MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 9 President heartthrob

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In the afternoon, the asphalt road was scorching hot.

A Rolls-Royce was driving on the road, attracting the attention of pedestrians. Finally, stopped at the entrance of Jingteng Building.

The driver in a black suit got out and opened the door. He wore white gloves on his hands and left no fingerprints on the door.

A woman wearing round gold-rimmed glasses got out of the car.

Her hair is meticulously tucked on top of her head, and her clothes show a great taste.

This is Jing You's grandmother, Jing Pearl. It is a name with the characteristics of the last century.

Pearl was the dream of all women in those days.

Old Mrs. Jing is a beauty with a straight nose and bright lips.

Jingyou's nose and mouth have the shadow of grandma.

At this time, a rigorous and capable woman with a high ponytail came over and nodded.

The hair in the high ponytail is tightly tied, and there is no trace of broken hair on the forehead.

Old Mrs. Jing raised her ponytail and nodded lightly as a greeting.

The old lady Jing was in the front, and the ponytail woman was in the back, and walked into the Jingteng Building together.

The security guard at the gate saw Mrs. Jing coming in and respectfully said, "Good afternoon, Chairman."

Old Mrs. Jing walked straight to the capsule elevator in the middle of the building to the president's office on the 29th floor.

People in the secretary room heard the ding sound of the elevator dedicated to the president, and their eyes suddenly converged.

Old Mrs. Jing stepped out of the elevator door, and the staff in the secretarial office immediately stood up and said in unison, "Chairman."

Old Mrs. Jing walked towards Manager Zhen with a beer belly.

Ask: "The new secretary is gone again?"

The voice was not loud, but it made Manager Zhen's heart tremble.

Manager Zhen folded his hands in front of him and bowed: "Reporting to the chairman, it is my negligence that I failed to recruit a secretary that the president is satisfied with. I will find a new secretary to assist the president as soon as possible. ."

"No need." Mrs. Jing said, "I have a suitable candidate."

Behind Mrs. Jing, the tall ponytail gave Manager Zhen a formulaic smile.

"Hello Manager Zhen, I am Li Yun, the secretary to the president appointed by the chairman, and will officially join Jingteng Group tomorrow."

Manager Zhen intuition that this is a ruthless character, and the aura alone is not comparable to the little girls who have interviewed in the past.

In the president's office.

Jiang Shengyan is reporting to Jing You at this time.

Jing You turned over the paper report on the table with his hand, screamed suddenly, and said in a panic: "Secretary Jiang!"

Jiang Shengyan was startled, and her eyelids jumped a few times.

"What's wrong?" she said.

Jing You raised his left hand, his thumb was raised high, his voice trembled: "My hand was scratched by the paper! Disinfect me quickly, hurry, hurry! Will I? Tetanus? Secretary Jiang, look at my hand!"

Jiang Shengyan walked over quickly, held Jing You's thumb, and comforted: "It's just a small wound, just stick a Band-Aid, it won't cause tetanus." Helpless and full of patience.

"Really?" Jing You's eyebrows twitched down, "I hurt so much."

Jiang Shengyan lowered her head to hold Jing You's thumb.

After a while, release. Blow twice at the almost invisible wound.

"Does it still hurt?"

Jing You opened her mouth round, with a magical expression on her face.

"It doesn't seem to hurt anymore." Jing You smiled childishly, "It's a little itchy."

Jiang Shengyan and Jing You looked at each other, almost being sucked in by those abyss-like eyes. Unconsciously clenching Jing You's hand, his throat rolled a few times.

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang.

The president's office has a tight security system, only the faces and fingerprints of Jing You and Jiang Shengyan can be unlocked. Even the chairman of Jing Zhenzhu could only obediently ring the doorbell.

Jiang Shengyan stood up straight and pressed the door button on the desk.

Old Mrs. Jing walked in. The serious and old-fashioned face slowly stretched out.

"Little Yoo."

In front of Jing You, Mrs. Jing was mostly kind, and sometimes she was a little funny.

Jing You saw her grandma come in and showed a good smile.

"Grandma, why are you here?"

Old Mrs. Jing blinked with one eye, threw a wink at Jing You, and said, "Of course I miss our little You."

Jiang Sheng released Jing You's hand without a trace, and said with a smile, "The boss's hand is hurt, I'll find her a Band-Aid."

Old Mrs. Jing said with concern: "Why is it hurt?"

Jing You remembered the wound on his hand again, took a deep breath, and said, "Secretary Jiang, hurry up, hurry up and bandage me!"

Jiang Shengyan had no choice but to answer on behalf of Jingyou: "The boss accidentally scratched his finger when he was flipping through the documents."


The expression on Mrs. Jing's face froze.

I think she used to chop wood and cut wheat when she was young. At that time, the sickle had to endure the pain to continue to work. The granddaughter didn't inherit her wildness at all.

Jiang Shengyan opened the drawer and took out a transparent and ultra-thin Band-Aid.

Tear it open and carefully wrap it around Jingyou's fingers.

Old Mrs. Jing looked at Jiang Shengyan's movements and said casually, "Secretary Jiang is more used to Xiaoyou than my own grandmother."

After a pause, she asked Jing You, "Do you prefer Grandma or Secretary Jiang?"

Jing You stared at Mrs. Jing for a few seconds and said, "Grandma, I'm already an adult, why do you ask me such a childish question? And it's Secretary Jiang who obeys me. Work, why should I like her more because of this? This question is not logically valid."

Old Mrs. Jing smiled: "Grandma is joking."

Jiang Shengyan walked towards Mrs. Jing and made a "please" gesture.

Jiang Shengyan had a smile on his face, the depth was appropriate. "Chairman, please sit here, I'll prepare afternoon tea."

Old Mrs. Jing looked at Jiang Shengyan, her movements were subtle.

He then walked to the reception sofa.

Jing You put down her work and came to sit down beside her grandma.

She glanced at the woman with a high ponytail standing in front of the coffee table and asked, "Grandma hasn't introduced me yet, who is this?"

The woman with a high ponytail looked into Jing You's eyes and replied, "The chairman intends to appoint me as Mr. Jing's secretary. If Mr. Jing is satisfied with my image and resume, I can start tomorrow. Officially hired."

It's completely different from the tone of voice that just made and Manager Zhen. Leave enough steps for the president.

The old lady Jing continued: "I heard that you fired three secretaries in a month, so you hired Secretary Li. She is definitely smart and professional, and she will not commit the act of seducing the boss. A low-level error."

Jing You: "I only need an assistant secretary who can assist Secretary Jiang in his work. Secretary Li looks quite old." Said very bluntly.

Old Mrs. Jing said: "Secretary Jiang started working for Jingteng Group when he was in college. It has been ten years now, and she is also a major contributor to Jingteng Group. If she is willing to stay in Jingteng Group, our Jing family can't treat others badly. I intend to let her take over the subsidiary of Shanghai City and serve as the CEO of Jingteng Film and Television. "

From the perspective of career planning, the CEO is naturally more attractive. What's more, film and television is a key development project of Jingteng Group in the future. If it can occupy the two positions of holographic games and VR film and television, then Jingteng Group's revenue can be doubled.

A trace of grievance flashed in Jing You's eyes and asked, "Secretary Jiang agreed?"

Old Mrs. Jing: "I haven't told her yet. But I think there is no reason not to agree."

Jing You frowned, looked at the new secretary that Mrs. Jing had chosen for her, and said, "Then try it."

Secretary Li smiled, "It's a pleasure to work with you."

Jing You: "I don't like working with stupid people. I hope Secretary Li won't let me down."

Secretary Li: "Okay, Mr. Jing."

When Jiang Shengyan came back with the tray, Secretary Li happened to be going out. The two smiled politely at each other and passed by.

Jiang Shengyan put the three-tier silver tray on the coffee table. Sandwiches, English muffins, cheesecakes and fruit tarts are on the tray from bottom to top.

The intern behind her placed two cups of black tea in front of the president and the chairman, so nervous that they didn't dare to come out.

Jiang Shengyan bowed slightly and said, "You can take it slow."

When she laughs, her eyes are like a pool of crescent moons; the corners of her eyes are curved and very friendly.

Old Mrs. Jing returned Jiang Shengyan with a smile, "It's hard work."

Jiang Shengyan said, "This is what I should do." Then he went out with the little intern.

Old Mrs. Jing likes Jiang Shengyan very much: She has outstanding ability, and she is a capable leader.

She can reuse Jiang Shengyan, and she can even pay Jiang Shengyan to go out on her own.

Only the granddaughter is not allowed to have any strange signs with her.

What Jingzhu wants is a vase grandson-in-law who only knows how to buy, buy, buy, no negotiation. This is a knot she has been unable to untangle for more than 20 years.

Jing You looked down at the watch on his wrist and muttered: "Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven, fifty-six...forty-nine..."

Old Mrs. Jing wondered: "What is Xiaoyou doing?"

Jing You raised his eyes to look at Mrs. Jing and replied, "There are forty-six...forty-five seconds before it's time for my afternoon tea."

Old Mrs. Jing gave a fashionable smirk and muttered softly, "I don't know who it is."

Jing You was still counting down in his mouth, and finally, when he counted to "one", he wiped his hands with a wet towel and picked up a small sandwich.

Old Mrs. Jing was not hungry, she just put a blueberry in her mouth.

After a while, he chatted, "Secretary Jiang is so busy every day, I'm afraid he doesn't have time to fall in love, Xiaoyou should give people some time for himself."

Jing You: "I am helping Secretary Jiang to improve the value of her life. She should always be grateful to work with someone with a super brain like me."

Once Mrs. Jing heard her granddaughter's answer, she relaxed a little bit of vigilance. Although the granddaughter's peach blossoms are indeed too prosperous since childhood, but Secretary Jiang is tortured like this every day, maybe he has already lost his extra thoughts. Not to mention the granddaughter doesn't seem like someone who can fall in love.

The reason why Mrs. Jing tried many times today is because Secretary Jiang went to deliver things at home last week, and seemed to show a different look to Xiao You than usual.

Old Mrs. Jing looked at her granddaughter's uninteresting appearance without any romantic elements, and thought: Maybe she is wrong.

Jiang Shengyan sat at his workstation, a little distracted.

Jiang Shengyan knew the woman just now, Li Yun, the secretary to the president of Hengyu Group. Some time ago, it was rumored that she had left her post. Now that Li Yun is here, it seems that the old lady wants her to take her place.

A long time ago, the old lady told her that she would choose a well-behaved and obedient partner for Jing You in the future. Jiang Shengyan still remembers that resolute look with resentment.

As for the reason, the old lady did not say.

Jiang Shengyan is very grateful for Mrs. Jing's appreciation, she can do anything for the other party, and she doesn't want to disobey the old lady.

The only thing she liked about Jingyou was that she couldn't control her heart.

Did the old lady discover her mind?

She should hide better.

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