MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 148 ·?

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Not only the flower branches, but also the scenery Huai saw the man.

The cold eyebrows were instantly focused on the man. He stood in the dark, his whole body was tightly wrapped, and even his head was covered by his hat. Their angle was just enough to see the bridge of each other's nose and mouth. But even so, the two of them could see who he was at a glance.


For a moment, Huazhi thought she was wrong.

King Huai nodded, "It's him."

"Why are they here together?" Huazhi's head was full of questions, "Do they know each other?"


Huazhi nodded and picked up the binoculars again, not only them, but An Weijing's brother and father were also there, the black aura still lingered on their shoulders, one was a wolf, One is a fox.

Huazhi put down the telescope, "An Weijing's father and brother have black energy, we can't get too close." Once we get too close, we will be noticed by those black energy.

They also analyzed why these black qi can find them. The final conclusion is that because those black qi are viruses, they will be very sensitive to the existence of power users, especially high-level power users, which are even more nourishing for them. Although Huazhi has no ability, fresh human flesh is also attractive to them.

So when there is this kind of materialized black gas, they can't hide their existence unless they enter the bell.

A golden light covered the ears of Huazhi, and the voice that was not very clear just now became clear in an instant.

Below, Huang Lao and the psychic around him were surrounded by people from Shen Guo. Next to Shen Guo, An Weijing's brother and father stood. As for the directors, they stood alone in another corner.

Huang Lao was surrounded by a large circle of ability users, and they protected Huang Lao well in the surrounding circle.

Zhou Cheng also stood beside Shen Guo, slightly sideways in front of Shen Guo.

The entrance of the hole has not been blocked, Huang Lao looked at the dark entrance of the hole, "Where is my son?"

"I'm still thinking of your son when I die." Zhou Cheng sneered, "He's dead."

Huang Yu, that trash, killed how many people because his father was in charge of the base.

Huang Lao's eyes instantly turned red, "You dare!!"

Zhou Cheng looked at him now, and his heart was full of joy, "We can wait for you here, do you think your son can escape? That kind of waste, it's long overdue."

He waved to the back, and immediately a body was thrown over.

It's really Huang Yu! He seemed to have died suddenly, and before he had time to close his eyes, blood flowed out of his abdomen and quickly spread to the surrounding ground.

"You should be glad that he didn't suffer any torture when he died." In the base, how many people died because of Huang Yu's arrogance and willfulness. If it wasn't for Huang Yu's desperate resistance at that time, they would still be reluctant to let him Die so soon.

"Guess how many times he was stabbed when he died?"

"Cough cough cough—" Huang Lao's eyes were cracked, and he rushed over frantically, "Son, son!"

Someone next to him stepped on Huang Yu's face, "He will end up today, thanks to you."

"Old Huang!" Han Ming pulled Huang Long tightly, not daring to let him go over, Huang Long coughed violently, and immediately a pool of blood just coughed up on his chest.

Another subordinate of Shen Guo looked at Han Ming and the people around Huang Lao, "He is already like this, you are still following him, working for him, what are you trying to do?"

Huazhi couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, yes, what are they planning?"

This is the time, and so many people are willing to work for him, is it because Huang Lao is very charming, or because he is rich? However, Huazhi felt that nothing was important.

Jing Huai hugged the flower branch tightly, he wrapped her whole body, and whispered in her ear: "Those are all ability users above the third rank."

Huazhi nodded, "They have black energy in their bodies."

I was wondering why the people around Huang Long didn't have black qi, but now I know that it's not that the people around him don't have black qi in their bodies, it's that these people weren't around him before.

"Give Huanglong to us, and we can punish you lightly for the wrong things you have done with him!"

"You should know that even if you flee with Huanglong now, we can still issue wanted orders to major bases, unless you build a new base yourself, or never join any bases, Otherwise you will end up back in our hands."

No surrender at all.

Old Huang also saw An Weijing's father and brother, as well as the director in the corner.

He looked at the director with red eyes, "Is the high priest ready to give up on me completely?"

In the corner, came the indifferent voice of the director, "It's your own waste."

Huazhi's heart thumped, she supported Jing Huai's arm, "Does Shen Guo also know Gu Su?"

But isn't Shen Guo hurt so badly by Huang Lao and the others? If he also knew Gu Su, and he also received the 'gift' like Huang Long and the others, why would he be like that?

Huang Long: "If it weren't for me, would you be where you are today?! How many things have I done for the high priest! It's just a failure! As long as the high priest gives me a 'gift'! As long as he can Give me the 'gift' again, I-"

An Weijing's father, An Cheng, interrupted Mr. Huang with a blank expression, "Don't talk to other people, it's you who killed so many powers for your own selfish desires, and you have a relationship with the high priest. what relationship?"

Huang Long laughed, and laughed even more crazy, his eyes were red, and madness appeared in his eyes, "Do you really think that I am a garbage that can be thrown away?"

He circled around the people around Huang Lao, and soon completely wrapped them in.

"That is spiritual power, is he controlling them?" She had never discovered that this director had spiritual power before.

Jing Huai's eyes dimmed, "No, he is releasing Huanglong's control over them."

As if confirming what Jing Huai said, the moment the eerie blue light dissipated, the expressions on everyone's face, including Han Ming, changed at the same time.

The man who just spoke saw the loosening of their expressions, and repeated what he just said, "As long as you surrender and hand over the yellow dragon, we will definitely treat you lightly!"

"Put down your weapons and stand aside."

It seemed that they had reacted to the current situation in vain, and the people who were just about to fight to the death, with their resolute faces, loosened up in an instant.

The people around Huang Lao realized the current situation and put down their weapons one after another.

Huang Long knew that they were determined to let him die here today.

He looked at them arrogantly, and his decadent face suddenly showed the breath of a superior, "Even if I die here today, he will be buried with me!"

An Cheng frowned instantly, "Huang Long, if you surrender now, we can still keep your whole body."

They need to give everyone an explanation, give everyone a reason, the death of Huang Long and Huang Yu is the best explanation.

"Leave me a whole body?" Huang Long's voice became hollow, "I personally sent someone to build the church. Now, the high priest should also be in the villa?"

Han Ming reacted instantly, "Old Huang! No, you—"

He put his hand in his pocket and resolutely pressed the button of the remote control.

"Bang-" An unprecedented huge explosion resounded through the sky!

With the scenery Huai and the mutant rabbit, they got into the bell!

The bell effectively blocked the sound outside, but on the roof where they were just now, the glass windows were all shattered!

Huazhi's brain buzzed for a moment, she turned to look at Jing Huai in shock, "He, he bombed the church? Is Gu Su dead?"

King Huai looked in the direction of the church, "No, he's not in the villa."

Huazhi was startled and nodded, she turned and saw Huanglong lying on the ground, "Will they kill Huanglong too?!"

"No, they still need Huanglong." Jing Huai made a decisive decision, "Follow them."

Huang Yu died, and Huang Long even wanted to blow up the church. Starting from him is the best breakthrough.

Huazhi also realized this, they originally wanted to ask about Huang Long, but now that Huang Yu is dead, Huang Long was forced into a desperate situation by them, it should be the most willing to cooperate with them.

Blossoms quickly released themselves and the scenery.

The people below did not escape the strong pressure, and were severely impacted. The impact of the air forced many people to fly out, and the heat waves and explosions impacted everyone's brains and five senses.

"Huang Long, you are crazy! You crazy!"

"Quick, go put out the fire! The high priest is in the villa now!"

"Shen Guo, send someone to put out the fire, go save the high priest!"

The moment everyone came to their senses, they thought of Gu Su in the villa for the first time.

The position where Huang Lao stood was the first to be affected by the shock wave. His body was already seriously damaged. fainted on the ground,

They can't take care of Huang Lao for a while. The director and the An family father and son rushed to the villa immediately after recovering, and even Shen Guo sent Zhou Cheng to the church to put out the fire.

After the An family left, there was nothing to worry about when they approached.

Old Huang was dragged up by several people, "Brother Shen, he is not dead yet, what should I do?"

Shen Guo looked at Huang Long with a stern expression, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, "Take it down, don't let him die, he has killed so many people, we must give an explanation to other bases."


With such a commotion, not only him, but also the people around him were taken down by Shen Guo's people. Even Han Ming was silently taken away by them. However, his eyes kept drifting towards Huang Long.

Huazhi pulled Jinghuai's sleeve, "Han Ming has no black energy in his body, and the blue light just now did not enter his body."

So, he should really follow Huanglong.

Jing Huai also saw Han Ming's eyes. As another key figure, Han Ming even knew more than Huang Yu.

"Let Qi Chaoyang ask him."

Huazhi nodded, he still owed Qi Chaoyang Crystal Nucleus.

Huang Long was quickly taken down, Huazhi and Jing Huai let the mutant rabbit carefully follow behind him. They put Huanglong in the bottommost prison, a completely airtight room with copper walls and iron walls on all sides and only a small vent. It's even better than the room where Huanglong and the others closed Shen Guo.

"If Shen Guo also knows Gu Su, does he also know about the 'gift'? However, it doesn't seem to be necessarily." Huazhi thought seriously, and their conversation at that time was somewhat like she said Strange not to come out.

"May or may not know. If you want to find out, go directly to Shen Guo."

Huazhi nodded, yes, just ask him directly, it took a long time to guess here.

The healer quickly entered the room, and the white light covered Huanglong's body for a long time.

Finally, the healer withdrew the white light in his hand, and the man next to him poured a pot of scalding hot water on his face.

"Ah!" Huang Long let out a tragic cry and instantly woke up.

His slightly wrinkled face suddenly flushed red.

The guard's face was indifferent, "Okay, just wake up."

The man put a huge ball of cloth in Huanglong's mouth, and tied his hands and feet together to prevent him from committing suicide.

The person next to him looked angry, "It's really cheap for him to just let him go."

"We also have to give an explanation to the other bases, and let him explain everything behind it. So many power users were killed by him, and they can't be absorbed by him into zombies Bar?"

The people next to her nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, Brother Shen will definitely investigate this matter."

They said something more before leaving the room.

Listening to them, it seems that Shen Guo is ignorant? Are you really arresting him to find out the truth?

It's too messy, it's too messy, Huazhi's mind can't turn around. But it doesn't matter, if you don't understand something, you should ask it directly.

The moment the door was closed, Huanglong was taken into the space by the flower branches.

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