MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 123 delicious president

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"Miss, do you have an appointment?" The nurse at the front desk smiled politely.

"No." Lu Xian replied to the nurse, and immediately turned to Horch, "I want to find Dr. Huo."

"Sorry, without an appointment...Dr. Huo's schedule is full."

Horch stood there, embarrassed by the nurse's refusal.

But the trained smile on her face was not lost.

Dr is the abbreviation of Doctor, which means both doctor and doctor, here is the latter.

Because Horch has not been a doctor for a long time, she is here as a consultant.

Lu Xian stared straight at Huo Xi: "I saw the interview, and I really need Dr. Huo's guidance."

"It's my honor to be trusted." Horch smiled, "I just have a little time now, Miss can come to my office."

The nurse heard the words and went up to ask Lu Xian, "Miss, would you like tea or coffee?"

"Lemonade, thank you." Lu Xian said, "Ingestion of **** will make me sleepless at night."

"Okay." The nurse turned and went to the pantry.

As soon as Horch's office door was closed, the nurse outside whispered.

"Dr. Huo is the most quality and kind person I have ever met. I have never seen her impatient with anyone."

"Yeah, people are beautiful and good-natured, and the suitors are almost lined up outside the three roads." The little nurse snickered, "I'm quite happy that she rejected them all, so beautiful Those who are, should be floating in the sky."

"You're talking about a female ghost!"

"Don't slander me, I clearly said that Dr. Huo is a goddess!"


Horch took off the dark gray cashmere coat, hung it on the hanger at the door, and said to Lu Xian: "If you need to take off the coat, you can hang it here."

For a moment, she smiled again: "But seeing that the lady is so thin, it is probably not necessary."

Lu Xian shrugged, "I've never been afraid of the cold since I was a child. The master said that I have a peculiar skeleton and a talent for practicing ice palms."

"Miss is so funny."

Horsch walked to the white desk and said warmly, "Please sit down."

Lu Xian sat on the chair opposite Horch.

As soon as I got seated, I asked: "I haven't seen a psychiatrist. The most powerful psychiatrists in the TV series have an hourglass that counts by the second. Does Dr. Huo also charge like this?"

Huo Xi smiled: "I am the doctor's consultant here, and I am not responsible for treating patients."

Lu Xian: "That's a pity, you look very good, touch a child's head and he won't cry."

Horch: "A child is the most sensitive to the outside world. If you show kindness to him, he will naturally feel at ease."

Lu Xian: "You are such a good person, you are willing to let me chat without charging."

Horch: "Who would refuse a beauty's request?"

Lu Xian: "I didn't expect Dr. Huo to say such greasy words. You seem to be a very serious person."

Horsch chuckled: "Miss is really an interesting person."

Lu Xian hooked her lips: "My name is Lu Xian, you can call me Miss Lu, or you can call me Dr. Lu, I am also a doctor."

"Dr. Lu." Huo Xi did as she wished, "What troubles you?"

Lu Xian hesitated for a moment, then showed a distressed expression: "I can't fall in love with others, is this called affective disorder? How can it be cured?"

Huo was stunned for a moment, and said, "I only accept consultation on questions. If you want to receive treatment, you need to call a doctor."

Lu Xian: "Is a doctor's consultant a profession to see a doctor?"

Horch did not refuse to answer because the other party asked a stupid question, shook his head and said, "Sometimes the doctor also encounters a situation where he does not know how to formulate a treatment plan for the patient, and I am responsible for the doctor. If you give advice, you can understand that I am a pastor-like person. Advisors exist to guide everyone in the right direction."

"I don't believe in Christ and have never dealt with a pastor." Lu Xian sighed, "I'm sorry, I saw your interview on TV and thought you could cure me."

Horch said: "Sick people are too fragile. I am very afraid of dealing with vulnerable people. I have not received help from patients for a long time. I am afraid I can't help you. I am sorry."

"I had high hopes before I came." Lu Xian's face showed a sad expression, "Someone likes me very much, I can't bear her sad."

True and false mixed.

Horch couldn't judge Lu's emotions, and said with a smile: "We have many excellent doctors here, do you need me to recommend Dr. Lu?"

Lu Xian: "Those stupid doctors look very unreliable and unbelievable."

Horch: "Professional people do professional things, and society can develop in an orderly manner."

Lu Xian: "I can give you double, no, triple the cost of the diagnosis and treatment." He made up his mind to let Horch see a doctor for himself.

"To be precise, I'm just a psychology scholar right now." Horch said, "If it's rational, not impulsive, emotional judgment, you should know that doctors can treat diseases. Don't pin your hopes on a scholar."

Lu Xian spread his hands helplessly: "No way, people are emotional creatures, easily influenced by emotions."

Horch: "Dr. Lu looks very smart and shouldn't have such an idea."

Lu Xian: "You have a special smell on your body."

Horch: "Huh?"

Lu Xian: "I'm very interested in you."

Horch: "I am a visiting professor at Yancheng University, and I can come to lecture when I have time."

"I will go." Lu Xian stood up, "I will also follow Dr. Huo's advice and find a real doctor to see a doctor."

Horch raised his head, still with that friendly smile on his face: "To be honest, emotional disorders are not considered diseases in my eyes."

Lu Xian raised her eyebrows, not knowing whether to agree or not.

"I had a great time chatting today, thank you." After that, he put his hands in his pockets and went out.

Behind the desk, Horch looked at the door that was closed again, and there was no turbulence in his eyes.

For a long time, a look of fun flashed.

Disappears so fast that high-speed footage is difficult to capture.

Jing You leaned into Lu Xian's ear and whispered, "Jiang Shengyan and I have done the most intimate thing."

"Congratulations." Lu Xian clapped his hands a few times without emotion.

After a while, "What are you telling me about this, it's perverted." There was a strong disgust in his tone.

Jing You: "You are my only friend, shouldn't I share the joy with you?"

Lu Xian: "I have no interest."

Jing You: "That's your business."

Lu Xian: "Strictly speaking, you haven't finished the most intimate thing."

Jing You: "Are you jealous of me?"

Lu Xian: "In football games, everyone likes to watch the game where both sides have scored goals and are chasing after them."

Jingyou frowned.

She doesn't like watching football games, and she doesn't know much about it.

Lu Xian: "Just letting Jiang Shengyan enter your door is not a wonderful game."

"How do you know who entered whose doorway?"

Unexpectedly, Jing You understood what Lu Xian meant.

"We have known each other for more than ten years," Lu Xian said with a nostalgic expression on his face, "You don't even dare to dig an ant hole."

The corners of Jing You's lips gradually stiffened.

She was there to show off.

"Goodbye Doctor." Jing You's tone became indifferent.

"Don't rush away, Xiao Jingyou!" Lu Xian stopped Jingyou, "I'm happy for you now."

"Why?" Jing You wondered.

Lu Xian: "I'm happy for you, should you invite me to dinner to celebrate?"

Jing You: "Goodbye, Doctor."

Lu Xian's lips gradually rose: "You forget, I said that I had nothing to eat while waiting for the results of the experiment, and I would not be able to control my hands that smashed things."

Her talons reach for a glass vessel.

Jing You gritted his teeth when he saw Lu Xian's half-gnawed chicken paw.

"What do you want to eat, Doctor?" Jing You asked perfunctorily.

Lu Xian: "There is a new high-end cafeteria next to it, 8888 per person, and the price is very auspicious."

"I have no friends from today." Jing You said this and went out.

Lu Xian grabbed Jing You's collar and walked out with her.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

"You're going to murder me!"

"I prefer to use a knife to kill people." Lu Xian said sadly, "You have such a smart head, it must be delicious to open."

Jing You: "People like you who are not picky eaters don't deserve to eat such high-grade ingredients."

Lu Xian gave Jing You a complicated look: "You are really a pervert."

After saying that, I walked into the elevator first.

Jing You walked in slowly, looked at the slowly closing elevator door, and lost her mind.

I don't know if Jiang Shengyan has eaten well.

Jing You never thought about such a problem before.

The white plane slowly landed on the runway, taxied, and stopped.

Jing You walked down the long ladder, Jiang Shengyan was waiting below.

Since the separation, the frequency of private jet use has grown exponentially.

Before, Jing You didn't use private jets very often except when necessary.

Although it seems to outsiders that Jing You is not short of money, in fact, Lu Xian's large amount of funds before returning to China depended on Jing You's personal support. Also, hiring a team of lawyers for Dad Jiang to file a lawsuit is a big expense.

So sometimes, Jingyou will not spend money in unnecessary places.

Jiang Shengyan is sometimes surprised by Jing You's sensitivity to money.

But now, a private jet round trip is a very necessary expense.

"Sister, the doctor said that football games are only exciting when they score goals."

This is the first sentence Jing You said to Jiang Shengyan.

"Football?" Jiang Sheng was puzzled.

"A competitive sport." Jing You explained seriously.

Jiang Shengyan blinked slowly at Jingyou.

Of course she knows what football is.

But what does it mean? What's the catchphrase of young people?

Like a groundhog screaming?

Read The Duke's Passion