MTL - Don’t You Like Me-Chapter 23

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At this time, the door behind Lin Feiran was ringing. Gu’s voice came from behind the door: “Kaifeng, flying, we went to the company. You finished your homework in the morning, did you hear it?”

Gu Kaifeng braked a bit and gnashed his teeth and said: "Know, Mom."

Lin Feiran pushed Gu Kaifeng and opened the bedroom door. He smiled and said: "Auntie goodbye."

Gu mother nodded and smiled and turned away.

Lin Feiran’s heart beats very well. He has a little chaos in his head and his face is a bit hot. He feels that Gu Kaifeng’s action was interrupted just now, but he didn’t dare to think about it, so he leaned over and kept squatting. Summer and summer at my feet, I teased twice, and lowered my head and asked Gu Kaifeng: "Where is the traction rope, I am holding it, and I have lost it."

Gu Kaifeng had to go to the traction rope and found it for the summer and summer.

Lin Feiran changed his clothes, checked the phone and money, and wrapped the leash around his wrist for two laps. He then picked up a summer and a summer kiss and said: "Today, you are mixed with you."

Xia Xia screamed happily.

"See you in the afternoon." Lin Feiran waved his hand at Kay, and his face was heavy. "You can write homework at home. If you can't do it, you can refer to me... but I don't want to read my language workbook."

Appreciation of the ancient poems Lin Feiran answered himself!

Gu Kaifeng leaned against the wall of the entrance, holding his arms and smiling softly: "Know it, see you in the afternoon."

Lin Feiran took Xia Xia out of the villa area and called a car at the intersection. About two hours later, he returned to his hometown.

The look here is no different from when he came back last time. The green mountains and green waters stretched in the distance. The birds on the peach trees at the door flapped their wings and settled on the corrugations of the roof. The smell of the ash in the air was hidden. The wind that was blown from the shore of the lake was blown away, and Lin Feiran pushed open the familiar courtyard door, and the bells of the rhythm were heard from the door.

"Rhubark?" Lin Feiran's eyes wide open. He thought that the rhubarb would definitely be taken away by other relatives. I didn't expect to see it again this time. Seeing the person is Lin Feiran, the rhubarb swayed and ran over, spit his tongue, and he sighed and gasped, and arched Lin Feiran's thigh with his head. The summer and summer were scared by the dog who was several times his size. The claws will climb up on the shoulders of Lin Feiran. Lin Feiran comforted Xia Xia with one hand and licked the head of the rhubarb in one hand. He looked around in the yard and found that there was a fresh steamed bun and a piece of meat bone that had not been finished in the food bowl of the rhubarb. He pushed open the door of the ancestral home, took a deep breath of the cool air in the room, and walked in.

Grandpa must still stay here, Lin Feiran thought.

Into the ancestral home, Lin Feiran closed the door and blocked the rhubarb outside, and then went to the second floor with the undecided summer and summer, and went into the room where Grandpa went. When he entered the house, Lin Feiran put the summer and summer on the ground, smashed one of the leashes on the bedpost, and stood up for some of the beds that he could not touch himself in the summer and summer, and then he looked at the bed where he was lying to the grandfather. Very calm.

He is afraid of ghosts and can't do it. After so many days, every time he accidentally sees the ghosts, he is still a glimpse. But if it is a grandparent, even if it looks scary, Lin Feiran feels that he will not be afraid.

Time passed by, and about five minutes passed. The cold air suddenly flowed through Lin Feiran's body like a cold water. Lin Feiran took a deep breath and looked up. He saw two people sitting on the big bed by the window. Their slightly embarrassing figure is uncertain, as if it will melt in the white light from the window.

Lin Feiran took a breath, his eyes were red, and his dumb voice shouted: "Grandpa! Grandma!"

The two translucent old people in the light are actually no different from other ghosts. They are also pale and have no liveliness, but the two pale faces are smiling kindly. Grandpa rushed to Linlin and nodded. I got up and said, "Look at my grandparents."

The movements, expressions, and intonations are the same as when he was alive, as if this was just a very common meeting.

"Grandpa, I miss you..." Lin Feiran whimpered, got up and rushed to the front of Grandpa, reached out and touched him on his grandfather's arm, but his grandfather took a step back and said: "Don't freeze you." ”

Lin Feiran turned his head and looked at his grandmother who was standing next to his grandfather. His grandmother went early, and many of the details of getting along with his grandmother couldn’t remember it. But then I saw it again and I felt sad and sad. Cried: "Grandma."

Grandma smiled and nodded: "Hey, good boy."

Lin Feiran turned back to his face, biting his teeth and sucking his nose. These days, the fear and grievances that had been suppressed well broke out at this moment. The big tears slammed down, and Lin Feiran pouted and **** with pity. Desperately said: "Grandpa, I am afraid of death for half a month, what is going on..."

Grandpa slowly sighed: "Of course, this is not what Grandpa can control."

Lin Feiran licked his facial tissue and screamed his nose. He cried intermittently and repeatedly: "My bedroom is full of ghosts. I am scared of mental illness... oh... Fortunately, I have a classmate, I can’t see it when I touch him. ... I recently wrapped around him every day and didn't dare to leave him for twenty-four hours... I borrowed his dog today..."

Grandpa turned his head and looked at summer and summer: "Hey, this dog is really heavy enough!"

"Wang?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Feiran and talked to the air!

"Is it yang?" Lin Feiran wiped his tears. "My classmates are also yang, grandfather, what is this on my body?"

Grandpa sat back on the bed and slowly said: "If you want to ask what this is, how did it come, then Grandpa can't tell."

"..." Lin Feiran suddenly collapsed.

Grandpa continued: "This is also passed to me when my father passed away. This thing has been passed down in the Lin family for many generations, because the living people have restrictions on these things, so no one can understand, I only know this. Things will recognize the Lord by themselves. At that time, your grandfather counted me, there are three sons, two girls, I am the fourth, a brother and two sisters in front, when it is not right, but this thing falls on me. On the head, I think this has something to do with I don't contradict this. You see it the same this time. It doesn't fall on your father's head, but falls on your head."

Lin Feiran nodded his nose and said: "... um."

He didn't dare to think about what it would be like if this yin and yang eyes fell on his father's head...

Grandpa said again: "My own feeling is that this is actually a negative physique. Whoever has this physique, who is half a foot in the underworld, can only see ghosts, can hear ghosts, can touch ghosts... ...In fact, when your grandfather just passed away, I was scared than you. During that time, my mother, and my brothers and sisters, thought that I was crazy, but I have the advantage that you were too grandfather at the time. Stay with me, but even then, it took me a few months to get used to it. But you are brave and strong, you are much better than your grandfather."

Lin Feiran suddenly felt aggrieved again, and resentfully said: "Too grandfather is with you, grandpa, why don't you come with me?"

Imagine if you have your own relatives in the ghost when you are in a ghost, how much can eliminate some fear.

Grandpa sighed and raised his finger to refer to this ancestral home: "Grandpa can't get out of this square... There are three kinds of souls that don't reincarnate, depending on the size of obsession. One is small obstinacy, not much for humans. If you are nostalgic, they can all go. When they have lost their thoughts about the world, they can go to reincarnation. The second is obsessive. When they die, they still have their hearts. This kind of soul will always be in the place where they have obsessions, not far away, until someone can get rid of their obsession, they can become the first one. The third is the dead and suicide This kind of soul is the strongest grievance, and it is not far away, and this kind of soul will keep the way they die. For example, if he is suddenly killed by a car, he will always be a dead man, because he hates it. He hates how he suddenly died. He hates the person who killed him, unless one day he suddenly does not hate it. If he figured it out, he could change back to a relatively normal appearance... Grandpa said these are human The soul, the person who thinks a lot, has a deep mind, is a person who has no heart and no lungs, he It won't be a piece of white paper, but the animals will be different. You should also find out that the animals in this world have very few souls, because animal obsessions dissipate quickly, and most of them die soon. ”

Lin Feiran seems to understand the nod and nodded, whispered: "The grandfather you are the second? Grandma? Do you have any obsession?"

"I, this?" Grandpa revealed a smile that Lin Feiran was familiar with, like an old child, and slammed the sleeves of Lin Feiran's grandmother.

Lin Feiran's grandmother was half-spoken and shyly opened his grandfather's hand and complained: "In front of the grandson, the key point of Zhuang."

"..." Lin Feiran couldn't wait to eat a big dog food! Double damage in a weak state!

"Grandpa did not deliberately not go to your side." Grandpa said this, I feel as if something is wrong, and I added, "I miss you too, but obsessiveness is not a subjective willing to say, I think I have to Going to see my grandson, it’s useless. As long as the deepest obsession is still not put down, I won’t be able to walk, and your grandmother will not be able to walk because her obsession is also here. She wants to be in this room when she is dying. Always with me."

Lin Feiran’s mood has calmed down. He wiped the face of the crying flower and asked: “Grandpa, you can always see Grandma? I remember that you used to talk to yourself, is it talking to your grandmother? ?"

Grandpa smiled and nodded, confessing: "This old lady, followed by me every day, I drink two more wine and eat a roast chicken. She will lick my ear and say me, now it’s good, no! The grave Give me a bunch of big white hoes, who loves to eat?"

Grandpa has always been meatless and unhappy. Lin Feiran’s mouth is pumping and he is busy: “Then I will buy you wine to buy roast chicken. Can you eat it?”

"Not busy." Grandpa waved his hand, "I will understand your business first." He said, Grandpa got up and pointed to the bed under him. "You pick up the donkey, the bed is open, and there is something below." ”

At first glance, it is the legacy of secretly leaving the grandson, what can be said to be the grandfather power MAX!

Lin Feiran clumsily folded the scorpion on one side. There was a bed underneath that was loose. It could be opened like a cabinet door. Lin Feiran put his fingertips into the gap and dig up the board and found that it was a book. The book looks old-fashioned, the cover is bright red, with a leader's head and a slogan of great chronology. Lin Feiran picked up the book and carefully opened it. The paper inside was yellow and crisp. He simply swept a few eyes and found that there were some records like spells. What black hoof smashed evil spirits? When you are in the southeast direction...

"This is?" Lin Feiran asked.

"The content inside is passed down by your grandfather. I have smashed it myself." Grandpa looked at the book with nostalgia. "The above is something... it’s a spell, but most of it. It is used to expel the resentful resentful devil. You don't have to learn. You can't use 80% of it. Grandpa doesn't expect you to pass these things down. You can take it with you."

Lin Feiran softly sighed.

It’s the beginning of the upgrade flow that I got the grandfather’s exorcism cheats. It’s reasonable to say that the golden finger will open all the way to drive the ghosts and souls cool, but Lin Feiran is afraid of ghosts and is terrible, and hears “Spirit” Everything in the heart of the word must be awkward, and it can be considered a success if you can live normally in a state of ghosting every day.

Lin Feiran put this small palm-sized book into his pocket and asked: "Grandpa, can't I tell others about these things? I can't say anything when I want to say it, I can't write it..."

Grandpa shook his head: "No way, can't communicate, if I have a way, can I still tell your father? That stinky boy!"

Lin Feiran lowered his head in disappointment and thought about it. He said: "I actually haven’t seen it many times since that day. Because my classmate is very strong, I can see him for five minutes. The dog is also raised, so I stick to him every day, or stick to his dog. I went to live in his house yesterday. Do you have any way to make me not like this? I always trouble people every day, it’s too bad."

And Gu Kaifeng seems to be a little bit... Lin Feiran’s heart jerked, slamming his head and waving the blushing thought in his head.

"Yangqi can temporarily disable your negative constitution," Grandpa stunned his beard. "Since this child is so strong, he should have yang in the things he used, but too little you can't see. But can also temporarily hold your yin."

What did Gu Kaifeng use? Lin Feiran’s eyes lit up as if he opened the door to the new world!

If this is the case, then I would like to take one or two pieces of Gu Kaifeng's things. If the yang is sucked up and then sent back, isn't it better than twenty-four hours?

"However," Grandpa coughed and said seriously. "Grandpa doesn't recommend you to do this. The best way is that you can gradually adapt and get used to it. Otherwise, can you follow your classmates all your life..." Grandpa, Grandpa confirmed, "Is that you are a male student?"

Lin Feiran a glimpse, heard the voice of Grandpa's words, cheeks reddish: "It is a male student."

Grandpa is even more determined: "That won't be, you can't follow him forever."

"Isn't there any animal with strong yang? I have to go to the pet market for a while..." Lin Feiran was not reconciled, took his eyes and smashed his face and continued to face the summer and summer.

"Where can you still have a pet in the future? Do you bring a dog to school?" Grandpa asked.

Lin Feiran vented his anger. Just now, the luck was gone: "No."

It is indeed impossible. In the future, we will have to take the university and work. It is possible that all occasions will guarantee that we will not be ghosts.

"You are afraid that it is normal now. It is also a good thing to have such a masculine person to protect you at first." Grandpa softened his tone. "But you can't rely too much. Sooner or later, you have to face it alone."

Lin Feiran nodded in a weak position, Yu Yu said: "Know, Grandpa."

After that, Lin Feiran talked with Grandpa for a long time. He heard Grandpa say a lot of old things. Lin Feiran didn’t know that Grandpa had used his negative physique to do so many things. He listened and gradually understood why Grandpa used to. I want to let my father inherit his "clothes".

"... God makes us such a person must have his reason, you may not understand now, I think this is a cumbersome, you will understand later." Grandson and grandson talked to the end, Grandpa put a hand Virtually placed on top of Lin Feiran's head, touched by a distance of one centimeter, Shen Shen said, "But good deeds, don't ask for a future."

Lin Feiran nodded ignorantly: "Well."

Before going back, Lin Feiran took Xia Xia to the deli in the village and bought a lot of things that his grandfather loved to eat but he didn’t dare to eat because of his bad health. What kind of chicken, pig's head, duck neck... After he bought these, he went again. After playing a pound of white wine, I went to Grandpa’s tomb, and according to the method of grandfather’s worship of ghosts, I put those things on the grave, and then meditated on my grandfather’s appearance in my heart, and I went to the two pillars. worship.

"This time you can let go of eating." Lin Feiran smiled at the emptiness of the air in the summer and summer, staring at the drooling of the meat. "I will often take the time to come back and give you delicious food."

After the offering, Lin Feiran got up and took a small piece of chicken breast from another bag in his hand and tore it into a strip to feed him in summer and summer. He then returned to the ancestral home while feeding, and added a chicken meal to the rhubarb. Listening to Grandpa, the dog of Rhubarb is more spiritual. I can see the existence of grandparents in the most sullen time from 11:00 to 1 am every day, so other relatives want to bring the rhubarb back to raise the rhubarb. Unwilling, everyone can't help. In the end, I still let Rhubarb stay in the yard of the ancestral home. Lin Feiran, a distant uncle, came to give the rhubarb some food every day.

In the evening, Lin Feiran sent Xia Xia back to Gu Kaifeng's home. Gu mother drove two people back to school. The car all the way to the bedroom downstairs, Gu mother opened the trunk, pointing to the various imported snacks inside the big bag of small fruit: "I bought something for you to eat at school."

"I am embarrassed." Gu Kaifeng rolled up his sleeves, and one wanted to put all the "points" of the hills up. Lin Feiran hurriedly grabbed two bags from Gu Kaifeng and wanted another one. Gu Kaifeng has already carried the big bag and the small package and rushed upstairs. Lin Feiran thanked Gu’s mother for saying goodbye and turned to catch up.

Back to the bedroom, Gu Kaifeng turned out a large bowl of fruit, washed the fruit to the water room, Lin Feiran also glued to help, take the blueberry out of the plastic box and sift through the water under the tap, oh, throw Into the bowl. Gu Kaifeng also repeated such steps. When the two put the washed fruits in the bowl, Gu Kaifeng’s fingers always deliberately touched Lin Feiran, and he glanced at Lin Feiran. Although there is no summer and summer support, but a small group of Lin Feiran, although Gu Kaifeng's move is slightly strange, but can only let Gu Kaifeng leisure, do not dare to express doubt!

After a few sighs, Gu Kaifeng was amused by Lin Feiran’s small expression of daring and daring, and asked: “Where are you going to take summer and summer?”

Lin Feiran faintly said: "The secret can not be leaked."

"Small sample." Gu Kaifeng only thought that he was fun, and pinched the little face of Lin Feiran with a wet finger.

Lin Feiran: "..."

It is impossible to divulge it! Do you think I am selling Meng!

The two went back to the bedroom to eat the fruit for a while, and Lin Feiran climbed the upper bunk with his mobile phone.

Yes, as a good boy listening to Grandpa, Lin Feiran decided to practice adapting to the ghosts from today. He always understood that Gu Kaifeng is not a solution at all, but he was too scared before, so he did not want to face this point. Fortunately, I feel that if I see my grandfather, I can't help you to make a ghost, but...

Lin Feiran looked at the time on the phone and decided to start from the five minutes of the ghost. He unfolded the quilt before the quilt, wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, only revealed one head and two hands, then bowed. Start playing with your phone and try to distract some of your attention.

A few minutes passed, the familiar cold feeling came, Lin Feiran bit his lip and carefully looked at the camera. Now the sun has just set, the night owls in the bedroom have not yet got up, lying on the ground, sleeping on the table, the bedroom is full of breaths, snoring, and even occasionally two confusing nightmares. The sleeping faces of the ghosts are just as terrible, but they are all asleep, giving people a little less threat. Lin Feiran forced himself to watch for half a minute, it was the heart mad, and his face was pale. He took a deep breath and took a deep breath, tightly squatting in the corner, while comforting his habits in his heart, the ghosts just looked scary. Actually, they will not hurt themselves. While they are bowing their heads to the screen of the mobile phone, they plan to give themselves a five-minute training time and immediately get out of bed and take care of Kaifeng’s yang.

However, the time has not yet arrived, the lower bunk will suddenly come up with a voice, Gu Kaifeng: "Do you see the school forum?"

"No, what's wrong?" Lin Feiran tried to stabilize his voice and didn't want to be heard.

Gu Kaifeng didn't talk, but climbed directly to the upper bunk. His eyes flashed through Lin Feiran, wrapped in a quilt like a small cocoon. The mobile phone in his hand was handed to Lin Feiran and said, "Look."

The moment the Gu Kaifeng posted, the effect of the yin and yang eyes disappeared.

Lin Feiran was relieved and relieved, and fixed his eyes. Gu Kaifeng’s mobile phone was a post on their school forum. The post was named “818 High-Year Group, the CP that sprouted to blood”, and the contents were various. The rot female classmates YY on Lin Feiran and Gu Kaifeng.

"Oh..." Lin Feiran’s eyes widened uncomfortably.

Gu Kaifeng’s fingers swiftly slid upwards, and the post was pulled down. Lin Feiran saw someone put a photo of himself and Gu Kaifeng in the background during the first two days of the festival. The photo was taken by the camera, and Lin Feiran’s performance was finished. After the piano solo, Gu Kaifeng walked down from the stage and picked up his turn. In this photo, Gu Kaifeng happened to be facing the camera. A pair of black eyes gently bent, looking at Lin Feiran in his arms, and his eyes were restrained. With a soft light, the look on his face is full of love and affection. At that time, Gu Kaifeng took Lin Feiran to the circle for a short time, and at that time, Lin Feiran’s mind was not on Gu Kaifeng, so he did not notice the other’s expression, but now... Lin Feiran’s eyes are on the photo. Kay's eyes, a pale face before a moment of red.

Lin Feiran squinted, his eyes were erratic, his voice was faint, and he laughed and said nothing: "What do we do with this post, how do we still become CP..."

"After you just turned around, someone posted a post in a few days." Gu Kaifeng's mouth tilted slightly, with a smile, "I said that I attacked you."

"I am not immune to it." Lin Feiran's nervousness was completely written on his face. "I am straight and straight..."

Gu Kaifeng screamed: "You are straight."

Lin Feiran stunned and blushes to protest: "Are you so simple and rude to deny that other people's sexual orientation is really good?"

"Don't play, I am going crazy." Gu Kaifeng's voice is very low. His eyes swept over Lin Feiran's blushing face. He opened the topic and asked, "Where are you wrapped up? What is it?"

What am I playing? What is going crazy? Lin Feiran vaguely felt that it was not good. He was busy catching up with the new topic and nodded. "Cold, the temperature difference between day and night is quite big... What are you doing?"

"Help you warm." Gu Kaifeng peeled off the quilt wrapped in Lin Feiran, and blocked Lin Feiran's thin body in the corner of the wall. He couldn't help but press it up. He used his fingertips to dial the earlobe that was flushed with red, and smiled softly. ?"

Lin Feiran was crushed by the six gods, and his black eyes were rounded. Although there was a foreboding temptation, he still tried in vain to maintain the atmosphere of conversation between ordinary friends. He stuttered: "It's quite warm, That is, I am a little breathless..."

"Lin Feiran." Gu Kaifeng's deep eyes focused on Lin Feiran, and gently pressed his chin to ask, "I will call you later?"

Lin Feiran swallowed stiffly, blushing and even the monkey buttocks could not stand it: "I, my family talents call me."

"Boy is also half a family member." Gu Kaifeng snorted, and Lin Yanran's grim and flustered eyes looked at him again, and asked the words that had been suppressed in the bottom of my heart. Come out, "Ask you something... Do you like me?"

Lin Feiran was almost shocked by this sentence: "What?"

Gu Kaifeng ignored Lin Feiran's doubts, smiled softly and said seriously: "I like you, let's be together."

His voice is soft and magnetic, and the words are clearly in the ear, and Lin Feiran is blown up like a small bomb.

"Wait..." The original guess that the most unreliable guess came true. Lin Feiran was shocked and wanted to refuse. Gu Kaifeng held his face in both hands and kissed him with a sigh of relief. Lin Fei then did not finish the word, the two lips are still slightly open, just for the convenience of Gu Kaifeng, the smooth and gentle tongue tip awkwardly into the mouth of Lin Feiran, when you touch Lin Feiran's tongue, it will grow and lick He slammed out, but the cockroaches only ran for a second and were smashed by the more intense and hot emotions. The taste of entanglement with the lips of a person who likes it is so wonderful. Gu Kaifeng feels like a sin. The eardrum is filled with blood, and for a few seconds he seems to be deaf. The whole world is like being closed. Into a small eggshell, leaving only himself and the young man who is struggling with his shame, but the strength of the struggle is very small, like a butterfly held in his hand, fluttering a few softly It will not move.

"Hey..." Lin Feiran's eyes widened in confusion. His shock at this moment is comparable to that of the first time, so he didn't know how to do it. He wanted to break free and his arm was firmly fixed. Clamping, I want to use the tongue to push Gu Kaifeng's tongue out, but it is self-defeating, but it seems to be catering, and finally Lin Feiran does not know whether he is catering. The body that he was pressed by Gu Kaifeng was getting hotter, his limbs were so soft that he couldn't make any effort, and the whole person was light and fluttering. The misty Zhonglin Feiran even had an illusion. He felt like Gu Kaifeng just had to let go of himself. The body will float to the ceiling like a balloon.

It seems that Lin Feiran’s eyes are very cute when he kisses. Gu Kaifeng’s eyes are bent. He reaches out and covers Lin Feiran’s eyes and deepens the kiss.

Until both of them began to pant, Gu Kaifeng reluctantly ended this perfect first kiss that can be reminiscent of a hundred years.

"Ran?" Gu Kaifeng reached out and shook in front of Lin Feiran, softly, "Wake up."

Lin Feiran's eyes were wet. He licked his lips and was slightly red and swollen. He looked dull for a few seconds before he said something that he hadn't had time to say: "I, I don't mean that to you, you... What are you doing?"

"I didn't mean that?" This time it was Gu Kaifeng's devil. "Do you say it again?"

"Gu Kaifeng you... is it gay?" Lin Feiran swallowed and asked nervously.

Gu Kai winds up.

Both of them looked at each other for a moment.

After a while, Gu Kaifeng smugly hid the aggressive expression, and raised his eyebrows, saying: "I am, are you not?"

Lin Feiran's head shook like a rattle, and the heart leaped wildly.

The air suddenly silenced for a few seconds, the scene was very awkward, and the first kiss instantly became a kiss!

Gu Kaifeng took a deep breath and bit his teeth and asked, "What do you mean by me every day?"

"I..." Lin Feiran just said a word, the big words about the yin and yang and the yang are blocked in the eyes of the blind, and a word can't come out.

Seeing that Lin Feiran did not speak, Gu Kaifeng was dull and asked, "I feel like I am fun?"

"No!" Lin Feiran hurriedly denied, "Absolutely not!"

Gu Kaifeng observes Lin Feiran's eagerness to argue against the white, and feels that it is not a fake, and he also believes that Lin Feiran is not such a person. This little thing is usually cute and playful. It is too high for him to play with emotions. Difficulty, so Gu Kaifeng's expression gradually eased back. He loved and hated Lin Feiran's chin and shook it. He asked, "Why don't you accept it when you finish it? Little conscience."

Lin Feiran guilty: "I didn't mean to yell at you, I don't know if you are gay, aren't the two straight men normal?"

He said that while he recalled the things he had done, the more he thought he was not ruling, the more he said that the sound was smaller, and in the end he was almost using the idea.

Gu Kai has a straight grind: "Two straight men are normal? Would you try again?"

Lin Feiran hardened his scalp and resisted: "Two straight men..."

Even if it is placed on a straight man, it seems that it is really not normal! Lin Feiran seems to have been splashed with a cold water from the sky.

Gu Kaifeng hated: "Dare to repeat my death."

Lin Feiran immediately shut up.

Gu Kaifeng hits the nail on the head: "Even if you feel normal, how can you and other boys not be like that?"

Lin Feiran had no explanation for this problem, so he had to hold his head and not talk.

It looks very much like a soft, sticky little sticky cake!

Gu Kaifeng saw him like this, strong pressure on his heart, the tone softened a few points: "Is it too scary to scare you?"

Lin Feiran thought about it and shook his head.

He was indeed scared, but refused Gu Kaifeng not because of this.

Gu Kaifeng also eagerly guessed: "Because you were a straight man before, although I liked me, but my heart is still awkward?"

Lin Feiran cried quickly: "I didn't like you..."

"Don't cry." Gu Kaifeng saw that Lin Feiran was crying and screaming. He couldn't wait to push people down. He used a thumb to wipe the corner of the eye, and the only remaining ones were excluded. It may be mentioned, and the patience is soft. "Is it necessary to develop slowly and let me chase you? I admit that my brother has never chased people, just to experience it."

Lin Feiran once again denied: "How is it possible?"

"Then you said, why are you yelling at me for half a month." Gu Kaifeng gnashed his teeth. "If I can't give a reasonable explanation within a minute, I will be this."

Lin Feiran thought for a while, his brain was blank, he had to squat his neck, and apologized and asked for mercy: "I'm sorry, I am really sorry, I didn't know you would think so before. It was my fault. I will You can't keep the distance..."

Gu Kaifeng looked at the poor appearance of Lin Feiran's little rabbit. He was a little bit smirked in his heart. On the surface, he looked down at the table with a cold head: "No, there are ten numbers, ten, nine, eight..."

Lin Feiran took care of Kai’s arm and carefully worded: “I was always afraid of you because I was so scared every night. I think our school seems to be haunted, really, bedroom, classroom, everywhere. of……"

Gu Kaifeng smiled coldly: "Do you fool fools?"

Lin Feiran wants to cry without tears: "..."

In fact, this is the closest thing to the truth!

"Time is up." Gu Kaifeng asked, "A reasonable explanation?"

Lin Feiran's small sticky cake, which could not be explained, was emptied in the corner and the pile could not be piled up.

Gu Kaifeng said: "That counts you..."

Lin Feiran is dying and struggling. Lin Xiao, a arrogant and narcissistic young man, has been crying from the underworld: "I remembered, in fact, my mind is not normal."

Gu Kaifeng ignored this general explanation of mental retardation and continued to say one word at a time: "The mouth is the heart and the heart is wrong."

Lin Feiran was silent for a moment, and when he gritted his teeth, he went out and said: "I admit! Actually, I just play with you, you yell me out!"

"Oh?" Gu Kaifeng stared at Lin Feiran intently.

The red tide that Lin Feiran was kissed by Gu Kaifeng on his cheeks has not subsided. The eyelashes are wet and the face that can't be hidden is full of generosity and expression. The chest is excited and drums, and the mouth is grievously stretched. Clearly, he was swearing. He raised his eyes and contacted Gu Kaifeng for a moment. He felt like he was going to beat his teeth and closed his eyes. He also turned his half face toward the side of Gu Kaifeng. Receive a fist.

Gu Kaifeng had such doubts before, but when he saw Lin Feiran's appearance, his doubts in this regard disappeared.

"I do not want to beat you." Gu Kai wind hearts do not believe, but down saying, "I just want to do your meal to blow off steam."

Lin Feiran was shocked and his eyes jerked open.

Gu Kaifeng's lips are picking up, revealing a sullen smile: "Lin Feiran, I have been smashed into a dog by you. You touched your conscience and asked, are you normal to me? So anyway, you have to Responsible to me, is it not a man after running?"

I never thought that one day I would actually need to be responsible for a man who is ten centimeters taller than myself: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion