MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 123 ·?

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After the piranha grew from behind him, it began to grow a little bit bigger, he and Jing Huai confronted each other, and with the coercion he exuded, more spread out The black energy continued from his back, swaying and expanding, finally forming a piranha flower four or five meters high.

The Cannibal Flowers rolled and waved in the air, and every time they opened their teeth and claws, countless black energy scattered. In addition to the power of black and gold, it began to continuously impact the golden light of the scenery.

The two sides confronted each other, in the eyes of everyone, they were just standing there.

more than doubled in size.

It all **** clean. But of course she can't pass now.

Jiang Huai soon found that Huazhi had been looking at the sky, as if he saw something he liked, and his whole state was excited.

Jiang Huai held her.

Flower Branch also held his hand with his backhand and continued to look at the sky, "The stars today are so beautiful."

Everyone followed her line of sight, only to realize that she was looking at the stars.

Although it is a pity, she can only watch it silently drooling in her heart. However, Huazhi has silently added it to the No.1 position of the feast.

The confrontation between the two is not over yet, Huazhi licked her lower lip, she was a little thirsty.

King Huai rarely gave in the slightest, he even turned around and took a bottle of water out of the car, unscrewed it and gave it to Huazhi, "Don't think of drinking water until you are thirsty."

Flower Branch nodded and took a sip of water. Jing Huai did not attack him, he was always on the defensive. If Jing Huai attacked him back, they would have ended long ago.

After a few more minutes, Huang Lao's face that looked very dignified just now has turned into a pig's liver color, and his eyes seem to burst out.

He stared at Jing Huai, as if he couldn't believe that Jing Huai was so light.

A few more minutes passed, and everyone felt as if time had been stretched.

"Pfft—" Huang Lao spat out a mouthful of blood, and he fell down, and the piranha suddenly retracted into his body.

"Huang Lao! Huang Lao!" He clutched his chest, still staring at Jing Huai.

Everyone knows what just happened, they are going to be swayed when they enter the door, who knows that they will be backlashed if they fail.

Han Ming supported him, "Quick, quick to send Huang Lao back."

For a while, a group of people rushed him into the car, and Huang Yu and his girlfriend also followed.

The leader in uniform at the door looked at the scenery Huai, and his tone was full of irony, "Your base is really good, and sent someone like you here."

King Huai nodded lightly, "I'm afraid your people will have an accident on the road."

"Hey, you've worked so hard to bring people back, and it's a disgrace to come up. Is Wei'an Base so unwelcome to us?"

"Is it unwelcome or a guilty conscience?"

"Maybe you just don't want us to go in. If it doesn't work, just report safety to the base first."

Institute, you said something to me, as if you were talking in a low voice, but everyone around you could hear it clearly.

They came here this time, not only on behalf of their base, but also on behalf of other bases, and finally to give an explanation to all bases. Huang Lao simply felt sorry for his son, but fortunately Jing Huai held it up, otherwise I would give them a disgrace here, and it would not sound good to spread it out.

Han Ming hurriedly arranged for someone to take them in. Originally, they had to be quarantined and checked when entering the base, and the recent check was replaced by blood sampling, which is now omitted.

All of them are arranged in two villas in a row, upstairs and downstairs are their own people, which is very convenient.

On the road, Huazhi kept looking out the window. Their base only opens the market at a fixed time, but here is different, it is already night, and there are still people selling things on a certain street passing by.

"Third-level nuclei, wood tertiary nuclei exchange tertiary water-based nuclei."

"Diamond, 8 carat diamond necklace."

"Mutant snake, a mutant snake that can be kept as a pet."

The street was bustling, Huazhi originally thought that many people would be infected with black gas, but it didn't. They met at least a hundred people along the way, but none of them had black energy. However, if the black energy on some people is very light, she has to look into their eyes to know if they are infected with the virus. Moreover, maybe just like Huang Lao, the black qi can be hidden in the body, and then burst out when needed.

Have they controlled the black qi to this extent? Huazhi recalled the piranha flower again in her mind, and she was really curious.


Flower Branch followed what he said, and couldn't help nodding, they actually made a huge glass cover on top of their heads.

The base is not big, and it is close to the mine with sufficient energy, so it is very generous to use the resources. It took them nearly half a year to make a huge glass cover that can cover the entire base. The hardness of this glass can resist the attack of third-level zombies.

The weather is cold now, and the glass cover is also closed, leaving only a small gap in the middle, and the air is just enough to circulate.

Flower Branch took off her mask, no wonder it was getting colder and colder on the way here, but it has been hot since recently, and it is really more comfortable.

After driving all day, everyone was tired, and when they arrived at the residence, someone immediately went to clean up the room. The reception banquet is scheduled for tomorrow. After they have rested today, they will directly enter the Wei'an base tomorrow to investigate the situation of their base, and the results of the investigation will be announced to all bases as soon as possible.

There are dozens of bases throughout China, large and small, and everyone is very concerned about the results of this investigation.

Everyone ate something and went back to the room to rest.

When Huazhi came out of the shower, Jing Huai was reading a book. Huazhi walked over and took a look, it was the introduction of Wei'an Base.

Huazhi glanced at it, "So are they always mining?"

King Huai nodded, "Some machines are inconvenient to enter and require manpower."

Although the Wei'an base is close to the mine, earthquakes have occurred frequently in the past two years, and there have been occasional losses.

Huazhi nodded, and found that he still had several monitors and monitors at hand.

In this way, they were torn apart and thrown on the table, unable to count with one hand.

Flower Branch was a little surprised, "Do they want to hear us talk so much?"

King Huai nodded.

Flower Branch thought for a while, "Let's put these away and take them back together, they can still be used when they are repaired."

She suddenly stood up, "There must be other people's rooms, I'll go tell them!"

"Put on your coat." Jing Huai wrapped her in a large padded jacket, "I'll go with you."

Others have also found things like monitors, they have detectors, and they are easy to find. But that's it, after the two swept the entire house, they found several very hidden surveillance devices.

Someone said, "It's not so scary to monitor prisoners."

"This proves we matter."

"We still have money to build this base?"

Back to the room, still feeling unsafe, the two entered the space.

Huazhi could finally speak, she immediately said to Jing Huai, "The old Huang, the black energy on his body has turned into a piranha, which has been hitting your mental power. ."

Jiang Huai nodded, "He can control that power."

He felt that the power in Huang Hu seemed to be very interested in him, madly trying to break through him, or even... devour him.

Huazhi shook her head, "When that power keeps growing, it will eventually devour him completely."

A virus is a virus and cannot be converted into energy. A lot of speculation and research related to the base have also been done, and the little gray rabbit told her the same.

Although not everything can be explained by science, it is absolutely impossible for humans to control the virus.

Huazhi continued: "No one was infected with the virus on the road, I don't know if it was in their body or not."

King Huai nodded, "Don't worry, they will take the initiative to find you."

The last look in Huang Hu's eyes contained a trace of greed. How can the prey that is sent to the door easily give up.

A good night's sleep, several mutant beasts are animals that are active at night, all of them are standing on the roof full of energy and let the wind blow. When you see people approaching from afar, they will stare at each other alertly.

With them, the soldiers who follow are also a lot easier.

In a hurry, they went to the research institute at Wei'an base the next day.

Data between the two parties needs to be exchanged and communicated, and Huazhi also got a networked computer.

She listened attentively beside her, although all the little gray rabbits were helping, but after so long, she was able to understand some things gradually.

Huazhi searched for a long time, but did not find anything useful. This computer is new, and everything inside is also new.

The Wei'an base tested the entire base before they came, and the number of people who found the virus lurking in their bodies was similar to other bases.

If the person in charge of their base had so much black energy, she would have believed it. However, their researchers are not high-level in the base, and it is normal to not know the real situation.

These data are useless, but Huazhi still listened carefully to the whole process. Soon in the evening someone came to inform them to go to a dinner party. Everyone was invited to the list, and some of the people from the Wei'an Base also came, but they were all researchers.

Jiang Huai also followed her with the number of family members. The banquet was staggered, and it was quite lively. But a group of researchers wearing glasses together, chatting about research and data, is really boring.

Someone is talking above, below, Huazhi is pulling the scenery Huai to eat and eating happily.

She found that, in fact, the food at Wei'an base was not as good as their base at all. It is estimated that the reason why so many delicious food could be prepared before was bought at their base.

After a feast, nothing happened, and Huazhi was somewhat disappointed.

But soon, something interesting happened.


King Huai nodded, "Starting at 10 pm."

"Does it start at 10 o'clock?" Huazhi glanced at the time, "At 10 o'clock, the liver begins to detoxify."

Because I often spend time with people from the research institute, Huazhi's health knowledge is rising. I usually soak wolfberry in a thermos cup, and the hot water does not leave my body.

The driver heard that they were going to the auction, and also introduced: "You must prepare more points and crystal cores when you go to that auction, that auction does not happen every day, you just happened to be there today. Good luck catching up."

Huazhi put her head together, "What will be auctioned at the auction?"

Driver: "That's a lot, such as taking medicine that can make people heal right away, or a particularly large space, weapons that can fire supernatural powers, etc. good stuff."

Jing Huai pulled her back and sat down, and helped her wrap the scarf around her neck.

Huazhi wore gloves, hats, scarves, and even masks and earmuffs.

Huazhi wanted to join in the fun, "But we don't have the points of your base."

"Points can be exchanged, and they are all common." There are usually material exchanges between major bases, and points can be offset against each other. Anyway, as long as they have points in their wristbands, Any base can be spent.

Flower Branch did not expect it to be so convenient. The auction didn't start until 10 pm, and they went straight to the venue of the auction.

Before going, Huazhi also asked the others if they wanted to go with them, but they either had no money or time, and the group of soldiers who followed was strictly ordered and could not run around. In the end, only she and The two of them went to Jing Huai.

After walking for a long time, I finally came to a dark alley, but it was empty and no one was there.

The flower branch looks left and right, "Is it really here?"

King Huai nodded, took out two secondary crystal nuclei and threw them to the front, and soon, ripples like vortex appeared in the air.

Huazhi looked at him in surprise, and Jing Huai pulled her through.

The ripples disappeared, and the two disappeared into the alley.

As soon as you enter, the whole world is noisy.

There are people coming and going, and everyone is wearing a mask. As soon as the two of them entered, someone immediately handed over two masks.

Everyone's mask is the same style, after wearing it, it instantly covers the face tightly, and nothing can be seen.

Flower Branch felt a little magical, "What was that just now?"

The waiter, dressed in decent clothes, asked respectfully, "Are you two coming to the auction for the first time?"

Blossom nodded.

"You need to verify your chip identity before entering the venue."

You need to verify your identity when you come in. The identity chip is unique, so don't worry about anything.

The waiter came over with the machine and said, "If you have something you want to auction, you can bring it. We only take a 15% commission."

Blossom nodded. verified his identity.

The waiter saw the asset information on the bracelet, and the hand holding the machine trembled instantly.

He looked up again, and the way he looked at them changed.

"You two, please come with me." His attitude instantly became respectful.

Halfway through, Jing Huai actually met an acquaintance, he looked at Huazhi: "You go up first, I'll go there, come back soon."

Huazhi nodded, "Go and go, I'll be waiting for you there."

The waiter took Huazhi directly to the top box, and Huazhi was the first time I saw this kind of box.

The leather sofa is large and soft, and the windows are clear and clean. After entering, I asked her if she wanted to drink or drink tea, how can she drink in the evening, Huazhi chose tea, and soon someone came in with a fruit plate and tea Yes, and even performed a kung fu tea for her on the spot.

Flower branches clapped and clapped, I didn’t expect that even drinking water could perform so many tricks.

In the corner, a waiter was looking at the flower branch with affection.

Anyone who can be a waiter here is very outstanding in both body and appearance. Of course he looks good.

The skin is white, the body is petite, and even the voice is so nice, the warm tone makes people feel like a spring breeze, and there is no posture at all.

If she is attracted to...

There are grapes on the table, and one of the flower branches is twisted and put into the mouth.

But the grapes were sour and icy, which immediately made her facial features wrinkle together.

The waiter hurried over and knelt on the floor, "I'll come, just enjoy."

Huazhi watched him kneeling and sitting in front of him.

"No, no, I'll do it myself." Just eat a grape.

"It's my job, please let me do it."

After sanitizing his hands, he put on gloves and began to peel the grapes for her.

Huazhi always felt something strange, he was on the other side of the table, in fact, the two were not close, but Huazhi still moved to the side.

Huazhi thought he was going to put it on a plate, but he stretched out his hand like this and fed it directly to her mouth.

"Squeak-" The door was suddenly opened.

As soon as Jing Huai came in, he saw such a scene. The man knelt on the ground with his body stretched, his slender fingers held a purple grape, crossed half the table, and handed it to Huazhi's mouth.

Blossoms look at the grapes and the scenery.

King Huai looked at the man and the flower branch.

Blossoms instantly feel the coolness behind them. She looked at the waiter in front of her, and hurriedly moved to the side again, "Eat it yourself, I'll peel the skin if I want to eat it."

Xiang Huai wore a mask and couldn't see his expression, he sat directly beside Huazhi.

As soon as the high-level power user's aura came out, the waiter immediately knew that he had made a fool of himself. He originally thought that Huazhi was a daughter of a family who came alone, but he did not expect to come with a man with such a high level of power.

The pressure in the air suddenly rose, and the waiter soon felt the great pressure.

The increasing pressure made him out of breath soon.

"Go out." Jing Huai's voice had no emotion, but as soon as the pressure was removed, the waiter immediately rolled out.

Only the two of them were left in the room, Jing Huai took off his mask and looked at the flowers. Huazhi quickly raised his hand, "I didn't eat it, and I didn't let him peel it, and he suddenly knelt in front of me."

Jing Huai still looked at her lightly.

Flower Branch hurriedly wiped her hands and peeled a grape for him, "You eat and see, it's not very sweet, but it's fresh fruit."

Jing Huai still looked at her: "Do you know what he wants to do?"

Flower Branch thought for a while, "He wants to peel grapes for me?"

Jing Huai looked at her, suddenly lowered her head, ate the grapes in her hand, and licked her fingertips.

The feeling was like being electrocuted, and it quickly spread to the heart of Huazhi. Huazhi's hand trembled, and immediately wanted to take it out, but the next second, Jing Huai had already bit the pulp of her index finger.

He looked up at her.

Long eyelashes cast a shadow on the bottom of his eyes, so close enough to see each other's eyes clearly. There was only her appearance in his pupils, and Huazhi's heart couldn't help but tremble.

King Huai finally released her, "Peel the grapes well."

The branches of the flowers were nodding like a rattle, and they worked tirelessly to peel the grapes for him.

Soon, the on-site auction will begin.

It's alright, not capped.

At the beginning of the auction, a bunny girl in black stockings came up. She was in excellent shape. When she came up with a plate, there were many people whistling below.

The location of their room is very good, sitting on the sofa, you can see the whole platform, and the view is wide and clear.

Flower Branch couldn't help but ask, "Is she a rabbit?"

Black stockings, close-fitting clothes, only the tail and ears are white. There is a small white ball on the tail, which looks **** and cute.

Huazhi couldn't help but turn her head and ask Jing Huai; "Isn't it cold when she dresses like this?"

Today is 0 degrees, so they can wear stockings with bare legs, Huazhi thinks they are too brave.

Huazhi's current bracelet has hundreds of thousands of points, enough to take pictures of anything here, so they will be arranged in the most advanced VIP room.

Soon, the first treasure was revealed.

But it is said that it is a treasure, but it is actually some ordinary things. The fangs of the fifth-level mutant pig, the tiger skin of the sixth-level mutant tiger, what surprised Huazhi most was that there was actually a bell made by Bu Si.

Flower Branch watched for a long time, but still controlled her purse. Just bought the tiger skin back.

The mutant rabbit is too timid. If it is allowed to sleep with tiger skin every day, it may be more timid, and tiger skin must be very warm.

Among so many lots, the most expensive one is Bu Si's bell, and that one sold for a high price of 3,000 points.

In fact, these bells are quite easy to make. He doesn't make too many because he thinks that the rare thing is the most expensive.

The auction lasted for an hour. Although many things were not used, Huazhi still felt that she had gained a lot of knowledge. The free fruit and the like were eaten by the flower branches.

Finally, they waited for a long time, and finally the finale came into play.

That's... a brick?

The flower branch even lay on the glass window, looking at it without blinking.

The wood was placed in a glass cover with a red fleece under it, which looked very tall. But as soon as he came out, he was sighed by the people around him.

"No, I read that right, it's actually a brick."

"Are you crazy about making money? What's the use of this brick."

"Is there a space in it, or is there any special function?"

"This is the last lot in this auction. Dead wood meets spring brick. As long as you use the water it soaks to water the plants, it will bring back the dead."

Resurrection? Dead wood in spring?

Huazhi was stunned when he heard it, and so did the people around him. This kind of thing sounded very mysterious. People at the auction probably knew that this kind of thing was not very reliable, so they used it on the spot. A brick was soaked in water, and then poured into a piece of wood that was about to wither.

Soon, the piece of wood came back to life at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The starting price for this piece of wood: 10,000 points."

"Hold the grass!"

"No, this thing is useful for wood, is it useful for people?"

Auctioneer: "Unfortunately, this brick is currently only valid for plants."

"Then why buy it back, I have no money to burn it? I can still consider it with 10 points."

People think this thing is very tasteless, it is useless, it is very gimmicky, but it can save plants.

Huazhi looked at the brick without blinking. She always felt that there was something missing in Bu Si's stove. When she saw this piece, she turned her head and thought it was this brick. !

Huazhi pressed the auction button without hesitation, and then looked at Jing Huai excitedly: "We can buy it and give it to Bu Si! This brick must be very useful to him."

King Huai nodded, "If you like it, buy it."

Although he doesn't know where it is useful, the flower branch looks very happy now.

"Ten thousand points once."

"Thirteen thousand points."

Flower Branch was a little surprised, she looked at the scenery. "Did someone else rob me?"

King Huai nodded.

Blossom pressed the iPad again.

"14 points once."

"15,000 points once."

"Twenty thousand points once!"

The price keeps going up, but Huazhi really thinks that this brick should be put into Busi's less-fired stove. The idea of ​​getting it was very strong. It was rare for her to have such a strong intuition, and Huazhi did not give in at all.

The two parties have been chasing the price, and there was a knock on their door.

"Come in."

The waiter just now has changed and a bunny girl came in.

Huazhi thought they were not cold at first, but when she looked back, she was shaking and knew it was still cold.

She hurriedly handed over her clothes to her, "Hurry up and put them on on such a cold day, or you will easily get sick when you are old."

The woman didn't expect that the flower branch actually had a piece of clothes on her, it was a thick down jacket with warmth, she put on her clothes and smiled, but did not take off her clothes, "Guest, what do you need? Did it help?"

"The guest in Room 2 would like to invite two of you for lunch tomorrow."

There are not many people who can afford so many points. That person is actually next to them, and the two sides are facing each other through a huge floor-to-ceiling glass.

It was a young man who nodded to them.

This is a hello.

Flower Branch also waved to him, and then waved his iPad.

"Thirty thousand points once."

This is an increase in price.

"Forty thousand points! Are there any more, are there any more, forty thousand points!"

Huazhi weighed it, and her head calmed down. Although she has enough points, these points will have to be exchanged by their base for other things. To put it bluntly, points are real money, which is 40,000 points.

"50,000 points!"

Flower Branch looked at him in surprise.

"50,000 points once, 50,000 points twice, 50,000 points three times, the deal!" The auctioneer made the final decision.

"Congratulations to the guest in Room 1 for getting this lot, we will arrange for someone to bring it up later."

50,000 points, this is 30,000 points, when Huazhi is happy, it hurts a bit.

The downstairs was boiling.

"Who is this, this is too rich, 50,000 to buy something like this that can only revive plants."

"This must be very rich, otherwise where will the 50,000 points come from."

"Don't say fifty thousand, I don't have five hundred points in my account."

Huazhi was heartbroken and happy, "Fifty thousand points is really expensive."

"Where's Bu Si's bell?"

"Bell?" Huazhi quickly took the one out of the space.

She already had four bells given by Bu Si in her hand. Knowing that they were coming to the Wei'an Base, Bu Si sent another box.

So in the current space of Huazhi, there are more than a dozen bells with different functions that Bu Si made by himself.

King Huai shook the bell, "Give it to me."

Blossoms were given to him in a hurry.

King Huai pinched the bells one by one, and soon touched each bell again.

Huazhi watched his movements curiously, "Are you strengthening them?"

King Huai nodded.

Bu Si's bells will evolve as the user's power level increases, and Jing Huai directly expands them to the level that only fifth-order power users have.

When the person below brought the brick up, they saw the bell on this table.

Bu Si's bells have his exclusive imprint on them, and others can't fake them at all, so the first time they see the bells, that person knows what these things are on the table!

Read The Duke's Passion