MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 117 president of love

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November night, the coolness is getting stronger.

Concrete walls keep cold air out, and the temperature inside is just right.

Even in thin silk pajamas, I don't feel cold.

A.D. 2000 Central Apartment, which originally belonged to Jing You's bedroom, seems to no longer belong to her alone.

Jiang Shengyan was lying in bed with Jing You close, and still felt that the experience during the day was very unreal.

I once thought it was a difficult step, but finally told her to step out.

The little guy in his arms contributed a lot.

It is Xiao You who is pulling and pulling, so that she will not shrink back due to fear, or be stumped by complex emotions and stagnate.

Dad said that when his case was completely settled, he would move back and live with them.

He said, mother's legs... are not defects, but love.

He said that he will take care of that love more carefully in the future.

The stone that had been in Jiang Shengyan's heart for many years turned into fireworks in an instant, piercing the night and turning into a bright scene.

She has the love of her parents, and now, the love of Xiaoyou and the love of her grandmother.

The unbearable memories of the past have no weight in her heart.

She has always been very happy.

"Xiaoyou, is your mother asking you to come today?" Jiang Shengyan asked softly.


Jing You was not honest, he buried his face in Jiang Shengyan's neck and rubbed it.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shengyan felt a little itchy neck.

"It smells good here." Jing You answered honestly.

Jiang Sheng said angrily: "Don't make trouble, let's talk."

"I won't interfere with your speech." Jing You's nose swiped a few times under Jiang Shengyan's ear.

Jiang Shengyan's throat moved, as if unaffected, and continued: "Thank you today, with you, I feel at ease."

"Is that sister still crying?" Jing You raised his head and touched the tip of Jiang Shengyan's nose.

"I thought about it, in fact, science shows that crying helps to release emotions. You can cry when you are upset, and I will help you wipe your tears."

"I won't cry casually, and I won't cry in the future." Jiang Shengyan thought of the shameful appearance in front of Xiao You during the day, and his face burned.

"Why don't you cry anymore? You are my fiancee, and I will be in charge of comforting you." Jing You recalled for a moment, "You also cried when you were watching a movie before, I was busy at the time. Think about why you cry and miss the time to comfort you, do you blame me?"


Jiang Shengyan wanted to take back the reassuring words that Jing You had said before.

Jiang Sheng coughed dryly and explained: "I'm not crying when I watch a movie, I'm just moved by the story in the movie. That's respect for art."

Jing You: "Sister says what she says, I will not refute it."

Jiang Shengyan: "What do you mean, because I am your fiancee, you let me not refute, in fact, do not believe what I said?"

Jing You: "I didn't say that."

Jiang Shengyan: "But that's what you mean."

Jing You: "Sister, why are you more and more like my grandma?"

Jiang Shengyan: "You mean I'm getting old?"

Jing You: "You look more and more like my grandma when she was a rogue."

Jiang Shengyan: "I'm going to tell grandma you say she's a rogue."

Jing You: "You just said she was old, I heard it."

Jiang Shengyan: "Are you trying to find fault with me now?"

Jing You kissed Jiang Shengyan's lips.

Jiang Shengyan was stunned.

After a while, "Why did you kiss me suddenly?" Jiang Shengyan asked.

Jing You: "When you say that your girlfriend is unreasonable on the Internet, you have to cover her mouth with her mouth."

Jiang Shengyan knocked on Jing You's head: "You don't know how to read these messy things online, how can you learn it badly?"

Jiang Shengyan tightened his arms and said, "What do you mean now, I don't like learning new things, I'm an old stubborn?"

Jing You was surprised: "Sister, why do you always misunderstand me? You were not like this before!"

Jiang Shengyan pinched Jingyou's ear, "Because you are mine now, I don't have to be cautious anymore, I can act coquettishly and get angry with you, don't worry about not doing well enough, what are you? become someone else's."

Jing You frowned: "Sister, what logic is this? You like me, I like you, shouldn't you be better to me?"

Jiang Sheng curved his lips, "This is my logic, do you want to break up with me because I don't follow you? I won't agree." The tone was very domineering.

Jing You: "What is a breakup?"

"Huh?" Jiang Shengyan didn't react for a while.

Jing You: "It's like two people in a TV series quarreling and saying, 'You are ruthless, shameless and unreasonable, how could I fall in love with a person like you, it's disgusting!' Is that kind of thing?"

Jiang Shengyan didn't know what to answer, so he could only say: "Almost."

Jing You: "I wouldn't say this to my sister. My sister is the best person in the world. If you like me, I'm very happy."

A sentence of affirmation came out of her mouth naturally.

Jiang Shengyan's heart was shaken a few times by this sentence.

No rhetoric, no meaty tones, no rock pampas promise.

But it is the real cognition in Xiaoyou's heart, without any disguise.

Jiang Shengyan hugged Jing You tighter and said in a soft tone: "Then can I act like a spoiled child, get angry with you, and mess around with you in the future?"

Jing You suddenly thought of something, her expression changed slightly.

"Sister, do we want to try again?" She said this without end.

"What to try?" Jiang Shengyan hadn't changed from the previous topic.

Jing You whispered a few words in Jiang Shengyan's ear, Jiang Shengyan's face immediately looked like a boiled red tomato, burning and hot as if it was about to peel off a layer of skin.

After finishing speaking, Jing You's expression was a little decadent.

The two previous failures made her unable to gain confidence.

Jiang Shengyan sensed Jing You's unease, and rubbed her hair: "Sister just hugs you to sleep like this, does nothing, and is very happy."

"But according to the procedure-"

"No procedures." Jiang Shengyan interrupted Jing You softly, "I didn't lie here with you to do those things on a special trip, and I'm not with you to covet your body."

Jing You and Jiang Shengyan looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Then you won't break my marriage because of this, will you?" Jing You was a little worried.

"Of course not." Jiang Shengyan chuckled, "Why are you such a silly girl?"

Jing You: "But I saw in the 'Difficulties in Relationships' on the Internet, there are lovers who are unwilling to take the last step and break up—"

"Don't look at some strange things!" Jiang Shengyan patted Jingyou on the forehead, "We won't have such a thing happen!"

Jing You breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I can rest assured."

Jiang Shengyan sighed and asked in a muffled voice, "That's why you want to follow the procedure with me so much?"

Jing You shook his head: "Of course not, I also want to know what is the happiness of adults."

"Forget it, go to bed, don't mention it again."

A few more mentions and I'm not sure I'll be interested.

Jiang Shengyan exhaled dirty air.

Jing You licked her lips, and there seemed to be a little rabbit running around in her chest. After running wild in her heart, it ran to her body again, jumping around, and the strange feeling was everywhere.

Desires broke out of her heart and sent out shoots.

But I don't know how to make a small sprout grow into a towering tree.

It's annoying.

Jing You couldn't control it and kissed Jiang Shengyan on the neck.

"Don't move!" Jiang Sheng's words were extremely stern.

Jing You was so frightened by this voice that she shivered, and she dared not have any more thoughts.

Jiang Shengyan said it nicely just now, as for what she was thinking, only she herself knew.

Anyone who likes good food will feel that—

Isn’t rabbit meat fragrant?

"Xiaoxian, you are so thin, eat more."

Ying mother smiled and kept adding vegetables to Lu Xian's bowl.

The way a child like Lu Xian eats is liked by every mother who cooks.

Not picky eaters, eat deliciously.

Ying Jian raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but ask, "Where did all the food you eat go? Why do you eat so much every day without growing any flesh?"

"Where do you think the food will go?" Lu Xian took out his elder style, "Don't talk about such inappropriate topics at the dinner table."


Ying Jian said heartily, "I didn't want to say anything that would affect eating! It's you who led to strange places, okay?"

Lu Xian cleaned the last grain of rice in the bowl and put down his chopsticks.

"Troublesome Auntie these days."

Ying mother hurriedly said: "No trouble, one more person and one more pair of chopsticks, the two of us can't eat so deliciously. What's more, it's the aunt who troubles you, and lives in your house. These days, these few meals alone are not enough."

Lu Xian looked at Ying Jian: "Little girl, I sent you the information of several houses, you can take a look."

Ying Jian: "It's good for me to live here."

Mother Ying said angrily to her daughter: "It's not good to be bothering people, hurry up and look at the house and we move out. If you think it's troublesome, mother can decide for herself."

Ying Jian: "Anyway, our house will come back sooner or later. What's wrong with staying here for a while?"

I finally got a chance to be so close to Lu Xian, even if I don't have this shame, I can't move it away.

Although Ying Yuantang was arrested, Yingtong Logistics will continue to operate, and the equity and property belonging to Ying Jian and Ying's mother will not be affected. After the case is over, they can still return home.

Ying's mother smiled at Lu Xian embarrassedly: "My daughter is ignorant, so I made you laugh."

"Children, it's normal to be rebellious in youth." Lu Xian pointed to the dirty dishes and bowls on the table, "Be good and wash these, auntie will give you pocket money."

Ying looked into Lu Xian's eyes: "If I wash all this, can I live here forever?"

Lu Xian said earnestly: "Little girl, think about your mother, what if she can't get along with Wangzi and is embarrassed to speak?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a snow-white dumpling rushed over and hugged Ying's mother's leg, rubbed his head against it, and then fell on his back, his four legs swaying lazily.

Ying mother stroked the belly of the snow-white dumplings with her hand, back and forth several times, Wang Zai made a happy "Ouch" sound.

Ying Jian motioned Lu Xian to take a look.

Ying's mother showed a smile: "Before I got married, I had a dog at home and grew up with me, but then I got older..."

Her voice choked.

The life of a small animal is only more than ten years, no matter how long it is, the cat and dog will eventually take a step ahead of the owner.

Since becoming Mrs. Ying, many memories of youth have gradually faded, and many joys have disappeared.

Ying's mother was a little dazed for a while. If such a thing happened at home, was it misfortune or her new life.

Lu Xian rubbed her chin: "Then how about letting Wang Zai follow Auntie? It's okay for me to dissect frogs and mice, but it's really not good to keep such furry things. It's fast, and it won't be corrupted by her."

Xuebai Danzi seemed to understand Lu Xian's words, and kept yelling at her dissatisfied "wangwangwang".

Lu Xian said indifferently, "It's only been a few days, I forgot who brought you back to eat and drink, you heartless dog!"

"My mother will get along well with her!" Ying Jian agreed for her mother.

Mother Ying did not object.

Ying Jian: "Then can we live here forever?"

Lu Xian shook her head: "Aren't you going to take your aunt to a big house? It's too small."

"It's not too small. Two bedrooms, one for my mother and I is just right." Ying Jian said.

"I've been to your house," Lu Xian said, "it's too simple here."

Mother Ying chuckled: "Actually, I really like such a small house, it's not like the place I used to live in, it's empty. Since this is the house you rented for Wangzi, it just happens to be subletting in the future. Give it to us. Come over to eat when you have time in the future, it is not healthy to always eat food made outside. "

Ying Jian nodded: "My mother and I will not take advantage of you."

Lu Xian hesitated for a moment: "Well then."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ying Jian and said, "I hope you can correct your identity in the future and call me auntie."

Ying Jian: "I call you auntie, doesn't my mother also call your mother auntie?"

Lu Xian: "Then my mother should be very happy."

Ying Jian moved her lips twice and turned to look at her mother: "Mom, aren't you angry when she said this?"

Ying mother smiled: "Xiaoxian is just joking, mother is not so careful."

Ying Jian: "You're joking when you hear what you said just now!"

Mother Ying: "Isn't it?"

"It's just a joke, of course I won't let Auntie feel wronged." Lu Xian paused, "When did Auntie cut ties with Ying Jian? I'll take her as a **** niece."

Ying Jian: "Mom, listen to what she's joking?!"

Mother Ying: "It doesn't matter if you and I are big or small. Be polite in front of others, don't play a childish temper, and help me bring in the plate."

After finishing speaking, she stood up and collected a few dishes and walked into the kitchen.

"It's obviously she who bullied me!" Ying Jian nuzzled.

Lu Xian stood up and wanted to help, but Ying Jian took the first step and took away the remaining plates and chopsticks on the table.

When she walked to the kitchen door, she looked back at her resentfully.

Lu Xian followed behind: "Auntie, let me wash, I just ate the delicious food you cooked, what should I do in return for you."

"No, no, auntie can do this little thing." Ying's mother said, "Go and do your own thing."

do these.

But she adapts pretty quickly.

Otherwise I don't know what to do every day to kill time.

"Mom, if Lu Xian wants to wash, let her wash it. You go out and watch TV, and I will help her." Ying Jian pushed her mother out.

If Lu Xian goes out, she will definitely go home immediately.

"Okay, okay, then I'm going out."

Mother Ying could see that her daughter wanted to spend more time with Lu Xian, but it was clear that they didn't mean it.

As a mother, you can only pretend to know nothing and let her toss.

With gloves, Lu Xian put the bowl into the sink.

The faucet "swoops" down, splashing water on the dishes.

Obviously it is a mundane world like washing dishes, but when Lu Xian does it, he has a leisurely feeling of being in a paradise.

"You wash so fast, I thought you didn't touch the spring water with your fingers." Ying Jian was surprised.

"I'm not a pampered eldest lady. When I go to school and work, don't say washing dishes and dishes. I have been in laundromats and car washes." Lu Xian said casually.

Ying Jian: "I never knew, do you feel sad when you talk about this?"

She lived a prosperous life since she was a child, and felt that going out to work was a miserable life.

"You were a radish when I was working part-time, of course you didn't know." Lu Xian glanced at Ying Jian with strange eyes, "Why are you sad to say this?"

Ying Jian: "You are really strong, I seem to like you more."

Lu Xian: "I'm a little sad now."

Ying Jian: "Why?"

Lu Xian: "Why do you like me more?"

Ying Jian: "..." I am also a little sad, very sad.

Lu Xian put the washed bowls into the cupboard, slender fingers fell on the rolled up cuffs, and put the sleeves down.

"I'll help you!"

Ying Jian grabbed Lu Xian's sleeve.

She just missed the opportunity to help Lu Xian roll up her sleeves, and this time she can't let it go.

She wants to boil the frog in warm water, let Lu Xian slowly get used to her pervasive, no, meticulous care.

Just rolling up a sleeve, Lu Xian didn't bother to pull with Ying Jian, so she did it.

Ying Jian touched the red mole on Lu Xian's forearm with the pulp of her finger, and said in a slightly surprised tone: "What a coincidence, my cousin also has a red mole here."

Lu Xian's eyes widened, and something strange flashed in her eyes.

The change in expression is subtle.

Ying Jian put down both of Lu Xian's sleeves and helped her smooth the folds on the sleeves.

"Thank you." Lu Xian returned to his usual indifference.

Jingteng Building.

Lu Xian came to the floor of the president's office, instead of looking for Jing You, he went straight to Jiang Shengyan's station.

Jiang Shengyan is still a week before she officially takes office, and she still occasionally works here.

Lu Xian: "Secretary Jiang, please give me a copy of You Yin's information, and I want to know about all the projects she is currently involved in."

Jiang Shengyan was puzzled.

These two people don't seem to have a lot of intersections.

But these don't need to be kept secret from Lu Xian, Jiang Shengyan didn't ask Lu Xian what to do, and nodded in response.

Ying Jian was having a meeting with Jing You elsewhere at this time, and she didn't know that Lu Xianlai asked for her cousin's information.

Ying Jian has not yet been able to lead a company independently, Yingtong logistics has been handed over to professional managers, and she will take over when she is mature enough.

After Jiang Shengyan left, she was still the secretary to the president of Jingteng Group.

In the role of secretary Ying, Ying Jian is getting more and more handy.

[The victim girl has long been forgotten by us. Who knows, now she can only live in a dark corner and never see the sun. 】

[Families who have experienced similar victimization complained: rapists should never be forgiven, ordinary criminals can have the right to live, but rapists cannot! 】

There are all kinds of strong press releases on the Internet.

From light to heavy, step by step arouse people's anger.

Someone also released the video of the victim going crazy.

The condemnation from netizens is overwhelming. From the public's point of view, it cannot be said that they did anything wrong.

But it is obvious that someone did it deliberately to guide public opinion in such a sophisticated way.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes