MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 229 pastoral? Title Douluo?

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  Chapter 229 Pastoral? Title Douluo?

  Besides Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the other sect forces, the two great empires and the Wuhun Palace all quickly learned about the changes in the dream world.

   What surprised them the most was obviously the appearance of the system.

  Smart people realized at once that the emergence of the system, coupled with the existence of the dream world, will make the transmission of information faster and more convenient.

  In the past, the methods of sending messages by flying pigeons, traveling thousands of miles, etc., have no comparison with the existence of the coordination system in the dream world.

  But what caught their fancy the most was the newly-appeared Enlightenment Time. Such a reward seemed too delicious to them.

  They dare not think about creating their own soul skills, but through the time of enlightenment, they can greatly shorten the time to become familiar with their own soul skills, and can fully master their own soul skills in a shorter period of time.

  In their view, this is the correct way to use the enlightenment time.

  So as soon as the reward for the enlightenment time comes out, and after everyone knows the function of the enlightenment time, the leaderboards of all levels will be challenged by countless people.

   The list competition among the various levels became extremely lively for a while.

  In the three rankings of heaven, earth and people above the soul sage level, the competition for the rankings is also very fierce, attracting countless spectators.

  Only the Dibang and Tianbang are relatively quiet. After all, there are not so many Contras and Titled Douluo in the entire Douluo Continent.

   But this is also temporary, because soul masters of the same level in the Tiandou Empire area know how powerful those people on the temporary list are.

But when the soul masters in the Wuhundian area and the Star Luo Empire area also began to enter the dream world, the new Contra and Title Douluo must not be satisfied with the ranking on the list, and then they also started to challenge horn.

   "Poison Douluo, are you there? Just because you are worthy of entering the Tianbang, if you have the guts to accept the challenge, come out and fight!"

   Then there was Dragon Subduing Douluo from Wuhun Temple, who directly challenged Poison Douluo, and at the same time shouted to Poison Douluo on the World Channel.

   Pastoral gave all titled Douluo a privilege, allowing them to shout on the world channel with a bright red font, and the handwriting is relatively large, and can be placed on top for a short time.

   "Wow, it's the Subduing Dragon Douluo of Wuhun Temple!"

   "Challengers have finally begun to appear on the Tianbang!"

   "Exciting, too exciting, I don't know if Poison Douluo is in the dream world, dare to accept the challenge!"

   "Even if you are not an opponent, you will definitely not run away without a fight. Wouldn't that be too embarrassing..."

   "That's right, he's a Titled Douluo anyway, there's no way he wouldn't dare to accept the challenge!"


  For a moment, the entire world channel was extremely lively because Jianglong Douluo came out to shout.

  Everyone began to look forward to it, and finally there was another Title Douluo level battle to watch.

   All challenge battles, they can choose to watch.

   "Damn it, someone really challenged this old man!"

   Poison Douluo at this time is naturally in the dream world, and he has already received the enlightenment time, and knows the preciousness of the enlightenment time.

  Now he has received a prompt from the system that someone has challenged him.

  He can choose to accept the challenge. If he does not accept it after 24 hours, it will be tantamount to abstaining automatically, and the ranking in the sky list will be directly replaced by the challenger.

   "Damn it, this Subduing Dragon Douluo's strength is not low. He has been a Title Douluo for many years before I became a Title Douluo. I am definitely not my opponent!"

   Facing the challenge of Subduing Dragon Douluo, Poison Douluo really didn't want to accept it.

  But now that Jianglong Douluo called him on the world channel, if he abstained directly, he would be too useless.

   And he never thought about the option of fleeing without a fight and abstaining directly.

   Fighting in the dream world without real death, who is afraid of whom!

  【Ding~ Accepted the challenge of Vientiane Douluo Idyll, do you choose to accept it? You have 24 hours to prepare, more than 24 hours will be regarded as an automatic waiver! 】

   And when Poison Douluo was distressed, his system quickly popped up a message to him, saying that he had received another challenge from another Titled Douluo.

   "Vientiane Douluo? Who is this? Why haven't you heard of it?"

  Poison Douluo was surprised when he received the prompt.

  But it doesn’t matter if you don’t know. He already knows how the system works, so he immediately clicked on the challenger’s information to check it.

  【Pastoral: Titled Douluo, unknown level, titled Vientiane, Wuhun is a simulator! 】

   It may be the first time this challenger has appeared, so the system has not recorded the opponent's level for the time being, so Poison Douluo will not be able to see the specific soul power level of this challenger for the time being.

   "Pastoral? Wuhun is a simulator?"

   "Isn't this the fallen one?"

   "This guy has actually become a Titled Douluo?"

   "Impossible? Is it really him?"

  However, with the two information of name and martial soul simulator, Poison Douluo quickly thought of who the other party was.

   It's just that even though he knew who the other party was, Poison Douluo still couldn't believe it.

  Back when Muge was wanted by the whole continent of Wuhundian, he was just a soul king!

   And how long has it been since now? In less than ten years, you told him that Muge had become a Titled Douluo back then, and he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Poison Douluo!

  But with the same name, the same martial spirit, besides the fallen man Muge who was wanted by the whole continent of the Spirit Hall, Poison Douluo really couldn't think of anyone else.

   "Or it may be the same name and surname, and it happens that the spirit is also the same, but it's not the kid from before!"

  Poison Douluo guessed in his heart.

  Poison Douluo would rather believe his absurd conjecture than Muge's promotion from a Soul King to Title Douluo in less than ten years.

   "Whoever he is, if he is that brat back then, he must have just been promoted to Title Douluo, and his strength must not be much stronger!"

   "If not, I haven't heard of it before. I think it's a new titled Douluo, and I don't think it's much stronger. Anyway, it's definitely not as good as Subduing Dragon Douluo!"

   "Then I just need to accept his challenge!"

   "After accepting a challenge, I will not have to accept the challenge for a month, so I can stay on the list for at least one month!"

   "Yes, that's it!"

   "It just so happens that I don't have to face that Dragon Subduing Douluo, anyway, I have absolutely no information to defeat that Subduing Dragon Douluo!"

  Shaking his head, after suppressing the shock in his heart, Poison Douluo didn't care whether this Vientiane Douluo was the pastoral who was wanted by the Spirit Hall.

  Poison Douluo directly chose to accept the challenge of this Vientiane Douluo!


  (end of this chapter)

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