MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 97 ·?(1)

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When Qi Chaoyang was about to reach the hospital, he suddenly stopped at the door. Because he suddenly remembered that his ability to be so fast was all due to the third-level crystal core he put on it. If nothing else, he paid for this crystal core at his own expense. There are a few people who can do this like him. Willing to.

If they found out they didn't heal so quickly, they wouldn't think he was false propaganda.

Qi Chaoyang hesitated for two times at the door, and finally turned around and went back to the dormitory. Forget it, after all, he is recovering from a serious injury, so he should rest first.

And here, Huazhi and Jinghuai took a break, and the door was suddenly knocked "bang bang bang-".

Huazhi opened the door and was surprised to find Duan Lei at her door.

Huazhi and Jinghuai followed behind Duan Lei, the whole building looked very quiet and serious, except for them, only the guards with real guns and live ammunition could be seen at the entrances and exits of key positions Personnel, all of them have serious expressions, straight backs, and even their uniforms are meticulous.

"Don't be nervous, we have encrypted your identities. Except for those present today, no one else will know that you have been here today."

Huazhi nodded, if it was someone else, she might beat a drum in her heart, but the person leading her was Duan Lei, and before they came back, Duan Lei greeted her in advance, Therefore, although Huazhi felt that this scene was quite big, she did not feel particularly nervous.

"Professor Duan, the rest of the professors have arrived."

"Okay." Duan Lei led them all the way, constantly swiping the ID card, verifying the fingerprint eye mask, and finally entered a spacious office.

Huazhi always thought he was very familiar, but he didn't remember where he saw him. He looks like the oldest one, with gray hair combed back, but he looks very capable and resolute in both body shape and eyes.

Duan Lei introduced her, "This is the person in charge of the base."

"Hello." He greeted Huazhi with a smile, looking very kind, "As expected, you are young and promising. Professor Duan and Professor Zhou are full of praise every time they mention you, I should have met long ago, but I didn't expect it to be delayed until today."


"Old Xu." There was also a smile on Jing Huai's face.

Xu Lao smiled and patted his shoulder.

Several people were surprised by the familiarity of the scenery and the person in charge, only Huazhi suddenly realized, she finally remembered that she had seen it in the advertisements occasionally broadcast by the base.

The person who looked very serious on the big screen didn't expect to be so kind, and the atmosphere in the venue became relaxed.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started."

The two sat down in their prearranged seats.

"I called you here today because of this."

In the video, the dynamic video of the giant python that was sent back by Huazhi finally started to become zombies.

At their request, Huazhi re-described the situation at that time: "The density of the virus was very high, I didn't see what it was wrapped in, but he took it from his body. After it came out, it was stuffed into the wound of the giant python. According to the speed of its infection, it only took five minutes to completely turn this giant python into a zombie..."

In the office, each person in charge was very attentively listening to Huazhi's words, and from time to time looked down at the data analyzed based on the data sent by Huazhi.

They have watched this video many times, but the black gas is what Huazhi sees, and other people can't see it at all. So they could only see in the video, Xu Si suddenly pulled out something and flew towards the python's wound, and the next second the python quickly began to turn into a zombie.

It is impossible to see anything with the naked eye, this time also because her whip can absorb energy, so the little gray rabbit made a rough calculation according to the absorption speed of the whip, the concentration of the black gas , far higher than the concentration of nuclei of any grade they have come into contact with.

When the zombies are not dead, the black gas is evenly distributed throughout the body. Although the energy in the crystal core is very high in concentration, it is clean energy and will not be infected with viruses after being absorbed. Some low-level crystal nuclei are directly thrown into the mouth and swallowed.

Therefore, the virus that can make living creatures zombie does not have that concentration, and it is impossible to make people zombie with that concentration. That's what they haven't figured out yet.

"You mean, the virus used to infect the python may not be extracted from the zombies?"

Huazhi nodded. In fact, she felt that it was not only "possible", she felt that 100% was not extracted from zombies.

"We also checked his body at the time and found nothing unusual. But in the end, a bug came out of his brain." The video was sent back with it, they should also watched.

Several people looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"Actually, it was because of this matter that I brought you here today." Elder Xu spoke first.

They looked serious, as if what they were about to say was something serious.

The projector continues to play.

Flower Branch opened her eyes in shock, "This is-"

Duan Lei nodded with a serious look, "This video was accidentally shot half a year ago."

The video is very blurry, and even a lot of sight is blocked by blood, but it can be seen vaguely that a man stuffed something on another power user, and the power user instantly began to use Zombieization started very quickly, and then, the man exploded his brain!

The final splattered brains completely covered the whole picture.

"This was three months ago."

It was also a scene that was covered by various stains, and it was the same move, which finally exploded the man's head.

Huazhi looked at the video and murmured, "That power user is not dead."

The short-haired female professor nodded, "Not dead, although it looks like there is a lot of blood, but it did not hurt the key parts, just need to eat the core to slowly recover, but they directly Turn them into zombies and take their crystal cores."

This matter has always been the base's top secret.

"Beginning half a year ago, we faintly found that someone was deliberately turning power users into zombies, and then swallowing their crystal cores."

Huazhi was terrified, "But aren't there a lot of zombies outside? How many crystal cores are needed?"

The zombies that the ability user turns into are no different from the zombies outside, they are all zombies.

The professor who was sitting near the flower branch shook his head, "It's different."

"The zombie transformed by the power user will absorb and transform the crystal nucleus faster and higher within half an hour."

"It is also a secondary crystal nucleus, and the brain of the power user will be purer and better absorbed."

"If you use the normal method and this method to increase the power level at the same time, in the same time, the speed of this method will increase by 40%."

It may take a few months or half a year to see the results, but the feeling of absorbing the crystal core is completely different! After they discovered this secret, they directly covered the whole secret to death.

Huazhi suddenly thought that the ability users who turned into zombies in the base would be locked in the isolation room for several hours.

There are only these two videos in their hands. After that, they began to pay close attention to the casualties of power users, and increased the research and development of artificial monitoring and hand ring functions.

Huazhi thought it was incredible, "So they killed human beings like themselves?"

Old Xu nodded slightly. In fact, after the end of the world, they also spent a lot of money to stabilize the society.

There are many ordinary people in the base, all of them are under the protection of the base, but the resources are limited, even if the ability users have enjoyed better treatment and a better life, there are still problems Few people think that ordinary people get in the way, and that the world should respect the strong.

The projector played another set of data graphs.

"In the third year of the end of the world, the world's creatures are evolving rapidly. You should also feel that the number of zombies above the third level is increasing."

Huazhi nodded, Qi Chaoyang was also shouting yesterday, his mission this time was because he encountered two third-level zombies at one time, and he was injured so badly.

"But humans are not evolving as fast as they are, and fertility is dropping rapidly."

The two lines of the data graph began to have a crushing gap at a certain node decades later.

"At that time, human beings are likely to be... wiped out." The remaining three words seemed to be very laborious to say.

Huazhi suddenly realized, "So they can't wait, want to improve their abilities quickly?"

"That's part of what we've come up with so far."

Old Xu looked at Jing Huai, but they didn't notice it at first. It is normal to take away the crystal core of a power user who has turned into a zombie. It was Jing Huai's reminder that made them discover the unusualness of this matter.

"The Xu Si you met is the only key person we know so far."

Blossom nodded.

"Maybe they can't help it."

Huazhi looked at the scenery and looked at everyone, "So, let's come here because..."

"We want to use your abilities to find the mastermind behind this incident." All eyes were on the two of them.

This virus that can quickly turn the fifth-order mutant snake into a zombie is the biggest breakthrough. I originally thought that some ability users had crooked thoughts, but ordinary ability users simply do not have the ability to cultivate this virus Ability.

Even a top professor who has been conducting research at the base would not be able to cultivate such a powerful virus in two or three months. So this must be organized and premeditated.

Huazhi's statement also confirmed their speculation.

"Humans have experienced 14 million years of reproduction and evolution, and they are not so easily extinct species,"

"This matter is very risky, we can't guarantee your safety 100%, but I hope you can help everyone, help the base, help everyone."

The ability of the two is so high, and they are very honest and humble, they also observed it for a long time before deciding to tell them about it. But the crux of this matter lies in the flower branches.

She has an extraordinary sensitivity to zombie viruses, and the ability to completely purify the virus in the dead body, just in my mind, it makes people feel that there is still hope for the future of mankind.

As long as you keep at it, maybe more people with her ability will appear, maybe they can also develop weapons similar to her ability. But the premise of all this is that they can persevere.

After saying this, everyone's eyes were focused on Huazhi.

Facing everyone's expectations, Huazhi blinked faster.

Just as everyone was wondering whether she would agree or refuse, they heard her ask weakly, "Will my salary increase after I agree?"

When the two came out, the flower branches were still a little dizzy.

"So you already knew?"

Jiang Huai shook his head, he focused on Jiang Xu at first, so initially he just wanted the base to embankment Jiang Xu. But later, when the ability was upgraded, after repeating the state before his death countless times, he realized that Jiang Xu had been neglected for a long time - Jiang Xu was more like a puppet.

Until this time, I accidentally encountered Xu Si and the mutant snake. He didn't know how long before Huazhi, but only when he saw Xu Si's body did he have a vague guess in his heart.

Huazhi nodded and looked at her bracelet happily, "Look, I have more than 6,000 points!"

She didn't expect the base to give her such a high salary, much, much higher than her research institute! However, Professor Duan said that the salary of the research institute is also included, so that she can work hard.

Do it, so she doesn't have to worry about not having money to raise those four cubs! And in this way, she has also passed the bright road.

A lot of such black energy, they will definitely be able to accumulate enough energy soon!

In the evening, after finally cleaning up and taking a bath, the flower branches were rolling on the bed.

But as she rolled, she looked at her empty room and empty ceiling, and felt a little anxious.

After another half a minute, she suddenly got up from the bed.


It was the knock on the door of the flower branch, which was exactly the same as his, and had its own crispness.

King Huai just took a shower, and her hair is still dripping. As he wiped his hair, he opened them, "You—"

The flower branch slipped in from under the arm that opened the door, "I miss you!"

The skin just bathed was a healthy pink, Jing Huai looked down at her, "Huh?"

"Let's sleep together!" After saying that, Huazhi didn't care whether he agreed or not, he got in under the hand that opened the door, and helped him close the door.

King Huai turned to look at her, Huazhi hugged the pillow, "The weather has gotten a lot cooler, do you feel cold? It won't be cold if we sleep together~"

"It's so cold~" She rubbed her arms and shook her badly, then before Jing Huai could react, she turned and ran to his room .

Jiang Huai followed, "You can't just go to another man's room."

Huazhi saw her rabbit's nest and jumped over, "It doesn't matter, you are not someone else, and we have both slept together many times."

She really didn't want to sleep alone in an empty room.

And they can have a baby rabbit together, Huazhi thinks it's okay to sleep together, I don't understand why he is always shy.

Her rabbit nest, after Jing Huai came back in the afternoon, she washed and dried it again. At this moment, the rabbit's nest still exudes a warm smell.

Huazhi wanted to talk to him, but also wanted to change back into a rabbit and sleep in the rabbit's nest. She was very entangled for a while, she squatted near the rabbit's nest, turned her head and looked at Jing Huai seriously, "Can I sleep in it?"

King Huai: "Huh?"

Flower Branch was a little melancholy, "If only there was a big bed as soft as my rabbit's nest."

Sleep and sleep, she is still her favorite rabbit nest. Soft and comfortable to lie down.

The flower branch turned over, the hairpins inside were still there, and there was a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror next to it.

King Huai nodded, and the flower branches were instantly happier. She pointed to the sky blue daisies that finally fell on her head, "Then I will wear this tomorrow!"

She was standing near the balcony, Huazhi walked to the balcony and looked at the moon outside, "Look, it really gets cold."

A gust of cool wind blew suddenly, and the flower branches shivered from head to toe.

Jiang Huai took his coat and covered her, just touching her still wet hair, frowning involuntarily, "Don't let your hair blow dry, go in."

His coat was big enough to wrap her whole body inside.

The flower branch couldn't help but sniff it, it was all his smell. "It doesn't matter, I should change my hair in half a month, and then—"

Her nose suddenly itchy!

Looking at her about to sneeze, Jing Huai pushed her directly into the room, and the moment he closed the door, his eyes fell on a dark corner not far away.

full face.

The two rubbed their eyes and wiped away their tears before slowly opening their eyes.

Hua Ye frowned, "Are you alright? The wind is too strong." He just blew the stone into his eyes.

Hua Rou shook her head, "It's okay."

Last scene.

Blossoms leaned back happily, the light sprinkled on her face, bright and beautiful. It's her, not like her. The two were standing on the balcony wearing pajamas of the same color, but Jing Huai even took the initiative to cover her with his own clothes!

Hua Ye sighed, "The scenery is very good for the flowers." In this way, he can feel more at ease.

"Yes." Hua Rou said softly.

She had shown him many times in her previous life, but so many times, Jing Huai did not even remember her name in the end. She thought he was such a person, but now she realizes that he also has a gentle and considerate side.

But so what, his final ending was just feeding zombies in the snow.

Tears gathered in her eyes again and plunged into Hua Ye's arms, "Brother, it's great, great, my sister is not dead! I knew that Huazhi would be fine. ."

Hua Ye patted her soothingly, "She is very good and strong now, we don't have to worry about her."

"It's all my fault, I'll explain it to her, it's all my fault, it's nothing to do with you, you can't do anything about it at the time, we..."

"Xiaorou." Hua Ye raised her head and supported her shoulders, "This matter is my fault, it has nothing to do with you. And Huazhi is not dead now, she is still alive, and you too You don't need to blame yourself for this anymore."

Hua Rou's eyes flowed, she shook her head and choked and said, "Brother, you gave up the flower branches because of me, I will go to her again and ask her to forgive us..."

The two brothers and sisters were deeply in love, but she didn't see anything at all, but even if she did, she wouldn't feel anything. If they are not affectionate, how can they abandon the original flower branches.

The thick curtains instantly covered the cold wind, and the flower branches sighed in relief and shrunk to Jing Huai's bed.

She has a high body temperature, so she is resistant to heat and cold. But the moment Huazhi lay down, he heard the reminder of the little gray rabbit.

【Flower branch, it seemed like someone was looking at you just now. 】

It released a screenshot, it was fairly clear, in the dark corner, there were indeed two figures watching them.

Huazhi sat up quickly, "Someone is watching us secretly."

King Huai nodded, "Your..." He thought about it and changed the title to his first name.

Hua Zhi nodded. After seeing her last time, Hua Ye would occasionally hide in the corner and peek at her. She didn't want to talk to him, so he just let him see. There were several times when he asked someone to give her something, but she refused.

But this time, there are more flowers. Huazhi thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Huazhi was killed by Huarou."

Although she has not experienced what the original Huazhi experienced, after being treated as a guilty object by Hua Ye, she can also feel the same as the original Huazhi.

The original Huazhi was written in two or three sentences in the book, but the more Huazhi thought about it, the more she felt a coincidence, everything was so good, but, "Why did she kill the original Huazhi? "

Thinking about it, that's weird. Although they are not close enough, they are sisters who grew up together, and from Hua Ye's description, she feels that the original Huazhi is also a very well-behaved and quiet person.

The eyes just now exudes a strong negative emotion.

King Huai: "If they come to you again, don't be polite to them."

Huazhi nodded, she couldn't figure it out for the time being, because she knew too little information.

Huazhi wanted to lie down, but Jing Huai pulled her, "Don't lie down until her hair is dry."

Her hair was almost dry, but there was still a little moisture. Huazhi didn't care much, but Jing Huai always said that when he got old, he would have a headache.

A gust of hot wind wrapped her hair, and the water vapor on the flower branches was instantly taken away, and her hair was still smooth and smooth.

The flower branch hurriedly got into the quilt again, "It's so cold, so cold, so cold!"

"Put more clothes on when it's cold." Although she knew she might be yelling, Jing Huai changed the quilt on the bed to a thicker one.

Huazhi hugged the pillow, lay on his side and watched him change the quilt, and suddenly realized: "Did you change the quilt because you wanted to sleep with me?"

She had made plans to be driven back by him, but he suddenly changed the quilt. Doesn't that mean he's not going to drive her back?

Jing Huai put the quilt over her body, "Sleep quietly, or you can go back now."

Blossom quickly calmed down.

It was the second day when Qi Chaoyang was going to the hospital.

He cleaned up for himself early in the morning, and even blew his hair into a textured perm.

While he went to the hospital, he sent messages to his patients on the wristband.

Qi Chaoyang: Brother, I have recovered, 20 points for one person, 12 secondary crystal nuclei, to ensure that you can be alive at night!

Patient 1: ? Didn't you have 10 points and 10 second-level coins yesterday? ?

Qi Chaoyang: The price has increased. Yesterday was the friendship price for the opening of the new store!

Patient 1: Listen to your fart, do you know who came to the hospital today? Flower soft! She is a third-order healing system power user. If you want to cure your brain, come here quickly, there is still help.

Qi Chaoyang: The ability user is grinding, listening to me, you can run around the base three times tomorrow.

Patient 1 put down the bracelet directly, "Qi Chaoyang said that he is already well hahahaha, how is it possible, he still wants to trick me into spending 20 points and 12 crystal cores for treatment."

Patient 2: "So many?! Did he have a rib inserted in his brain? And Huarou is a third-order power user, and there is no more powerful healing power user than her in the base now. exist."

Patient 3: "That's right, you might as well let him go back to the hospital to line up, and finally a third-order ability person is willing to come and treat us."

Several people know how badly Qi Chaoyang was injured this time, but the ribs were solidly broken and plunged into the internal organs, and the injured internal organs were stitched up after surgery. Doctors have said that it will take at least 3 weeks for the initial recovery, and it takes 100 days for the muscles and bones to be injured. Even if the physical fitness of the supernatural person is good, it will take two months to recover completely.

There are not many healing powers, and even if it is a third-order healing power, it will take a day or two to treat him completely. But generally, as long as there is no danger to life, the healing powers will not waste their powers.

In addition, there are very few healers in the base, and there are very few who have reached the third-order level. Most of them followed the mission, and few said they stayed at the base to treat them. After all, they were much safer at the base than on missions outside. Therefore, most people recover in the end, relying on the hospital and their own physical fitness.

So now they can meet a third-order power user who is willing to come to the hospital to help them during their rest time. Everyone feels that they are extremely lucky, and they are very grateful to Hua Rou.

The chatter of several people soon entered Huarou's ears, she heard their gratitude and smiled softly, "I will be in the hospital these days, I will do my best to help everyone recover."

Surely people are kind-hearted, and for a while, everyone's voices of gratitude and praise came one after another.

Hua Rou is now a third-order ability user, and the second- and third-order are completely different. She can now treat more than 20 people at one time, and the speed is more than twice as fast as before. But people who choose to be hospitalized are naturally not minor injuries. Therefore, it is not easy for Hua Rou to cure them.

However, they also discovered that as the level of the zombies outside increased, the recovery speed of their injuries also slowed down. The higher the level of zombies, the more difficult it is to heal wounds.

The white light in her hand covered one of them, maintaining a uniform speed. After such a long period of experience, she was able to use her healing power very well. And... Hua Rou's face showed a more gentle smile to him.

In fact, if the treatment is concentrated on one person, the effect is not bad, but now, she treats so many people at one time, and the speed is naturally a lot slower. But it makes you feel a little more comfortable.

Under Hua Rou's treatment, several people continued to chat, "He's so injured that he's still restless. Didn't the doctor say that he will be fine after a month of rest?"

"You must have been deceived, and you will lose face there."

"But that man is a flower—"

"Who was deceived?" Qi Chaoyang pushed open the door.

Patient 123:…

When he went out the day before, he was a mummified man, but now he came back alive and healthy. The doctors and nurses who were impressed by him yesterday were shocked.

He took out a third-order crystal nucleus and embedded it in the bell, is it okay?

It takes one night to absorb the third-level crystal core, and the bell did not absorb less at all. The energy in the third-level crystal core has been reduced by a half after his recovery.

However, because of the less than half, it allowed him to better transform the energy inside. So when he came out, he absorbed the crystal core cleanly. At this moment, it is reflected in the body, and it naturally seems that his physical condition is better.

"Okay, not good." Qi Chaoyang brushed his hair smartly and performed a backflip on the spot.

Patient 1: ? ? ?

Patient 2: ! !

Patient 3: ? ! ? !


"It's alright, brother, do you really feel pain?"

"Are you sure you're all right and your bones are strong?"

Several people were shocked!

Qi Chaoyang moved a few times handsomely again, "You guys are taking advantage of your good relationship with me now, and seize the opportunity. If it's too late, you'll pass this village without this store."

almost. The few people who were still feeling the faint white healing light just now became fragrant in an instant.

"If you want to go, hurry up, spend a day in the hospital is money."

Qi Chaoyang finished playing handsome, and then I saw Huarou who was constantly exuding healing powers. That dazzling eye, and then look closely, the more you look, the more you feel different. Huazhi is much prettier than her, and the feeling of the whole person is different.

But she is a third-order healing power user after all, Qi Chaoyang greeted her, then turned to look at everyone, "Do you want to go, don't miss it, today Special offer, only 15 points, 12 secondary crystal cores!"

Hua Rou has long been accustomed to being treated with care by the people around her. At this moment, Qi Chaoyang suddenly appeared and looked like she wanted to pull people away, which made her feel anxious.

Come and help, if we help everyone treat together, everyone can recover faster."

Qi Chaoyang looked at her, "How much do you charge?"

Hua Rou smiled gently, "I am here to treat everyone for free, no charge. Who is the other power user you are talking about, maybe we know each other? Our healing power users usually also She has received a lot of preferential treatment from everyone, and if she can volunteer to help everyone together, I believe she will be very happy."

The people around her instantly complimented her, "Miss Hua is really beautiful and kind."

Are they all surnamed flowers? Qi Chaoyang took a closer look at her face. Although she didn't want to believe it, she should be Huazhi's sister.

Hua Ye sneaked behind every day for a while, and the news that they were brothers and sisters also circulated in the base for a while, and he also asked Huazhi out of curiosity.

Why did she just have weak legs and couldn't run at that time? Why was the flower branches left behind and flooded by the zombie tide, and she said that it was free. If it was free, he was Do you have nothing to do before you pack up for the morning when you're full?

Qi Chaoyang held back his disgust, "If you want to be free, just do it for free, don't get involved with us, we are clearly charging a price!"

Hua Rou paused, not expecting him to speak so directly.

Qi Chaoyang turned to look at patient 123, "Whether you go or not, I will use your character to guarantee that you will be able to backflip tomorrow."

Hua Rou endured and asked, "Which one is it, maybe I know him?"

"I can't say." Qi Chaoyang directly rejected her question.

Hua Rou is now in his eyes, and has become an opponent blocking his financial path. When he contacts Huazhi, he feels that there is something wrong with her, so he subconsciously does not want to tell her that person is Huazhi.

Qi Chaoyang is really recovering very well, his face looks very rosy, and even his skin seems to become delicate, and his whole face is radiant.

Staying here for a few days is also expensive, so it is better to believe in Qi Chaoyang.

No need to think too much, patient 123 was about to leave with him, but before they left, they still didn’t want to destroy their relationship with Huarou, so they all turned around and thanked her, “Miss Hua, I'm going to bother you today."

Hua Rou's face changed slightly for a moment, "It's alright, I hope you both recover soon."

But everyone around me knew that Hua Rou was being taken for granted. After all, it is a third-order healing system power user, and it is not a star holding the moon, but now it is so shamed.

Hua Rou is very grateful for her willingness to help and treat them. Naturally, she feels that Qi Chaoyang is going too far:

"It's alright, let's go, don't be unlucky here."

"That's right, don't get in the way here if you don't want treatment, and leave quickly, don't delay our treatment."

"If you want me to tell you, if you don't know where to find someone, you will dare to treat them casually.

"Hehehe, that's so shameless."

A group of people jeered, Qi Chaoyang patted his sleeve, "Why don't we compare?"


"Since you say she's good and we're not good, let's compare who is more powerful and see who can heal faster."

Hua Rou smiled, "I'm here to treat everyone and make everyone feel better faster. I'll go out for the next mission soon, you don't need to be in such a hurry. "

"That's right, people are going to go out on a mission, and they also have to rest. Where do you get so much time and energy to accompany you to fool around."

"Let's go as soon as you want."

Qi Chaoyang rolled his eyes and was about to turn away.

"But—" Hua Rou's voice came from behind, "If you want to communicate, I'm very willing."

Hua Rou is very confident in her abilities. The healing system power users in the entire base know each other. These days, only two or three third-order healing power users stay at the base. They have no effort

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