MTL - Don’t You Like Me-Chapter 9

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Forty minutes of English class, Lin Feiran, who stood in the aisle next to the last row, touched Gu Kaifeng.

In order not to make himself look like a pervert, Lin Feiran is secretly sneaking. He used the technique of slap on the back of the elementary school to put a small note on the back of the classmate. The hand is very light and touched, except for the first one. Kay wind did not respond, as if not aware. Lin Feiran is proud of himself and feels that he has done a special job!

It can be said that God is not aware of it, Lin Feiran thought deeply.

After the class bell rang, the English teacher took things out of the classroom. Her forefoot just stepped out of the classroom door. Gu Kaifeng, who was sitting next to Lin Feiran, immediately stood up and held him on the wall while holding Lin Feiran's shoulder.

Lin Feiran was shocked: "..."

Do you want to fight?

Gu Kaifeng got closer, hung down his eyes and looked at Lin Feiran, who was turning around his eyes. He lowered his voice and said: "A class touched me eight times."

Lin Feiran's face is black: "..."

You are counting there in the trough! ?

Gu Kaifeng’s mouth smirked and smiled softly. “Small hand owes it, try another one?”

Although Gu Kaifeng’s tone sounds quite like **, as a boy who should be a straight man without accident, Lin Feiran automatically understands the word “撩” as “撩闲” in the context of same-sex dialogue. The phrase "try again XX try" is understood as a provocation. Think about it, I have a good class on the ground. Another boy suddenly ran over and stood next to me. After a while, I touched a fancy and leisurely moment. Then I must be angry, so Lin Feiran hurriedly waved his hand. Road: "I am not jealous."

Now Lin Feiran has no courage to tear the face with Gu Kaifeng! Just want to hug your thighs and don't let go!

Gu Kaifeng was slightly disappointed: "Is it really bad?"

Lin Feiran nodded his head: "No."

After a pause, Lin Feiran added a frowning face: "This class will not be the first class, the next class is not necessarily..."

Gu Kaifeng was amused: "You..."

Lin Feiran stunned his hands and relaxed, hurriedly rushed back to his seat and sat down with his head. The head didn't dare to go back and his ears were red.

I don't want to be so shameless, but the ghost is terrible!

Lin Feiran’s passing this day is not easy.

He has been standing in the last row of aisles throughout the morning, insisting on squatting, but Lin Feiran’s legs are sour in the morning, and the key is that Gu Kaifeng has suddenly turned to sex, and he will play with Lin Feiran in a fancy manner. So in the afternoon, Lin Feiran simply squatted back to his seat, and his eyes were either staring at the blackboard on the blackboard, or keeping a close eye on the textbooks and notes on the desktop, or simply closing his eyes and keeping his eyes clear. .

The reason why he dared to sit back with his scalp was because the second class in the morning began to leave the classroom, and went to other classrooms to patrol, and never returned. When the half-headed old gentleman left, the degree of horror in the classroom immediately became acceptable. Except for a ghost who kept bleeding on the slide projector, a squat in the small window of the back door of the classroom looked straight inside. The grimace, a few slackers who are squatting in the aisle, and a ghost of learning and arrogance, there is nothing in the classroom...

The horror of these ghosts is worse than that of the half-headed old gentleman, and at least they will not force Lin Feiran to blink.

It is worth mentioning that he is a slinger. He looks like he is hanging up. His tongue is long and his head is violent, his eyes are bulging, his eyes are white, his face is pig liver, and his bulging is like blasting. Contrary to the old gentleman who likes to wander around the classmates, Xueba Ghost specializes in harassing the school slag. Lin Feiran’s table is called Zhang Wei, the last time he took the exam, the first class of school scum, On the back of Zhang Wei, he took a whole class. Every time he spoke, he carefully put a piece of tongue hanging down on Zhang’s head back into his mouth, and then started the mocking mode.

"Are you mentally retarded?" Xueba ghost patted Zhang's head. "Isn't such a simple question? Substitute the formula of Example 3, pig!"

In fact, Zhang Wei, who could not see or hear, seemed to be inductive. He raised his hand and scratched his head, staring at the homework, and looked a little annoyed.

Lin Feiran, who dared not look to the side with a white face: "..."

Xueba ghosts rhythmically tap on Zhang Wei’s head: “The odds are unchanged, the symbols look at the quadrants and idiots.”

Xueba ghosts hate iron and not steel: "Use my dad to yell at me, you are, white to support you for so many years, even a scholarship can not get, dead forget!"

Xueba ghost vividly imitated his father: "How did I give birth to such a useless thing?"

"..." Lin Feiran suddenly understood why he was hanging.

After a day, Lin Feiran deeply felt that it was not a problem to go on. If he was in class, he would always be in this state. Beyond Zhang Wei, he would get the penultimate number in the whole class. Every day, he was ridiculed by the tyrants. Things.

If you can have the same table with Gu Kaifeng, you can’t see it as a net, and Gu Kaifeng’s yang is so strong, except for those few crazy girls, other ghosts will not be idle and have nothing to touch him... In the bedroom, Lin Feiran Sitting at the desk, I turned to the pen and thought about things, and my face was empty. A pair of big eyes stared at the pen in my hand. The long dark eyelashes were hanging down. The workbook in front of me didn’t move for a long time. It looked like a full belly. The look of the mind.

The study table in the bedroom is a small table that is put together. One left and one right are placed opposite the bed, Lin Feiran is on the left and Gu Kaifeng is on the right.

Gu Kaifeng supported his head with one hand and stared at Lin Feiran for a while, then coughed.

Lin Feiran, who thought about getting into the world, didn't notice it. He only sighed with a sorrowful chin, thinking about his own things, and his face was full of sorrowful expressions.

In fact, if you think about it, it’s not necessarily 100% bad to be a ghost. At least you should be able to see Grandpa. Do you know that Grandpa will be in the ancestral home, or will it be in the graveyard? Grandma? Will you be with Grandpa? Speaking of grandmother when Grandma died, it seems that he is not particularly sad? Lin Feiran recalled that his grandfather had a somewhat abnormal performance. He remembered that after Grandma’s death, Grandpa always talked to himself... At that time, Lin Feiran was still small, only listening to others saying that Grandpa said to himself because he missed his grandmother too, but now Think about it, maybe Grandpa can always see Grandma's soul. The old couple may have been reunited in the ancestral home now? Lin Feiran thought.

What do you think of this little thing, bitter face? Gu Kaifeng laughed and touched Lin Feiran's shoes with a pointed tip and screamed softly: "Hey."

Lin Feiran thought of getting into the gods, didn't pay attention to this little trick on his feet, but when he thought that he might see his grandparents again, Lin Feiran's mood suddenly flew up. He smiled at his lips and smiled. The haze in the eyes was swept away and replaced with a sparkling smile.

Gu Kaifeng's eyes bent slightly, and he touched Lin Feiran's shoes with his toe.

Lin Feiran turned his head and looked at the past: "What happened?"

Gu Kai is happy: "What do you say?"

Lin Feiran looked awkward: "...What do I say?"

Gu Kaifeng smiled and said: "Install, continue to install."

Lin Feiran: "..."

What the hell? are you crazy?

Lin Furan, who was in a fog, took a deep breath, pressed his temper, and did not dare to pose with his own humanoid amulet!

Today, he also thought about how he would show his fear when he was in a ghost. He used his own reaction to pass on the ghost to Gu Kaifeng, but he felt like Gu Kaifeng and himself. I am afraid there is no such tacit understanding. As for Lin Feiran’s parents, those two are determined materialists. When they feel that their son is crazy, they can turn Lin Feiran to a mental hospital. The electricity can be miserable, and if things are really serious, I can't explain it... So Lin Feiran gave up this choice for a while after careful consideration.

Lin Feiran feels that in the current situation, it is best to look back at the ancestral home in the country. If the grandfather's soul is still there, maybe Grandpa can teach himself how to get along with the Yin and Yang eyes.

The problem is just how to return to Lin Feiran's current state. Just like this, he is afraid. Who knows how many ghosts will be seen on this road, but there is no excuse for dragging Gu Kaifeng back.

Lin Feiran held his chin, turned his face over an angle, peeked at Gu Kaifeng, and quickly turned back.

Just ask him to go back to my hometown with him. He certainly can't promise, and I am not familiar with it...

Lin Feiran just turned back, Gu Kaifeng also sneaked a sneak peek at him, watching Lin Feiran's sullen face and a small appearance, Gu Kaifeng's lips can not help but raise Yang.

Soon, it was time to turn off the lights.

When the light went out, Lin Feiran’s nerves immediately tightened. He squirmed the reading light, and then followed Gu Kaifeng’s washing like a small sticky cake. Lin Feiran washed very fast this evening. When Gu Kaifeng just finished washing his face, Lin Feiran had already done it all. After washing, Lin Feiran incomparably naturally touched Gu Kaifeng's back and said: "I washed it and went back first." After that, without waiting for Gu Kaifeng to speak, Lin Feiran rushed back to the bedroom.

In order to swear by the sovereignty, Lin Feiran changed his pajamas after returning to sleep, took Gu Kaifeng's reading lamp on the study desk, and took his reading lamp over Gu Kaifeng's bed. After doing this, Lin Feiran took off his pillow on the upper bunk and forced two pillows on Gu Kaifeng's single bed. Then he did not hesitate to climb Gu Kaifeng's bed and drilled into Gu Kaifeng's bed. I opened the book and looked at it.

This is because Lin Feiran himself feels that a 17-year-old boy is afraid to sleep for two days because he has had a nightmare, but he does not find any other reasonable reason to let himself rely on him every day. Gu Kaifeng bed...

Therefore, I have to create an atmosphere that is super normal and super-smooth!

Let Gu Kaifeng simply embarrassed to marry himself!

After a while, Gu Kaifeng pushed the door in.

Lin Feiran hurriedly lifted up from the bed of Gu Kaifeng, posing like a male master of the lower berth. He patted the pillow with one hand and withstood the pressure of guilty conscience and the gaze of Gu Kaifeng. The land greeted: "Come up and go to sleep, it's quite late."

"..." Gu Kaifeng took a deep breath.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy