MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 138 ·?

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The oil paintings are rich in color and strong in three-dimensional texture. Compared with those she had seen before, it was obviously much more advanced.

The brushstrokes on the painting are very delicate, and each stroke seems to have vitality. Countless vigorous brushstrokes are fused together, and a vivid and complete picture is presented, as if alive. Just by looking at a static painting, you can form a dynamic image in your mind.

The director continued to lead them inside, and stopped in front of the next painting.

The picture of this painting is more impactful, blood splattered, and the zombies finally killed everyone with red eyes. Splashes of blood, limbs, despair, madness…

Looking at the painting, Jing Huai finally remembered what he had neglected.

His eyes sank slightly, "This painting is very good."

Although it was a compliment, Huazhi vaguely felt that he was angry.

The tentacles on the paintings seem to feel the power of the scenery Huai, and they twist even more crazy.

"Let's go and take a look inside." Jing Huai said lightly.

As soon as the scenery Huai made a sound, Huazhi's brain regained consciousness. She nodded, "Let's go, let's go inside."

Xing Huai squeezed her fingers, "You can't look at these paintings for too long."

He deliberately did not block the attacks of these things on Huazhi, just to let her feel it for herself. It is a good thing to get used to understanding these feelings in a safe state.

Flower Branch also scratched his palm, "I know, there is a lot of black gas on it, it's those black gas that confuse people, as long as I **** all those black gas, they will be gone worked."

She had absorbed a lot of black energy from the paintings in the villa in Wei'an base before, but those paintings were much worse than these. These paintings and the director's voice, under the double effect, can make her sleepy, so ordinary power users should fall into the trap at first sight when they see the paintings.

Going inside, they saw other people here, everyone was doing their own thing, when they saw them, everyone had a warm smile on their faces.

It looks friendly, gentle, and peaceful, but it doesn't feel any warmth.

Huazhi suddenly felt something strange, obviously they were all laughing, but she always felt a chill on her back and a little panic.

She couldn't help but approach some scenery Huai and hugged his hand, "They all look so strange."

Jiang Huai glanced at them and held Huazhi's hand, "It's all under control."

Blossoms: ! !

The little gray rabbit also jumped out, [Flower branch, I know why. 】

Little Gray Rabbit showed her a set of comparison pictures, [Look, the smiles at the corners of their mouths are the same. 】So many people are smiling exactly the same, the curvature of the corners of the mouth and the corners of the eyes are the same, which is impossible under normal circumstances.

Huazhi looked at the radian analysis chart, and the more she looked, the more familiar her eyes became, "Is it the same as when everyone fell asleep in Huang Lao Villa?"

She remembered that they were smiling too.

Who controls it, so perverted, do you like everyone so much?

Little Gray Rabbit put the picture out for comparison, nodded, [It's the same. 】

Flower branches hugged some scenery again, it's really weird here. They are obviously human, but they don't feel like they are human.

She thought of the superhuman who deliberately infected other people with the virus and finally died. Will these people also have those bugs in their bodies?

Huazhi watched the painting absentmindedly, and the man took them to another room.

The doors of this room are different from those in other places. The black doors are in sharp contrast with the surrounding white.

The man looked back at them, "Do you want to go in and see, here is our god."

Since you are here, of course you have to take a look. Huazhi hugged Jing Huai's arm tightly and nodded.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and the inside was clean, completely different from what she had imagined.

This room is even more magnificent. Compared with the previous one, it seems that this is the main church.

In the center of this room, at the very center, is a huge statue.

But the statue was covered by a black curtain, and Huazhi could only feel the black aura emanating from it.

"God hasn't built it yet, so it can't be opened yet, until it's built before you can see it."

The director put his hand on his chest and made a gesture to the statue covered with the curtain, "Everything is for human beings!"

After he finished, he turned his head and stared at the flowers and the scenery.

After a while, Huazhi blinked, "Do you want us to do the same?"

The man nodded.

Huazhi shook her head, "No, no, we're done visiting." She pulled Jing Huai, "Let's go."

The flower branch has been determined, and this is the religion that Jing Huai told her before.

The man was stunned, as if something unexpected happened.

Flower branches and scenery Huai walked towards the door together.

Seeing that they were really going out, the man's eyes darkened instantly, and anyone could see the haze on his face, "You don't want to believe in our god?"

When he spoke, there was a sense of energy in his voice, and his power was in his voice.

Flower Branch nodded honestly, "We don't want to."

She hasn't said yet, there is no **** in this world, she has it there. Obviously not, but they believe it even more.

The next second, the people who were just doing their own thing all around me. The warm smiles on their faces finally disappeared, and they looked at them angrily, as if they had done something very unreasonable.

Huazhi felt a little strange, as if something was not right. Before she came, she had read other people's posts about this place, and they all said that this place is normal and normal, but they are like this now, what is it like? normal people.

But soon, she knew why. Jing Huai's spiritual power, like a fine drizzle, spread throughout the church. Those mental powers are like the hair of a cow, they are numerous and thin, and they cover their bodies densely and lightly.

The people around her surrounded by three layers and three layers, and soon wrapped them in the middle.

The director walked past them, "You don't want to believe in our God?"

He was repeating the sentence just now, Huazhi looked back at the **** cloth, "Otherwise, let us see what your **** looks like, and then we will see if you want to believe in it or not. your god?"

Flower Branch is still very curious about what their so-called **** looks like. If it hadn't been rude to open it directly, she really wanted to open it and take a look.

"You don't want to believe in our God?" The man asked again, this time, his expression became even crazier and darker.

Huazhi tugged at Jing Huai's sleeve, "Are we going to fight them?"

The state of them should be catalyzed by the scenery. Sure enough, it doesn't look normal, and it's actually even more abnormal. It looked like he wanted to eat them alive.

They just didn't make that gesture with them, no one forced belief.

Waiting for Jing Huai to answer, Huazhi stretched her limbs, "If you want to fight, there's nothing you can do."

"Xiao Zheng, you can't be so unreasonable to the guests~" A bright voice came from the sky, and a figure landed lightly on the roof over there.

This is, a handsome... boy?

A few strands of hair hung down on his forehead, just enough to cover some of his eyes, but he was on the roof, and after the broken hair was blown away by the wind, he looked extra light.

A good looking man.

After he appeared, the mental power covering them actually dissipated. The people at the bottom seemed to have come back to their senses, and they didn't understand why they were surrounded here.

"Said my name." He jumped off the roof lightly and walked to the director's side, "What's my name?"

"Gu... Gusu?" The director called out tentatively.

"Xiao Zheng is awesome." Gu Su patted him on the shoulder, turned to look at Huazhi and Jing Huai, and extended his hand with a smile, "Hello, I'm Gu Su."

There is no black gas on him, he looks clean, but strange.

The people around him looked at him as if they were very respectful. Yes, it is worship and respect, and they have many people older than him, but no matter men, women and children, the enthusiasm for him in their eyes cannot be stopped.

Seeing that none of them wanted to shake his hand, he put his hand down.

He looked at the scenery and said with a smile: "You are really powerful, but if you let everyone go crazy, you will not be able to bear it~"

This man is so strong.

It is so strong that Huazhi can't even guess how many steps he has.

The little gray rabbit crackled and calculated, [Flower branch, it is the sixth order. 】

Blossoms: ! !

"No wonder he can instantly destroy Jing Huai's mental power."

The two looked at each other, the man still had a smile on his face.

"Our 'God' will be built soon, and the church will hold a meeting a week later. If you are interested, you can stay at the Wei'an base for a while longer."

They also have the badges of their bases on them. Only those who come to communicate on behalf of the official will wear such a logo, so it is easy to distinguish.

King Huai nodded, "We will attend on time."

The smile on Gu Su's face became even bigger, "Then we'll agree, then I will definitely leave the best position for the two of you."

After coming out of the church, the gloomy feeling that made people feel cold on the back disappeared, Huazhi couldn't help but look back at the church.

"The people in that church are so strange."

King Huai nodded and reached out to touch Huazhi's hair.


The sound of something disconnecting.

Huazhi paused, "Did you hear anything?"

King Huai: "A little thing."

His eyes drooped slightly, and he glanced behind him lightly.

In the church, Gu Su looked at the direction they were leaving, and his face became more interesting.

There are so many interesting people here, it's worth his trip.

When the two returned to the villa, in addition to the soldiers, the researchers were still inside.

As soon as Huazhi and the others came back, someone surrounded them.

"Have you seen Shen Guo, how is Shen Guo?"

Flower Branch took the hot milk they handed over: "It should be fine."

The officer nodded, then turned around and instructed everyone: "Before Shen Guo took charge of the Wei'an base, everyone should not go out unless necessary."

Yes, yes, Huazhi nodded, "Don't go out, it's a little messy outside." She felt a little uneasy when she thought of the church, Huazhi looked at the officer: "When are we going back?"

According to the plan, they were coming for two weeks, but now, it is almost coming to an end.

"The base means, let's stay here first. If Shen Guo can successfully take over the Wei'an base, the virus investigation will progress."

Huazhi took it seriously. Shen Guo himself was the biggest victim of the virus, and Huang Lao was his enemy. If he recovered, he would definitely be like them and want to investigate the virus.

The officer looked at the flowers and the scenery, "We may have to stay here for a while."

King Huai nodded, "We have other things, so we may not leave with you."

"Ah, can't we go together then?"

"Yes, I wouldn't dare to stay outside the base without you."

"Speaking of which, after driving Sun Zhu away, I really slept better and better, and I didn't have nightmares anymore."

"She squatted at the door yesterday and asked me why I drove her away. Fortunately, I ran fast."



Flower Branch was a little surprised, why did she suddenly prepare a surprise for them.

King Huai looked at the stairs, "Come down by yourself."

The air was silent for a while, and the people next to her were a little surprised, but after thinking about it, the scenery is so powerful, and there is nothing wrong with it. He stopped talking and sat quietly on the side.

On the stairs, Qi Chaoyang's face twisted. After being twisted for a long time, he still went downstairs obediently, "It's alright, alright, I know you're amazing. If you're not surprised, can't you surprise me a little?"

Pretend not to know how good it is to surprise him.

The scenery is not surprising, but Huazhi is quite surprised, "Why are you here!"

"After the base's affairs were settled, I rushed over overnight." He was proud, "I came with my identity, don't ordinary people know?"

Qi Chaoyang told them about the purpose of his visit this time.

He was actually on the road the day before the unrest at Wei'an Base, and it took two days to arrive by car. It was also just in time for this incident. I was worried that I would not be able to get in. I didn't expect that the gatekeeper was the person from Shen Guo, who was very friendly to them.

After a few words of nonsense, Qi Chaoyang said solemnly: "I have a very important news to tell you this time, that gecko-type ability user and Hua Ye, They said some interesting things."

Read The Duke's Passion