MTL - Don’t You Like Me-Chapter 45

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After a few seconds, the old principal’s expression gradually eased and changed back to the usual solemn and majestic look. The anger and hatred before a moment never existed on his face. He took only half of the first one. Turning around, calmly carrying his hand into the school gate, it looks like he is going to patrol.

He was just repeating his death scene! ? Lin Feiran’s brain is fast, and he wants to understand it. He is the first time to open the yin and yang eyes at the school gate during this time. That is to say, if the old principal will die at the school gate every day at this time, Lin Feiran will not find.

Will this old gentleman actually repeat his death scene every day? Lin Feiran frowned, his brain running fast, recalling the scene he had just seen. The foreign language that the old principal said before he was killed, Lin Feiran did not learn and could not understand, but he could hear that it was the language of the X country. However, the X country launched a war of aggression against the Z countries many years ago. It seems that the old principal was probably sacrificed to protect students during the war. Thinking of this, Lin Feiran's heart beats fiercely, and his eyes are followed by a fever.

All along, the old principal is the most feared ghost of Lin Feiran. The old gentleman is not only horrible, but also committed to rectifying student discipline. Lin Feiran was in a daze before class, playing mobile phones and being arrested several times by him. Half-headed ghost roar reprimands and even gets rid of corporal punishment is really not a happy thing, but now...

Lin Feiran ran a few steps to catch up with the old principal. He looked down at the ground, covering his mouth like a cough, and screamed softly: "Principal?"

The old principal took a step and turned to look at Lin Feiran.

Lin Feiran took the courage and forced himself to look up at the old gentleman who deserved respect. His voice shook slightly: "I have any wish, I want to do something for you..."

However, the old principal twisted his eyebrows and interrupted Lin Feiran’s words: "How is it again? What are you doing stupidly, don't you go to school?"

Lin Feiran, who has been included in the blacklist of the poor by the old principal, stunned, thinking that the old principal did not hear it and repeated his words.

But the old principal is just as self-talking as he can't understand at all: "Is the student's homework finished? Do you run out? You are not only fun, but also **** male... that... improper Relationship! Too dislike!"

The old gentleman who is decent in style does not seem to be too embarrassed to say the word male-male relationship!

Lin Feiran blushes out of time: "..."

"You can rest assured that I will study hard in the future." In order to appease the old principal, Lin Feiran quickly expressed his determination and asked perseverance. "But can you tell me what your wishes are not completed?"

But the old principal is still a listener who doesn't understand. He twisted his brow and continued to reprimand Lin Feiran. Lin Feiran stood on the spot and trained, and gradually realized that he could not communicate with the old principal.

Now it is the peak time of school and work. The traffic jam at the entrance of the school is very bad. I don’t know which impatient driver is holding the car horn and not letting go. The sharp car horn continues to come from the direction of the school gate. The old principal was half-trained and heard the harsh horn. The expression on the half of the face was sharp. He left Lin Feiran and turned to the direction of the teaching building. He ran and waved his arm and shouted: "Air strike alarm! Air raid Alarm! Students are fast-forward into the bomb shelter!"

At the same time as the old principal ran towards the teaching building, Gu Kaifeng’s figure also appeared from a distance. He ran like a gust of wind. The brilliance of the sunset and the lightness of his facial features made him particularly beautiful. He was so youthful and energetic. So exciting, every step he took seemed to be on the heart of Lin Feiran. He couldn’t see the old principal who was screaming. When he passed the old principal, the old principal was eager to rush him. Ramp: "Fast forward air raid!"

Gu Kaifeng ran over, and a few slow-moving students also crossed the old principal. No one listened to his words into the bomb shelter. They may not know where the school’s air-raid shelter is. All the people are at school. Outside, the only old principal who was bound by the resentment of the dying, the sorrowful chaos, and the old time went to the school, worried that perhaps the students who were disobedient in the building did not run out.

Yes, I don’t know when it started, the students are not obedient.

Didn’t listen to him...


Lin Feiran fixedly looked at the futile and old back, and the body could not move as if it were nailed in the same place. Just slammed and began to shed tears. Although I knew that it was already many years ago, Lin Feiran still Can't control your emotions.

If he didn't have a yin and yang, maybe he wouldn't notice the old gentleman until he graduated from high school. The old man's portrait is hanging in the hallway, but who will go to see him?

So, when Gu Kaifeng ran back from his mobile phone, he saw such a scene.

I don’t know what kind of gas I have suffered in just a few minutes, standing at the school gate and crying, the red eyes and the wet eyelashes make the eyes look more beautiful, tears in The chin is gathered into a small tip, and the answer is on the ground.

"Fuck! Who is bullying you!?" Gu Kaifeng breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart seemed to be caught by a person. He couldn’t care if he was afraid of watching it. He rushed up and took Lin Feiran with a full body. Look around the eyes and search for possible "enemies".

But there are only a few strange students around them, and a couple of students who are on the gaze of Gu Kai’s temperament havetily overseen.

"No one has bullied me." Lin Feiran hurriedly wiped his face with his sleeves, rubbed his eyes and made a deep breath, forcibly explained, "That is... suddenly the mood is not very good."

"Impossible, wasn't it good when I went out with me?" Gu Kaifeng didn't believe in half a word. He released Lin Feiran and hurriedly took a few steps like a little wolf dog searching for prey. See you. There were no suspicious people around, and they turned back and hugged Lin Feiran. They were not willing to ask. "Baby, are you afraid of fighting? I promise not to play in person? You tell me what happened."

Lin Feiran was silent for a moment and said: "It is the eyes into the sand..."

Gu Kaifeng violently interrupted: "Go into a fart."

Lin Feiran: "..."

Lin Feiran was very embarrassed. The old principal’s business could not be said. He had to blame himself in his heart for not calming his emotions and searching for an excuse: "It’s that you took the phone for so long, I was impatient."

Gu Kaifeng frowned: "Impossible."

However, Lin Feiran’s reason for not killing is not loose. He now knows that his expression of lying can be seen by Gu Kaifeng, so he looks down at his toes with a guilty conscience: “It’s because of this, I’m standing here for ten minutes, feet. They are standing sour."

"My mobile phone is actually in the classroom. I went back to the bedroom to find a circle and didn't find it. I went to the classroom to find it." Gu Kaifeng first explained why he was so slow, and then softened his tone and asked, "It is because This angry?"

Asked, Gu Kaifeng looked down and tried to observe Lin Feiran's expression, and his experience was very rich.

Lin Feiran immediately lowered his head and refused to let him see: "I really... don't look, I am embarrassed."

Gu Kaifeng straightened up and listened to Lin Feiran’s hand. No one was flying to the lips and kissed him. He said softly: “I’m wrong, I won’t lose it in the future.”

Seeing that Gu Kaifeng is really honestly admits, Lin Feiran is busy: "No, I am angry and not right."

Gu Kaifeng smiled lowly: "I still like you to spoil the little look, very cute."

In fact, the tough guy who never spoiled is flying: "..."

"It’s a small sticky cake. I cried when I didn’t stick to it for ten minutes.” Poor Gu Xuecao was immersed in daydreams and couldn’t be embarrassed by his own fantasy.

In fact, the hard-lined man who is not sticky at all: "..."

"The car is coming, go." Gu Kaifeng shook his mobile phone, took Lin Feiran's wrist and took him away. He asked with a bad heart, "I stick to my husband again, are you happy?"

Lin Xiaogu cake bears a heavy burden: "... happy."

Although the heart is heavy, but in order to no longer be seen by Gu Kaifeng, Lin Feiran went to eat hot pot to watch movies with Gu Kaifeng according to the original plan.

This is the first time they watched a movie together, taking advantage of the cinema black. Gu Kaifeng firmly held Lin Feiran's hand all the way. Seeing Lin Feiran squatting by himself, he had to move the two popcorn buckets to himself. Here, one by one, I feed the forest and eat it. Every time my fingertips touched Lin Feiran's jelly-like soft and smooth lips, Gu Kaifeng had to fluctuate. After watching a movie, Gu Kaifeng barely understood what the movie was doing, and he was undulating.

Going back to the taxi, Gu Kaifeng asked Lin Feiran: "Is this movie good-looking?"

Lin Feiran hesitated for a moment, not sure: "It's quite good, what do you think?"

Gu Kaifeng said straight: "I didn't think about the movie. How did they find the ship later?"

Lin Feiran hesitated and asked: "Which spaceship?"

Gu Kai Feng Le: "You haven't seen it!"

A good movie can be said to be white!

Lin Feiran helped the forehead: "Don't say it."

Gu Kaifeng hit his shoulder and hit him. He was afraid that the driver would hear it. He posted it and he bit his ear: "Is it always thinking about me?"

Lin Feiran replied honestly: "Half."

Gu Kaifeng is dissatisfied: "The other half?"

I want to think of the old principal... Lin Feiran thought, faintly said: "Mr. "Former Chibi Fu"."

The excuse for finding something small is really cute. Gu Kaifeng’s heart is sweet and he said: “That is to miss me.”

Lin Feiran: "..."

You are happy.

Read The Duke's Passion