MTL - Doom Lord-v2 Chapter 815 situation

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In fact, Cheng Yang is quite an egg pain. One day ago, he could use the magic energy value unscrupulously. It is a big bottle of medicine or medicine. After the rules change, not only the life remedy is gone, but even the magic energy agent or the remedy has no effect.

In fact, it is not that the magic energy agent does not exist, but the energy of the practitioner's body has changed to a title: Yuan Li.

What is the use of supplemental magic? What is consumed now is Yuanli! This also disguised the magic energy agent.

"What arrangements does the lord have next?" Li Wanshan asked.

Cheng Yang looked up at the sky and said: "Just let the emperor escape, this guy is ultimately a & pig & pig & island & novel {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{} a scourge. But just now that Although I did not kill the Emperor in the First World War, it also brought a heavy blow to the barbarians. Now I have sent people to investigate the realities of the Emperor. If the Emperor has been seriously injured, we will soon be a barbarian. Killing and occupying the entire African region. I have a hunch that the resources in this African region are estimated to be much richer than we think."

Li Wanshan was confused and asked: "Why is this?"

Cheng Yang replied: "According to the information we have received before, if more than four-fifths of the world's regions are occupied by aliens, the Terran gods will destroy the world. This rule is also known to the aliens. According to me The first few explorations of the African region, the barbarians completely used those places as fixed sites, and I estimated that the other party must have made the corresponding deployment, and the important reason for them to make this deployment is the resources here. The memory of the consciousness of several barbarians I control also confirms this from the side. Therefore, the African region must be the place we must first win."

Li Wanshan nodded seriously. As the leader of the government affairs in the city of Luofeng City, he has a persistent pursuit of resources. Especially now that the psionic value is gone, there is no copy of the leveling. How can a territory develop and how can it leave? What kinds of resources are the veins?


Cheng Yang rested in the territory for nearly a day. The exhaustion of exhaustion disappeared from his body, and he felt that he would never want to try again. He swears that if it is not necessary, it will not be easy to use the frozen skills in the future.

Now that the crisis in Egypt has been temporarily resolved, Cheng Yang has been transferred to the Russian region.

Although the rules of the heavens and the earth have changed, this type of transfer array in the orc Xiaozhai can still be used, but after the change of rules, whether it is transmitted abroad or transmitted in the country, it needs to consume the psionic stone. This also follows the laws of nature.

Now the production of psionic stone in Luofeng City is very high, and the official is not lacking in psionic stone. However, if the ordinary people want to transmit, they need to bring their own psionic stone.

This is the third time that Cheng Yang has come to the Russian region. The first time he came to find out the details of the ice family. The second time he had a bad thought and wanted to get the sacred deity of the ice gods. The result failed.

Now, the third time I came to this area, Cheng Yang has a different feeling, because this place is standing under his feet. It is already the site of Luofengcheng.

Shortly after Cheng Yang came, Niu Bing led a high-ranking army to meet. During this time, the cattle soldiers have been conquered between this ice and snow, and have not returned to Fengcheng City for a long time, after meeting with Cheng Yang. Naturally, there is no shortage of cockroaches.

Of course, the more the cattle soldiers asked Pang Shan.

In the past, when the Niu Bing was fighting outside, Pang Shan was bound to go with the army. She said that she was also a top pastor in Luofengcheng. No one can do anything but Liu Wei.

But two months ago, Pang Shan was pregnant. The children in the abdomen are naturally cattle soldiers, so then Pang Shan can only stay in Luofeng City. For a long time, the cattle soldiers can only stand alone.

Of course, this is not without benefits. At least the soldiers who are under the command of Niu Bing will not use this as a commander.

Then Cheng Yang was greeted by the most luxurious palace in this small town-level residence. This Western-style palace looks really magnificent.

"Old cow, how far is it from the Bering Strait?" Cheng Yang asked immediately after sitting down.

Niu Bingdao: "In the northeast direction about 80 kilometers, it is the Bering Strait. Although it is already early spring, the sea surface of the Bering Strait is completely frozen. I have been detained, under normal circumstances. Next, our army crossed the Bering Strait completely without problems. But through the search of our scout boats, there are a large number of sea troops stationed under the Bering Strait. If our army crosses the Bering Strait, I am afraid that the other side’s sight will not be seen. If the other party breaks the ice, we will probably be wiped out."

“How can these sea people guard the Bering Strait?” Cheng Yang is somewhat puzzled. The Bering Strait is a strategic location for the land forces, but for the sea people living in the sea, Not necessarily.

Niu Bing is not a man who is good at brainstorming. He said: "This... I am not very clear, but I feel that no matter what the other party's purpose is, let the army directly destroy the other side, there is no problem."

Cheng Yang’s answer to Niu Bing is not strange. This method is also simple and straightforward. It is even simple and rude, but it is very effective.

Niu Bing continued: "The lord, I sent a request to the military academy yesterday, hoping to send all the deep-sea giant ships in the territory to the seas, and we will eliminate those seas before we are about to go to sea. Now the report is estimated to be sent. Go to your office. But since the lord has come over, this report is no longer necessary."

Cheng Yang thought about it and said, "Well, I will inform the military academy headquarters later, let him mobilize the 蛟龙号. Now we have built five 蛟龙号s, and this local war should be enough. ”

"I think so too." Niu Bing smiled.

They then made a simple exchange on the current situation in the Siberian region, and the situation here is quite complicated.

The first is the ice family, which has occupied most of northern Siberia, while the city of Luofeng has occupied the southern and northeast corners. In the western region, the Russian forces that were rushed over were occupied.

Compared with the strength of Luofengcheng and the ice family, Russia's strength is not enough to see, but Russia is the host, and they have innate advantages in public opinion support. As for the ice family, although the strength is the most powerful, it is not convenient for the blatant expansion. Second, the people here have certain doubts about their existence. In addition, there are too few people in the ice family, and the area occupied at this stage is also the smallest.

As for the top leaders of Russia, they are actually quite entangled now, and their status is somewhat embarrassing.

Russia is a big country across Europe and Asia, but now most of the European region falls into the hands of the city, they naturally do not dare to touch the city of Fengcheng. Not to mention expansion, they have to pray that Luofeng City will not look at their territory.

However, in a short period of time, Phoenix City will not have direct conflict with them in Europe. After all, there are English and Italian countries there. Although the Italian country seems to be unable to withstand it, the strength of the United Kingdom is still quite good. There are still several countries in the north of Europe, and it has not been occupied by aliens. The city of Luofeng has to fight all the way, but also has a famous name?

But in this region of Asia, these high-level Russians are headed. There is a strong ice family to live, not to mention, Luo Fengcheng actually inserted a bar at this time, so that the Siberian region, which was not a strategic location, became a hot spot in the world.

The most important thing is that these two forces do not dare to move. Through the human feedback in the ice-occupied area, the lowest strength of the ice family is the third-order beginning, but their strongest is In the middle of the third order, there is absolutely no comparability between the two.

As for the city of Luofeng, it is now almost surrounded by Russia. Although Russia now occupies a relatively large area, it is only about half of the last day. Although the internal forces of Russia have been unified and integrated now, there are some strengths, but compared with Luofeng City, both the average strength and the scale are too far.

If the three major forces engage in a life-and-death competition, I am afraid that the Russian forces will only be crushed.

It is precisely because of this that neither the ice nor the city of Fengcheng has placed Russia too much in the eyes, and those sites occupy it. The most important thing in the current city is to cross the Bering Strait and enter the Americas. . The ice family is now scared by the powerful offensive of Fengcheng, and they are not willing to act rashly.

In fact, the ice family entered the earth this time, although it is under the banner of helping humanity, but in fact it is to expand their own territory and develop believers.

This is also the helplessness of the ice Who makes their people too few!

After the end of the chat, Cheng Yang lived in the city and arrived in the Russian waters from the Huaxia Sea. Even with the speed of the Dragon, it took two or three days.

At night, Cheng Yang stayed alone in the room. He took out the stone tablet that was given to him by the gods in the day, and was called the stone tablet of the Tianming monument.

This stone monument is only one meter high and square, the whole stone monument is dark brown, and around the stone monument, inscribed with dense symbols. These symbols are like words and pictures. Anyway, Cheng Yang is one who doesn't know.

But what is strange is that although Cheng Yang does not know these patterns, when he looks at it, he can feel that some of these patterns contain some kind of ambiguous charm, which attracts his spirit deeper into it.

Not only that, but the stone monument was only one meter high, but in the eyes of Cheng Yang, it has become a pillar of heaven and earth, surrounded by colorful, just like the gods.

Cheng Yang was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. He even forgot who he was and what he is doing now... (to be continued.)

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