MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 245 first woman of idyll

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  Chapter 245 The First Woman of the Pastoral

  And Mu Ge has three hundred thousand year soul rings, she must want to surpass Mu Ge and get more hundred thousand year soul rings than Mu Ge.

   "Then go to the extreme north, if you can't find it, come back and find another 100,000-year-old soul beast!"

  Finally, Bibi Dong decided to go to the extreme north.

  Of course, before going, she definitely needs to arrange the Wuhundian's affairs, so it's not so fast.

   Fortunately, there is a dream world, and the dream world seems to have spread to the extreme north. Even if she leaves the Wuhun Temple in reality, she can still sit in the Wuhun Temple in the dream world and give orders.

  Subsequently, Bibi Dong announced her retreat practice. If there is anything to do, just send her a message through the dream world.

   After that, Bibi Dong set off with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

  She is now a Super Douluo herself, and with the addition of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, there is basically no need to worry about safety issues.

  The only thing Bibi Dong is worried about is meeting Mu Ge again.

  He is not afraid of anyone else, even if he meets the trio of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, she is not afraid.

  The only thing I am worried about is the pastoral.

  Because the abilities displayed by Muge are indeed too difficult, even with the addition of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, she doesn't think she can deal with Muge.

  But even if you can't deal with Pastoral, self-protection should be fine.

   And she didn't believe that she would meet Mu Ge again by such unlucky luck.

   In order to hunt for spirit rings, it is impossible for her to hide in the Hall of Spirits for the rest of her life.

   Besides, even if Mu Ge really appeared, at most she would be humiliated again, and Mu Ge would not kill her.

  Although she hated Mu Ge deeply, Bibi Dong also noticed that Mu Ge would not kill her, and she was unwilling to kill her. That **** was very greedy for her beauty.

  Sometimes, Bibi Dong would be proud of this.

   It's just that when she recalled the insults that Mu Ge had given her, her hatred became even stronger.


   "Sure enough, I chose the extreme north..."

  When Bibidong left Wuhun City with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo and headed towards the extreme north, Muge knew Bibidong's choice.

   I am not surprised by this pastoral at all, with Bibi Dong's personality, she must try her best to surpass him.

  The three 100,000-year-old soul beasts in the extreme north, especially the 600,000-year-old Snow Maiden mentioned by Mu Ge, gave Bibi Dong hope.

  There are still three places left for her second martial soul. If all of them are equipped with a hundred thousand year soul ring, she will not be weaker than Muge.

  The soul ring of 600,000 years is also very attractive to her. If it is successfully absorbed, it will definitely bring her huge gains.

  A soul ring with 600,000 years is definitely not comparable to a normal 100,000-year soul ring.

   "That's good too, by the way, I can subdue both Ice Empress and Snow Empress!"

   Pastoral smiled slightly, and then began to prepare to go to the extreme north.

  In short, this time, Mu Ge must let Bibi Dong conceive his child.

  After talking to Ah Yin and the others, Muge set off for the extreme north alone, without anyone taking her with her.

   When passing through the killing capital, Muge finally had the confidence to enter the killing capital again.

   "Killing God Pastoral, what do you want to do when you return to the City of Slaughter?"

   Muge just entered the capital of killing, and the King of Slaughter came to Muge, and his face was not very good-looking.

   Obviously, the King of Slaughter doesn't want Pastoral to return to the Capital of Slaughter again.

   "King of Slaughter, don't worry, I'm just passing by here, so come in and remember, I will leave tomorrow!"

   Muge smiled faintly when he saw the King of Slaughter.

  In the past, he was afraid that the King of Slaughter would not be able to help but kill him, but now he is not afraid at all.

   Even if Tang Chen wakes up, Mu Ge has nothing to fear.

   If you can't fight, the big deal is to run!

   "I hope you don't mess around here!"

  After listening to Mu Ge's words, the Slaughter King looked at Mu Ge before speaking slowly.

   After finishing speaking, the King of Slaughter left. He did not welcome such soul masters as Mu Ge who had mastered the domain of the God of Death and were not under his control.

  Originally, he also wanted to kill Mu Ge directly, because in his impression, Mu Ge was not very powerful even though he had won the title of God of Killing.

   I just thought that Mu Ge was a person who passed the basic assessment left by God Shura, and also a soul master who obtained the domain of killing gods. It might not be good to kill the other party.

   And Pastoral also said that he would leave tomorrow, so the Slaughter King didn't choose to do it.

  But if Mu Ge deceived him, he would not be polite.

  It’s just a soul king, and it hasn’t been many years in the past. No matter how talented he is, he will reach the Contra level, and he can be destroyed easily.

   "Idiot, sooner or later you will be wiped out, that's why you can be so arrogant by taking over Tang Chen's body!"

  Looking at the back of the King of Slaughter leaving, Muge snorted coldly.

   That is, now is not the time, Muge is not 100% sure to defeat Tang Chen who is sober, otherwise he would have done it long ago.

   "However, this time I can put the Bloody Swan Kiss into the molten lava under the Slaughter Capital!"

   "After Tang San joined in the anime, it took seven or eight years before the entire Slaughter City truly became a Jedi, and the Slaughter King was forced to flee the Slaughter City!"

   "Such a long time is enough for me to obtain the inheritance of the Sea God!"

   "When the time comes to clean up Tang Chen, it's still within reach!"

  After making a decision in his heart, Mu Ge didn't act immediately.

   It is better to meet the future killing messenger Nightingale first.

   I don't know if the other party has become a killing messenger now, and whether he is waiting for him as agreed.

   After entering the inner city of the Slaughtering City, Muge walked slowly on the streets of the inner city. He was not in a hurry to find Nightingale, but strolled slowly, recalling his experience after awakening his memory.

   Pastoral went to the killing field of **** while recalling.

  Looking at the familiar street, Mu Ge was also full of emotions, especially when passing the intersection that entered a dead end, it was full of memories.

  Back then, it was there that he made a deal with Bibi Dong for the first time.

   It’s just that I didn’t attack directly at that time, but thought about the normal attack on the opponent, and later found that the normal attack was too difficult, so I chose the overlord to force the bow.

   "So many years have passed in the blink of an eye!"

   "If Bibi Dong comes back here, she definitely wants to destroy this place!"

   Pastoral smiled, then moved on, and soon came to the killing field of hell.

  After so many years, in the killing fields of hell, there have long been no fallen people who know pastoral.

   Pastoral did see familiar faces, those staff who served the killing capital.

  But the appearance of the pastoral has changed a long time ago, so they can't recognize the pastoral, and don't know that the pastoral is the messenger of hell.

   "Today, the **** killing field just happened to open, so let's take a look!"

  After Muge came in, he found that there was going to be a **** killing field soon, so he found a seat in the auditorium and sat down casually.

   "Yes, all contestants participating in the Hell Slaughtering Fields are invited to enter the Hell Slaughtering Fields!"

   "They are No. 4554, No. 2356, and No. 8733..."

  In the announcement of the referee of the killing field of hell, ten fallen people entered the killing field of **** one by one.

   "Hey, this big bear is not dead yet!"

  When Mu Ge saw one of the contestants, his expression moved slightly, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Fudo King Zhao Wuji who was sent to the Slaughter Capital by him back then was still alive.

   It is the Zao Wou-ki that Muge met before going to Sea God Island. After being defeated by Muge, he was taken down by Wuhun Palace and sent to the capital of killing.

   It has been more than six years, so Zao Wou-ki has won at least 6 consecutive victories!

   "It seems to be normal. This big bear still has a certain strength. If you are lucky, you can indeed live well in the killing capital!"

   After thinking about it, Pastoral quickly understood.

  So Pastoral sat there leisurely, watching today's **** killing field.

   "Soul call!"

   "Martial Soul Possession!"

  Although soul skills cannot be used, all soul masters can summon martial souls. The soul masters of Qi Wuhun Hall can summon martial souls as weapons, and the soul masters of beast martial souls can possess martial souls.

  After the ten contestants in the Hell Slaughtering Field each summoned their own martial souls, they soon started a brutal fight.


  Zhao Wou-ki is indeed one of the fiercer among the players.

  Zhao Wou-ki, possessed by the martial spirit, has rough skin and thick flesh, and his attack is not weak. He holds a sledgehammer in his hand and is very domineering.

  But the other players are obviously not weak. After discovering how fierce Zao Wou-ki is, some people joined forces to deal with Zao Wou-ki.


   But in the end, Zao Wou-ki won the Hell Slaughtering Fields victory, his eighth consecutive victory.


  Zhao Wou-ki, who won with difficulty, roared excitedly, and then absorbed the soul power contributed by the loser on the spot.

  After winning, Zao Wou-ki was able to focus on things outside the killing field of hell.

   "It's that **** brat..."

  When Zao Wou-ki caught sight of Muge sitting in the auditorium, his eyes widened, and he recognized Muge instantly.

  He may not recognize others, how could he not recognize Muge, the chief culprit who caused him to be caught by the Wuhundian.

   "Haha, boy, you have today too!"

   "You meddle in other people's business, I thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be a degenerate!"

   "Don't worry, in this city of killing, I will let you feel the cruelty of the city of killing!"

  Zhao Wou-ki immediately came down from the killing field of hell, came to Muge, glared at Muge and began to mock.

  Zhao Wou-ki looked at Mu Ge, and the killing intent in his eyes was also undisguised.

   That is, the Hell Slaughtering Field Tavern is protected by the King of Slaughter, so you can't do anything here, otherwise he can't help but do it long ago.

He doesn't know how much Muge's soul power level has improved over the years. After entering the Slaughter City, no one can use soul skills anyway. He doesn't think that such a thin-skinned and tender kid like Muge can be his opponent .

  Here, the strong are physically strong, such as him!

   "Oh? Is the City of Slaughter cruel?"

   "It seems that you have been here all these years, it is very uncomfortable!"

  Muge looked at Zhao Wou-ki leisurely, and smiled lightly, with that relaxed and freehand look, he didn't take the other party's fierceness into his eyes at all.


   "I'm in such a miserable situation, it's not because of you little boy!"

  Zhao Wou-ki was furious when he heard Muge's words, he couldn't help but raised the big hammer in his hand, wanting to smash Muge to death with one blow.

   "Messing around in the **** killing field tavern, don't you two take the King of Slaughter seriously?"

  At this time, a cold female voice sounded, and a petite figure came out immediately.

   "Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for so many years, she is still so small and exquisite, but her figure is much better!"

   Pastoral smiled and looked at the other party, and it was the nightingale he had to meet when he entered the killing place.

  Compared to before, Nightingale is more mature.

   "It's the Killing Messenger!"

   "Number 9958 is really tired of working, and dare to mess around here..."


  Seeing the appearance of Nightingale, all the fallen people around avoided him.

   "Kill the Messenger!"

  Zhao Wuji saw Nightingale appearing, his expression changed, and he quickly put down the hammer in his hand.

   "The Killing Messenger, forgive me, old... I just saw that the enemy was a little too excited. Don't worry, the Killing Messenger, I won't mess around here!" Afterwards, like a dog, Zao Wou-ki carefully explained in front of Nightingale.

   "Little boy, I will settle accounts with you later!"

  Zhao Wou-ki looked back at Mu Ge coldly and left after saying a word, then planned to leave.

   Originally, he didn't dare to mess around in the Hell Slaughter Field Tavern, but after the appearance of the Slaughter Envoy, he was even more afraid, so he had to leave first.

   "Big Bear, did I let you go?"

   It's just that Zao Wou-ki wanted to leave, but Mu Ge didn't intend to let the other party go.

   Pastoral said, and slowly stood up.

   "What's the matter? Doesn't the little boy dare to do something here?"

  Zhao Wou-ki turned his head to look at Mu Ge, with a wild expression, looking at Mu Ge with haste and disdain.

  He didn't dare to do anything here, he didn't believe in pastoral!

   "You're new here? Didn't anyone tell you not to mess around in here?"

  At this moment, Nightingale also looked at Muge, and asked a cold question.

  Although Muge's handsomeness amazed her, she didn't take it seriously. She just thought it would be a pity if a boy as handsome as Muge was punished for causing trouble here.

  So Nightingale kindly reminded Pastoral.

  Of course, she is also maintaining the order of the killing capital.

   "What am I afraid of?"

  Muge snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed Zhao Wuji's neck.

   "Little boy, I'll see how you die!"

   Seeing that Muge really dared to do something, Zhao Wou-ki's eyes flashed a gleam of joy, and he didn't resist immediately, and let Muge grab his neck without moving.

   If he dares to do something here, as long as he doesn't resist, nothing will happen to him, and the idyll who does it, be prepared to suffer the consequences of disrupting the order of the killing capital!


  ps: Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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