MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 135 ·?

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No one, no figure. But he could clearly feel a hand on his shoulder!

The atmosphere instantly became weird, and there were several people standing behind him, Han Ming, not too far away, but no one put their hands on his shoulders! He almost thought it was his own delusion.

But the next moment, Huang Lao felt the rapid loss of 'gift'. That hand was lightly placed on his shoulder, but it seemed to bring him a disaster!

His face began to sweat in a very short time, his lips were white and his pupils were dilated. He could feel that the supernatural power of his body was being sucked away by that hand!

No, no, no, she can't do this, she can't be allowed to succeed! !

He endured it, almost biting his tongue to gain some strength. Suddenly, he felt the shackles behind him loosen, and he slammed back!

"Ah!!" The tragic wailing sounded one after another.

Everyone behind him was completely unprepared, and all of them were attacked by the ability he fired! He is a wood-type power user. Although he is exhausted, he cannot launch thick and long vines, but this thin vine is also covered with fine and pointed barbs. The vine will also secrete venom. When the thorn cuts the skin, the venom penetrates,

backed away, but it was too late.

Everyone covered the wounds on their faces, not knowing what happened. Elder Xu was sucked away by Huazhi just now, and his vitality was severely damaged. Now he has a huge cut on his face, which is simply worse.

The next second, black blood began to flow from their wounds.

"Huang Long, what do you want to do?!" Old Xu asked in a rage. There was severe pain on his face, and his eyes were black in bursts. Elder Xu was covering his wounds, and he could not even stand.

Everyone looked at Huang Lao in astonishment, not understanding why he suddenly acted on his own people.

Huang Lao looked at the people behind him, how could he not attack? !

Huazhi didn't know why he did something to her, she just bent down and put the mutant rabbit on the ground. She has been holding it, although it is not heavy, but its rabbit fur is a bit thorny.

Put it down and she can free up her other hand to absorb the black energy in him.

Although they couldn't really make the scenery look like that, Huazhi was a little angry when she thought that they planned this way.

Huang Lao looked at the people behind him, "Have you felt anything strange?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Quick, give us the antidote for your vines!"

His line of sight penetrated the flower branch and looked at the people behind him.

Huazhi has freed her hands at this moment, and she put her hands on Huang Lao's shoulders again. This time, she used her fastest speed.

As soon as the air stagnated, he immediately felt two hands coming from the front, lightly placed on his shoulders. But now he doesn't even have the strength to stand, and his body has completely softened.

"Huang Lao, Huang Lao, what happened to you?!" Han Ming didn't care that his wound was still bleeding, and immediately rushed over to support him.

The people around originally wanted to crowd over, but thinking of the sudden arrival of him, he hesitated for a moment.

At the stall where they hesitated, the flower branch completely absorbed the piranha.

Lao Huang, after she pulled the last part of the piranha from his body, the whole person lay in Han Ming's arms.

He was breathing heavily, looking up at the dark sky, feeling that his body was colder than ever, a terrifying and cold strangeness, from the tail The vertebrae swept up his body from the bottom up.

"Hands, just got hands..."

King Huai only separated a ray of spiritual power to wander in front of his eyes, and Huang Lao suddenly stared at the sky in horror and was speechless.

Flower Branch couldn't help but look back at the scenery.

King Huai gestured to her slightly, Huazhi was relieved, she stood up and left Huang Lao.

The person who was still in power on the steps not long ago fell to the ground in an instant, and the fear became like this, everyone felt inexplicable. Coupled with his fear, the atmosphere became weird.

Han Ming immediately shouted, "Quick, come here, save people!"

"Where's the doctor? What about the healer? Call someone over!"

But there are also people who are angry and have black blood on their faces: "Huanglong, give us the antidote and you will faint again!"

It happened so suddenly, Zhou Cheng and the others didn't know what happened, so Huang Lao, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly paled and fell to the ground. But there was chaos over there, and they could just take advantage of the chaos and continue to advance inside the villa.

The two sides immediately pushed and pulled again. Everyone was in chaos here, and Huazhi began to look for the next target.

Of the five people tonight, three are here, and two...and two if they don't come out now, she will go find them at night!

I completely absorbed the piranha that had been greedy for her for a long time. The flower branch is now full of energy. She thinks that it is no problem to fight for a few days and nights without rest or sleep.

Blossom soon found her next target. She silently approached the next person.

Lao Xu was still covering his wound and cursing Huang Long, when a hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder, he immediately felt the same as Mr Huang, the 'gift' in his body was quickly drained, he When he turned around, he found that there was no one behind him!

He immediately thought of the "hand" that Huang Long just said, no one, how can there be no one, no, someone must be doing a ghost!

He wanted to fight back and let the people around him find out what was wrong, but he had already suffered a few heavy injuries, and now he opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. After Huazhi completely sucked the big bear out of his body, he fell into a coma.

Another person had an accident, and it was Mr. Xu who had the same status as Mr. Huang!

The back of the Korean name is cold, what happened! He knew their strength, how could they all fainted all of a sudden!

King Huai's spiritual power is still wrapped around the flower branch, so although he can't see the flower branch with the naked eye, he can also feel what the flower branch is doing.

They have used Huang Yu to conduct experiments before. People with black gas in their bodies can use fresh meat with blood to evoke the virus in their bodies.

Looking at Huang Lao lying on the ground panting heavily, Jing Huai took out a piece of fresh pork from the space.

He opened a bag of blood plasma and poured it on the meat, the blood immediately gave off a unique taste. The wind blew gently, and the smell floated into Huang Lao's nose.

The flower branch also smelled, she moved her nose, the smell of blood was very heavy, but it was still very fresh. She probably guessed what Jing Huai was doing.

Thinking this way, while absorbing the black energy in another person, she observed Huang Lao's state. The piranha is different from the ordinary black qi that exists in the body of the power user.

Although there is black qi in the special crystal core, the black qi will not materialize, just like the black qi in the mourned corpse, it is scattered in the body. But piranha, another form of existence, it's like... alive?

She just pulled out the piranha flower completely, and she had this feeling vaguely. The piranha is not produced by Huang Lao himself, more like... More like it lives in Huang Lao's body.

This description is a bit strange, but Huazhi feels that Huang Lao is like soil, and the piranha seems to be parasitic on him, not his thing.

The moment she sucked the piranha clean, it seemed that she was completely disconnected from something.

The feeling was fleeting, but the branches were captured immediately. She vaguely felt that this should be a very important thing.

Before she could understand, the smell of blood in the air was getting heavier. Over there, the piece of fresh meat wrapped in blood was stuffed into Huang Lao's mouth by Han Ming.

No, no, he can't—the meat finally shoved into his mouth. After he stuffed the meat in, the compulsive feeling disappeared instantly.

The red blood stained Huang Lao's lips, Han Ming was very nervous, why, why did he put that piece of meat into Huang Lao's mouth, and where did the meat come from ! Who the **** was manipulating him just now!

His mind was full of twists and turns, but all the questions could not be answered. He could only frantically wipe Huang Lao's mouth, trying to pull out the piece of meat, but as soon as he opened Huang Lao's mouth, he found that the piece of fresh meat had been eaten by him!

No, he must not let Huang Lao stay here all the time, Han Mingchao roared at the people behind him: "People! Hurry up and send Huang Lao back to the room!"

The healer who had been looking for a long time finally came over, and the people behind him finally moved.

Zhou Cheng received Jing Huai's instructions and immediately stepped forward, "Han Ming, what are you doing, why do you feed Huang Lao with fresh flesh?!"

When they came, there were people behind them with cameras on, and now this scene has also been recorded.

There is blood all over Huang Lao’s mouth, and Han Ming’s hands are also full of blood.

Han Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with them, just wanted to send Huang Lao in quickly, they were going to carry Huang Lao in, but just lifted the person up, they were blocked by Zhou Cheng and others .

"Let's go in too!" Zhou Cheng took people and surrounded them.

A lot of people have just been poisoned by the toxin of the old yellow vine. At the moment, it is still a mess of sand, and it was already chaotic. Something has happened to the backbone, and the people here are already in chaos.

"Zhou Cheng, what are you doing! Are you going to rebel!" Han Ming was so anxious that he could already feel that Huang Lao's body temperature was dropping, and the medicines were placed in the villa. If he can go back to the room first, he can suppress the virus in his body!

But it's not right, Huang Lao is obviously not afraid of that virus, why is there still a precursor to the attack? !

"Do you have to force Huang Lao to die in front of you to be willing!" Han Ming said, and did not say anything to him, "I warn you, whoever dares to come forward, I will Kill who!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the security guards of the villa all aimed their guns at Zhou Cheng and others.

Zhou Cheng was not afraid at all, instead he stepped forward and held the muzzle against himself, "Even if you kill me today, you will release Shen Guo!"

"Shen Guo is not in it at all!" Han Ming prayed frantically in his heart, hoping that Huang Lao was all right, but the thing he was most afraid of still came.

Old Huang suddenly opened his eyes! His eyes have turned turbid white, and his pupils have become vertical pupils, and he has begun to transform into a zombie!

"Hooho—" The blood on Han Ming's hand instantly attracted his attention, and he suddenly rushed towards Han Ming!

Scenic Huai and Huazhi’s heart flashed a little bit of clarity. Sure enough, without that piranha flower, he would be just like Huang Yu.

Huang Lao's zombie transformation also made people watching the live broadcast of the bracelet at home burst into discussions.

"How come Huang Lao suddenly turned into a zombie?!"

"Did he also eat that kind of crystal nucleus with virus?"

"Definitely yes, how could he be so powerful in the past, have you all forgotten, he was only a second-order ability user two months ago, and Huang Yu's waste is also, All of a sudden it became so great."

"Fuck. So the virus really spread from our base?!"

Huang Yu was infected with the virus, and it could be said that he was infected at other bases, but Huang Long never even went out of the base door, father and son suddenly upgraded directly and quickly, and suddenly zombies started change-

Everyone thought with their toes and knew that the special crystal nucleus must be related to their base!


"I sucked it clean!" Huazhi's eyes were bright, and she could tell that she was very happy now.

Flower branch is really very happy, this feeling is like suddenly drinking a bottle of ice-cold sparkling water in the hot weather of 40 degrees, and the whole person is flying happily .

"But there are two people who are not here." Huazhi glanced back, and her heart was itching like a cat scratching again.

Jing Huai helped her straighten her hair, "Go back and find them."

Huazhi nodded vigorously, "Are we going to release Shen Guo now?"

He's been in the space for nearly an hour, and now he's out for a while, no problem at all.

King Huai nodded, "Let's go, give them people, we can go back."

They put Shen Guo in the backyard of the villa. Only a few dozen meters away from the crowd.

As soon as the people were released, Zhou Chenggong received the news, and at the same time, he also received a video of them burning Shen Guo with poison gas and fire.

He didn't even have time to click on the video, so he rushed inside with people frantically.

"Today you won't let us take a look at the basement of the villa, we will never let it go!"

"It's clear in the video that that person is Shen Guo!"

"You lunatics! You—"

"Look! Shen Guo! It's Shen Guo!" Whoever exclaimed, everyone saw Shen Guo lying on the ground covered in injuries!

The wounds on his body have actually healed a lot, but Jing Huai exerted a layer of spiritual power on him, allowing him to retain the original injury.

The clothes all over the body were charred black, the skin was ripped open, and the blood was dripping. The people who had been following Shen Guo all along had completely exploded!

King Huai and Huazhi stood on the eaves, watching them pick up Shen Guo, and immediately let several healers come over to treat him, and then left here with confidence.

Shen Guo would have to stay here for a while as evidence.

The flower branch pulls the scenery and walks happily on the road. She felt that the whole world was bright, and even the moon was bright and beautiful.

She shook Jing Huai's hand, "Will Mr. Huang die today?"

"No, he hasn't died so easily."

Huazhi nodded, "Then I'm relieved, that piranha flower doesn't seem to be produced in his body. When I sucked it today, I felt another kind of implication, but I don't know what it is yet."

Jing Huai also nodded, "With his physical quality, he can't raise such a powerful thing."

Everyone has it. So there must be a problem here.

"You must be more careful in the future." Jing Huai reminded Huazhi.

Huazhi hugged his hand, eyes bright and teeth, "Don't worry, I still have a bell, you have to be careful, don't leave me casually, the rabbit fairy will protect you."

Jing Huai looked at her smug look, nodded, the corners of her mouth and voice softened, "It's up to you in the future, protect me well."

Another place.

In the warm room, the corner of the mouth of the man dressed in black showed a hint of unusual interest, "Our 'cute' are dead."

The place where he looked towards was a dark corner that seemed to be able to swallow people.

"Squeak-squeak-" The sound of chewing something was hoarse, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, it's a very interesting person." He looked at the corner happily, his voice sounded very clear, "It seems that I need to go there in person."

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