MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 5 President heartthrob

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The dark clouds covered the sky, and the clouds were flowing. The vortex of chaos seems to be sucking the entire city into it.

Several lightning bolts cut through the sky and thunder roared.

Torrential rain poured down.

Soft queen bed.

Jing You's fingers folded in front of him moved a few times, and he suddenly woke up. Take off your blindfold and sit up.

"Secretary Jiang!"

Jing You shouted.

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Shengyan appeared at the door.

Jiang Shengyan woke up long before Jingyou called her.

Jing You was afraid of thunder since she was a child, she knew it.

Jiang Shengyan was wearing a white spun nightdress with long hair and a shawl. Walking through the dark night, it should be very easy to be regarded as a female ghost.

Jing You stretched out a hand.

Jiang Shengyan tacitly grasped it on the ground and sat beside Jingyou.

"Sleep." Jiang Shengyan's voice was soft.

It was like a warm hand stroking Jingyou's heart, soothing her anxiety.

Jing You held Jiang Shengyan's hand, lay back on the bed, put on her blindfold, and continued to sleep.

Still the usual rigid posture.

Jiang Shengyan also lay down on the side, half an arm's distance away from Jing You.

Jiang Shengyan has been Jing You's personal secretary for five years. The two spend more than ten hours a day together, and they are too familiar.

I'm so familiar with lying on a bed like this, I can't have any beautiful associations.

Jing You is about to fall asleep, and whispers: "Sister Fairy, don't cry, I will give you all the money I make in the future."

It's this dream again, it's this sentence again.

A layer of frost formed in Jiang Shengyan's eyes, and the trapped beast named "jealousy" in his heart was screaming wildly.

Incomparable, I want to know who is the fairy sister that Jing You never forgets.

Jiang Shengyan will not pretend to be her, she has never shed tears in front of Jingyou, it should be said that since the age of 16, she has never shed tears in front of anyone.

—Are people who can cry to be pitied?

Jiang Shengyan's warm eyes traced Jingyou's silhouette in the dark.

After a long time, I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep in a side-lying position.

The two people's shallow breathing intertwined, adding a clear voice to the silent night.

First class to Yancheng.

The red seats are spacious and comfortable, and the tall flight attendants in red and white uniforms shuttle among them, complementing each other.

An oval-faced stewardess crossed the aisle, stood outside the seats of Jing You and Jiang Shengyan, and asked, "Ma'am, do you need any help?"

She saw that the passenger's face was pale and seemed uncomfortable.

Jiang Shengyan smiled politely and replied, "It's okay, thank you."

Jing You tightly held Jiang Shengyan's hand and did not speak.

Every time a plane takes off and lands, it happens.

Seven or eight times a month is common.

At this time.

Jing You couldn't control the tragedy in his mind.

From the turbulence of the air to the explosion and disintegration of the plane, not a single link fell.

Jiang Shengyan can't do anything about this situation.

If the myth and legend were answered, everyone was pinched by Nuwa. Perhaps when Nu Wa pinched Jing You, she replaced all her courage with extra IQ and beauty.

The plane will take off in ten minutes.

The man in the suit across the aisle stood up and approached, "Is this lady airsick? I have medicine here."

The man who strikes up a conversation with a gentle face with a narrow waist and long legs, a suit shirt, gentleman shoes. At first glance, it is an elite player who walks with wind and attracts countless girls to compete.

Jing You looked up at Sven's face.

In the eyes of outsiders, the beauty's pupils cut water, and inadvertently flowed out autumn waves.

Sven's face was stagnant and he stayed on the spot.

Jiang Shengyan replied politely instead of Jing You: "No, thank you." But obviously not as kind to the flight attendant.

Sven's eyes were straight, like a white-faced scholar who was fascinated, and asked: "Miss, can you give me a contact information?" The voice was low and magnetic.

Objectively speaking, this man, from his stature to his voice, fits all the fantasies of a perfect mass lover.

Jing You frowned and said nothing.

Jiang Sheng said: "I'm sorry, it's inconvenient." The tone was a little tough.

Sven's face was not as Jiang Shengyan wished, she stared straight at Jingyou, and she had to hear her answer in person.

It was a stalemate for a long time.

Jing You said impatiently: "Sir, can you go back and fasten your seat belt, turn off your electronic devices, and wait for the plane to take off?" You could clearly hear the reproach in his tone.

But with such a beauty, Sven face felt that the other party was worried about his personal safety.

Sven sat back in his seat, buckled his seat belt, turned off the tablet, and put it in his briefcase.

Being disturbed by the man just now, Jing You's nervousness was unexpectedly relieved a lot.

She whispered to Jiang Sheng: "If Secretary Jiang goes on a blind date, it is very easy to meet such people who do not obey the security order."

Jiang Sheng asked with a smile: "Why does the boss care about my blind date again?"

Jing You replied: "You are my secretary, and I am obliged to care about your living conditions. If Secretary Jiang's marriage is not happy, it will affect the working status, and it is not conducive to the future development of our group."

Jiang Shengyan shook his head, "Don't worry, boss, if I really find someone with whom I can spend the rest of my life, I might consider changing a job where I can spend the rest of my life with the other half."

The expression on Jing You's face instantly solidified, like a dried clay statue, without a soul.

This state continues until the plane takes off.

Hearing Secretary Jiang say that he might change jobs, Jing You felt like a bolt from the blue. There is no time to worry about whether there will be any accident when the plane passes through the clouds.

After the plane entered a stable flight, Jiang Shengyan took out a black eye patch and put it on Jingyou's head.

Warmly: "Boss, have a good rest."

Jing You glanced at Jiang Shengyan indifferently, pulled down the blindfold, and entered her own world.

The oval-faced stewardess walked to Jiang Shengyan's outer aisle again, smiling.

"Hello passenger, do you need fruit and a meal? The dinner includes thick-cut beef sandwiches and spaghetti bolognese.

Jiang Shengyan smiled back: "No need, thank you."

"Okay." The oval-faced stewardess nodded and said kindly, "You can call me anytime if you need anything. I wish you a pleasant trip."

Jiang Shengyan took out his tablet, clicked on the president's schedule, and quickly browsed it to check for any omissions.

next to.

Jing You suddenly took off the blindfold and said to Jiang Sheng: "Secretary Jiang, I want to hold a meeting this afternoon to discuss the update iteration of the 'naked-eye stereoscopic display system'. Please help me prepare the materials."

"Okay." Jiang Sheng said, "I will sort out the relevant matters on the plane and let Secretary Li take over."

Jing You pretended not to know, and asked, "Why did Secretary Li take over?"

Jiang Sheng said with a smile, "The boss forgot, I asked for a leave to go on a blind date."

Jing You: "Should the blind date be arranged during working hours?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Go home early to clean up."

Jing You raised his face and said, "Does Secretary Jiang think blind date is more important than work?"

"It's important to be a person who keeps your promises."

Jiang Shengyan smiled at Jingyou, "I have worked so many extra shifts with the boss, and I leave work a little earlier, won't my salary be deducted?"

Hearing this, Jing You pulled the blindfold off again and did not speak.

Jiang Shengyan pressed the button for adjusting the seat back, and said, "It's more comfortable to sleep this way."

"Hmm." Jing You replied lightly, and placed his hands in front of him.

Jiang Shengyan asked the flight attendant for a blanket and put it on Jingyou.

Turn around and continue your work.

Jiang Shengyan has a pair of Ruifeng eyes, and when he smiles, he is gentle and kind. When he is not smiling, he is as deep as obsidian.

At this time, her eyes were focused on the tablet computer, sorting out the information that Jing You needed. Although it was a sudden request, Jiang Shengyan still responded in an orderly manner.

The whole body exudes an aura of strategizing.

The plane lands.

Jing You and Jiang Shengyan got on the VIP shuttle bus back to the terminal.

Sven's face was still not giving up, she leaned over and said to Jing You: "Miss, the first time I saw you, my heart was out of control. If you don't want to give me contact information for the time being , maybe, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

Jing You bluntly said: "Why should I drink coffee with you?"

Sven's face was stunned, and he smiled: "Just make a friend?"

Speaking, as if thinking of something, he took out a business card holder from his arms and handed a business card. "I forgot just now, this is my business card, I'm not a bad person."

Jing You did not move.

Jiang Shengyan lost the warm smile on his face. Taking the business card, he politely declined: "I'm sorry, but you need to make an appointment for coffee with our boss."

Sven stared at Jing You for a while, sighed helplessly, and said lonely: "Actually, this is the first time I took the initiative to chat with a lady, my heart has never been so surging, are you The first. If you change your mind, feel free to contact me."

After all, I sat in the back seat from a distance, without any further entanglement.

Jiang Shengyan glanced down at the business card in his hand - Qiu Yi, CEO of Zhihe Group.

Qiu Yi - Qiu Yi.

Jiang Shengyan couldn't help laughing, and his shoulders shook a few times.

Jing You wondered: "What is Secretary Jiang laughing at? Do you like this?"

Jiang Shengyan shook his head and replied, "I just think it's a little funny for a CEO to be called 'Qiu Yi'."

Jing You glanced at the name on the business card and said, "Before the blind date is successful, is Secretary Jiang's mind no longer at work?"

"Huh?" Jiang Shengyan expressed confusion.

Jing You: "Why did you only pay attention to the man's name in the acquisition plan of Zhihe Group? It seems that Secretary Jiang has really had a heart of love recently."

Jiang Shengyan immediately became official: "It was my mistake."

Jing You and Jiang Shengyan looked at each other and said lightly: "Secretary Jiang, don't be like this 'Qiuyi', thinking about falling in love all day long, and you don't even know that you are about to lose your job."


Jiang Shengyan remembered that he had indeed seen the name Qiu Yi before. In the investigation report, there are professional managers of Zhihe Group.

But being criticized and educated by a bear child seven years younger.

Jiang Shengyan felt embarrassed and could only look at Jingyou quietly, showing an embarrassed but polite smile.

Next second.

Jiang Shengyan folded the business card in his hand and put it in the garbage bag he carried with him.

After exiting the customs, Jiang Shengyan contacted the driver and went down to the parking lot on the negative floor.

A black Bentley pulls out of the parking space and pulls to the side of the driveway where the glass door is facing.

In the driver's seat, a man in a black shirt quickly opened the door and got out of the car, and went to the back row to open the door for Jing You.

The man surnamed Qi who acts as the driver is one of the president's secretaries and is mainly responsible for Jing You's mobile itinerary.

Jiang Shengyan was about to open the co-pilot's door when she heard Jing You say, "Secretary Jiang likes to sit in the front and bask in the sun?"

Jiang Shengyan was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, then closed the passenger seat door, went around to the other side, and sat in the back row with Jing You.

Secretary Qi closed the door on Jingyou's side, returned to the driver's seat, and fastened his seat belt.

Start the car and start very smoothly.

The black Bentley hits the highway.

Secretary Qi asked, "Mr. Jing, go home first or go directly to the company?"

Today is Monday, and grandma must be having afternoon tea with the ladies and daughters of each family.


"Go to the company." Jing You replied.

Secretary Qi: "Okay, Mr. Jing."

On the way to the company, Secretary Qi reported the progress of the group's important projects, concise and clear.

Jing You: "Got it."

The car was quiet, Jing You looked out the window, a little lost.

Jiang Shengyan did not disturb her, took out her mobile phone, edited a long text message and sent it to Secretary Li, explaining the precautions for the afternoon meeting.

Twenty minutes later.

The black Bentley slowed down, entered the side road, and stopped outside the revolving glass door of Jingteng Building.

Yan City is different from Shanghai City, it is full of technology.

If the camera is fixed at the main entrance of Jingteng Building, push it forward and zoom in. It will give people the illusion that they are about to step into the time-space tunnel and enter the future world.

On both sides of the revolving door are automatic induction doors, silver-gray metal edging, and diamond-shaped split glass design. There are facial recognition panels and fingerprint sensors on both sides of the glass door, and the top of the revolving door also has the latest technology high-definition probe, which is used to record the data of each visitor and confirm the identity of the visitor online in real time; security inspection equipment is embedded in the door frame, which is only for the building. First line of security.

The members of the secretary's office received the news and were all waiting at the door.

Secretary Li with a neat ponytail stepped forward and opened the car door, Jing You stepped out of the car door with one leg and stepped on the slate floor.

At the same time, Jiang Shengyan also got out of the car, walked around and followed behind Jing You.

The group walked into the Jingteng Building.

Without a moment's rest, I started the routine inspection every Monday.

This fixed procedure is not for the president to personally inspect whether employees are lazy, but for the purpose of narrowing the distance between the management team and ordinary employees and enhancing the cohesion of the group.

Jingteng Group also launched an anonymous solicitation to investigate what employees think about this.

Eighty percent of employees believe that the president's visit has brought them strength, and 20% of employees think that once a week is not enough, hope it can be accepted every working day President's test.

In stark contrast to the grievances of other company employees about meaningless high-level tours.

After Jiang Shengyan and Secretary Li handed over the work, they dealt with work emails in the office for a while before leaving the company and went directly to the agreed coffee shop.

Telling Jing You to go home and dress up is complete nonsense.

The reason why Jiang Shengyan came to have a blind date was because the object was introduced by her aunt, so she could not refuse.

Furthermore, Jiang Shengyan wanted the old lady to reassure her.

Jiang Shengyan knew that the old lady would not want her to have other thoughts about Jing You, otherwise, she might be transferred directly from Jing You.

Indeed, one of the most important reasons is that Jiang Shengyan wants to know if Jing You will be a little jealous; woman" possibility.

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