MTL - Doom Lord-Chapter 2 Occupation station

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The downhill slopes are relatively flat, the road just passes under the hillside, and on the other side of the road is a small river.

Cheng Yang remembers very clearly that there is a town in the lower than one kilometer downstream of this small river. The name is Huimin Town. The town is almost 10,000 people, and it is also a big town in the city.

After the driver left, Cheng Yang estimated the position and climbed down the slope.

There is no one living on the **** of the phoenix. There is no other passage except for a small path leading to the top of the mountain.

Combined with the memory of the previous world, Cheng Yang directly reached the top of the mountain. This is a flat land with a radius of one or two hundred meters. Cheng Yang began to look here one inch and one inch. According to his estimation, the altar of this territory should be on the top of the mountain.

Ten minutes later, Cheng Yang's eyes lit up. He found a relatively regular stone ten meters away from the front, the color is exactly the same as the territory altar seen in the previous news picture. The exposed part is also rounded, almost one foot tall.

Cheng Yang hurried to the stone and gently stroked the surface. The touch from his hand made him affirm that this is what he was looking for.

Territory altar!

The excitement of Cheng Yang’s heart cannot be expressed in words. If the altar is really successful, waiting for him will be a completely different fate.

After a long time, Cheng Yang was able to calm down his mind, recalling the process of the altar occupation in his mind, and then gently put the right hand palm on the surface of the altar.

"In the name of my Cheng Yang! Occupy the altar!" Cheng Yang concentrated on the spirit of such a sentence.

A faint white light shot from the stone and instantly fell into the body of Cheng Yang. He developed a feeling of connection with the blood of the stone from the bottom of his heart.

Great changes have taken place around the stone, and four faint rays appear on the surrounding ground, about 30 meters from the altar, in four different directions. After the four light curtains were solidified, there were four statues standing in front of Cheng Yang.

Of course, this can only be regarded as a broken statue, all of which only reveal the head. However, according to the proportion, the height of the four statues should be no less than three meters.

"I have succeeded!" Cheng Yang murmured.

Looking at this familiar statue, Cheng Yang has a dreamlike feeling.

He clearly knows that when the last days came, there were four statues in the city center of the city, and they were taller than the four statues in front of them.

The four figures have different shapes, one tall and mighty, armed with a shield sword, and the body is focused on a pair of eyes, and the eyes of the world gaze at the ground; one is thinner, one hand bows, one hand with arrows, and the eyes are sharp; one is thin, hand-held A wooden stick, at the front end of the stick has a gemstone with a strange glow; the last one looks ordinary, but a huge giant tiger stands in front of it, but it can add endless power to it.

Cheng Yang didn't have too much sigh. He went directly to the statue with a magical hat, and then put his right hand on the statue. A familiar idea passed to Cheng Yang’s ear: "Do you want to change to a magician?"

"OK." Cheng Yang did not hesitate to give instructions.

At this moment, a colorful light curtain suddenly appeared around Cheng Yang, and he wrapped it tightly.

After the interest rate, the light dissipated, and Cheng Yang’s hand showed a wooden stick like a fire stick. There was no change in the other.

When the next Cheng Yang thought, a transparent panel appeared in front of his own eyes. Cheng Yang, who lives alive, knows that this panel is a personal property panel that others can't see.

Name: Cheng Yang (owner of Luofeng Village resident, automatically became the lord of Luofeng Village after an hour.)

Occupation: Magician, etc.: First-class magic apprentice (0%)

Age: 19 Life: 110

Life intensity: 20 magic energy: 30

Physical Attack: 1 Magic Attack: 5

Physical Defense: 1 Magic Defense: 1

Attack speed: 1 moving speed: 1.1

Talent: 1, each upgrade a small order, increase the magic attack power by 3%.

2, for each upgrade of a small order, increase the cultivating effect of the possession of the territory of the possession of 3%.

Skills: Meditation 1 (the basic skills of the magician, gradually improve the strength through meditation. The skill level increases with the promotion of the ranks.)

Magic missile level 1 (condenses the magic of the body, attacks the long-range target, causing 100% magic damage, attack distance 30 meters, no special effect. Casting consumes magic energy 5 points. Proficiency 0%.)

Equipment: Wooden Staff: A symbol of the identity of a magician, with no attribute bonus.

A very simple attribute, Cheng Yang can turn the back of the data even if he has his eyes closed. In addition to the differences in talent, the other parts are the most basic and unique attribute template for any person who is transferred to a magician. No one can have special characteristics. If you want to have more abundant and powerful data, you can only rely on the day after tomorrow.

What shocked Cheng Yang is that this talent with differences has changed with the previous world.

His memory is definitely not wrong. The talent of his last magic attack power has only reached 1%, but how can this world increase by three times? Cheng Yang thought for a long time and couldn't understand it. In the end, it only came down to his own rebirth that changed the talent.

S-level talent, this is undoubtedly a huge advantage.

In addition, Cheng Yang’s expectation is the sentence behind his name. Is he still not the lord of Luofeng Village?

In the memory of the last world, this resident of Luofeng Village was discovered two months after the disaster. However, at that time, the monsters of Luofeng Village were entrenched, and there was a first-class elite monster in the late stage. Since people didn't know the role of the altar at the time, they didn't provoke this monster. After a month, when humans knew the role of the altar, the monster had reached the peak of the first-order peak.

In order to recapture the altar of this territory, mankind took nearly twenty days and paid a huge price to succeed.

These things were later heard by Cheng Yang. When he came to Luofeng Village, it was already in the hands of human beings. Therefore, he did not know that there would be an hour of test time to become the official lord of Luofeng Village.

In fact, in the vicinity of the city, not only the resident of Luofeng Village, Cheng Yang chose to stay here, because it is the only altar of the lord who knows the clues. The second is because he knows that there will be A very precious thing appeared, which is also an important step in his plan.

In the last life, Shen Yun changed his place to the center of the city, where there are also four huge statues, even larger than the statues of such places as Luofengpo. The current Luofengpo can only be regarded as a small village, and the city is equivalent to the main city. However, such a main city like Yucheng cannot be occupied by human beings and belongs to the rule of heaven and earth.

Some people think that there are more cattle in the main city than in such small villages, but in fact it is not the case.

In the following rules of the world, the role of the main city is only to provide the most basic survival guarantee for human beings, including transfer and promotion. However, the transfer and promotion of the main city will only have the most basic attributes, while the field resident has its own attribute bonus, and this bonus will be directly reflected in the strength.

In addition, the resident statues in the field have many upgradeable indicators, and these indicators can be improved with the increase of the resident level. These advantages are not what the main city can have, which is why Cheng Yang decided to come to occupy the station in the first place.

Of course, there is another point. The owner of the resident, that is, the lord also has an additional advantage, that is, for each level of the resident level, the occupation level of the territory can directly raise a small order. This may not be a big advantage in the early days, but in the later period, it is an unparalleled gap.

However, the main city is not completely useless. For example, the main city has a safe area, there will be no monsters there; there is no quota for the job transfer statue in the main city, and there are restrictions on this in the field. So if you want to have a resident, you must first ensure that you have a strong strength.

Although Cheng Yang does not have strong power at present, he believes that with his own experience more than others, he can definitely establish a foothold in Luofeng Village and gradually develop it into Luofeng Town and even Fengcheng City.

The advantage of this station in Luofeng Village is to increase the movement speed of 10% of the registered combatants in the village, so now Chengyang's own moving speed is 1.1. This advantage will further increase with the level of the resident of Luofeng Village. As for the final level, Cheng Yang himself is not clear.

There is no doubt that if Liu Hao is transferred to Luofeng Village, his advantages will be unparalleled. After the two speeds are added to the stack, there are not many people in the world who can surpass him in speed.

For the other three professional statues, Cheng Yang did not pay attention to it. His selection of magicians is well thought out. As for warriors, archers, and summoners, although these occupations have their own advantages, they are not within the scope of Cheng Yang.

Subsequently, Cheng Yang tried to open the property panel of the altar of Luofeng Village, but failed. It seems that I can only view the properties of the resident after I become the official lord.

Just why wait an hour? Can you say that there is a test?

Suddenly, Cheng Yang thought of a detail that Zeng has heard of. After the military occupation of Luofeng Village by the First World, there was a large-scale demonized beast siege around Luofeng Village. However, at that time, human strength was already quite strong, and eventually killed all the demonized beasts.

This time, there will not be a magical beast siege. Cheng Yang had some egg pains.

In the waiting of Cheng Yangsong, the magical beast siege did not appear. An hour later, he successfully became the lord of Luofeng Village.

In fact, this is also normal. The sacred transformation of the world by the gods is carried out step by step. Now there is no magical beast sent to the world, and naturally there will be no magical beasts.

Invisible, Cheng Yang has a big bargain. If he waits until the end of the last days to occupy the falling village, it is hard to say whether he can repel the attack of the demonized beast.

PS: New book for collection, recommendation...

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