MTL - Don’t You Like Me-Chapter 78

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Ji Xuan’s Huanren is extremely dark, black as if it was paint-painted. However, the tears that flow from his eyes seem to open the black, the more tears he has, the more his eyes The clearer the memory, the memory awakened by the nostalgic melodies, washed away the **** soul of Ji Xuan, who was resentful and imprisoned.

He smashed out from the endless pains of blasphemy, and buried in the chaos of the past and the past, spanning the torrent of time rolling for decades, and rushing toward him.

"Jingyun... Jingyun?" Ji Xuan woke up like a dream, and swayed toward Lin Feiran.

The wife and the madman Gu Kaifeng immediately sideways, blocking in the middle of Ji Xuan and Lin Feiran.

"I am not," Lin Feiran used a little bit of his hands to hold Gu Kaifeng's waist, and then his face was explored from Gu Kaifeng, let Ji Xuan see his appearance.

Sure enough, when the eyes fell on Lin Feiran's face, Ji Xuan revealed a deep disappointment.

Lin Feiran said with a busy message: "Can you understand me now? We will take you to see He Jingyun?"

Ji Xuan first stiffly said that he could understand. When he heard the last sentence, he showed a smile that was quite horrible no matter how he looked. He said: "Take me there... Where is Jingyun? You are Who?"

Obsession seems to have disappeared, but it is obviously not enough. Ji Xuan just recovered his mind, but the injury on his neck and the obvious death on his face did not change much.

"We have yin and yang eyes, I have seen He Jingyun by chance, he is also looking for you," Lin Feiran explained briefly. "He can't move on a piano. The place is not too far from here, but... you can get out of here. House?"

Ji Xuan confused and asked: "Take me to go... Why can't I walk out of this house?"

He has not tried to walk out of the house after he has recovered his mind, and naturally he does not know that the spirit of the bounds will be obsessed with such things.

"Then come with me, let's go out first." Lin Feiran said.

He thinks that Ji Xuan can get away. According to the clues that are currently known, Lin Feiran guesses that the death of other ghosts in the public hall is likely to be related to Ji Xuan. The lovers are humiliated and die, and they are forced to marry by their families. The grief and despair of the emotions should be known without thinking. However, when Ji Xuan committed suicide, he should not know that people will become ghosts after death. Naturally, he does not know that He Jingyun’s ghosts will always linger in the world. Then Ji Xuan’s most profound obsession at that time was probably not missing, but hate... ... In these decades, Zhong Xuan should be obsessed with hatred in the Ji’s Mansion, and when he puts down hatred, the rest of his obstinacy should be He Jingyun.

Lin Feiran got up and walked in front, Gu Kaifeng followed closely, and Ji Xuan followed the last one. After hearing that he was going to find He Jingyun, all his mind seemed to be filled with this matter, and he did not ask a nonsense. Lin Feiran was in a hurry and stepped quickly. Ji Xuan hurriedly followed, raising his hand from time to time to help his head.

After all, the neck doesn't seem to be very secure...

Two people and one ghost went from the basement to the first floor, probably because of jealousy Ji Xuan, and there was no ghost in addition to Ji Xuan in the whole ground. On the first floor of the maid's room, there was a family ghost. When I saw Ji Xuan, I saw a ghost like a living being, and I screamed and crawled to the corner. I couldn’t help but ask for mercy: "The young master, I am wrong! Wrong! Don't hurt me, the young master!" The Ding smashed a few heads, and straightened up and smacked his own slap in the face, pumping a pale red five-fingerprint on the pale face, fearingly Cried, "I am not a person! I am not a person!"

- This ghost killed by the ghosts is obviously also shackled by fear and dying resentment in the memory of the past, thinking that he is a living person.

"I want you to pay for Jingyun..." Ji Xuan's eyes were red, and his eyes gradually cleared away. He walked straight toward the house, and squeezed the neck of the house with one hand, and lifted him up like a chicken. Immediately, Ji Xuan pinched the five fingers of the neck of the house and slowly tightened it. He actually killed the family Ding ghost who was constantly struggling with kicking. The Ding ghost snorted and slipped from the hands of Ji Xuan. After a while, he died. "Live" came over and saw Ji Xuan, so he played the scene before the moment...


See Ji Jing also wants to kill the ghost again, Lin Feiran hesitated, whispered: "...he is already a ghost."

Ji Xuan stunned, Qingming look restored, slowly nodded and repeated: "It is indeed a ghost."

"They are you killing?" Gu Kaifeng asked.

"I killed it." Ji Xuan repeated again. He looked down at his own hands as if he didn't know him. He whispered to himself, "Besides my parents... they are depressed."

The only son squandered in such a fierce way on the eve of the wedding, the people in the house were killed one by one, the house was full of ghosts, and there was always a vague piano sound in the basement... It is really difficult to think about depression.

In front of this eerie scene, Lin Feiran unexpectedly remembered a section of the Internet that was very hot some time ago.

- Ghosts are actually not harmful, because those who are killed by ghosts will also become ghosts. When the two ghosts meet, it will not be very embarrassing!

However, the young master of the great class did not seem to be embarrassed at all, not only did he not swear, but also aggressively killed the dead ghost again...

Out of the Ji's Mansion, Gu Kaifeng had already called the car in front of the door.

Gu Kaifeng first opened the rear door to let Lin Feiran sit in, then opened the front door to let Ji Xuan sit in the co-pilot, and finally went to the other side, sitting with Lin Feiran.

The driver’s uncle felt that Gu Kaifeng had opened the front door and waited for a while and then turned off and then ran to the back to sit down. The move was slightly sick, and I didn’t know that I had already sat on the side of a ghost...

Really very poor!

The car is headed to the school. The school is usually closed management. The restrictions on students’ going out are very strict. However, because there are students living on campus on Sunday, in order to facilitate these students to go out and purchase essential necessities, the school gate is open all day on Sunday. . Lin Feiran and Gu Kaifeng swayed into the gate with a ghost in the gaze of the guard, and went straight to the auditorium warehouse.

Gu Kaifeng took out the key to open the door, Lin Feiran licked his nose and euphemistically asked Ji Xuan: "Do you know how He Jingyun died?"

"Know." Ji Xuan’s voice was bleak. "He was beaten by his hands and used his hands... He received a wedding invitation from my family, and died from his own death... I went to his grave to worship him..." Ji Xuan bit his teeth, his voice hoarse. "I was forbidden at the time. My father locked me in the basement and told me to look at me... I didn't expect that they would be vicious to this point..."

Sure enough, I did not guess, Lin Feiran thought, and it was a pity for them, and more or less relieved.

At least, Ji Xuan did not really live up to the person waiting in the door.

“Ready?” Gu Kaifeng asked, pulling the warehouse door open with a narrow slit, reminding him, “He doesn’t look very good now, you...”

However, Ji Xuan has already entered the door.

Ghosts don't need to open the door!

The author has something to say: More terrible than a ghost is...

There are only seven points a day...

Recently, my physical condition is still a little bad. Although the symptoms are not very serious at present, the mood is still very anxious and irritable before the results of the examination. The efficiency of the code words is greatly reduced. I will definitely have more after this passage! At least reinvigorate the double-digit glory! _(:з"∠)_

Read The Duke's Passion