MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 95 president of love

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Without the help of Jiang Shengyan and the machine, Jingyou blowing his hair was a little slower. Fortunately, blowing his hair was not that difficult, but his hands were sore.

The corners of Jing You's lips were raised, she picked up the phone and dialed Jiang Shengyan's number, wanting to show off.

The phone was connected, and Jing You's first sentence was: "I blew my hair today." His tone was full of pride.

"It's so late, why are you calling my granddaughter?" It was not Jiang Shengyan, but Jing Zhenzhu's voice.

"Why didn't grandma go to bed so late?" Jing You was dissatisfied.

"Who is your grandma?" Jing Zhenzhu sneered.

…but was brutally beaten by reality.

Jing You did not give up, and dialed again.

Beep twice and disconnect directly.

A female voice came from the phone: "Sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please try again later. Sorry..."

The Chinese and English rotation reminder pushes Jing You into the reality of "I was abandoned by my grandma, and Jiang Shengyan is controlled by my grandma".

Jing Pearl hung up the phone with a loving smile on her face.

"Sheng Yan, it's so late, no one will call you again, right? The cell phone is radiating radiation, and grandma keeps it for you."

She said a few words, and before Jiang Shengyan could express her opinion, she left the room with her mobile phone.

Jiang Shengyan sighed lightly.

What else can I do?


It was late at night.

Jiang Shengyan was lying on the bed, still feeling that what happened this day didn't feel real.

Thinking about it carefully, it's only less than 24 hours, but it seems to be much richer than the past week or even a month.

On this day, she and Jingyou were like two ordinary young people walking hand in hand for the first time, sharing a drink for the first time, and wearing a couple's outfit for the first time;

On this day, a former classmate, like many times in the past, criticized her and spread rumors. This time, Jingyou was protecting her, like a little superman, giving her a safe haven;

On this day, the most unbelievable thing is that Jing You expressed her heart to her, like a beautiful dream; it was a scene that could not appear once in a dream no matter how much you craved in the past.

And Jingyou is like a bulldozer, the motor is turning "chuddling", pushing her forward at a high speed, without doing any preparations, she directly spreads the problems that she has no courage to touch.

Absurd, but it made her see the future very clearly.

—Just a kiss and a promise for a lifetime.

Only Jing You can do this.

Jiang Shengyan couldn't control the corners of his mouth raised, turned over and buried his face in the pillow, slapped the sheets up and down with his legs.

When she was a student, she rarely looked so innocent and silly.

In Jiang Shengyan's bedroom.

Jing You lay on the bed and couldn't sleep.

On the pillow, there seems to be a faint scent of Jiang Shengyan's unique fragrance.

Sweet, refreshing, heart and spleen are rippling with it.

Daytime's memory was caught off guard into Jing You's mind.

—Sister Fairy kissed me.

—a very serious and serious kiss, not a prank or anger, but because I like it.

Jing You buried his face in the pillow, the corners of his lips almost reaching the base of his ears.

Twisting and twisting on the bed, like a little vixen wagging her tail.

I miss my sister.

I miss you so much.

The two people in different spaces sighed in unison.

On the horizon, the moon has a panoramic view of everything, shyly hiding in the clouds.

In another window, the soft light from the desk lamp cast a half-sitting figure on the wall.

Mother Jiang was leaning against the head of the bed, holding a wooden photo frame in her hand, which was a group photo - at the entrance of the zoo, a handsome man put his young daughter on his neck, and his wife beside him Holding his arm, a family of three, all smiles on their faces.

Mother Jiang rubbed her fingertips and rubbed the face of the handsome man in the photo.

"Old Jiang, time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, our daughter is a big girl. You must not know, she is in love."

She curled her lips shallowly and whispered, "The person Yanyan likes is a cute little girl, and those eyes are so beautiful."

The first time Jing You came to the house, she could see that her daughter's feelings for the child were unusual.

After all, it was a piece of meat that fell out of her stomach, and the affection overflowed from her eyes, how could she not notice it?

Mother Jiang was never absent during the bewildering days when Jiang Shengyan was trapped by love. Although she didn't say anything, Jiang Shengyan's emotional changes were seen by her mother.

It's just that life is ups and downs, and you can only know what it tastes if you taste it yourself.

If one day Jiang Shengyan opened her mouth to express her confusion, Jiang's mother would tell her: "Even parents can't tell you what to eat and what not to eat. As a mother, I hope you Only eat sweet, if you want to eat bitter, mother will not stop you, when you can't eat it, remember to come to mother to ask for candy."

Mother Jiang drew a slight arc at the corners of her lips and smiled warmly.

"Husband, you said, if you were at home, who would your daughter tell first when she fell in love?"

The moon pushed the clouds away and stuck her head out again.

Silver moonlight poured into the window like a waterfall like frost.

Desk with soft light.

He got up and walked to the window, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

Some ties, even if they are not in the same space, will not break.

Next day.

When Jiang Shengyan went downstairs, Jing Zhenzhu was sitting at the dining table reading a magazine.

I have a familiar phone by my hand.

Jiang Shengyan sat down on Jing Pearl to start, quietly touched and reached out.

Jing Zhenzhu put down the magazine and glanced at Jiang Shengyan, "Want to play with your phone before breakfast?"

Jiang Shengyan: "There are a lot of things in the company, let me see if there is any work email."

"What kind of work is in such a hurry that you can't even delay breakfast?"

Jing Zhenzhu shook her head, "Grandma doesn't want you to be so tired, what kind of work is there for Secretary Qi to cooperate with President Jing, you can rest for a few days."

Jiang Shengyan: "Secretary Qi has a family, so he finally took a vacation. I want him to accompany his family well."

"You're right." Jing Zhenzhu paused, "Let President Jing handle it herself, doesn't she claim to be a super brain? I believe she can handle it as well without you. "

Jiang Shengyan: "But—"

Jing Zhenzhu interrupted: "Nothing but, our family is not short of money, even if you don't work, grandma can afford it."

Jiang Shengyan had no choice but to stop thinking of going out by working overtime.

"Then I'll call mom?" she asked tentatively.

Jing Zhenzhu: "Well, don't let me find out that you are secretly calling others." Among them, the word "others" is particularly hard.

His eyes fell on Jiang Shengyan, like two lasers that could cut people into pieces.

The Jiang family.

Wake up in the morning.

Mother Zhao helped Mama Jiang get into a wheelchair and started the day's work, preparing breakfast.

Mother Jiang was tidying up, and just in time, the screen of the mobile phone on the bedside lighted up, it was her daughter's phone.

Jiang Shengyan: "Mom, are you resting?"

Mother Jiang joked: "I thought you called to see if your mother was scared to death."

Jiang Shengyan: "How can this little thing scare my mother? Ms. Han Qiuxi is a hero of women's middle school, a heroine of women!"

Mother Jiang: "Don't put a high hat on me, what's the matter with you and your boss?" The voice was deliberately majestic.

Jiang Shengyan was not frightened, only said: "I can't explain it in a few words, I will explain it to you slowly when I get home."

Mother Jiang: "Can't you tell in a few words? Your little boss can make it clear in just one sentence."

Jiang Shengyan twitched her heart and asked, "What did she say?"

Mother Jiang: "She said she wants to marry you, you are in a hurry."

Jiang Shengyan: "..." It's embarrassing.

Mother Jiang: "Mom didn't see that my daughter wanted to marry so much."

Jiang Shengyan: "Things are not what you think." Saying this, pink bubbles popped up in my heart.

Mother Jiang: "What's the matter? She's wishful thinking, but you don't actually think so?"

"It's not like this..." Jiang Shengyan was silent, "Anyway, please help me take good care of Xiaoyou first, she recognizes her life, don't scare her."

"You have to ask your mother to take care of others before you are in love. If you really get married, your mother will not be a cow or a horse for you?" Mama Jiang snorted softly, "I won't do it!"

Jiang Shengyan was helpless and said casually: "Then you let her be a cow and a horse for you?"

Mother Jiang: "This is what you said, don't feel bad when I order her."

"I'll just say it casually." Jiang Shengyan coughed lightly, "It's a guest who comes to our house, isn't it?"

"Isn't it bad?" Jiang's mother extended the syllable, "I remember that Xiaoyou was sent by Chairman Jing to be my daughter."


Jiang Shengyan did not continue with this conversation, only explained roughly how to make Jing You live more comfortable at home, and quickly hung up the phone, without giving her mother a chance to refute.


At the table.

Mother Jiang picked up a soup bag and put it into the spoon, brought it to her mouth and bit it, the soup was full.

She moves gracefully, not as if she is filling her stomach, but more like enjoying the feeling of filling her mouth with delicious food.

Jing You sits upright, takes small sips of porridge, and peeks at Mama Jiang from time to time.

For the first time, she had breakfast with Mama Jiang alone, and she felt uncomfortable as if she was wearing a burr.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang's mother turned her eyes from the food to Jing You's face and said, "I talked to Yanyan on the phone earlier."

Jing You's eyes lit up.


Jing You hurriedly waved his hand, "No, auntie don't need to be polite to me."

Mama Jiang's eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, and she was smiling.

"I just said, Xiaoyou looks like a well-behaved and sensible child, not like he can't do anything with words."

"Well, um, I'll do whatever my aunt asks me to do." Jing You nodded a few times, like a silly girl from a landlord's family.

"Since Xiaoyou said so, auntie will live up to your heart."

Mother Jiang lowered her eyes to drink porridge, and there was a long-lost and tricking light in her eyes.