MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 162 ·?(1)

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The heavy metal gate can only be opened by automatic control.

The moment the scenery Huai stepped in, the stench and stench of blood came instantly.

The zombies in front of them were still waiting for them, and Jing Huai walked to them.

In front of them, there was a pool about the size of a large swimming pool, and the pool was all red to dazzling, slightly thick blood.


It was that slight bubbling sound again, and there were ripples in the middle for some unknown reason.

The blood pool is clean all around, with white tiles all around. The extreme cleanliness and the blood in the pool formed a sharp contrast in vision at the first sight.

In the huge factory building, there is a strong **** smell everywhere.

Seduction and attraction. They stood there, making low and excited roars impatiently.

She pressed against the wall of the bell tightly, "There seems to be something else in that pool."

Before she could see what it was, the ripples in the circle became bigger, like there was something under the pool.

Flower Branch's ears moved, this sound, as if something was being injected into the pool.

Little Gray Rabbit gave her a definite answer, [Flower branch, there is more blood in it. 】

It seems that because the injection speed has become faster, there are ripples in the blood pool. On the surface of the blood pool, the slightly thick blood water was broken through, and some things surfaced.

With the surging of the blood pool, more and more corpses were rolled up, including human and animal, arms, thighs, hearts, heads..., all parts of the body They were all disassembled, minced, and turned into large pieces of rotten meat. They were just like this, with the surging of blood and water, constantly floating on the water, and the whole scene looked **** and terrifying.

The smell of blood was so unpleasant that even Ying Er, who was beside her, bowed her back, and her eagle eyes were full of vigilance. The mutant rabbit even shrank at her feet.

Blossoms rubbed them, and the voice was silent for a moment, "These are living people and mutant animals."

The large area of ​​corpses remains the same. Those corpses include men and women, old people and children, as well as many mutant animals and their cubs.

Flower branch has never had such a strong feeling of wanting to kill these zombies, kill the zombie emperor, and kill Gusu.

The scenery, which is always surrounded by the smell of blood, is more violent than the emotional fluctuation of Huazhi. In the last life, he only knew that the supernatural beings around him were killed by others. No one would have imagined that there would be people who would unite with zombies like this and mutilate the lives of their compatriots.

In this pool, everyone is part of a family, they have family and friends, and everyone is working hard to survive.

King Huai looked at the blood pool with a heavy look, her eyes dark and unclear. But what made him more concerned was that there were other things in the pool.

Gu Su walked to Jing Huai's side like this, he put his hand on Jing Huai's shoulder, looked at the things in the pool, his eyes glowed with excitement, "Do you like it, here, It's all the freshest human flesh and blood."

"Hooho—" The surrounding zombies became even more excited. Their eyes glowed red, and they could not wait to rush straight up.

Jiang Huai calmed down for a moment, he was not as excited and uncontrollable as they were, but he was also controlling his eyes to flash red, even making his eyes look scarier than other zombies.

Gu Su looked at Jing Huai's calm and restrained appearance, and felt that he had more appetite for him. Although his eyes were red, he was not as rude as other zombies. But unfortunately, he happened to meet the Corpse Emperor Awakening.

He has never seen a special physique that can constantly ease energy, especially after hearing them say that he absorbed most of the energy emitted by the Corpse Emperor. Gu Su looked at Jing Huai with a hint of inquiry in his eyes. It seemed that he couldn't convert the energy he absorbed into his own.

It doesn't matter. During this period of time, the speed of absorbing energy to create black gas has slowed down, and even upgrading the corpse emperor has become more difficult. I don't know if this zombie can work for the gift.

"I knew Thirteen would like it, don't worry, I'll take you in now." Gu Su smiled again. He seemed to be in a really good mood, sweeping away the gloom of last night. The voice also has a light and lively flavor.



"Bang—" A zombie couldn't control it, and even rushed over.

The attraction of flesh and blood to zombies is inherently irresistible. The ability of high-level zombies to endure when they see the blood pool has exceeded the expectations of Huazhi and Jinghuai.

But Gu Su's face turned cold in an instant, and there was a sense of indifference in his tone, "I said, be obedient."

The transparent longbow instantly appeared in his hand, and an arrow shot it!


This arrow is full of energy, and half of the arm of the zombie landed on the ground so easily!

Pierced down.

The zombie covered the wound on its arm, and a strong black gas emanated from its arm. It was crawling on the ground, not even daring to roar loudly.


Gu Su's complexion looked good again, "Be good."

Huazhi did not expect that Gu Su could control and deter zombies to this extent.

The stalemate continued for a minute or two before Gu Su said, "Go in."

Finally got his approval, and the group of zombies ran in like the wind.

They jumped into the blood pool without any hesitation!

"Gulu-gulu-" Those zombies quickly sank, and after a lot of blood splashed on the surface of the pool, there were ripples.

There is not only a blood pool here, but also a third- and fourth-order crystal nucleus as high as a hill.

King Huai did not plunge into the blood pool like they did, and went straight to the pile of crystal cores.

"Aren't you going to have dinner first?"

King Huai silently looked at the blood pool. In Gu Su's eyes, he looked at the blood pool with great vigilance.

I didn't expect to be so vigilant, it's a pity, it's a pity. His wisdom and self-control are definitely not comparable to ordinary high-level zombies. In this case, he should be given gifts even more.

At the moment when the zombies jumped in, the scenery can clearly feel that there are other things inside.

"It doesn't matter, if Thirteen likes to eat crystal cores, you can eat more crystal cores." Gu Su looked at him with a smile, his voice was a little deep, with a hint of unclear meaning smell.

King Huai looked at the blood pool in front of him. There was something under the pool. It's not a corpse emperor or a zombie, but the sense of danger it brings to him is very strong.

Now is not a good time to kill Gusu, there are five fifth-order zombies here, Gusu itself is sixth-order, and there are unknown creatures under the pool. There are zombies everywhere. Compared with Gu Su, he wanted to know what was hidden under this pool.

Gu Su, after saying those words, voluntarily withdrew from here and closed the door when they came in.

This door is to prevent these zombies from running out.

Not long after, somewhere above, the curtain was slowly opened, and Huazhi discovered that there was a place similar to a grandstand. Similar to the one at the auction, it seems to be a viewing position.

Gu Su is in the room behind the glass window.

"Squeak-squeak-" is the sound of zombies chewing flesh.

"Squeak-squeak-" The zombies that just jumped down were frantically eating their flesh and blood.

The flower branch has a very strange feeling. What is this blood pool used for? Are there so many high-level zombies just to let these zombies come in and eat? Then why are these few?

Behind the glass, Gu Su took out his transparent longbow.

"Swish swish—" One after another, long black arrows shot into the water! The water ripples again.

"Gurgling—" The sound of **** water seemed to rush, as if something was stirring in the water.

"Gulugulu—" Gu Su's eyes lit up again.

Little cutie has been eating more and more recently, but if it wasn't for the smooth upgrade of the corpse emperor, it wouldn't be feeding him five level five zombies a day.

I don't know if that zombie can keep such calm when it was swallowed by the gift

But unfortunately, Gu Su has no chance to watch this scene.

There was a bang bang outside the door, the sound was very urgent, enough to let him hear how eager the knocker was.

No one would dare knock on the door like this if it wasn't for a major incident. Gu Su suppressed his impatience, "Come in."

The people outside hurriedly opened the door, and the visitor looked anxious, "High priest, something happened."

Gu Su squinted at him.

"The people who transported the supplies have been found, and they are still carrying out internal cleaning, and many people have been found and arrested."

"How did they find out?!"

"It's Zeng Yu..."

The man felt very unlucky. Shen Guo didn't want to see Zeng Yu at the base, so he sent her out, and wanted them to clean up together at that time. The people under him were also waste. Can't watch her.

At the critical moment when the sense of trust was at stake, Qi Chaoyang simply pulled Zeng Yu out again.

It is very simple to prove that they are not spies of zombies, as long as they can bear Zeng Yu's eyes.

Zeng Yu's abilities are different from others, other people's abilities are expendable and energy is limited. But Zeng Yu's existence is a walking energy body.

"High priest, more and more people have been found out, and the rest..."

"A group of trash." Gu Su turned around and quickly shot a few arrows into the blood pool, "Before I come back, no one will be allowed in."

"Yes, High Priest." There are high-level zombies inside, even if he doesn't say it, no one has the courage to come in.

What they said all fell into the ears of Huazhi and Jinghuai. After the door was closed, there was really no one in the entire factory.

King Huai glanced around and fixed all the monitoring images. There are so many Tier 5 zombies here, but Gu Su can leave with such confidence, which is a state of complete confidence.

Gu Su's actions before taking him away made the scenery even more certain that there was something under the pool.

Flower Branch watched them all go, and jumped out of the bell, "They just left, won't they take us away?"

"Well." Jing Huai looked at the blood pool with ripples, "There is something underneath."

Huazhi felt that this pool was too **** and cruel, so after seeing it for the first time, she did not take a second glance. She felt strange just looking at Jing Huai and kept looking at this blood pool. When Jing Huai said this, she immediately looked at the pool.

"Gollum-gollum-" is still some kind of bubble sound, there are zombies in the pool, and those zombies are frantically eating in the blood. But Jing Huai was right, in addition to the zombies, she seemed to hear another voice.

Huazhi moved her ears, but she couldn't tell what the sound was. She simply grabbed a handful of crystal cores and absorbed it.

"Why did Gu Su put the zombies here, so that they can eat and upgrade quickly?"

The flower branches still feel strange when I think about it. If nothing else, if it is really to make them full, it would be better to eat the living people directly. Why bother tearing people up? Make a blood pool.

This is indeed like a paradise for zombies, with endless flesh and blood, endless crystal cores to enjoy, but why do they let them eat these so generously? When outside, high-level zombies can't even kill each other. But here, the third- and fourth-order crystal nuclei are stacked as high as hills.

In the words of Qi Chaoyang, there will be no pie in the sky. Moreover, Gu Su shot several arrows into the blood pool just now. However, his arrow just now turned blue again, still exuding a flirtatious feeling of fluorescence.

What is he trying to do?

Flower Branch looked at the pool of blood again, and she didn't feel any black energy in it, so what was under the pool?

Flower Branch: "The one below this should not be the Zombie King."

King Huai nodded, although not the zombie emperor, but it is important enough to them.

Zombies absorb crystal cores much faster than humans, but they are not unrestrained. These zombies only absorbed the energy of the corpse emperor outside not long ago, and now they are probably completely red-eyed when they see this pool of flesh and blood, and they eat without any restraint.

All the stomachs are getting round and round.

It seemed that they had eaten enough, and some zombies began to climb the shore. The nuclei that are piled high into small mountains are also very attractive to them.

But as soon as they got ashore, they found that the marriages that were piled high on the hill were gone! Only Jing Huai, a zombie, was standing on the shore.

Those crystal nuclei were received into the bell by the flower branches. Outside, it is not easy to obtain so many high-level crystal cores, but it is so simple here, of course, these zombies cannot be eaten anymore.

Whether it is a zombie or a power user, it needs a crystal nucleus to upgrade, and low-level zombies become food.

"Gurgling—" The sound of water in the blood pool became more pronounced and hurried.

Several second-order crystal nuclei appeared in Jing Huai's hands, but he had an illusion of these crystal nuclei, and in the eyes of the zombies, these crystal nuclei were as bright as fifth-order crystal nuclei, " Crystal nucleus." Jing Huai threw the crystal nucleus back in his hand, and the zombies immediately roared and chased after him.

As they leap into the air.

"Crash—" An extremely thick and huge tentacle emerged from the bottom of the pool, engulfing the two zombies that had just jumped in!

With the loud sound of water and the rustling of corpses, a huge monster suddenly emerged from the bottom of the pool!

The monster was seven or eight meters high, and its head was like a giant ball full of air. The most attractive thing is the eyes that grow on its head. Its eyes were as big as basketballs, bulging out suddenly, and the dark blue eyes were covered with bloodshot-like stripes, which looked very weird.

This is a giant mutant octopus!

Huazhi stared at the octopus monster in stunned eyes. She is a herbivore. She has never been to the seaside, and naturally she has never seen an octopus. Apart from its large head, this monster has no body. , dozens of tentacles that are thicker than the adult male body, all grow under its head, and the tentacles are covered with round suction cups. And all over the body, there are those gorgeous blue patterns.

Just a few glances at its body, Huazhi felt dizzy, and her eyes were shining.

Jiang Huai immediately covered Huazhi's eyes, his fingers were slightly cold, "Be careful, the patterns on it have a confusing effect."

When he put his hand down, Huazhi finally got rid of the dizziness just now.

【Flower branch, this is an octopus, an octopus monster, a creature in the sea! 】

Little Gray Rabbit did not expect that there would be such a big underwater creature in this pool!

In the pool!

The octopus sent the fifth-order zombie to the vicinity of its head, and looked at the zombie with huge eyes, which seemed to be a little disgusted. But it glanced at the other zombies and shoved the zombie into its mouth.

A fifth-order zombie had no power to fight back, so it was chewed and swallowed!

While it was eating this zombie, the other tentacles did not idle and continued to attack other zombies.

The surrounding zombies didn't seem to have thought that there would be such a big monster here, and immediately fled and attacked the octopus.

Jiang Huai jumped quickly with his arms around the flower branch and left where he was standing.

The thick tentacles were successfully wrapped!

The physical strength of fifth-order zombies is extraordinary. Ordinary weapons can't hurt them at all.

However, such a powerful fifth-order zombie was smashed by its tentacles in an instant.

"This octopus is amazing!"

"Seventh order." Jing Huai didn't expect that they would actually raise a monster like this in it.

The two finally understood the meaning of these fifth-order zombies. They are its food.

eaten by these zombies. Eating and drinking a zombie full of energy will become its meal.

It takes five fifth-order zombies at a time, and so many fresh humans and animals, raising such a monster is definitely not a simple matter. However, at such a price, they still kept it.

This monster must be very important to them.

The zombie that was swept away by it was stuffed into its mouth in one breath.

Under its big basketball eyes, there is a huge mouth!

When the mouth is not open, because the skin on the whole head is very smooth, it is not obvious for a while. But when it opened its mouth, that big seam appeared!

Its mouth is huge, with two rows of sharp serrations up and down, as if it can cut through everything.

While it was eating the zombie, other tentacles continued to shoot frantically in the house to capture other zombies.

There is nothing in the whole workshop, even the smooth tile walls all around.

"Bang—" Its tentacles slammed against the wall, leaving a bloodstain instantly. The originally clean and tidy space was soon stained with bloodstains everywhere. Even some of the limbs clinging to it were thrown out.

King Huai leaped into the air, dodging a left leg that flew over.

The zombie chewed a few times and swallowed it. Soon, the second zombie was also caught by it, and it used the same action to chew off the second fifth-order zombie.

In addition to the scenery, a total of five fifth-order zombies came in.

In just four or five minutes, two fifth-order zombies became its food.

The terrifying force of this octopus has made all the zombies vigilant. In the blink of an eye, there were only three fifth-order zombies and scenery Huai left in the arena.

King Huai only hugged the flower branch while avoiding it, while observing it.

The zombies are evading and attacking it desperately, but no matter how they attack, it has no effect on it. It's like punching cotton.

Flower Branch looked at the tentacles flying all over the sky and couldn't help but say: "These tentacles are like the black air in the oil painting."

All of them show their teeth and claws, but the black qi has no entity.

At this moment, the octopus monster was probably a little impatient, and the suction cups on the tentacles began to exert force.

The sucker of the octopus has a strong suction force. This seventh-order octopus monster has countless suckers. When the force is exerted at the same time, the quiet space is actually windy!

Even though they were far apart, the flower branches still felt the strong suction!

King Huai hugged the flower branch and steadily found a corner that was not affected. Huazhi simply hides the scenery Huai.

The octopus focused on the three fifth-order zombies for a while.

There is nothing in this space for them to grasp, and the huge suction easily attracts them.

"Bang—" As if stuck to something that could never be separated, all three zombies were rolled up by its tentacles.

Even Tier 5 zombies can be easily eaten, not to mention power users. Also, there is no one else here.

King Huai let go of the flowers, "You advance in the space, I will kill it."

Huazhi's whip is still there, and this is not a zombie.

Huazhi shook her head, "I want to help too, don't worry about me, I can do it myself. I still have a bell."

The flower branch loosened the scenery Huai, and also released Ying Er.

Eaji became excited when he saw the eyes of the octopus monster in the bell.

They and mutant tigers have a habit of pecking their eyes first when they fight. It was noisy in the space for a long time, and Huazhi finally released it.

A defensive bell was hung around its neck before the flower branch, "You are little—"

Before she finished speaking, Ying Er flew towards the head of the octopus monster with glowing eyes!

Blossoms look thrilling. That is a seventh-order octopus, it is only a third-order, and it is so brave!

The moment Ying Er rushed up, Jing Huai raised the Tang knife in his hand.


He used 50% of his strength this time, the Tang Dao slashed on the tentacles of the octopus monster, and even made a buzzing sound, but the Tang Dao was not bounced away, and the scenery Huai controlled Holding the Tang Dao and continuing to exert force, the tentacle that was rushing up was cut in half by Jing Huai!

The octopus monster instantly sent out a very sharp and piercing sound wave! Huazhi immediately covered her ears, she felt that her eardrums were about to be pierced by the sound!

The next second, the octopus slowly turned back, the eyeballs the size of basketballs, seemed to be faintly angry, covered with patterned eyeballs, and the pattern inside suddenly changed.

The original intricate red stripes seemed to explode in an instant, red and blue intertwined, and quickly twisted back and forth in its eyes, and soon, there was no blank space to be found.

It was so exciting.

It stared at the scenery, and the flower branches could see the light emerging from its eyes, but the light could not break through the barrier of the scenery.

Ying Er also has the protection of scenery Huai, it is even more excited about the sudden change of big eyes.

Jiang Huai raised the Tang knife again, and chopped off a thick tentacle it threw over.

The weapon that Bu Si re-forged is really easy to use. Whether it is hardness, strength, or weight, it has been greatly improved compared to the last time. No special function was added, only the most essential function of the Tang Dao was restored.

Those zombies saw Jing Huai successfully cut off the octopus monster, and also took the opportunity to struggle.

Jiang Huai glanced at them and helped cut off the tentacles that were tightly wrapped around them. In an instant, the three zombies also broke free.

The octopus monster looked at the tentacles twisting on the ground and the escaping zombies, and instantly became more violent, countless tentacles attacked the scenery, and it even gave up attacking other fifth-order zombies, all All of his attacks were aimed only at Jing Huai.

But Jing Huai's movements are very rhythmic. Every time he dodges, he can cut off one of the tentacles of the octopus monster, and then directly retract it into the space.

Step by step, methodically. It was just his calm state that completely angered the octopus monster.

It made a strange noise and a strange wave began to appear in its head.

The original smooth and rounded quirky big head looks like a wave, undulating after waves, even the eyes are undulating with the waves, and the whole head seems to mutate.

Finally, just after its fifth wave, a huge black gas spit out from its mouth!

The black qi was extremely strong, and the big ball composed of black qi slammed into the scenery. Jing Huai quickly avoided, but the black gas seemed to have life, and after he avoided it, he chased after him.

His speed is extremely fast, and the black gas is also extremely fast, and there are only two afterimages left in the space.

Jing Huai could only feel that there was a mass of things following him behind him, even if he deliberately let the mass of black gas hit the wall or hit other things, it would have no effect.

"That's black air, I'll come!" Huazhi and Little Gray Rabbit excitedly looked at the black air behind Jing Huai.

As long as it is black gas, even if it is offensive to others, it is only black gas to her. So to her, this black gas is just a mass of abundant energy. After seeing Huazhi absorb the "gift", Jing Huai was completely relieved that she absorbed these things.

As soon as Huazhi finished speaking, he suddenly flashed over and held her wrist in the next second. Soon, Jing Huai took her up and down in the air.

But he slowed down significantly.


Flower Branch turned back, opened her body, and met the black qi!

"Bang—" The moment the black air touched the flower branch, it was madly absorbed by her body.

Too rich! What high-level zombies, what Gusu's arrows, what crystal cores, what gifts in oil paintings, these things are not worth mentioning in front of this octopus monster's black aura!

How can there be such a strong black air in the world, Huazhi is shaking with excitement, and the little gray rabbit is also struggling to absorb it, and soon his face is fascinated.

The little gray rabbit was lying on the ground, not forgetting to look at the octopus monster. So rich, so delicious, woo woo woo, this octopus monster is so cute!

【Flower branches are so delicious. 】

Huazhi nodded, "I thought we had to meet the Zombie Emperor before we could absorb such a strong black energy."

【Yes, yes, I didn’t expect this octopus monster to be so powerful! 】Little Gray Rabbit rubbed his face, 【Can we take this octopus back and let it spit black gas for us every day? 】

Before Huazhi had time to return it, the octopus monster made an extremely unpleasant sound as if he could not believe that the black gas had disappeared.

Its head began to take on the shape of a wave again, this time, the flower branch and the little gray rabbit looked at it eagerly, looking into its eyes, full of expectations.

Sure enough, with the end of the second wave, it spit out a huge black gas.

This time, Huazhi rushed up and absorbed the black gas.

It came like this a few times, the octopus monster became more and more angry, it went completely furious, and attacked them like crazy.

It not only has suction cups, but also blue ink. As soon as the ink was splashed on the ground, it instantly bubbled and smoked, and some of it fell on the fleshy corpse, and the flesh was corroded directly.

Those zombies couldn't escape, so they could only choose to attack this zombie with Jing Huai, so many zombies attacked it together, and Jing Huai cut off its tentacles in an orderly manner, He Ying Er took a chance and pecked at its eyes, and the octopus monster couldn't hold it anymore.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly stopped attacking the scenery, and instead exhaled black air at the other zombies. The black air instantly entered the foreheads of those zombies.

The eyes of the zombies were red, and the whole body began to be full of black gas. They turned their heads and started to attack the scenery.

"I know!" Huazhi was a little excited, "The black energy in the mourning corpses, those gifts, are all created by it!"

The concentration of black gas entering the dead body is exactly the same as the data detected by the little gray rabbit before! The black gas it just spit out was too strong, and she didn't even notice it. After the black gas enters the body of other people or zombies, it will be absorbed part of it, so the concentration will be reduced.

Flower Branch instantly thought of those oil paintings, "Those oil paintings, the gifts in oil paintings should also be created by it."

Scenic Huai immediately took out the oil painting in the space. Although the octopus monster was repeatedly sucked away by the flower branches, the black aura it produced was stronger every time, quite a kind of The taste of repeated defeats and repeated defeats.

The next time it exhaled black air, the flower branch directly blocked itself in front of it with an oil painting.

And then, those black air actually got into the oil painting!


The black gas was sucked into the oil painting frantically, and the oil painting was instantly filled with weird tentacles!

"Look, I guessed right, this is their gift!"

Looking at those oil paintings, Jing Huai had a bad premonition in his heart. And that kind of premonition reached its peak when the black tentacles were born in the oil painting.

At the same time, the branches also feel it!

Before this, oil painting has been quiet and breathless. But just now, she actually felt another faint energy from the oil painting! After that energy came into contact with the black energy of the octopus monster, it actually flourished!

Flower Branch immediately absorbed the black gas in the oil painting, "It's the Zombie King!"

Scenery Huai nodded and quickly took the oil painting back to the space.

"Bring the whip back and we'll have a quick fight."

Flower Branch nodded, and her expression became serious.

Because the gift in the oil painting disappears automatically, so they always thought that the gift was created by the Corpse Emperor, but unexpectedly, there are actually two handwritings in it.

The black energy just now has made the Corpse Emperor's ability flourish, and even if it is absorbed by her, the Corpse Emperor may have already noticed it.

They must kill this octopus as soon as possible and get out of here! Even Gu Su may have discovered them.

The three fifth-order zombies have been controlled by the octopus monster, and they also turned their heads and attacked the scenery.

Under the influence of black energy, these zombies have become more adventurous, and their situation has become more difficult.

Blossom quickly retrieved her whip. The moment she took out the whip, she realized that she had another set of clothes on her body. It is the same quality of clothes as the whip, but there is a chance of falling, so the flower branch has not been wearing this clothes for a while.

Grip the whip again and the sprig feels new. She threw the whip out at random, didn't feel anything special, there was an inexplicable, inexplicable feeling, but it felt very good.

Okay, in five minutes, she will take it all in one go

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