MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 156 ·?

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"Thorn-" is the sound of something breaking through the air.

Han Meng's pupils dilated instantly, and a sense of danger suddenly struck, but she couldn't move!

Just when Han Meng thought she was about to be blocked by Huazhi's sudden appearance! Han Meng struggled to break free, the white space was frantically turbulent, and shattered at the moment when the long arrow pierced into Huazhi's body—

Everyone woke up at the same time.

Trembling uncontrollably. Thinking of Huazhi, she ran out immediately.

Huazhi and Jing Huai also woke up, Huazhi was still in shock, "I was discovered by Gu Su, how can he fall asleep?"

They lived in a villa with Han Meng, and the door was soon knocked on by Han Meng.

Flower Branch immediately ran to open the door. Han Meng looked up and down the flower branch, and took a closer look with her head in her arms, "Are you all right? He shot an arrow just now, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just a dream, it's all fake." There was no black gas in the arrow, and I didn't know what it was. I didn't feel anything when I shot it.

Han Meng's lips were a little pale, and her complexion was not very good.

Huazhi looked at her: "What's wrong with you, are you hurt?"

She became paler and paler, and suddenly fainted.

Huazhi hugged her quickly and took her into the room. As soon as she entered the room, Huazhi put her in the bell. Huazhi asked him worriedly, "What happened to her?"

Jing Huai: "The stimulation Gu Su gave was too strong, she wasted a lot of strength in breaking that dream."

"Does Gu Su also have the ability to fall asleep?" Huazhi thought about it carefully, "Up to now, I have only seen him pulling that longbow. Is his ability really that longbow?"

Jiang Huai shook his head and felt strange, "I don't know, but he has no mental power."

The two couldn't figure it out, they could only wait for Han Meng to wake up.

Han Meng had completely recovered after waking up. She returned the high-level crystal core that Huazhi gave her to her, and also gave Huazhi the healing core they had collected before.

Blossoms did not refuse, the healing cores were used on the bells to have the greatest effect.

Huazhi looked at Han Meng, "Do you know why that man appeared in the dream?"

Han Meng frowned, "He has my spray." She looked at Shen Guo in the video, "He's not a fourth-order power user, how could he be hurt so badly?"

Thinking of the spray, Han Meng frowned even more, "That kind of spray is very rare, I haven't given it to a few people, I'll check it out."

I thought this was the end of the matter, but the next day, Dawning Base received a notice from Wei'an Base, saying that Shen Guo had suffered a serious mental injury and wanted to hold Han Meng accountable!

The person in the lead is Zhou Cheng. In the video, Shen Guozheng is lying on the bed with a pale face. The whole person seems to be ten years old, and he is still wearing a breathing mask. It beeped, and it looked like he was seriously injured. They even issued a doctor's report.

Moreover, they even gave evidence that Han Meng attacked Shen Guo. For a while, the public opinion reached a climax, and many people demanded accountability for Han Meng on the Internet. Even other people in the Dawning Base put pressure on Su Xiong frequently, asking him to deal with Han Meng and to release the imprisoned power users.

Su Xiong naturally refused, and finally suppressed them by force. Due to their strength, everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, but their eyes on Su Xiong and others changed.

On the same day, Jinghuai and Huazhi also received news that An Weijing was dead.

When they received the news, both of them were silent for a moment, Huazhi: "Then he should have become a zombie now?"

King Huai nodded.

An Weijing didn't say that Shen Guo and the others would blow themselves up, but he did say that he saw them killing zombies. Moreover, he also saw how they killed the zombies-

The two also combined the information of so many people to find that each of them knew something different, and together they could only see the details of the incident.

The city that Huanglong goes to every month.

Everyone had to focus on the factory that might be the base of the Corpse Emperor.

Flower Branch couldn't help but let Jing Huai take out the oil painting.

She looked at the oil painting carefully. Although there was no blackness on it, she always felt that there was something else she had overlooked. After looking for a long time, I still found nothing, and I could only let Jing Huai take it back.

When you can't figure it out, do something else first, and think about it occasionally, so maybe you can figure it out when. Although he was anxious, he could only press down first.

After a few days, I finally dealt with the Dawning Base, where all the black energy in the body of the power user was absorbed by her whip. As far as I can see, there is no black gas anymore.

The sudden movement of zombies in groups, or the use of low-level zombies to test the water, completely inspired the determination of major bases to destroy the corpse emperor.

While they went to the factory to inquire about news, they quickly mobilized all the personnel. Huazhi and Jinghuai could see a large area of ​​materials, arms and power users being assembled every day. Finally, the day of departure came.

In fact, everyone knows that this time there will be heavy casualties, but if you don't kill this zombie now, there will be endless troubles. No one has the confidence to survive the waves of zombies.

Everyone gathered together at the fastest speed, and the mighty team started to set off in one direction.

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the sun shines on people's bodies, giving them a warm feeling.

When they finally arrived at the first gathering place, their team grew in an instant.

They also met people from the Wei'an base. As soon as they saw Han Meng, their noses were not noses and eyes were not eyes.

"Shen Guo didn't come." Jing Huai whispered in Huazhi's ear.

Huazhi blinked, "Did he pretend to be sick on purpose?"

Thinking about it, Huazhi thinks that's it. When he lies like that, he can pretend not to come, and he can frame the Dawning Base. Huazhi felt that the person she had ever seen in her life was the most convoluted person, Shen Guo.

"I regret saving him. When this matter is over, I must arrest him again!" Huang Long is not a good person either.

The flower branches are a little big, why are the bad guys all gathered in the Wei'an base?

Jing Huai: "If we kill the corpse emperor, he is the one who told us the news of the corpse emperor. If we were killed by the corpse emperor, he also made a great contribution, because he put the ability user Sent to the corpse emperor."

Huazhi nodded desperately, "That's right, he's too bad, and his stomach is full of twists and turns."

Jing Huai rubbed her head, "Kill the corpse emperor, and then go to him to settle the account."

"If he can live to that time—" Shen Guo has also harmed so many people, of course he should enjoy the same treatment as Huanglong Hanming.

They drove for a long time and finally joined the people at their base!

Eagle one eagle three soared in the sky, and arrows rushed over!

After a period of time, they have grown a little more, and they can no longer come in through the car window, Huazhi greeted them happily, they hovered around Huazhi for a while, turned their heads and flew away on the cart of the mutant tiger.

"Ouch~~" Huazhi instantly heard an extremely tragic tiger cry.

These are three eagles! Half of Huazhi sticks out of the car window, "Don't peck its eyes!!"

Qi Chaoyang also came over. He was wearing a brand-new windbreaker, standing beside the car, and showed them his profile with his chin raised.

This is for them to see him. Huazhi looked at him seriously.

Qi Chaoyang saw the two of them looking at him, his chest immediately stiffened, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Did you find anything different about me?"

Flower Branch thought for a while, "Have you risen to the fourth level?"

Qi Chaoyang snapped his fingers, "That's right!" He said happily, "I didn't expect that, that fourth-order zombie is too powerful, killing it makes me think I have to level up, I'll upgrade when I get back."

The time flow rate of the planting space is 10:1. He cultivated in it for a month, which is only three days outside. But it's just that the time inside and outside is different. For him, his life is still over a month.

Jing Huai took out a bag of crystal cores and handed it over, "Look for a chance to absorb it."

Qi Chaoyang quickly took the bag and secretly opened a hole. As soon as he saw what was inside, he hurriedly rubbed over like a husky, "Wuwuwu, you're still a brother, Lao Feng!"

Jiang Huai pulled him off his body expressionlessly.

What Huazhi did not expect was that Professor Duan and Bu Si also followed. But Bu Si stayed in the planting space.

Huazhi was unexpectedly refreshed, and the scenery was also felt.

The two saw Bu Si at a glance, and Huazhi immediately asked, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you say there is a zombie emperor?" Bu Si looked at them and dragged them over, "Look, that kid Qi Chaoyang brought my stove too, he still has some use."

Blossoms: ! !

There was a water well behind the original wooden house, and Bu Si's furnace for forging weapons was directly next to the well.

Huazhi thought of the brick, "Have you used that brick?"

"I used it, the 50,000 points are really worth it." When it came to the brick, Bu Si immediately became excited, "That brick is so wonderful, it made me forge weapons faster. times!"

"The water in this well, plus that brick, and power stone, the weapons I forged have been greatly improved in all aspects." Water, keep fit!

Huazhi looked at the power stone in the air in surprise, "Is this stone no longer in the base?"

Bu Si waved his hand, "It's better to put it in the space than in the base."

Jiang Huai suddenly thought that the original Jiang Xu also put the power stone in the space. This power stone was originally in the rainforest, allowing the plants to flourish. In the planting space, it can indeed play a greater role.

Bu Si continued: "I don't know how powerful that zombie emperor is. Although I can't help you kill zombies, I can help you repair your weapons!"

Before he knew the news of the Corpse Emperor, he entered this space. After careful calculation, he spent at least three months in the space. Later, when he learned that there was a Corpse Emperor, he changed his laziness from the past, forging weapons day and night, and this time he went out and directly changed a wave of weapons for their accompanying power users.

"Where's your weapon? Hurry up and give it to me, there are still a few days, just for you to change it."

Jiang Huai handed over the Tang knife.

Bu Si weighed it in his hand, "It's a pity that this guy can stay with you for so long because he met me."

King Huai nodded, "Yes." He took out a bag of high-level crystal nuclei to Bu Si.

Bu Si has become accustomed to his appearance, and now he feels that Jing Huai is cold and warm. He fiddled with the crystal core a few times and threw another weapon to Jing Huai, "Use this first, just in case."

He turned to look at Huazhi, "Give me your whip too."

Huazhi was surprised for a moment, then shook her head quickly, "My whip will eat those nuclei."

"That's because I wasn't good at the level before, and I didn't have enough energy at that time. You can just give it to me." Huazhi's whip has always been his obsession, and that whip still has the possibility of forging , he could not forge. But today is different from the past, his power level is almost five, and he is blessed with well water, power stone and that brick. Bu Si felt that it might not be impossible to give it a try.

Bu Si said so, Huazhi gave him the whip, and in addition, gave him the hundreds of crystal cores he had saved. The points from the previous auction, Huazhi has also been transferred to him.

Bu Si looked at the nucleus of the flower branch, "Okay, I don't need any of these, you can keep it for yourself as pocket money."

"Go out, don't waste my time." Then, Bu Si reminded again, "You must not run around until I forge the weapon, you know?"

He just looked at Huazhi and Jing Huai and nodded before letting them out.

The organization this time is very clear, and the ability users of various abilities have been organized into teams according to different categories, and emergency training has also been carried out. As for the logistics, all the healers, doctors and nurses, and even Hanagi's favorite chef came with him.

No one said that Qi Chaoyang brought the planting space, only a few high-level executives knew about it. In the event of an accident, he will stuff people into the space, so that one can be saved.

The team kept converging, getting bigger and bigger, and finally, approaching the city in a surrounded attitude!

Read The Duke's Passion