MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 120 president of love

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" I look in good spirits?"

Dad Jiang stood outside the door, awkward, like a high school student on a first date.

Jiang Shengyan: "Dad, you are very handsome."

Dad Jiang clenched his hand into a fist and raised it, but he couldn't ring the doorbell.

Jiang Shengyan curled his lips: "Dad, don't ring the doorbell, this is our house."

"..." Papa Jiang scratched his forehead.

Being so embarrassing in front of my daughter, where can I put this old face in the future?

"Then don't you open the door sooner." Dad Jiang took out his father's majesty and took a half step back.

Jiang Shengyan smiled again: "The door outside the courtyard is not locked during the day, just go in directly."

Daddy Jiang: “…”

He had reason to suspect that his daughter was deliberately embarrassing herself.

"I don't know!" Papa Jiang kept his face straight and hid his shyness.

"Then let's go in?" Jiang Shengyan motioned his father to go ahead.

Papa Jiang finally mustered up his courage, held the wooden courtyard door with one hand, and pushed it open.

The first thing that catches the eye is a flowerbed.

Although it is winter, most of them are withered, but it can be seen that the owner has put a lot of thought into this flowerbed.

Daddy Jiang's eyebrows and eyes gradually softened, and the corners of his lips curved.

More than ten years ago, it was almost the same.

Fifteen years of prison life did not bend his spine or damage his face.

I have to say, Daddy Jiang is an extremely handsome man.

But at this moment, this man is nervous and uneasy.

I don't know if my wife will recognize me when I see her again. I also liked this old guy with white temples.

In the house.

Mother Jiang also had the same feeling. She always felt that her face was not as smooth as it used to be, her hands were much thinner, and her legs… were no longer attractive.

I wonder if my husband will be disappointed when he sees him.

"Sister Zhao." Mama Jiang called.

The man who was busy in the kitchen followed the sound.

"Am I good-looking?" asked Mama Jiang.

Sister Zhao: "It's beautiful, how many times have you asked me?"

Mother Jiang: "Look at your impatience!"

Sister Zhao said angrily: "I want to see the fire, I won't tell you!"

"I haven't lost my lipstick?" Mama Jiang asked again.

"It didn't fall off, it's very beautiful!" Sister Zhao said, and hurried back to the kitchen.

"What is fierce!" Mama Jiang pouted, as if wronged.

In fact, she doesn't need to worry so much.

When she was young, her foundation was much better than that of more than 90% of the women in this world, her skin was like an egg, and her body was even more unremarkable.

Although I am older and have lost some collagen, my face is still very attractive.

What's more, the relationship between the two of them for so many years is not maintained by their looks alone.

The tacit understanding between him and her will only deepen with the passage of time.

The door lock makes a beeping sound.

It was Jiang Shengyan who pressed his fingerprint on the smart door lock.

Mother Jiang raised her hand and stroked her hair, and smoothed the blanket on her lap. She clasped her hands tightly together on her lap.

The door opened.

The people who were originally separated from the two ends of the gate are no longer hindered, and they look at each other.

The previous concerns are all gone.

In each other's eyes, they saw joy and tears.

You can still see the affection of "Your heart is like my heart".

Affectionately wrapped in Acacia.

Once upon a time, they were called "a talented man and a girl" and "a golden boy and a beautiful girl".

In a flash, both of them are over fifty years old.

Among them, fifteen years were stolen.

Long time to see each other.

Mother Jiang spoke first: "Don't stand stupidly at the door, come in quickly."

In her voice, there was a hint of anger and anger.

It is not the same as in front of her daughter.

"The beauty is so beautiful, I forgot." Dad Jiang walked slowly to his wife, squatted down naturally, and stroked the blanket above his knees with his palms.

I didn't ask what was going on with the leg or whether it hurt or not. I just watched silently for a moment, then looked up at my wife's face.

"I'm back." Daddy Jiang's voice was soft but deep.

"Welcome home." Jiang's mother answered only four words.

Mother Jiang put her slender and small hand beside her husband's ear and stroked the white hair on his temples.

"It's an old guy." Her tone didn't mean anything.

"I knew you would despise me!" Dad Jiang showed a helpless smile.

Jiang Shengyan said aloud: "Dad, Mom, let's go back to the house first. No one will peek at how affectionate you want to be."

She led Jingyou to her bedroom, and as she walked, she turned her head and raised her eyebrows at her parents.

Like the little girl who was occasionally a little wicked more than ten years ago, they regarded her as a precious daughter.

Everything seems to be back to the way it was fifteen years ago.

Nothing has changed.

The bedroom door closes.

Jiang Shengyan pulled Jing You into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Xiao You, what are you saying is happening now, is it true?"

Up to now, Jiang Shengyan still wants to have a dream. Afraid to wake up and go back to when my father left.

It's always cold, everywhere.

Jing You opened his mouth, but instead of answering the question just now, he complained: "You are leaving again tomorrow."

Jiang Shengyan came back from Shanghai for today's court session, and will go back to work tomorrow.

"We don't see two or three sides a week..." Jiang Shengyan was a little guilty.

"But when you kissed me, you were more and more perfunctory." When Jing You said this, his expression was extremely serious.

Jiang Shengyan almost bit his tongue.


Jiang Shengyan only had endless sighs in his heart.

Jing You frowned: "Sure enough, we shouldn't have separated as soon as we got engaged. Now I feel that my engagement is in jeopardy."

Jiang Shengyan: "Why do you have so many ideas with your little head now? Didn't you feel confident in the past? If I lose the opportunity to work with you, it will be a huge loss."

"Losing the opportunity to work with me is indeed a huge loss." Jing You's tone gradually became uncertain, "But I'm not good at dating, so breaking my engagement with me seems like..."

Jing You's brows tightened, and he changed his words: "My learning ability is very strong, and breaking my engagement with me is also a huge loss!"

It doesn't sound like much.

The corners of Jiang Shengyan's eyes instantly bent down, like a hook.

"It turns out that Xiaoyou likes me so much, why didn't I find out sooner?"

Jing You was ashamed and retorted inexplicably: "Not so much!"

The expression on his face was stiff, like a rock.

"No?" Jiang Shengyan lightly touched Jing You's lips and left immediately, "Is there any now?"

Jing You seemed to have found something, and said with a stern face: "It seems a little more than just now."

As he spoke, he gestured with his thumb and forefinger for "a little bit".

Jiang Shengyan touched Jing You's lips again: "What about now?"

Jing You: "It wasn't very stable just now, it should be because there was not enough time." What he said was serious.

Jiang Shengyan held back a smile and stayed on Jingyou's lips for a long time.

"Is it stable?" Jiang Shengyan asked.

Jing You: "This is a little more stable, but Secretary Jiang still needs to work hard to make me like you more. I will be the most outstanding fiancee in the future."

Jiang Shengyan: "I haven't heard you called 'Secretary Jiang' for a long time."

Jing You was annoyed: "By the way, you are no longer Secretary Jiang."

"As long as you want, I can be your secretary Jiang forever." Jiang Shengyan tightened his arms and his eyes were burning.

"My boss," she called.

Jing You's peach blossom eyes were flowing, clearly moved.

"Secretary Jiang." Jing You gently called the familiar name.

My heart beats indescribably.

Jiang Shengyan leaned closer, "Boss, what's your order?"

Jing You felt the warm wind gently hitting her nose, very warm and fragrant.

"Kiss me."

Jing You didn't know why such two words came out of his mouth.

Jiang Shengyan covered her soft lips.

There is no hesitation for half a second.

Visit room.

"Jiang Dong was acquitted today, godfather." Xu Zixi bit the accent on the last two words.

Ying Yuantang chuckled: "I knew you were a poisonous snake."

Xu Zixi said: "I am a poisonous snake, so what are you? People say that tiger venom does not eat children, but you have to push your daughter into the fire pit with your own hands! You know my brother... tsk tsk tsk …”

Ying Yuantang: "Xu Zirui's schizophrenia has nothing to do with you, right?"

Xu Zixi was surprised, "Did my godfather stay in this big iron house for a long time and his brain is rusted? You can't talk nonsense!"

Suddenly, a smile appeared: "I have a very good relationship with my brother, and he is most dependent on my sister."

Ying Yuantang obviously didn't believe what Xu Zixi said, but he didn't want to be entangled in this kind of issue that had nothing to do with him.

He snorted coldly: "Do you think you can get away with it? The account you used to send money to the schoolgirl's home has been touched by Jing You, and sooner or later you will end up like me. !"

Xu Zixi seemed to hear a joke, the angle of her lips widened and her shoulders trembled.

"I found out about my cousin's family and gave her some money. I thought she would be better off. Which law did I break?"

"What?" Ying Yuantang was surprised.

Xu Zixi leaned into Ying Yuantang's ear and said in a very soft voice: "Ah, you don't know, the college student I cheated on you to get a part-time job was a distant cousin in my mother's family. The husband and wife are poor. I'm afraid, money is my parents, what is a daughter?"

paused, "same as you."

"However," Xu Zixi got up and smiled contemptuously, "not everyone is as stupid as you."

Speak and walk away.

Ying Yuantang stared at Xu Zixi's back, and slammed his hands on the table.

One, two, three…

The handcuffs collided, making a metallic clatter.

"Stay still, be honest!"

Two prison guards came up and held Ying Yuantang to prevent him from going crazy.

"Xu Zixi! Xu Zixi, don't be too happy! You bitch—"

Ying Yuantang was punched in the stomach and stopped.

Xu Zixi walked out of the iron gate of Yancheng No. 3 Prison.

Look up at the dazzling sun.

Eyes half-squinted.


Xu Zixi's narrow eyes were dark.

—I'll prove to her that you're just a lucky bastard.

Read The Duke's Passion