MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 159 ·?

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Humans sneaked into the factory like this, but they didn't find it.

Where Jing Huai was just now, there were zombies on the left and right, but at the moment when the arrow shot, there was nothing.

A zombie just disappeared out of thin air, and he was brought in by Father An.

The moment An Fu found out about this, fear instantly took over his whole heart, and he immediately fell to the ground completely, "High priest, I haven't been out of the factory these days, I I don't know how he got behind me, I-"

Gu Su stepped on his back, "squeak-" was the sound of bones that could not bear the pressure.

Gu Su seemed to be walking on the ground, jumping with ease, stepping on his back with both feet.

These two feet seem to be light, but to An Fu, they are like the top of a mountain, and he once again heard the sound of his bones creaking. But he clenched his hands tightly, not daring to shake the slightest.

Gu Su stepped on his head with one foot, and in an instant, An Fu's whole face was crushed on the concrete floor, and a few bloodstains were quickly rubbed out.

"I know, it's not your fault." Gu Su's tone was gentle, but listening to Father An's ears made him tremble even more.

An image flashed across An Weijing’s mind, Gu Su was stabbed to death—

Finally, Gu Su jumped off his back. The moment Gu Su left, Father An immediately collapsed to the ground.

Gu Su happily walked to the place where the scenery disappeared.

There are zombies all around, but there is nothing there. Gu Su stood there and looked at it for a few seconds, his face became more interesting, "Space?"

Huazhi's heart was pounding, she was inside the bell, watching Gu Su suddenly approach, "He knows we have space."

She was still immersed in the shock just now, Huazhi did not expect that Gu Su could actually find them with an arrow, what exactly was his arrow?

Although she thought Gu Su's bow was amazing before, she didn't expect it to be so amazing. Huazhi suddenly understood why the people around him were so afraid of Gu Su. The longbow in his hand was almost omnipotent.

Gu Su put his left hand in his pocket, crushed the position where Jing Huai had just stood with one foot, his eyes became crescent-shaped smiles, his young and cheerful face, but his voice was full of coldness and deterrence, "come out."

Huazhi looked back at the scenery, "We—"

When I look back, the flower branches are stunned.

There is a long purple arrow floating in the bell! The outermost periphery of the long arrow is tightly wrapped with the spiritual power of Jing Huai, and the gold is wrapped in purple, which is beautiful and charming.

Gold and purple are reflected on the wall of the bell, the flower branch blinks, and she still has some doubts that she is wrong, "Is this the arrow just now?"

King Huai nodded, "Yes."

The arrow did not break, and was brought in by him the moment he entered.

The long arrow floated in front of Huazhi under the control of Jing Huai, Huazhi's curiosity instantly overshadowed the worry of being discovered by Gu Su.

She looked at the arrow carefully, and even touched it with her hand.

But she could only feel Jing Huai's spiritual power, and his spiritual power completely wrapped the contents inside.

Huazhi looked at the scenery in amazement, "It's really light."

The purple light contains plenty of energy.

This is the first time she has seen Gu Su's arrow so closely, "How did this arrow find us?"

Huazhi still thinks this is too magical, and it is not a magic weapon of immortals, and there is also a tracking technique.

King Huai: "The arrow has a hair."

He reversed the direction of the arrow, and the arrow immediately pointed to the side of the flower branch.

At this angle, you can see it clearly at a glance. At the sharp triangle of the arrow, there is a hair two or three centimeters long.

Everyone's hair is the same length, Huazhi looked at it for a long time, "Is this your hair?"

After saying that, Huazhi responded, "He actually has our hair!" She thought it was incredible, "Could it be that he picked it up at the Wei'an Base?"

They lived in the villa in Wei'an base for more than half a month, and they did lose their hair inside. She doesn't know how much hair she loses in a day, and sometimes her long hair is all over the quilt. However, Gu Su actually collected their hair, which is too perverted!

Huazhi felt that Gu Su's image had dropped several grades.

"Does he also have the hair of other powers?" Otherwise, he shot so many arrows.

Jing Huai shook his head, "I don't know, but maybe he just wants to find me."

If the zombie in the picture shown by An Weijing is the zombie king... Up to now, they have not seen the zombie emperor.

Here are all high-level zombies, and he can't easily exude mental power to investigate the situation. But after staying in it for so long, he didn't feel any energy fluctuations from high-level zombies.

The two were studying the arrow in the bell, completely forgetting the Gusu outside.

He seemed to say something, but Huazhi didn't hear a word in her mind. When she remembered that they were discovered by Gu Su, Gu Su was completely angry.

He was full of anger, "Very good!"

Gu Su shot several arrows in a row, forming an extremely dense black air hood at the location where they were just now. Then, compress that black air violently!

They can hide in space, but space also needs a carrier, if they can escape, the carrier must still be there.

The suddenly compressed black gas instantly shrank several times, "Bang—", a small and delicate bell appeared in vain on the ground that was originally empty!

A zombie immediately picked up the bell.

Gu Su squeezed the bell in his hand, and immediately felt a familiar aura, a hint of playfulness appeared on his face, "The people who rescued Shen Guo from the basement are also you." He used affirmation Tone rather than question.

No wonder they are so bold and dare to come in directly, thinking they can do whatever they want when they have space?

"Tell the people outside that the scenery is dead." Gu Su squeezed the bell tightly and looked at the man beside him indifferently.

The man immediately bowed his head respectfully, "Yes, High Priest."

Huazhi looked at Gu Su, who was holding the bell and left with a group of zombies, and dialed the bell on his wrist, "Fortunately, Bu Si gave me a lot of bells."

On her wrist, there is a small bracelet made of bells, just missing one.

These bells were originally made to cover up her space bells, so they all look exactly the same. However, the ones bought by Gu Su were different. Those were specially made premium versions, which were very advanced from the start of the materials used.

As long as there are enough bells, no one will know which one their bell is!

After Gu Su and the people around him left, An Fu was finally helped by his people.

When I picked him up, I could hear his bones creaking, "Sir—"

"I'm fine." An's father waved his hand, Gu Su is like this, moody, especially what just happened has something to do with him, Gu Su didn't continue to deal with him, it was good.

"Help me to Weijing's side." The man immediately supported him, and the two walked to An Weijing's side together, he half-knelt beside An Weijing, "Weijing, Weijing, you still okay?"

The man immediately took out a low-level crystal nucleus from his pocket, "This is the crystal nucleus prepared in advance for the young master."

An father just remembered, and quickly took the crystal core he handed over and fed it all to An Weijing in one go.

An Weijing was originally weak, but after being turned into a zombie by them using a special method, he became even weaker. Its skin was pale and dry, with huge, deeply sunken black eye circles on its face, and its body was thin.

After An Weijing ate the crystal core, she finally looked better. Father An, "Let's go, let's go back quickly."

The zombie behind An's father carried An Weijing on his back, he was also supported, and stumbled to An Weijing's room.

It was said to be a room, but in fact there was nothing in it, even the walls were made of cement, only cold iron chains and a big bed full of scratches could be seen. The bed and the ground were full of fluffy cotton. Next to him is the chain that he broke free.

"I'll go get a new chain." The man quickly took the chain over.

Those chains were thick and heavy, and they were carried by two zombies. Father An sighed and tied An Weijing himself.

This time the chain was obviously thicker than the one by the bed. He tied the chain to An Weijing's wrist and ankle. The heavy black chain and pale skin formed Sharp contrast, very dazzling.

An Weijing just lay on the tattered cotton quilt, eyes closed.

An father told them, "We must guard the future, and never let it go out!"

"Yes, sir." The man hesitated for a moment, but then asked, "Sir, the picture foreshadowed by the young master just now—"

His voice gradually became smaller, the flower branch directly transformed into a rabbit ear, and the "patta" stuck to the wall of the bell.

Her bell, long ago, was quietly moved to An Weijing by Jing Huai. Although it is a zombie, it is still very thickly dressed, and they have not found it hidden under the clothes.

An father's tone was serious, "What did you see before I came?"

The man whispered in An Fu's ear, and An Fu's expression changed, "Is what you said true?"

The man nodded, and immediately said, "Don't worry too much, the young master has just woken up, the predicted future is definitely as inaccurate as before, and it is estimated that it will take a while before it becomes stable. down."

An father nodded, "Yes, it's only second-order now, give it a body first, and then upgrade it when it's better."

The eyes of the two met, and they were silent.

For the outside world, An Weijing must be killed. The current prediction is not accurate. Father An frowned slightly, if Gu Su really died, then they must make another plan.

Huazhi's bunny ears have been pulled to the longest, she still looks like a zombie, but has grown two white and soft bunny ears, Jing Huai couldn't help touching her ears.

Her ears are thin and soft, and they can't help but move when touched. Huazhi looked back at him suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Speaking, she added: "They are talking so quietly that I can't hear them."

King Huai rubbed the rabbit fur on her ears, "Don't listen, the future is uncertain."

It depends on human beings, and he doesn't like to pin his future on illusory predictions.

Huazhi thought that the scenery in the picture was about to die, she nodded seriously, "You are right, the future is uncertain." Otherwise, she would have been struck to death by the thunder.

The flower branch retracted her ear with a squeak.

Jing Huai's eyes still fell on top of her head, and there was still the fluffy feeling of her ears on the fingertips. He moved and retracted his hand.

He didn't seem to be on the balcony for a long time, put her on his lap, and brushed her hair in the sun.

As long as things are over here.

Outside, the man prepared another fresh meat with blood. As soon as he approached with the meat, An Weijing suddenly opened his eyes.

The meat was raw, deliberately soaked in a large basin full of blood. "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll give it to you."

An's father brought it over, and as soon as he approached, An Weijing plunged into the basin, like a wildly hungry wild dog.

An Fu sighed again, "Go out, there are still many things to prepare, let the future rest well."

After they left, two people were left guarding the door. Huazhi added some zombie scents to herself, Jing Huai and the mutant rabbits in the bell, and came out of the bell with the mutant rabbits.

An Weijing is still devouring the pot of flesh and blood frantically, looking very ferocious, Huazhi looked down at An Weijing, "Am I sucking the black air out of its body now?"

King Huai nodded, "Let's start."

Huazhi put her hand on An Weijing's back, unable to control An Weijing who was eating frantically, and finally fell down.

"Okay." Huazhi let go. An Weijing's level is very low, and there is not much black energy in her body, she quickly absorbed it.

King Huai: "Let's go."

Their purpose is to see what is behind this factory.

Huazhi nodded, "They just said they were going to prepare something."

Since they came in, all the zombies are busy, and zombies keep coming out and in, what are they busy with?

When they were about to leave, An Weijing suddenly dropped something on her body—

Outside Shore.

A power user rolled and ran out, followed by a few zombies.

He has the mental power of other powers, and everyone immediately helped him kill the zombies behind him to determine his condition.

"The scenery is dead—" As soon as the voice fell, the man completely fainted!

Everyone was shocked, Xu Qi immediately tried to contact him and Huazhi, but still no signal was collected.

"Except for the two of them, and the dead power users, everyone else came out."

"What about the space channel prepared earlier?"

The space system ability user shook his head, "I really can't find the two of them."

The person next to him said immediately, "Go back first, they didn't say it, don't worry about them if you don't come out."

"Yes, there are zombies here, not to mention those zombies have found us inside."

"Go back first and then make a long-term discussion. The information is already in hand. Even if you want to save them, you must go back and discuss with everyone."

Xu Qi hesitated, but in the blink of an eye, he saw the movement of the nearby zombies, so he made a decision, "Go, go back first."

Read The Duke's Passion