MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 213 Tang San was ravaged

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  Chapter 213 Tang San was ravaged

   Yes, the invincible golden body.

  One of the soul skills attached to Xiao Wu's hundred thousand year soul ring is the invincible golden body.

  This soul skill was originally awakened after Xiao Wu transformed into a soul sect at level 40, but now it is the first soul skill.

  This soul-calling skill can be said to be one of the most powerful among Xiao Wu's soul skills.

  The invincible golden body can resist as long as it is not a god-level physical attack.


   Tang San blessed the Soul Breaking Dart with double the penetrating power, and after it precisely hit Xiao Wu's throat, it was blocked by Xiao Wu's invincible golden body, and fell to the ground with a jingle.

"How can it be…"

   Seeing that his attack was completely ineffective, Tang San's expression immediately changed.

  Now his martial soul is only the soul-breaking dart that he summoned, and he lost it after throwing it out.

  If he wants to summon again, he needs to take back the martial soul and then summon it again, which consumes more soul power!

   "Control the crane and capture the dragon!"

  But this didn't bother Tang San, I saw Tang San used a move to control the crane and capture the dragon, the soul-breaking dart that fell on the ground immediately flew up, and flew back towards Tang San.

   I have to say that the Soul Breaking Dart is different in Tang San's hands.

  If someone throws away the Wuhun, it is not so easy to get it back.

   "The first soul skill - the waist bow of the demon orca axe!"

   But before the soul-breaking dart flew back into Tang San's hands, Xiao Wu immediately launched a counterattack after blocking Tang San's attack.


  I saw Xiao Wu's figure jumping up, then bowed and ejected, using her own body, especially the strong flexibility and explosive power of her waist, to eject herself towards Tang San.

   At the same time, on Xiao Wu's legs, a red ax shadow of the evil killer whale ax also condensed.

  Xiao Wu just stepped on the evil killer whale ax with both feet, blasting towards Tang San.


  Wherever it passed, the air was cut in half, rubbing out red lightning bolts.


   "Following ghosts!"

  Seeing Xiao Wu's counterattack, Tang San's pupils shrank violently, and quickly used his ghost shadow fan step.

  Puff Chi—

   It was only Tang San's reaction, after all it was not as fast as Xiao Wu's attack.

  Seeing a red ax shadow flashing past, Tang San's figure was instantly cut in half.

  Tang San is strong, and his Tang Sect unique skills are also very powerful.

   But no matter how powerful, Tang San is currently only a level 14 soul master, and he is still far from being able to bring out the true power of the Tang Sect's unique skills.

  Under Xiao Wu's 100,000-year soul skill, she was crushed after all.

  Just now Tang San took the lead in the attack, if he could kill Xiao Wu first with one blow, Tang San could still win, but Tang San was unlucky to meet Xiao Wu's first soul skill with the invincible golden body with absolute physical defense.


   Tang San, who was cut by Xiao Wu stepping on the shadow of the evil killer whale axe, didn't even have time to let out a scream. After his body was broken in two, it slowly dissipated in the air.


   Tang San was so unwilling to be defeated by Xiao Wu.

   Only one game away, only the last game before he can meet Xiao Ai!

  I let my father down!

  Thinking of how confident he was in front of Tang Hao before, Tang San, who was defeated at this time, felt ashamed.

  With these complicated emotions, Tang San's figure quickly and completely disappeared from the ring.

   After death, he was forced to exit the dream world.

  But as long as his mental power is strong enough, it is also possible to log in again immediately.


   "As expected of a hundred thousand year soul ring, that soul skill is terrifying!"

   "That's right, even at the level of a soul king, it may not be able to stop Xiao Wu's soul-calling skill!"

   "And the invincible golden body just now is also very powerful!"

   "That's the rarest life-saving soul skill, but this Xiao Wu already has the first soul skill, so don't be too invincible..."

   "That Tang San is also very powerful. I saw him make a move before, and I thought he could win, but it's a pity that I met the invincible golden body of the little dance party!"

   "Otherwise the result is really hard to tell!"


  The audience was not surprised to see Tang San defeated by Xiao Wu.

  After all, when they saw Xiao Wu releasing a hundred thousand year spirit ring, they didn't feel that Tang San still had much hope of winning.

   The facts are not different from what they imagined, so of course they are not very surprised.

  They were just amazed by Xiao Wu's soul skills.

  A 6-year-old soul master has mastered two such powerful soul skills, so that people with higher soul powers really feel like they have lived on dogs for so many years.

   Very hit.


  After Tang San's consciousness returned to the real world, he still looked unwilling. He also felt that he had no face to enter the dream world immediately to face his father, so he didn't re-enter.

   "I actually lost!"

  Tang San still can't accept this reality.

  Father wanted so much for him to meet with Sister Xiaoai and ask about the situation.

  But he couldn't meet Xiao Ai's sister and couldn't help his father.

   Not long after, Tang Hao's consciousness also withdrew from the dream world.

  Tang San was killed in the dream world, of course he needs to come out and take a look.

   "Little San, how are you doing?"

  Seeing Tang San's beaten appearance, Tang Hao hurriedly expressed concern.

   "Dad, I'm fine!"

   "Sorry, Dad, I lost and let you down!"

  Tang San shook his head, and then he blamed himself and felt guilty.

   "No need to apologize, it's not your fault!"

   "No one expected that such an opponent would appear among your opponents!"

  Tang Hao looked at Tang San's self-blaming expression, patted Tang San on the shoulder and comforted him.

  Although he was quite disappointed with this result, but he knew that Tang San couldn't be blamed for it, only that girl named Xiao Wu was too strong.

   Besides, they are already level 20, so if they don’t absorb the second soul ring to upgrade to a great soul master, isn’t it bullying to stay at the soul master level and participate in the soul master duel?


  Hearing Tang Hao's comforting words, even though he knew the truth was true, Tang San was still a little annoyed and ashamed.

  The main reason is that he was too confident and nice to speak in front of Tang Hao before the game, but he couldn't do it, which made him feel very humiliated.

   "That Xiao Wu just took advantage of the spirit ring, Dad believes that you will be able to defeat her when you grow up!"

  Seeing that Tang San still blamed himself, Tang Hao could only continue to comfort him.

  However, Tang Hao also preached afterward: "However, this competition has also given you a good education, letting you understand what is beyond the sky and people, and you cannot be complacent!"

   "Yes, Dad!"

   Tang San nodded seriously, keeping his father's words in mind.

  Seeing that Tang San was finally comforted by himself, Tang Hao was relieved, but at the same time felt extremely sad.

   Just a little bit, just a little bit, Xiao San was able to meet with Xiao Ai and help him inquire about the situation.

   But now there is nothing.

  He had been looking forward to it for so long, but he never expected that this would be the result.

   And he couldn't blame Tang San, Tang San would lose to Xiao Wu, no matter what, he couldn't say it was Tang San's fault.

   Now he can only take advantage of Xiao Ai's finals in the afternoon, and pay more attention to her in the dream world.

  Unable to talk to each other, even if he knew it was his daughter, he couldn't find her.

   "However, knowing that my daughter is still alive is the greatest news for me!"

   "It's better than knowing nothing before!"

  But Tang Hao soon cheered up, because it was a lucky thing for him to find Xiao Ai.

   "A Yin, Xiao Ai, I will definitely find you!"

   Tang Hao swore more and more firmly in his heart.


   "Miss Wu, you were too good just now!"

   "Yeah, Miss Xiao Wu is just amazing!"

   "Miss Xiao Wu was so fierce just now!"

  After Xiao Wu returned to the independent space, Xiao Ai Sanxiao immediately won, talking happily about Xiao Wu's performance just now.

   "Well, Xiao Ai is also very good!"

   "Xiao Ai, don't worry, I will let you win the finals in the afternoon!"

   "After all, I am now your father's martial soul, so I am not eligible to participate in the competition!"

   "I'm up there just for fun!"

  Congratulations to the three little ones, Xiao Wu who just killed Tang Hao's son is also in a very good mood at this time.

   Although not really killed each other.

  But Xiao Wu still let out a fierce anger in her heart.

   "Hee hee, Miss Wu, you said this yourself, I didn't force you!"

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Xiao Ai immediately laughed.

   "Little girl!"

  Seeing Xiao Ai's cheap and obedient appearance, Xiao Wu couldn't help laughing and cursing.

  Among the three little ones, Xiao Ai is her favorite, because she has the most temper towards her.

   But when it comes to boldness and nonsense, it has to be her little dancer.

  This is also why Xiao Ai Sanxiao became acquainted with Xiao Wu very quickly, and completely regarded Xiao Wu as a young lady of the same age.

Moreover, Xiao Wu herself, after becoming the child she is now, seems to have forgotten her identity as a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, and behaves like a naive and mischievous little girl in all aspects, which is how she can get along with the three little ones. mingle.

   Seeing Xiao Wu and Xiao Ai getting along well, Mu Ge just smiled at him and didn't say anything.

  It is also a good thing for the daughters to have one more friend of the same age.

  Although Xiao Wu was transformed into a hundred thousand year soul beast, judging from Xiao Wu's performance, she looks like a little girl.


  The afternoon finals, under the attention of many audiences, will soon begin.

   "Who do you say is the final champion?"

   "Of course it's Xiao Wu, with a soul ring of 100,000 years, I can't think of how Xiao Ai can defeat her!"

   "That's right, I also think Xiao Wu can win..."

   "I'm really envious. She obtained a 100,000-year soul ring at a young age, reached level 20, and now she can also obtain a soul power cultivation technique that doubles her cultivation speed. I don't know how terrifying her future achievements will be..."

   "Yeah, it's scary to think about it..."


  The audience is also discussing who will win.

   But more, I still like Xiao Wu.

   After all, Tang San, one of the three favorites to win the championship, was instantly killed by Xiao Wu.

  They really couldn't think of how Xiao Ai could resist Xiao Wu's 100,000-year soul ability.

  Under the attention of the audience, Xiao Ai and Xiao Wu soon entered the arena of the final finals.

   "Xiao Ai!"

  Seeing Xiao Ai who thought he was his daughter reappeared, Tang Hao murmured tenderly, how much he hoped that Xiao Ai could hear his call.

   It's just that he soon became worried about Xiao Ai.

  Even Tang Hao felt that it was difficult for Xiao Ai to be Xiao Wu's opponent.

  But he can't help Xiao Ai now, he can only watch silently like other audiences.

   At this time, Xiao Wu and Xiao Ai also started their performance on the ring stage.

   "Xiao Ai, you are not my opponent, admit defeat!"

  The two started fighting without even entering the stage, Xiao Wu said extremely arrogantly.

   "Hmph, I can't admit defeat!"

   "The first soul skill Multi-entanglement!"

  Xiao Ai snorted angrily when he heard the words, and then shot directly.

  I saw Xiao Ai pressing both hands on the ground, and countless Blue Silver Emperor Vine rose up from the ring, rose a few meters and then quickly closed, covering herself and Xiao Wu completely in the Blue Silver Emperor Vine.

   This is Xiaoai's self-created soul skill developed with the help of the pastoral simulation field.

   Can use more Blue Silver Emperor Vine to entangle at the same time.

  In just a second, the figures of Xiao Wu and Xiao Ai were completely covered by the intertwined Blue Silver Emperor vines.

  All the audience can only see the Blue Silver Emperor Vine covering the entire arena, and at the same time completely blocking their sight, so that they cannot see what is going on inside.

   "The first soul skill - the waist bow of the demon orca axe!"


   Instead, Xiao Wu could be heard shouting angrily from inside, and then a huge ax shadow slashed out, destroying half of the densely packed Blue Silver Emperor vines.

  Then they saw that Xiao Wu, who had finished using her soul skill, missed Xiao Ai. Instead, Xiao Ai seized the opportunity and bound her with the Blue Silver Emperor Vine to imprison her.

   "Invincible Golden Body!"

   At the critical moment, Xiao Wu displayed the invincible golden body.

   bang bang bang—

  Under the effect of the powerful physical body of the invincible golden body, Xiao Wu kept breaking free from the Blue Silver Emperor entwined around her body.

   "The first soul skill, Entangling!"

   It's just that Xiao Wu's speed of breaking free is not as fast as Xiao Ai's speed of using the Blue Silver Emperor Coil, so Xiao Wu is always entangled by Xiao Ai's Blue Silver Emperor.

  Finally, when Xiao Wu lost the effect of her invincible golden body, she was still imprisoned.

"you lose!"

   Seeing this scene, Xiao Ai laughed happily.


   "Let go of me if you have the ability..."

  Xiao Wu struggled 'angryly', but was still unable to break free.

"I surrender!"

  Finally, Xiao Wu chose to admit defeat very 'wronged' and 'unwilling'.

   "Contestant Xiao Wu admits defeat, contestant Xiao Ai wins the champion of the single group at the soul master level!"

   Immediately there was a voice announcing the final result on the ring.

  Xiao Wu's figure was teleported away immediately.

   No one noticed that Xiao Wu blinked at Xiao Ai before being teleported away.

   Everyone is still silent in the result of the game that made them unexpected.

   "Yeah, I'm the champion!"

   "Dad, Mom, did you see it? I won the championship!"

  Little Ike ignored the shock of the audience. After confirming that he had won, he jumped up excitedly and shouted loudly.

   This made Tang Hao, who was pleasantly surprised to see Xiao Ai's victory, instantly stunned!


  ps: I took my daughter to touch the mussels today! I wanted to ask for leave at night, but it was updated, and I praised myself. Well, weakly ask for a monthly pass!

   Dear Yan Zu, this is a book written by my younger brother. I read it and it is not bad, but the data is so bleak that he is about to cry. If you have time, please help him to collect some books and read them later.



  (end of this chapter)

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