although she has only met Jiang Shengyan once and doesn't have a deep understanding, the other party is a fairy-like person, not what they say on the Internet.

Xia Yun felt wronged for Jiang Sheng, but she was helpless.

When the public relations department finds the video, it will delete the video immediately.

But because the spread is too wide, it will pop up again if it is deleted. You can only contact the platform to block it.

"Mr. Jing, these news..."

Secretary Qi was a little hesitant. If it was anything else, he didn't need to ask the boss to know how to deal with it, but about Jiang Shengyan, he didn't dare to make an assertion and deal with it simply and rudely, lest he would fall into the limelight.

The words in the comments are really ugly, and I don't know if the boss saw it.

Jing You picked up the tablet and clicked on the inexhaustible video.

In the video, he was sitting on the sofa with his back to the camera, Jiang Shengyan approached and sat on his lap.

It is very different from the usual serious and serious look.

Jing You: "Tell those tech media who post news blogs that they don't have to participate in Jingteng's new product launches in the future; say hello to good advertising companies, and don't talk nonsense marketing accounts in the future. Use it; send a lawyer's letter to those who arrange Secretary Jiang indiscriminately, and don't miss a single one."

The last sentence is heavy.

Jingteng is a technology leader in Yancheng. Losing Jingteng's admission qualification for the conference is completely self-defeating. Well-known technology media only report events in the professional field. Unless Jingteng makes technical mistakes, it is easy to oppose Jingteng.

The people who open the vines for the sake of attracting attention are some little-known small media, and it will be cold sooner or later.

In fact, the marketing circle is not large, the mentality of most marketing accounts is: I sent your negative, as long as you give enough money, I can exchange it for you with positive. Therefore, marketing accounts are not only not afraid of offending people, but also make money from this.

But now Jingteng directly greets the advertising company, unless the other party does not want Jingteng as a client, or will not cooperate with those bloggers who make up news.

These marketing accounts can only consider themselves unlucky. Today, with the mushrooming of self-media, the competition of big V is already very fierce. If you are not careful, you will be forgotten and blocked by advertising companies, which is basically equivalent to cutting off half of the source of income.

They can only do better for themselves.

Jing You added: "Ignore the speculation about our relationship for the time being."

Secretary Qi: "Okay, Mr. Jing."

Jing You: "Save me a copy of this video."


Secretary Qi maintained his expression: "Okay, Mr. Jing."

Jing You: "The person who threatened me that day, you know what to do."

Secretary Qi nodded and went out.

This female star may have to go home to farm.

Jing You frowned, if she didn't ask someone to drive the woman away, just ask.

She doesn't care if people on the Internet scold her.

But Jiang Shengyan should be wronged.

Jing You got up and walked out of the office, Jiang Shengyan sat at the workstation, calm.

"Sister, come in with me." Jing You poked Jiang Shengyan's shoulder.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Jiang Shengyan folded his hands in front of him, not posing casually because of his relationship with Jingyou.

Jingyou closed the door.

"Sister, don't take what others say to your heart." She said cautiously.

Jiang Sheng curled his lips, "Are you comforting me?"

Jing You hesitated for a moment, then nodded embarrassedly, "You are my fiancee, I should comfort you."

"It will be ordered soon." Jing You looked confident.

"Then have you proposed to me?" Jiang Shengyan raised her chin, "I never said I wanted to be your fiancee."

"You said two days ago that you would never leave me, but today you changed your mind." Jing You frowned, "You have to be trustworthy!"

Jiang Shengyan: "I'm not trustworthy, what can you do with me?"

Jing You grabbed Jiang Shengyan's collar and kissed it.

Jiang Sheng was full of surprises.

After a kiss.

Jiang Sheng said, "Who did you learn from?"

"What to learn?" Jing You asked.

"If you don't agree, just talk." Jiang Sheng said.

"I just remind you, we kissed." Jing You's attitude was tough, "You must marry me."


Jiang Shengyan was once again amazed by Jing You's logic.

"You will be my wife in the future. If someone speaks ill of you, I will teach him a lesson for you!" Jing You said.

Jiang Shengyan pinched Jingyou's face, "I don't care about this for a long time, they are all irrelevant people anyway."

In the past, at school, the classmates and parents around her all said some ugly things behind their backs. At that time she was able to survive, but now she is just some people she doesn't know online, and the degree is much lighter .

Jing You hugged Jiang Shengyan and patted her on the back.

"I will protect you, those people will shut up one day."

Jiang Shengyan hugged Jingyou back and stroked her hair.

"Although I will not thank those who have hurt me, the misunderstandings and grievances I have suffered have made me more tolerant and understand the difficulties of others. It makes me cherish every one who has given me more Releasing people with good intentions makes me willing to treat those I care about more tenderly, which is a blessing in misfortune."

Jiang Shengyan's voice was very soft, not only speaking to Jing You, but also reminding himself.

From before to now, whenever others blame her for her father's affairs, she will tell herself that it is not her fault, and she should not affect her life for other people's mistakes.

Now, Jiang Shengyan is grateful to herself for repeating these words.

Because she got the best.

What would her life be like if she only cared about complaining about others?

Jiang Shengyan didn't want to know.

Jing You hugged Jiang Shengyan's neck, "I will definitely make them shut up!"

It's like she's **** off, and like she's promising something.

"Okay, in the future, with my little You protecting me, no one will dare to bully me again."

Jiang Shengyan grabbed Jing You's waist and sniffed the fragrance around her neck, "My little You has a reassuring smell."

Jing You licked her lips and backed away, "I didn't taste enough just now."

"Huh?" Jiang Shengyan didn't understand the meaning of the words.

"Sister's taste."

Jing You's lips came up once again.

Only she can taste it.

With such a big commotion on the Internet, Jing Zhenzhu naturally also saw the news.

Soon, the news on the Internet was deleted, leaving only articles speculating on the relationship between the secretary and the president.

Jing Pearl saw through Jing You's trick at a glance.

But Jing Zhenzhu is angry and angry, this short has to be protected.

In less than an hour, the official certified Weibo of Jingteng Group came out to respond.

[@Jingteng Group Official Weibo: Ms. Jing Zhenzhu, the chairman of Jingteng Group, appointed Jiang Shengyan, the former president secretary, as the CEO of Jingteng Film and Television in early August this year. 】

The accompanying picture is an appointment letter with the official seal of Jingteng, and the date is clearly August 2, which is more than two months ago.

This post is over, followed by another—

When the engagement-related matters are finalized, all business friends will be invited to witness the happiness of the two. Thank you for your concern! 】

The meaning is obvious, Jiang Shengyan has long been a very important high-level executive of Jingteng, and their engagement is not to prevaricate the public.

Next, Jing You, who had never opened a Weibo account, landed on the account that Secretary Qi applied for her.

@jingyou: If everyone likes to watch me and my fiancee fall in love, I can consider going on a love variety show with her. But such a beautiful fiancee, I just want to see it by myself.

The personal authentication of the account is the CEO of Jingteng Group.

Soon, the hot search exploded, and the Weibo server was paralyzed.

Who would have thought that a handful of dog food would be stuffed into the mouth before the melon was eaten.

"Are you happy now?"

Jing Zhenzhu sat on the dining table with a sullen face, staring straight at Jing You.

"Grandma announced the marriage first, what's my business?" Jing You looked back innocently.

Jing Zhenzhu: "Then why do you not delete the news? Do you like to watch the public guess about the relationship between you?"

Jing You: "It must have been the PR department that didn't delete those news because they thought they should ignore it. Anyway, we will get married sooner or later. Guess what happened?"

Jing Zhenzhu: "Do you think you can easily enter the door of my Jing family when I get you engaged? I said that it is not so easy to be my granddaughter-in-law!"

Jing You: "Grandma, don't embarrass Jiang Shengyan anymore."

Jing Zhenzhu: "I'm talking about you! Have you forgotten that we cut off the relationship between our ancestors and grandchildren?"

Jing You: "Then let Jiang Shengyan marry into the Jiang family, I don't mind."

"Little You, stop talking." Jiang Shengyan pinched Jing You's leg in fright.

Jing You was in pain and took a deep breath.

Jing Zhenzhu looked at Jiang Shengyan and asked, "Do you want a daughter-in-law or a grandma, say it yourself!"

Why was this question thrown at me?

Jiang Shengyan and Jing Zhenzhu looked at each other, only maintaining a smile, but did not speak.

"You don't mean to answer grandma's question?" Jing Zhenzhu raised her tail.


Jiang Shengyan did not dare to remain silent any longer, and stepped forward to try: "Both..."

"Huh?" Jing Zhenzhu's eyebrows were horizontal.

It was obvious that Jiang Shengyan had to weigh up the answer.

"Both of them seem to be a bit greedy." Jiang Sheng changed his words.

"Yes." Jing Zhenzhu nodded with satisfaction and continued to wait for Jiang Shengyan to answer.

"But I don't want any of them." Jiang Sheng said truthfully.

Jing You: "That's the best deal for me to marry into the Jing family."

"I asked you to speak?" The more Jing Zhenzhu looked at Jing You, the more regretful she became.

"Grandma, I'm very hurt!" Jing You frowned, his cheeks bulging a little.

Jing Zhenzhu: "Don't pretend to be cute with your grandma, you're the cutest when you're the size of your palm, and now it'll only make you angry!"

Jiang Shengyan: "Okay, okay, grandma, don't be angry, Xiaoyou didn't mean it."

"You're not married yet, so you're speaking for your daughter-in-law?" Jing Zhenzhu raised her voice, "Would you like to ride on my head after marriage?"

"When will I move the chopsticks?" Jing You said, "I'm hungry."


Jingzhu took a few breaths.

I haven't been **** off yet, count my old lady lucky!

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang through the living room to the dining table.

"Go open the door!" Jing Zhenzhu looked at Jing You and ordered.

Jing You: "Why?"

Jiang Shengyan: "I'll go."

"Sit." Jing Zhenzhu stared at Jing You, "Just go and drive."

"Why didn't grandma say 'please open the door'?" Jing You was very dissatisfied, "People who disrespect me like this—"

"Come on!" Jing Pearl patted the table.

Jing You was so frightened that she shrank her neck and whispered, "Go and go."

Jiang Shengyan couldn't help laughing, and the corners of his lips twitched a few times.

"It's funny to see your future daughter-in-law making me angry?" Jing Zhenzhu was very annoyed.

"I apologize to you for my future daughter-in-law." Jiang Shengyan got up and walked behind Jing Zhenzhu, putting both hands on the old lady's shoulders, "I'll rub your shoulders, don't be angry."

"You don't rub my shoulders at home, and you show hospitality in front of other people's grandma?"

The voice of Jiang Shengyan's mother resounded in the room.

"Mom? Why are you here?" Jiang Shengyan was stunned.

"What's your tone?" Mama Jiang Nunuzui, "Can't Mom come?"

"No, you didn't tell me in advance." Jiang Shengyan explained.

Mother Jiang: "You are someone else's granddaughter now, why should I tell you?"

Jiang Shengyan walked over, leaned over and hugged her mother, "Tell me in advance, and I will pick you up in person."

"As soon as I see my mother coming, you don't recognize my grandma?" Over there, Jing Zhenzhu was not happy.

Go ahead.

Three troublesome people got together.

Jiang Shengyan stood up straight, with a helpless yet elegant smile on his face, "What service do you need?"

"Peel me a shrimp."

Jing You spoke unceremoniously.


The other three paused for a few seconds, then sat down and picked up their chopsticks.

While eating and chatting, the atmosphere of competition and jealousy disappeared.

Under a tacit understanding, no one spoke to Jing You.

Jing You: ? ? ?

Are you asking me what service I want?

Why just say nothing?

Office of the President.

Jing You was sitting in the work chair, staring at the tablet.

On the screen is the secret video she asked Secretary Qi to pass.

How can Jiang Shengyan in it look better than ever?

Is this flirting?

"Mr. Jing, the family you have been looking for has gone missing. They now live in a small ancient town very close to Shanghai City." Secretary Qi paused, "You have changed your face, and the surname is the same. changed."

Jing You's eyelids raised suddenly, "Did you find someone to go over? Don't let them escape!"

"Mr. Jia lives next door to that family, and our people passed by."

Secretary Qi said hesitantly, "But Mr. Jia said that the family's daughter is a lunatic in her thirties. If you say that the victim has mental problems, I'm afraid..."

Even if a confession is revoked, it cannot be used as a testimony in court.

"Find someone first, and there will always be a way."

Jing You is not as indifferent as before, and the excitement in his eyes is very obvious.

Secretary Qi smiled, "Mr. Jing, there is good news. Mr. Jia found out that Xu Zixi of Silan Group used an overseas account to send money to the family."

"Who is that?" Jing You frowned, always feeling that the name sounded familiar.

"It is a medical group specializing in the production of medical equipment." Secretary Qi said.

"I know this company." Jing You said, "I asked Xu Zixi."

Secretary Qi: "It's the CEO of their group. He's not too old, just like Secretary Jiang."

Jing You couldn't remember where he heard this name, so he gave up temporarily.

"Don't startle the snake." Jing You specifically instructed, "If someone runs away, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Secretary Qi nodded cautiously, "I know, then Mayor Jiang can't overturn the case."

Jing You: "No, your head will fall off your neck."

Secretary Qi: "..." Why am I so miserable!

No need for Jing You to explain, he will be careful and careful.

Mr. Jing spends a lot of money to find someone to investigate these years, which can be said to be digging three feet.

The family disappeared without a trace, and no ghost would believe it.

I hope that Mayor Jiang will be cleared as soon as possible.

In those days, I was also helped by the mayor's uncle.

Secretary Qi sighed in his heart: Good people must be rewarded!

Read The Duke's Passion