MTL - Doom Lord-v2 Chapter 780 survivor

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After listening to Wu Jianzhou’s suggestion, Cheng Yang did not continue to insist on personally going to New Guinea Island.

Wu Jianzhou said yes, the things on the other side are more suitable by the three dragons.

After the discussion, everyone began to work together. Li Wanshan was naturally preparing for the construction of the Dragon, and Wu Jianzhou went to coordinate the arrangement of the ambush orc.

Cheng Yang came alone to the Huangquan Fortress. At this moment, there is still a situation in which the mountains and rains are coming to the wind. No way, the barbarian is a few million in the opposite of the Huangquan Fortress. The defender of the Huangquan Fortress is not nervous, it is impossible.

Although the human beings have the natural danger of Huang Quanhe, they know how to do it. But who knows if there is any other means for the barbarians on the other side? It’s true that you are cautious.

The appearance of Cheng Yang immediately caught the attention of the warriors in the fortress, and soon the leader of the fortress guard Wukong greeted him.

"Below the martial arts, I have seen the lord!" Wukong is still the kind of unsmiling appearance.

Cheng Yang said: "You have worked hard during this time. After a while, let me tell you what the barbarians opposite yesterday have."

After that, Cheng Yang turned and walked to the military center of Huangquan Fortress, where it was also the head of the entire Huangquan fortress group.

Wukong followed up with two steps and said: "The lord, in fact, the barbarians did not do much, but suddenly the army was opened to the opposite side of the Huangquan River. At that time, some barbarians rushed into our range. Let us kill a lot. But the other party did not mean to retreat at the time. At that time, we felt that the other party really wanted to attack the Huangquan Fortress, otherwise it would not be willing to sacrifice this blood. But the result is not the case, those guys stay near the Huangquan Fortress. After an hour or so, I was withdrawn."

Cheng Yang also heard about this, and he was not too surprised. However, after listening to Wukong’s words, he completely ruled out that this is only a coincidence. There is definitely some kind of conspiracy.

This possibility is nothing more than two. One is naturally that the barbarians here have colluded with the seas in the Pacific Ocean, and the other may be the conspiracy of the barbarians themselves.

If it is the first possibility, then things are still a simple one. After all, the attack of the Haizu has already been ◎≡dǐng◎≡ǎn◎≡小◎≡,.≠△s_(); repelled, no need to worry anymore What other questions. But if it is the second possibility, it can be a headache, because Cheng Yang does not have any other actions on the sea.

“Have you heard of any changes in Europe or West Asia recently?” Cheng Yang suddenly asked if the barbarians in Africa really want to have any conspiracy, most of their targets are for Europe or West Asia.

Wukong said: "West Asia has not heard of any movements. As for the European side, it is not very clear. Now that the commander is there, they should know more."

Cheng Yang said: "There is no news for the time being there."

During the speech, the two had already arrived at the military center. Then Wukong made people call some important generals in the fortress. After all, the lords came in person and they must come and see.

Cheng Yang’s meeting with these people did not delay for too long, and he did not have the leisure to pull home with others. After saying some inspiring and inspiring words, Cheng Yang left the Huangquan Fortress.

When Cheng Yang showed his figure again. It has already entered the African region.

He now has to cross the line of defense of the barbarians across the Yellow Spring Fortress. He does not need to use the ablation skills, and directly uses the void to cross the air, so that the unconsciously passed. The most important thing is that this skill has unlimited duration, and the disguised equivalent is equivalent to unlimited cooling time. For reconnaissance and assassination, this skill is much better than ablation skills.

In the place of about three or four hundred kilometers from the Huangquan Fortress, Cheng Yang appeared in a forest.

It is not Cheng Yang who is not prepared to continue to explore in the dark. Instead, he found a very good thing here, a washing grass.

Always six leaves to wash the marrow grass.

This is the third strain of six-leaf washed marrow grass that Cheng Yang has seen, including Chengyang’s acquisition of washed marrow grass from other people all over the world. At most, only the four-leaf washed marrow grass appeared, and the six-leaf washed pulp grass was not seen in the shadow. It is obvious that this thing is precious.

At this time, Cheng Yang’s drug-harvesting skills have reached level 20. It is already easy to pick this six-leaf washing pulp. As for the fourth-order mid-sized big python that was next to the six-leaf washed grass, it was ignored by Cheng Yang.

As a result, without any trouble, Cheng Yang killed the big python and then took the six-leaf washed grass into the sac.

Just as Cheng Yang was preparing to pat the **** and leave, suddenly there was a groaning sound not far away. In the experience of Cheng Yang, this sound is definitely not made by any animal.

His reaction was very fast, and in almost a blink of an eye, he used the virtual airborne skills again and hid. This hiding place is much safer than what is hidden in the grass.

"Big Brother, do you really have to get rid of that python? It is definitely a super-existence of the fourth-order. We two are not enough for others to break our teeth!" A low voice came, which was deliberately depressed. I am afraid of being alarmed by something.

The other voice was louder and said: "Jim, you can rest assured that I am fully prepared this time. With this treasure, it is not difficult to kill the big python."

Cheng Yang, who was hiding in the void, was shocked because he heard that the two guys who made the sound turned out to be human beings, real people, not orcs or barbarians.

Has this African region not completely fallen into the hands of barbarians a few months ago? How is human existence? Cheng Yang’s surprise on this matter is no less than seeing a six-step strength barbarian here.

No process Yang did not appear immediately, but continued to hide in the void.

Sure enough, in less than a few seconds, the two figures were drilled out of a dense bush.

These are two dark-skinned people who say that they are very good at seeing them because they are exactly like two pieces of black charcoal.

Sure enough, it is a black race in the African region.

"Big Brother, your voice should have alarmed the big python? Why didn't you see the movement?" Jim, who spoke first, spoke again. His voice trembled a little, and he could see that he was very jealous of the big python.

The man who was called Big Brother was full of confidence, but his movements were very cautious. He saw that he quietly poked his head and looked at the direction of the six-leaf washing grass that Cheng Yang had just picked.

But this is the look at the past, but he jumped up in shock.

"The big python was killed?" Big Brother exclaimed, then slammed his hand to his mouth, then pulled Jim into the bushes.

After a long while, the big brother saw no movement around, and then he let go of his heart.

"Big Brother, do you really see that the big python is dead?" Jim didn't see the body of the big python, and he was pulled in by the big brother, and he came back for a long time.

The big brother extended his head and looked around. He said, "Of course he died. The whole belly has turned over. And... Yeah, my washing grass!"

An exclamation, the big brother did not care about any danger, jumped out directly, rushed to the place where the body of the big python was, and looked at the cliff that had been washed with marrow grass, but now it is already bare.

Jim also rushed out, and a crying expression said: "Big brother, the marrow is gone, what can I do?"

That big brother came back to God, helplessly said: "This must be done by the barbarians, the **** barbarians, the soaps we found so hard, so they were taken away. These silly ~ forced, wash the marrow Is grass useful to them?"

In fact, this big brother does not know whether the washing of the grass is useful to the barbarians. Anyway, after a while, he can only accept this fact.

"We will go back first, without washing the marrow grass, we can only find another way." The older brother said, then got up and walked in the direction of the coming.

The two went all the way to the west, naturally they did not know that there was a person in the void behind them.

Cheng Yang is very surprised by the existence of survivors in the African region. Since I saw these two people, naturally there is no reason not to keep up with it.

He followed this road, and he really knew a lot through the conversation between the two brothers.

What surprised Cheng Yang is that the survivors here are not only the Jim brothers, but in the depths of this forest, there is also a survivor team of 1,000 people. These two brothers are among the survivors. The two, but their status in this survivor team is special, because the leader of this team is their father.

The two survivors walked less than ten kilometers and went to a very strange place. Here, the stone forest stands, and the towering stone pillars are more than a hundred feet, just like a labyrinth.

Cheng Yang suddenly understood why these people survived the barbarians' search. There is such a labyrinth of hiding places. Those barbarians are hard to find even if they are strong.

In the stone forest for almost half an hour, the former Jim brothers finally slowed down.

At the moment, in front of them, there is a hole that looks very ordinary. There are quite a few such holes along the way, and Cheng Yang has never paid attention to it. But now Jim's two brothers got into the cave, and Cheng Yang knew that the cave was the place for these survivors.

"These guys are really embarrassing." Cheng Yang said in his heart, but if it weren't for this, they couldn't survive to the present with barbarians everywhere.

However, Cheng Yang knew that he still looked down on these survivors. This cave is not a hiding place, just a passage.

They drilled in the cave for nearly an hour, but they got out of the other hole. As for where it is now, Cheng Yang is not clear.

Ps: There are too many trivia in the New Year, please forgive me if there is no update. Update and recovery after today... (to be continued.)

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