MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 81 attacking president

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The scene just now was dazzling and piercing.

Jiang Shengyan kept replaying the picture in his mind - Lu Xian leaned over, Jingyou leaned back, not afraid that it was a laboratory.

Good couple.

Jiang Shengyan's heart was overwhelmed by bitterness, she thought Jingyou didn't understand anything, but it turned out that she just didn't understand it in front of her.

Jiang Shengyan didn't know how she got to the elevator and how she got in. She only felt that the world was spinning and she had to use all her strength to barely stand.

It turned out that it was much more painful than I imagined to see Jingyou being so intimate with others.

Think about what happens next...

Jiang Shengyan just wanted to escape.

Escape this floor, this building.

But she can't.

The elevator door just closed when Jing You chased him out.

The president's exclusive elevator was occupied by Jiang Shengyan, so Jing You had to take the staff elevator upstairs, stopping several times along the way, which delayed some time.

When Jing You arrived on the 29th floor, Jiang Shengyan was already sitting at the workstation, and everything was as usual.

Jing You came over and asked, "What did Secretary Jiang ask me just now?"

"There is a project that needs to be confirmed by the boss." Jiang Shengyan pulled the corner of his lips and smiled.

"Are you in a hurry?" Jing You asked.

The tablet screen on the desk is full of cracks.

Jiang Shengyan shook his head, "No... no need to worry, no need to..." Delay your intimacy.

It's the limit to pretend that nothing has happened, in any case, there is nothing more to say.

"I have something urgent to look for you." Jing You's eyebrows were full of uncontrollable desire.


Every time Jiang Shengyan said a word, his throat felt like a knife had been slashed, and it was deeply stabbed, and the blood continued.

"Come in with me."

Jing You hooked his finger at Jiang Shengyan, as if he wanted to whisper something to Jiang Shengyan.

Jiang Shengyan stood up holding the table, took a deep breath calmly, and followed behind Jing You.

Jing You walked straight into the lounge, and Jiang Shengyan followed in a confused manner.

Jing You turned around, lowered her head, and apologized first: "I'm sorry, I really can't control it."

"It's none of my business what you do-"

Jing You's lips that came up blocked Jiang Shengyan's voice.

Jiang Shengyan was stunned, the blood all over his body congealed, and he lost consciousness in his hands and feet.

But the next second, a huge anger burst out from the heart and quickly swept through every nerve.

Jiang Shengyan pushed Jingyou away and almost growled: "Are you crazy?!"

Jing You tasted the taste of her lips, and the desire was even stronger.

"I want to kiss." Jing You hugged Jiang Shengyan's waist, sparks in his eyes, "I really want to kiss you!"

Jing You pressed step by step, Jiang Shengyan fell back on the bed.

"Isn't a Dr. Lu enough kiss?"

Jiang Sheng's teeth were trembling, and her anger had already dispelled all her thoughts and judgments.

"I want to kiss you, I really want to, I really want to." There was no clarity in Jing You's eyes, and the desire in her heart completely took control of her body.

Jing You held Jiang Shengyan's face, kissed her red lips, and captured her soul.

Jingyou doesn't know much about kissing, the touch of lips is enough for her to lead to the pink palace where the trees are blooming.

Jiang Shengyan's sanity was destroyed by anger.

There is no reason to resist temptation.

Jiang Shengyan put both hands on Jingyou's back, turning a simple lips touch into a real kiss.

In an instant, Jingyou forgot to breathe, forgot to move, and forgot everything.

She didn't know what a real kiss was like.

There is no fear and pain of being invaded by bacteria, but the heart is full of fresh flowers, and groups of butterflies are flying; the soil is soaked by the spring rain, and the air is filled with a sweet smell.

Soft and warm.

There has been no feeling in the past two decades like this moment.

Jingyou is immersed in great happiness both physically and mentally.

Of course, before she could fully appreciate the pleasure of kissing, Jiang Shengyan was thrown to the other side of the bed.

Stumbling and embarrassed.

Jing You fell into the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Sister's mouth is so soft, and the little guy in the mouth is so soft.

I want to kiss more than ever.

Jiang Shengyan can’t deceive herself anymore, it’s good to be a sister, she can’t stay beside Jingyou casually, watching Jingyou and others—

Talk to me.

Jiang Shengyan grabbed her handbag, walked out of the company all the way, got on a bus in despair, and sat by the window.


For the first time, she gave birth to the willfulness of a girl, and wanted to take this car to escape everything now.

On the last day of September, the autumn wind is refreshing.

Yu Jiang Sheng said, there is only dryness in the air.

Jiang Shengyan took out his mobile phone from his bag and dialed.

"Chairman, I want to go to Shanghai to develop a film and television business."

"In one month, I will hand over all the current work."

"Thank you, Chairman."

Jiang Shengyan lowered his head and smiled wryly.

Even if she ran away under such circumstances, she did not forget to take her bag.

Isn’t this a shackle you put on yourself?

Escape the city temporarily, just selfish this time.

Jiang Shengyan told herself this.

Jing You had enough lying on the bed, and walked out with a bubbling sweet smile on her face.

Jiang Shengyan's workstation was empty.

What about people?

Jing You walked to Ying Jian's station and asked, "Where's Secretary Jiang?"

Ying Jian: "Secretary Jiang and sister will go out with a bag, it's been a long time."

Jing You nodded and returned to the office, seemingly strolling in the courtyard, but in fact, she couldn't wait to call Jiang Shengyan as soon as she walked in.

"Sister, where have you been?" The voice was aggrieved and mournful, like a little girl who was abandoned by a heartless man.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well, I'll go home first." Over the phone, Jiang Shengyan's voice was a bit nasal.

"What's wrong? Do you want to see a doctor? I'll visit you at home!" Jing You was nervous.


Jiang Shengyan explained again: "I'll take care of the rest of the work tomorrow, if there is nothing else, just hang up."

After he finished speaking, he cut off the phone without waiting for Jing You to answer.

Jing You listened to the busy tone in the receiver, and felt very disappointed.

My sister has kissed her, why is it different from what I imagined?

Jing You paced freely in the office and circled the circular space several times, but failed to relieve the dryness in her heart.

Jing You grabbed her hair a few times with her hands, and walked out.

She is going to take a look at her sister's house to be relieved.

Just as she walked to the door, Lu Xian in white rushed in like a strong wind.

"The first phase of the experiment was successful!" Lu Xian hugged Jing You and patted her back excitedly with both hands.

Jing You was thinking about Jiang Shengyan now, pushed Lu Xian away, and said annoyed, "My experiment didn't work!"

"I'm here to share the joy, your experiment is none of my business."

Lu Xian was full of smiles, and the joy was beyond words.

"Experiment..." Jing You reacted, "You mean the experiment in the laboratory?"

"Otherwise?" The corner of Lu Xian's mouth was raised high, very proud.

"Success?" Jing You couldn't believe his ears. It has failed too many times before.

"Be more rigorous, the first stage was successful." Lu Xian corrected.

"Doctor, you are a genius!" Jing You took the initiative to give Lu Xian a hug.

The two cheered for a while, and after they separated, they brushed their clothes with their hands, for fear that there would be any dirty things left.

Lu Xian raised his chin and cleared his throat: "I made such an outstanding contribution, as the president, don't you express it?"

"What does it mean?" Jing You asked.

"Of course I'm thankful." Lu Xian said.

Jing You didn't think about it: "No need."

Lu Xian tilted her head, her eyes fixed on Jing You for a moment.

"Okay." Jing You was helpless, "How do I thank you?"

Lu Xian narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "Let Secretary Jiang pick out crab meat for me."

"Impossible." Jing You decisively refused.

"Is this how you treat a great researcher?" Lu Xian angrily said, "I want to leave the company!"

"Secretary Jiang is sick." Jing You said, "Do you have the heart to make a patient tired?"

"She's sick?" Lu Xian said, "It wasn't all right just now."

"Yes, I was going to see her, but I was interrupted by you." Jing You lifted his feet and walked out.

"I'll go with you, what if she just doesn't want to see the excuse you made?" Lu Xian quickly followed, "Buy some crabs before going, Secretary Jiang will be a visit if he is sick. Give her a present, and if she's not sick, let her pick the crab meat for me. Prepare with both hands!"

Jing You turned his head, his eyes filled with disgust.

"Go quickly, or you won't be in time for dinner." Lu Xian urged.

"Mr. Jing, where are you going?" Ying Jian followed.

"Private trip." Jing You said.

Lu Xian: "Little sister, don't be so curious, go back to work."

Ying Jian glanced at Lu Xian, but did not speak to her.

She said to Jing You, "Secretary Jiang was very angry when she left, and her eyes were still red."

Jing You immediately stopped, frowned and said, "You didn't lie to me?"

"I swear." Ying Jian pointed to the sky, "If I tell a lie, I will punish Lu Xian for having no sex. Life."

? ? ?

Lu Xian frowned, "Little sister, you swear, what are you doing to me?"

She paused for a moment, "Besides, it's too insincere to swear by objective facts!"

Ying Jian blurted out in amazement: "Do you want to live without sex?"

Lu Xian smiled slightly, "I don't need external stimulation from mortals."

The two of them are bickering here.

Jing You was like falling into an ice cave, frightened and panicked.

—Is my sister angry because I kissed her?

—Are you crying?

—What should I do?

The questions in Jing You's mind came one after another.

"Xiao Jingyou, why are you not moving?" Lu Xian raised his hand and shook it in front of Jingyou.

"I'm not going!" Jing You backed away, turned around and wanted to go back.

Lu Xian grabbed Jing You by the back collar and carried Jing You up the elevator like a chicken.

Ying Jian was pushed out by Lu Xian.

The elevator door slowly closed.

Lu Xian smiled and waved to the outside through the glass door.

Lu Xian: "A gentleman's words are hard to follow. You promised to visit Secretary Jiang with me, and you can't go back on it temporarily."

Jing You earned a few times. "If I don't go, she will be even more angry when she sees me!"

"What did you do to make her angry?"

Lu Xian's mind flashed, "Did you kiss her? Did she slap you?"

Jing You seemed to have suddenly found the culprit, raised his eyebrows, and said angrily: "I can't control myself, and the doctor also takes half of the responsibility!"

Lu Xian scratched her nose guiltily, "Then we should go to Secretary Jiang's house and apologize to her."

Jingyou shook his head like a rattle, "I'm not going!"

Lu Xian: "You are going."

Jing You: "I'm not going."

Lu Xian: "You are going."

"I don't—"

"Speak again and I'll kiss you."

The two retched at the same time.


Relatively silent.

Read The Duke's Passion