MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 135 president of love

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"I want to propose to you today." Jing You stood there casually, but what he said made his jaw drop.

"Proposal?" Jiang Shengyan couldn't help repeating it, surprised.

"Well, propose." Jing You did not avoid Jiang Shengyan's sight.

The brain is blank.

The two were still standing outside the office at this time, and the staff in the front office area saw such an incredible scene.

As for why it is incredible...

It is hard for them to imagine the president of a large group standing naked in front of the office to propose marriage.

Although holding an engagement ring, the box is exquisite, it looks expensive, but it seems too careless.

Jiang Shengyan and Jing You looked at each other for a moment, grabbed her wrist, and pulled them into the office.

Isolate the sight of the outside staff.

The staff of Jingteng Film and Television exploded.

In major WeChat groups—

Staff A: Did you just hear that! Boss Jing told Boss Jiang to propose marriage!

Staff B: The marriage contract has been announced, so I haven't proposed yet! The world of the bosses is so mysterious!

Staff C: Is that the point? The point is that this marriage proposal doesn't look too serious! Get a bunch of flowers ready!

Staff D: Boss Jing treats my goddess like this! Wooooooooo my goddess is so pitiful!

Staff E: When did Mr. Jiang become your goddess?

Staff D: It's always been good! President Jiang is beautiful and gentle, just like the person in the painting.

Staff F: Maybe it's a strategic marriage, and there's no emotion at all.

Staff E: That's impossible. When I passed by the president's office that day, the door was not closed. I heard President Jiang call, and the voice of her talking to Boss Jing made me cry.

Staff F: You actually eavesdropped on the boss's call! Reported!

In the room, Jiang Shengyan looked up and down at Jingyou for a moment with suspicious eyes, and asked, "What TV series have you watched recently?"

Jing You: "I haven't watched TV dramas for many days."

Jiang Shengyan: "Then what are you doing now?"

Jing You: "Didn't I tell you, I forgot to propose."

Jiang Shengyan: "Then you think I'll marry you if you just pick up a ring like that?"

Jing You: "Didn't we already decide? This is just a step that cannot affect the outcome."

Jiang Shengyan: "Then why do you still do it?"

Jing You: "Because the problem solving process is incomplete without this step."

Jiang Shengyan laughed angrily: "Am I a question?"

Jing You nodded: "I like to do questions very much."

Jiang Shengyan thought for a moment that Jing You was driving, and his face burned.

Jiang Shengyan raised his chin, his tone was slightly dissatisfied: "Even if it is an optional step for you, it must be a bit like it? There is not a bunch of flowers, who will promise you marriage proposal?"

Jing You thought about it, and put the ring box in Jiang Shengyan's hand.

"Then you ask me the same way, even if there are no flowers, I will agree."


Jiang Shengyan didn't know what to say.

Jing You tilted his head slightly to the right: "Did that sister promise to marry me?"

Jiang Shengyan: "No."

Jing You: "You promised before, how can you change your mind now?"

Jiang Shengyan: "It used to be before, and now I feel that the previous decision was ill-considered."

Jing You: "This is not what I imagined."

Jiang Shengyan: "Do you still have imagination? What do you imagine? Do you think I am someone who can marry so easily?"

A three-pronged question, the more you ask, the more angry you become.

If Jingyou didn't propose marriage at all, it's fine, what's the matter with a ring at the door of the office to fool things? !

Jing You sighed: "You women are really troublesome."

Jiang Shengyan narrowed his eyes: "You are not a woman?"

Jing You: "I'm still a child."

Jiang Shengyan: "..." I haven't seen him for a few days, this child is a little itchy.

Jing You shook his head helplessly: "I thought my sister only cared about me, so I just tried it out, but I didn't expect ... my sister disappointed me too much."

This tone... I always think it's a **** episode in some TV series.

"I'm so sorry!" Jiang Shengyan gritted his teeth.

Jing You raised her chin: "I also have a romantic proposal."

After saying that, she raised her foot and walked to the window. "Sister come here."

Jiang Shengyan frowned and followed.

What is this?

Jingyou opened the window and a cold wind blew in.

Jing You shivered with his arms crossed.

Jingteng Film and Television is located in an art and cultural industry park. The office building has only three floors, and there is a large open space next to it. There are retro sculptures and wall carvings, which can be used as a shooting venue. Jiang Shengyan's office is on the second floor with a good view.

Jiang Shengyan stood beside Jingyou and looked out, and it turned into a sea of ​​flowers at some point.

There is a row of pink words in the middle of the white flower sea—

Jiang Shengyan, please marry me.

It is not an interrogative sentence, nor is it a tone of voice asking for opinions, it is something Jingyou will say.

Jiang Shengyan's heart softened a bit.

But she didn't let go, just said: "Don't think I'm such a good person to marry, if you say 'Jiang Shengyan, please marry me', I may consider nodding."

"No, if you marry me, I will be here forever." Jing You said seriously.

Jiang Shengyan: "Where did you learn this?"

Jing You: "The doctor said."

Jiang Shengyan: "You just listen to Dr. Lu?"

Jing You: "I only listen to what makes sense. If my sister lets me score now, it will be the same as whoever marries."

Jiang Shengyan: "Do you know that your words will destroy the romantic atmosphere?"

"Does that get me points by not talking?"

Jing You blinked at Jiang Shengyan, and closed her mouth tightly.

Jiang Shengyan has the urge to bite Jingyou.

"So you came to propose to me, just to score points?" Jiang Shengyan asked.

The eyes are sharp, not like a person who is being proposed.

And Jing You is not like a person who is proposing, his expression became more serious, shook his head and said, "Why does my sister miss me so much? I want to give my sister an unforgettable memory."

"This memory is indeed unforgettable." Jiang Sheng glanced at Jing You with a smile on his face, "The original tear-jerking romantic scene, with your efforts, made me want to break off the marriage."

Jing You opened his mouth wide, shocked!

"Why are you doing this to me!" Jing You's eyes flashed with grievances.

Jiang Shengyan slapped Jing You on the forehead: "If you can't learn the romance of an adult, just be a child for me, don't always think about strange things, even if you don't propose, I will marry you Here, don't overdo it."

I watched so many TV shows in vain!

Jiang Shengyan said that she doesn't need Jingyou romance, but what girl doesn't have a dreamy yearning for the marriage proposal scene?

All were shattered by Jing You.

Jing You suddenly hooked Jiang Shengyan's neck, her face close.

"But I want to propose."

Jiang Shengyan thought that Jing You wanted to kiss him, so he took the initiative to bring his lips to her to kiss.

No mouth, no body.

Jing You took a step back, turned around and left.

"It's getting dark, my sister comes home and cooks for me."

Is it over halfway through the proposal?

Jiang Shengyan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

There is nothing to do with Jing You.

Jing You took Jiang Shengyan's hand and kissed her on the side of the face.

Jiang Shengyan was stunned, and a smile curved his lips.

"What would you like for dinner?" she asked.




Jing You read three numbers in his mouth.

Jiang Shengyan cast a suspicious look when she heard a rustling voice.

In the park, soft music sounded, and something seemed to fly out of the sea of ​​flowers in front of me.

Three rows of drone echelons rose above the city, flashing lights of different colors, dazzling in the night sky.

Pedestrians on the road thought there was a large light show at night, and they all stopped and looked up.

Then, from the outside to the inside, lights of different colors slowly appeared.

In the moon, there are two human figures, one small and one large, holding hands.

After the continuous recombination of hundreds of drones, the originally small humanoid slowly grew taller, and finally became the same height as another human being.

People who stopped to watch below thought it was a mother holding a child, a story about family love.

Who knows the next moment, two people with fluttering hair slowly approach.


In an instant, the two human figures in the sky disappeared, and the drone flashed lights, like a group of colorful little bees, rearranged and arranged again, uniformly lit pink light, forming a three-dimensional " Heart", making a 360-degree rotation.

A group of drones with blue lights came next to them, turned into the shape of an arrow, penetrated into my heart, and turned into the word "LOVEYOU".

Pause for a few seconds, the pink and blue lighted drones both turn white, regroup again, and become a horizontal "8", which is the infinity symbol in mathematics.

Then, the drone array turned into a three-dimensional diamond shape, and a circle slowly appeared below.

It is a ring.

At this time, someone from the onlookers below exclaimed: "Fuck! Isn't this a marriage proposal!"

"My friend also proposed marriage by drone, dozens of them can only make a simple plane pattern, this is especially 3D, and there is a storyline... There are thousands in the sky Stand!"

"What kind of rich people are they using so many drones to propose marriage!"

"Why don't I have such a romantic and expensive marriage partner!"

"This is too romantic. I think after seeing this, ordinary marriage proposals can't catch my eye."


Many people raised their heads and sighed.

Jiang Shengyan's eyes were always on the sky, unaware that Jing You was no longer by her side.

At this time, there was a beam of light in a small pavilion not far away, and there was a white grand piano.

Jing You sat on the piano bench, her slender fingers resting on the keys.

The robot Xiaoqi at home was also recruited by Jing You as a labor force, holding a hairdryer to Jing You's hair, creating a sense of elegance for her.

Blowing her hair, that's what Jiang Shengyan used to do for Jingyou almost every day.

Jiang Shengyan's eyes were taken away by Jing You.

Jing You didn't like music when he was a child, so he didn't know anything about piano and violin.

She looked at Jiang Shengyan and asked, "Sister, can you teach me how to play the piano?"

Although Jing You did not say that she prepared the big light show in the sky, Jiang Shengyan understood the story written by the drone in the sky.

The adult is Jiang Shengyan, and the child who grew up a little is Jing You.

Being together for ten years, they fell in love.

Jiang Shengyan walked over slowly and sat beside Jing You.

Jiang Shengyan learned the piano since she was a child, and she dreams that she can accompany her mother when she dances.

Afterwards, everything that could be sold at home was sold, and so was the piano.


But the matter of teaching Jingyou the piano... It's really not a good job to make her suffer in less than three days.

In the end, Jing You was only able to play simple accompaniment.

"It's so sudden, I didn't prepare in advance, what should I do if I can't play well?"

The long eyelashes cast a shadow, and Jiang Shengyan's face appeared shy.

It is not that she is afraid of not playing the piano, but the sudden romantic atmosphere makes her overwhelmed.

"I like watching my sister play the piano."

Many, many years ago, in high school, there was a school celebration.

Jiang Shengyan accompanies the classmates who are reciting poems on behalf of the class.

Little Jingyou was bored sitting in the first row, only when Jiang Shengyan appeared, his eyes lit up.

She still remembers Jiang Shengyan in white clothes and black skirt, sitting there like a fairy who is not stained with dust.

Jiang Shengyan kissed Jing You back on the lips, leaned over, and wrapped her left arm around Jing You's shoulder, covering the back of her hand.

Two slender, white hands folded together.

Jiang Shengyan took Jing You's fingers and pressed several keys a few times, giving out crisp warnings.

"Wait a minute and play for me like this, have you learned?"

Jing You: "Of course, I'm very smart."

Jiang Shengyan chuckled: "Where do you get your confidence?"

Jing You: "You don't believe me?"

Jiang Sheng said: "Trust." His eyes were so gentle that they almost melted into water.

Jiang Shengyan retracted his hand and placed it on the black and white keys in front of him.

The song "Speaksoftlylove" slowly flowed out.

Speaksoftly, loveandholdmewarmagainstyourheart

Ifeelyourwords, theteremblingmomentsstart

We’reinaworld, ourveryown


Speaksoftly, lovesonoonehearsusbutthesky


Jiang Shengyan hummed while playing.

The drone in the sky changes into different combined shapes according to the tune.

From other places, it looks like a big light show.

A song, both short and long.

There are only a few minutes, but at this moment, it seems that time stands still.

As if it could go on forever.

Jing You forgot his mission halfway through and looked sideways at Jiang Shengyan's outline.


At the end of the song, Jiang Shengyan tilted her head and met Shang Jingyou's deep and dazzling eyes.

Fortunately, Jing You did not forget that he was proposing.

"Sister, look at the sky." She said.

The drone in the sky emits a line of words—

Jiang Shengyan, I love you, marry me.

Jiang Shengyan's face immediately became wet.

Subconsciously, she never dared to expect to hear the words "I love you" from Jing You's mouth. It was a great satisfaction to hear Jing You say he liked it.

Jiang Shengyan hugged Jingyou and kissed her instinctively.

After separation, Jing You's mind was dizzy, but he still did not forget to take out the ring that was not given out before.

"Jiang Shengyan, can you marry me this time?"

After asking this question, Jing You recalled the marriage proposal steps from his mind, suddenly thought of something, and got up.

Just as she was about to kneel on one knee, Jiang Shengyan pulled him into her arms.

Jing You suddenly sat on Jiang Shengyan's lap with a look of fright.

Jiang Shengyan put his hands around Jing You's waist firmly, restrained his choking, and said softly: "I'm a few years older than you, but you were the first to propose, I want to think about how to punish you. "

Jiang Shengyan's eyelashes were still stained with water vapor.

"Why punish me?"

The expression "This is different from what I imagined" appeared on Jing You's face again.

"Because you made me cry." Jiang Shengyan seemed quite unreasonable.

Jingyou Nunuzui: "Then I will cry too."

Jiang Shengyan pecked on Jingyou's lips and said with a smile, "Before you cry, help me put on the ring."

"I forgot."

Jing You took the ring out of the velvet holder, held up Jiang Shengyan's hand, and put the ring on the ring finger very religiously.

Jiang Shengyan felt that he had a heavy thing in his hand.

Not just the ring, but the rest of one's life.

"But I don't have a ring." Jing You frowned.

"Close your eyes." Jiang Shengyan said.

"Is my sister going to punish me?" Jing You asked.

"Well, I'm going to punish you." Jiang Shengyan raised his face, "Hurry up, or I'll punish you harder."

Jingyou closed his eyes reluctantly.

Jiang Shengyan took out a small square box from his coat pocket.

There is also a ring inside.

Secretary Qi had already tipped off Jiang Shengyan, saying that Jing You would propose today, but he didn't say how.

She thought it was the sea of ​​flowers she saw in the window.

I didn't expect Jing You to feint a shot.

Jiang Shengyan didn't know that in order to formulate a marriage proposal, an elite think tank with no experience in marriage proposal, dozens of top talents, were almost driven crazy.

Finally, the boss reluctantly agreed to this "general" plan.

After all, for Jing You, even taking Jiang Shengyan on a rocket to the moon to propose marriage is not enough to match Jiang Shengyan's position in her mind.

Jiang Shengyan held Jing You's right hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

The moment the cold object touched the fingertips, Jing You was shocked.

Suddenly opened his eyes and found that Jiang Shengyan was putting a ring on himself.

"Why does my sister have a ring?" Jing You was surprised.

Jiang Shengyan said: "If you accept Xiaoyou's gift, but don't return it, when Xiaoyou turns over the old account in the future, won't I have to make a loss?"

Jing You kept silent, lowered his head and let Jiang Shengyan put the meaningful ring on his finger.

The rings of two people, one on the left and the other on the right, shone dazzlingly on the ring finger.

Holding hands, they are close together.

Jing You raised her eyebrows lightly: "The ring that my sister is wearing on my hand is very similar to my proposal ring. Is this a consonance?"

Jiang Shengyan: "I have seen your ring picture, and compared it."

Jing You: "Where did you come from?!"

Jiang Shengyan: "Secret."

Jing You: "Did Secretary Qi betray me?"

Jiang Shengyan: "It's all a secret."

Jing You: "Humph! It must be Secretary Qi who betrayed me!"

Jiang Shengyan held Jing You's face with both hands: "Your face is red from freezing. Are you cold?"

Jing You made a sneeze at the right time.

"Did I catch a cold!" Jing You's face showed extreme horror.

Jiang Sheng laughed, and he was still the stupid boss.

"If I have a cold, I can't kiss! Let's go back!" Jing You immediately got up and dragged Jiang Shengyan towards the gate of the park.


There are still some differences from the previous boss.

Jiang Shengyan grinned and let Jingyou lead him quickly across a sea of ​​flowers.

The employees of Jingteng Film and Television also saw the large drone show in the sky from the window.

There was such a big battle in the sky, which attracted people who were originally working to put down their work and gathered around the window. From time to time, some people took out their mobile phones and took small videos.

At first they just thought it was some kind of celebration in the park, which was similar to a fireworks show, but when the last nine words came out, they all boiled.

What a perfunctory proposal, they are clumsy!

Staff C: I take back what I just said, I adore this marriage proposal!

Staff F: I also take back what I said earlier, what kind of fairy love is this!

Staff A: Ahhhhh! I'm more excited than seeing idols now!

Staff D: Woohoo, my goddess must be the happiest woman in the world!

Secretary Xia Yun also shouted in his circle of friends.

"Have the friends in Shanghai see the light show in the sky?! That's our big boss proposing!"

Knock CP Knock down with real emotion.

In less than an hour, this marriage proposal was on the hot search, all the way to the first place, followed by the word "explosive".

What celebrities have cheated on me, the birth of celebrity couples and children, and even the wedding ceremony of movie stars have been squeezed out.

The star-chasing girl who didn't pay attention to the technology industry at all saw the hot search for marriage proposals, and thought it was two unknown stars, but she clicked in to read the content of many bloggers, and found that the protagonist was a science and technology major guy.

Among them, one of Yangou station sister thought it was a middle-aged bald man's love story. She was originally lacking in interest, but she swiped a photo of President Jingteng attending a charity dinner, and instantly made a groundhog scream .

Look at the other one, and the appearance is also beautiful.

So a Weibo named "Grapefruit Ginger Tea CP Station" was born, sorting out all the group photos of Jingyou and Jiang Shengyan's public activities.

Many star chasing dogs fell into the bottom of the pit.

"Why did I become a fan of a female CEO when I was chasing K-pop male stars?"

"My ambition to be a broker has become an IT elite, let alone, I'm going to write code."

"I want to make a fuss about technology, can the country assign me a girlfriend!"

"Daughters be happy forever, Mommy loves you!"

"My daughter is so pretty!"


There is a buzz on the web.

Two veteran cadres who don't play Weibo still don't know that they have become someone else's "daughter".

At the same time, far away in an old residential building in Yancheng.

Jiang Qian was lying on the table, faithfully copying the "Marriage Law" arranged by Jing You.

After half a month of copying, a writing cocoon appeared on the middle finger.

But there is a son staring at it, and I dare not not copy it.

If she had known that she would end up in this situation, she would never have provoke Jiang Shengyan's family.

A lot of years have to write all day long, so hard!

When the drone light show was staged in the night sky of Shanghai, Xu Zixi was sitting in a moving car.

She also happened to come to Shanghai for business.

Xu Zixi looked up for a while, then looked away.

Gloomy eyes, I don't know what to think.

The sound of water rushing from the bathroom.

Jiang Shengyan took a bath inside.

Jing You was wearing a light nightgown.

While changing positions on the bed, I pricked up my ears and listened to the bathroom.

My sister looks very moved today, should she score points?

Read The Duke's Passion