MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 75 attacking president

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I want to hug you.

These words are like an anesthesia needle, piercing Jiang Shengyan's heart.

Not only her heart, but her whole body lost consciousness.

Jing You put his face on the back of Jiang Shengyan's neck and rubbed it.

"Sister, will you leave me when I grow up?" She asked this question again.

"Do you want me to be your sister forever?" Jiang Shengyan also asked a question.

"Don't you like being my sister?" Jing You's tone was filled with disappointment.

Jiang Shengyan turned around, hugged Jing You, and said in her ear, "If I like someone and she only takes me as her sister, what should I do?"

"My sister has someone she likes... someone she likes... can't I not like it?"

Jing You was very nervous and didn't realize that it was her.

Jiang Shengyan patted Jing You on the shoulder and said softly, "Let's eat."

"Can you hug for a while?" Jing You buried his face in front of Jiang Shengyan.

Jiang Shengyan's throat moved slightly.

Jing You took a breath and said, "It smells like a nurse."

Jiang Shengyan's facial muscles instantly stiffened, and his temples throbbed.

It's been a while.

Jing You retreated contentedly and said, "Let's eat."

Jiang Shengyan sat opposite, gritted his teeth and said, "Take care of yourself in the future, I'm not your nurse."

Jing You pouted, "Is my sister going to take care of the person she likes?"

Jiang Shengyan pulled his facial muscles and smiled, "I want to wait for someone who doesn't take me as a sister to take care of me."

Jing You lowered her eyes and said nothing.

The tip of the nose still has Jiang Shengyan's unique fragrance.

Jing You's eyes fell on Jiang Shengyan's lips, and he unconsciously stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked his lips.

Jiang Sheng said that he was hard-hearted, but he couldn't let go. He took two bowls and placed them next to a large porcelain basin, stood up and filled the soup and brought it to Jingyou.

Jing You suddenly stood up and leaned forward slightly.

Jiang Shengyan was stunned.

The distance was getting closer and closer, their lips almost collided, Jing You suddenly turned around and said, "I want to go to the bathroom!"

After finishing speaking, she hid in the bathroom with the deer in her heart.

Jing You leaned his back against the door and patted his face with both hands at the same time.

What did she just do?

Jing You held the door handle and stood up straight, turned on the faucet and put his hand into the cold water, his brain fell into a state of panic.

When Jing You returned to the table, Jiang Shengyan had already started.

Jiang Shengyan urged coldly: "Eat quickly, I'm going home after eating."

Jing You didn't know why her sister suddenly changed her attitude and sat down to eat.

But she couldn't control her eyes, she always glanced at the opposite side.

What's wrong with me?

"Do you know Jiang Dong? Yesterday, it was reported in the news that he was going to be released from prison. I wondered what it would be good to report, but my parents were so excited that they scolded him for being a beast. "

"It seems to be the former mayor of our city, right? I saw the news feed, saying that the performance was very good, and then made a mistake and entered the game. I suspect that the editor is his career fan, The tone of the report is particularly regrettable.”

"But why did he make such a big noise? It's been fifteen years."

"Who knows, maybe there is any secret? This is not something we should worry about."

"What did he do?"

"It seems to be sexually assaulting a female college student."

"This kind of **** should be locked up forever! No, it should be chemical castration!"

Secretary Qi coughed a few times and said, "Why are you still chatting during work hours? Are you not paying attention to the big celebrity in front of my boss?"

Manager Zhen squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Lao Qi, do you think the topic is too heavy and you deliberately tell a joke to entertain everyone?"

"Manager Zhen, what's the matter, don't shatter Comrade Qi's hopeful dream, okay?"

The topic of the secretary's office changed to teasing Secretary Qi.

Jiang Shengyan clasped the handle of the cup with her fingers, and the blood vessels on the back of her hand were particularly obvious.

No one among my colleagues knew that Jiang Dong was her father.

But this is what the general public thinks, even if you cover your ears, what can you do?

"Secretary Jiang."

"Secretary Jiang?"

Jiang Sheng said back to her senses, Jing You was standing in front of her workstation.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Jiang Sheng said.

Jing You leaned closer, "Your lips are so white, are you sick?"

Jiang Shengyan curved his lips, "It's fine, just drink some water."

She took the cup to her mouth and found that the cup was empty when she drank.

Jing You frowned slightly, took the cup in Jiang Shengyan's hand, helped her pour a glass of water and handed it to her hand.

Jiang Shengyan took a sip of water and said, "Thank you."

"I should go to the meeting." Jing You said.

"Okay." Jiang Shengyan stood up, slightly flustered.

Jiang Shengyan closed his eyes, put his hands on his face for a while, and returned to his usual expression when he put it down.

"Secretary Jiang sister!" Ying Jian's voice sounded behind him.

Jiang Shengyan smiled and turned around, "What's the matter?"

"You last night..." Ying Jian tilted her head, "How was your day?"

"How was my time last night?" Jiang Shengyan smiled, "What kind of problem is this?"

Ying Jian: "I just wanted to ask you and Mr. Jing whether you and Mr. Jing slept."

Jiang Shengyan: "Mr. Jing and I are very pure."

Ying Jian sighed and whispered: "It seems that it will not work without a strong medicine."

"What did the secretary say?" Jiang Sheng said.

"Nothing." Ying Jian said, "I'm thinking about how I can make outstanding contributions to Jingteng Group and let my name be included in the history of corporate development."

Jiang Shengyan chuckled, "I really envy Secretary Ying's vigor at his age."

Ying Jian raised her eyebrows, "Does Sister Jiang know that good sleep has the miraculous effect of rejuvenating youth?"

Jiang Shengyan: "I only know that if Secretary Ying doesn't focus on his work, he will not want to have a good sleep. If you can't finish the things I handed you, you won't be allowed to leave work."

Ying Jian: "Secretary Jiang sister is really an honest person."

Jiang Shengyan: "What do you want to say?"

Ying Jian spreads his hands, "Probably a compliment!"

Jiang Shengyan voted for Ying Jian with a look of "Go back to work or I'll go crazy".

Ying Jian turned around and returned to her workstation, and began to organize more in-depth study materials.

Jiang Shengyan opened the mailbox, but after reading a few lines, his eyes became more and more elusive, and his thoughts drifted away.

Jiang Shengyan realized that he could not enter the working state, rubbed his eyebrows, and went home early from get off work.

In the residential area, high-rise buildings are lined up, and sapphire blue cars are backed into parking spaces.

Jiang Shengyan did not get out of the car immediately, but closed his eyes and lay on the steering wheel for a while.

Finally, she sorted out her exhaustion and opened the door to go out.

"Miss Jiang."

This reporter Wen Yu.

Jiang Shengyan's fingertips trembled, and the negative emotions accumulated over the past few days reached the top.

"I said that I would not cooperate with you to tell any stories, how on earth are you willing to let me go?!"

"I didn't come to interview you." Wen Yu said, "I'm sorry for pestering Miss Jiang before."

Jiang Shengyan looked at Wen Yu coldly and said, "Don't think you can get anything out of my mouth in such a softening way, I won't express any opinion on this matter."

"I came today just to apologize to Miss Jiang, I hope you can forgive me." Wen Yu bowed to Jiang Shengyan.

Jiang Shengyan was puzzled, but showed no signs on his face.

"I'm sorry, I don't accept reporter Wen's apology, I'll be happy if you can disappear from my eyes."

After Jiang Sheng finished speaking, he walked forward without looking sideways.

"I won't come again in the future." Wen Yu assured.

Jiang Shengyan didn't stop, and didn't make any expression on his face, but he was even more puzzled.

Wen Yu pushed her glasses, turned and got into a black car.

She made a call, put on her earphone and said, "You have done what you asked me to do. I hope you will not break your promise."

"Of course." There was a deep male voice over the phone.

A phone lies flat on a glass tabletop.

The man wearing sunglasses crossed his legs, clasped his knees with his hands, and smiled.

He tapped the screen with his fingertips and hung up.

He raised his head and said respectfully, "Boss, the task you gave is completed."

"Are you doing illegal transactions?" Jing You was expressionless.

Secretary Qi took off his sunglasses and said, "This is what happens in suspense movies."

Jing You's eyes were full of disgust, and he asked, "Did that reporter suffer?"

Secretary Qi: "I asked their president to send her to the pig farm for an interview, and personally experience the life of the pig farm for two months. Wow, that taste is amazing."

"What did you promise her?" Jing You asked.

Secretary Qi: "Allow her to wear a mask when shoveling pig manure."


Jing You sighed.

Secretary Qi held her chest up and said, "Is Mr. Jing dissatisfied with my work? If you have any comments, feel free to mention them, and I will try my best to improve my business standards."

Jing You extended her thumb, "Secretary Qi did a great job, let's go out."

"Okay, Mr. Jing." Secretary Qi put his sunglasses on his neckline and got up to go out.

Standing high and full of heroic spirit.

Jing You looked at Secretary Qi's back, as if looking at a mentally retarded.

She picked up her phone, opened the dialog with Jiang Shengyan, thought about it, and then exited.

Jing You walked out of the office and went downstairs to the laboratory.

The work light at the entrance of the laboratory is off, which means you can enter directly.

Jing You performed facial recognition, and the metal door slowly opened.

Lu Xian sat on the ground casually and held a piece of paper to write and draw.

Jing You walked over and squatted down, there were a bunch of chemical symbols on the paper.

"Is the doctor busy?" Jing You asked.

Lu Xian: "Just to kill time."

Jing You: "Secretary Jiang said she has someone she likes, I'm a little sad."

Lu Xian bit his pen, frowned, and muttered to himself: "Why?"

"I don't know." Jing You stood up sullenly and took a box of chicken feet from the refrigerator.

"What are you doing?!" Lu Xian took back the chicken feet from Jingyou's hand, "Are you here to cheat?"

"Secretary Jiang said that food will make people happy, I will try it." Jing You said.

Lu Xian: "So what?"

Jing You: "I will pay you back."

Lu Xian stretched out **** and said, "Two boxes."

Jing You: "Can you give me a glove?"

Lu Xian threw a box to Jingyou, "Take it yourself."

Jing You put on gloves, looked sad, and didn't want to eat much.

Lu Xian put down the pen in his hand and asked, "What's the matter with you, Xiao Jingyou?"

Jing You: "I just said it again."

Lu Xian: "I didn't hear it."

Jing You stared at Lu Xian for a full minute and said, "It's okay."

"Wait, I'll adjust the playback." Lu Xian closed his eyes and rewinded the time five minutes ago.

Lu Xian stretched out a finger, "Ah! Secretary Jiang has someone he likes!"

Jing You covered his heart, as if a knife had been stabbed in the heart.

Lu Xian added: "Then I should go and congratulate her."

Jing You glared angrily and said, "Eating is not allowed in the laboratory!"

Lu Xian crossed his arms, "Are you here to find fault?"

"Mr. Jing is probably jealous."

Ying Jian's head slowly rose from the other side of the dissection table.

Jing You couldn't help but take a few steps back, "Why is Secretary Ying here?"

"Help Dr. Sister do the experiment." Ying Jian replied.

Lu Xian sighed, "It seems that I can't take the credit alone."

Jing You's eyes glanced back and forth between the two.

Ying Jian tilted her head and said with a smile, "Mr. Jing, are those study materials easy to use?"

Jing You: "Doctor, you betrayed me!"

Lu Xian looked at Ying Jian with a serious tone: "Little sister, you won't tell Secretary Jiang, right?"

Ying Jian showed a playful smile, her eyes narrowed into crescents, "I have a closer relationship with Dr. Sister."

In other words, she will keep their secrets well.

Jing You recalled Jiang Shengyan's words - he likes someone who treats her as his sister.

Secretary Ying always calls her sister.

Jing You looked at Ying Jian with a bit more hostility.

Ying Jian took a few steps closer, "Why is Mr. Jing looking at me like this?"

"Doctor, I'm leaving." Jing You took off his gloves, turned and walked out.

"Mr. Jing doesn't want to seduce Secretary Jiang's sister?" Ying Jian shouted behind her.

Jing You's tone was not good: "What's your business?"

Ying Jian: "Don't Jing always think that the study materials I have organized are not bad?"

Jing You returned and said, "Can that make her forget the person she likes?"

Ying Jian: "Mr. Jing doesn't want Secretary Jiang to like you?"

Jing You: "She doesn't like me."

Ying Jian: "Then who do you think she likes?"

Jing Youchong snorted coldly and walked out again.

Ying Jian went to block Jing You's way, and raised her eyebrows slightly, "What if I told you that Sister Jiang likes you?"

Jing You was a little irritable and said, "She said it all, she likes people who only take her as her sister."

"It's all so obvious." Ying Jian dared not answer, "Is your head welded with steel bars?"

Jing You: "You also know she likes you?"

Lu Xian was surprised: "Secretary Jiang actually likes her?!"

Ying Jian and Jing You looked at each other for a long time, then turned their eyes to Lu Xian's face.

"I can't believe you're normal humans."

Jing You said coldly, "I'm in a bad mood today, don't bother me." After saying that, he was about to bypass Yingjian and go out.

"Isn't there Mr. Jing who calls her sister?" Ying Jian said.

Jing You: "So what?"

Ying Jian: "Then why can't she like you?"

Jing You: "I didn't just take her as my sister, she was still my secretary Jiang."

Ying Jian patted his forehead, not knowing what to say.

Jing You narrowed his eyes, "How does Secretary Ying know that my name is Secretary Jiang sister?"

Ying Jian was stunned.

"I've never called me that in the company, why does Secretary Ying know about our private relationship?" Jing You asked.

"I don't believe it was Secretary Jiang who told you."

Ying Jian did not appear flustered, only smiled and said, "Mr. Jing thinks Secretary Jiang likes me, so why is it strange that she tells me a little secret?"

"Secretary Jiang is not that kind of person." Jing You was firm.

"Okay," Ying Jian shrugged, "You Yin is my cousin, she investigated you before she cooperated with Jing Teng."

Jing You said suspiciously, "Then what is your purpose in entering Jingteng?"

Ying Jian was very frank and answered: "To make fun of someone."

"Who's teasing?" Jing You's eyes were full of scrutiny.

"Lu Xian." Ying Jian met Shang Jingyou's line of sight without dodging.

"Why?" Lu Xian said, "I have such a big grudge against you!"

Ying Jian rubbed his temples and said, "You two are a match made in heaven."

"It's really not you that Secretary Jiang likes?" Jing You went back to the topic just now.

Ying Jian waved his hand, "This game is too difficult, I quit, you can play by yourself!"

Finished speaking, knocking his head out of the laboratory.

After walking for a long time, Jing You and Lu Xian are still digesting knowledge points.

"My sister likes me?"

"My sister likes me?!"

"My sister likes me!"

Jing You pushed Lu Xian away and lay down on the dissection table, eyes straight.

"Sister likes me...Sister Fairy likes me...she likes me...does she really like me?"

Lu Xian also muttered to herself: "Why does my little sister have to live with me? Did I leave such a big shadow on her when I was a child?"

Lu Xian walked to the dissection table and pushed Jing You down.

"This is my place."

Jing You walked out in a trance, the whole person seemed to fall into the cotton sea, and the surrounding area was white.

Jingteng Group held an interim board of directors.

Since a few days ago, some media have dug up the relationship between Jiang Shengyan and Jiang Dong, and also detailed the timeline of Jingteng's funding for Jiang Shengyan to go to college and cultivate him as the secretary to the president. Jingteng and Jiang Dong are related, and it is speculated that there was a political and business collusion before Jiang Dong was imprisoned.

Nowadays, the information that people are exposed to is increasingly complex, even if it is not true, it will leave a bad impression in people's minds after continuous brainwashing by overwhelming news. This time, the media outlets are collectively blown to Jingteng, and I am afraid that it is inseparable from other competing companies.

"Chairman, now the media is just trying to attract attention by linking our Jingteng to that case. This is not good for our brand image!"

"My suggestion is that we quietly remove Jiang's post and handle this matter coldly."

"I agree, one more thing is worse than one less thing, just a secretary."

"That's right, people's words are terrifying. It's not easy for us Jingteng to get to where we are today. We mustn't let people get caught because of this kind of trumped-up thing."


Directors, speak your mind.

A group of old guys talked for a long time, but neither the president nor the chairman said a word.

The meeting room fell silent.

"Finished?" Jing You's expression was very ugly.

"Mr. Jing, I know that you value Secretary Jiang very much, but now is not the time to act with anger. That incident was so sensational back then that he was not a simple crime as an ordinary person. Secretary Jiang It is Jiang Dong's immediate family, and it will easily affect our entire group." A director looked at Jing You and said.

Jing You raised his eyelids lightly, "Listening to Director Huang, do you know that I will not agree to dismiss Jiang's secretary?"

"Mr. Jing, although you are the executive president, we directors have the right to vote on major issues of the company's development. Even if the president makes a mistake, he will be dismissed."

Jing You sneered: "Then I have to ask Secretary Jiang what's wrong?"

The directors below did not speak.

Jing You raised her voice: "Is it wrong that she gave birth to the wrong family?!"

Jing You's eyes were sharp, and several directors present did not dare to look her in the eyes.

"Mr. Jing, this society is so unfair, the father makes mistakes, and her daughter can only be restrained everywhere." The director who spoke was **** for tat, "Wherever you go, it's the same."

"Okay." Jing You said, "It's okay to remove Secretary Jiang, just remove me, the president."

"Does Jing always think we Jingteng can't find a second person who can be the president?"

Another moderate director said to Jing Zhenzhu: "Chairman, Mr. Jing is young and energetic, you have to decide this matter."

Jing Zhenzhu smiled lightly, and said, "Do you still remember how our Jingteng developed?"

The directors below did not know what they meant and looked at each other.

"I still remember that it was a winter. Before the Chinese New Year, the old employer couldn't pay the employees' wages, and the boss ran away. Everyone had a very miserable life that year. Our family was also very miserable. My husband is very popular, so he lowered his face and borrowed a few kilograms of rice from the neighbors." Jing Zhenzhu said, "Afterwards, we slapped our foreheads and said we should start our own business! Relying on the original network and policy support, we really became a Jingteng can develop, if I want to say, it depends on everyone to dive in and ignore the ruthlessness of rushing forward! What is that called, it is called wolf nature."

Jing Zhenzhu paused for a while, and continued: "Now that everyone is old, they are afraid to fold their pension book. I can understand that. I also understand the principle of abandoning the car to keep the handsome, The tranquility of a secretary changing the scenery is worth it."

The director who was seated closest agreed: "Chairman, you are still sensible. Then this matter is settled!"

Jing Zhenzhu picked up the teacup and blew it, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "Secretary Jiang was cultivated by Jingteng, and her ability is obvious to all. Being wrongly accused? Let me think about it. In ancient times, there was a crime of sitting together, and all relatives and neighbors who violated the law were punished. So her father was imprisoned more than ten years ago, and now she is about to come out. Penalties sound reasonable too."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several directors changed slightly.

What? Well, I gave up the chairman seat long ago, so that I can go home and take care of my life. Let's see who wants to sit in this seat, or if they want to sit together, I have no opinion."

"Chairman, you are making a big joke!"

"Yeah, today we are discussing the whereabouts of Secretary Jiang. Which one are you singing?"

The directors below were a little panicked.

Jing Zhenzhu is the Zhenhai Shenzhen of Jingteng Group. It can be said that more than half of the companies that are willing to do business with Jingteng are looking for Jingzhu.

If she hadn't resisted the opposition at the beginning, Jing You would not have been able to take the position of president at such a young age.

All directors clearly know that no one can replace Jing Zhenzhu, if she really leaves Jingteng, it will really be pushed by everyone.

Jing Zhenzhu put away her smile and said loudly: "Secretary Jiang is the person I chose, I can't even protect my own people, how can I protect Jingteng's tens of thousands of employees? What chairman?"

Jing Zhenzhu glanced around on the faces of all the directors, and said slowly: "Everyone said, is this the truth?"

Outside the door, Jiang Shengyan's eyes were red, and she could hear the chairman's words clearly.

Jiang Shengyan originally wanted to go in and explain that she had already submitted her resignation.

The outcome of the meeting was clear, and no one dared to raise objections.

The assistant to the chairman pushed the door open, Jing Zhenzhu supported the gold-rimmed glasses and turned to leave.

Jing You got up and followed.

Jing Zhenzhu passed by Jiang Shengyan without stopping, and said, "Secretary Jiang, come with me."

"Okay, Chairman." Jiang Shengyan calmed down and followed quickly.

Jing You secretly glanced at Jiang Shengyan, both palms were sweaty.

After learning that Jiang Shengyan might like her, Jing You subconsciously avoided Jiang Shengyan, not knowing how to behave.

Jing You recalled the scene in the conference room just now, her facial features were all pleated.

Grandma stole the limelight!