MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 270 Make Tang Chen green

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  Chapter 270 Green Tang Chen

  Black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red, red!

  Nine spirit rings surround the simulator.

  After adding 50,000 years to all soul rings, the sixth soul ring has also become a hundred thousand year soul ring, and the others have also become ten thousand year soul rings.


   Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu, Muge's second martial spirit, also appeared.

  Red, red, red, red, orange, orange, red, red, red gold, red gold.

  Subsequently, the soul ring attached to the second martial soul Xiao Wu also emerged one by one.

  In addition to the original soul ring, the ninth soul ring has completely turned into a god-level scarlet gold.

  Because the lifespan of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was close to a million years, and after adding the reward of 50,000 years, he would naturally break through to the **** level in one fell swoop.

   There is also the tenth soul ring, which is the god-level soul ring after breaking through to the god-level.

  That's right, Mu Ge used the second martial soul to bear the power of Sea God.

   "Sea God Pastoral, Sea God's position is yours from now on!"

   "From now on, the Sea God's responsibilities will be entrusted to you!"

   Right at this moment, the voice of Yuan Haishen came from nowhere, and after completing the handover with Mu Ge, it completely disappeared.

  From the tone of the other party, Mu Ge heard a hint of relief and excitement.

   "After letting go of the responsibility, is it easy to go out and wander?"

  Hearing Yuan Haishen's tone, Mu Ge couldn't help but muttered strangely in his heart.

   There are so many worlds, so many gods.

   What Madge admires the most is the gods in the God Realm of this world. Most of them are very willing to pass on the position of the gods, and then go to other interfaces by themselves.

  It is really not easy to be able to let go of the **** position.

  The **** position represents power!

   Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to let go of their power?

  So the evil Rakshasa **** who represents the villain in the original book is not necessarily a bad person in the eyes of Muge.

  Evil is only the power of Rakshasa.

   Just like the power of Shura God, it also represents the killing of evil thoughts.

  There is no distinction between good and evil in power, only those who use power are good and evil.

  In Muge's view, God Shura is not very kind. As the **** of law enforcement in the God Realm, he should be absolutely fair, but has he done it?

   Judging from the performance of Pastoral according to the original Shura God, he didn't do it at all.

  So Mu Ge will not advertise that he is a kind person, he just wants to do whatever he wants.

   "Master, are you successful?"

   "You have completed the Nine Trials of the Sea God and become the Sea God, right?"

   At this time, Xiao Wu also discovered the change of the pastoral.

   There was also the change of the soul ring attached to her, so she naturally felt it too.

  The change of the ninth soul ring, the appearance of the tenth soul ring.

  Finally, there is also the sea **** suit that Muge is wearing at this time, which also makes her feel extremely powerful.

  Xiao Wu knew that Muge went to Sea God Island this time to complete the Sea God IX test and passed the final test, so these changes made Xiao Wu immediately guess that Mu Ge had passed the Sea God Nine test.

   This undoubtedly inspired Xiao Wu.

   Pastoral really did it, really broke through and became a god.

  Then her two younger brothers, Da Ming and Er Ming, can be resurrected, as well as herself.

   "That's right, I'm the God of the Sea now!"

   Mu Ge moved the Sea God Trident in his hand, then smiled at Xiao Wu.

"Very good!"

  Hearing Mu Ge's confirmation, Xiao Wu immediately cheered.

   "Then I still have Da Ming and Er Ming, and Snow Empress and Ice Empress can all be resurrected, right?"

  After cheering, Xiao Wu bit her lower lip, and then asked Mu Ge carefully.

  Mu Ge is now the **** of the sea, if Mu Ge is unwilling to fulfill her promise, she has nothing to do.

  So Xiao Wu is still a little nervous at this time.

   "Yes, but not yet!"

   "I've just obtained the Seagod's power now, and I won't do it until I'm familiar with controlling the Seagod's power!"

   Pastoral nodded, and he would definitely not regret this.


  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Xiao Wu immediately nodded excitedly.

   "Don't be so happy so early, even if I can help you resurrect, I think it's better for you not to resurrect so quickly!"

  Seeing Xiao Wu's happy look, Mu Ge opened his mouth and said.

   "Ah...why?" Xiao Wu suddenly became puzzled.

   "Because if I help you resurrect in the next session, it will be very difficult for you to go to the God Realm. Even gods cannot easily lead people to ascend!"

   "On the contrary, it's much easier to take your souls with you. After you ascend, you can be resurrected, and you can be resurrected directly in the God Realm!"

   Madrigal explained.

   This is also a bug in Ascension God Realm, Huo Yuhao was able to bring his soul to God Realm in Dou Er Zhong.

  As for the Ice Empress and Snow Empress, their current state can also be said to be the soul of the pastoral, and they can definitely be brought there.

   As a living person, even a first-level **** can only bring one family member to the God Realm.

  In the original book, Ma Hongjun, because he couldn’t inherit a first-level god, and Bai Chenxiang didn’t get the god’s inheritance because he didn’t have enough qualifications, finally died of old age in the lower realm.

Many people blamed Tang San for this, and I feel that Tang San has been wronged by this pastoral. According to rumors, it was Ma Hongjun himself who was too lazy and failed to inherit the first-level **** Vulcan, and finally inherited the second-level **** Phoenix God. .

  In Muge's thinking, it should be Tang San who ascended to the God Realm first, and believed that Ma Hongjun could also inherit the first-level god, so he didn't bring Bai Chenxiang with him.

  In the end, Bai Chenxiang died of old age and went to the lower realms. It can only be said that Ma Hongjun was more responsible.

   "It turns out that's the case, so let's wait until the God Realm and then resurrect!"

  After hearing Mu Ge's words, Xiao Wu suddenly understood and said quickly.

  Being able to ascend to the God Realm, of course she doesn't want to miss it!


   Pastoral hummed, and then said nothing.

  Xiao Wu also consciously returned to Muge.

   After taking a look at the Sea God Temple here, Mu Ge was also about to leave.

  After leaving the Sea God Temple, the figure of Muge flashed in the sea water, and he came to the portal when he entered.

  Through the portal, Muge can still see Bo Saixi on the other side.


   Once the figure moved again, Pastoral passed through the portal and returned to Sea God Island.


   After the pastoral came back, the portal behind him also completely disappeared.

   "High Priest, I'm back!"

  Looking at Bo Saixi, Muge said with a smile.

   "Master Sea God!"

   And after Bo Saixi saw the sea **** suit on Muge, and felt the vast and undetectable divine power on Muge, Bo Saixi immediately knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and bowed to Muge.

  Obviously, Bo Saixi saw that Mu Ge had successfully inherited the Sea God position.

  To be honest, after discovering this, Bo Saixi was relieved and also jealous.

  Glad that the original Lord Seagod and her years of waiting finally came to fruition, jealousy is naturally Mu Ge's acquisition of the Seagod position.

  Her own dream when she was young was also to obtain the inheritance of the Sea God.

   It's just that her aptitude is not enough, and she can only become the high priest of Sea God Island, the spokesperson of Sea God in the world.

   "High Priest, from now on you will not be the high priest of the old sea god, but the high priest of my pastoral song!"

  Looking at Bo Saixi who was kneeling in front of her, Muge said.

  He wanted to see if Bo Saixi would continue to excite him, the new generation of Seagod.

   Logically speaking, what she enshrined should be the original Sea God.

  After the original Sea God passed on the position, her mission was considered complete.

  Originally, if she had sacrificed herself, she would not have to face the idyll.

  But now she didn't offer sacrifices and survived. Bo Saixi's kneeling now is only because the **** of Mu Ge was passed down to him by the original sea god, and Bo Saixi is actually kneeling on the original old sea god.

  After hearing Muge's words, Bo Saixi's kneeling body trembled slightly.

   She naturally understood what the idyll was talking about.

   "Yes, Lord Seagod!"

  Thinking that Muge saved her life, although Bo Saixi felt a little uncomfortable, he finally chose to believe in Muge, the new **** of the sea.


   And the moment Bo Saixi finished speaking, the Martial Soul on Bo Saixi's body automatically emerged from Bo Saixi's back.

  After a burst of golden light exploded, the original Martial Soul of the Sea God behind Bo Saixi turned into an idyll.

  Originally, Poseidon's sea **** martial soul was in the shape of an old sea god, but now it looks like an idyll.

   Seeing this scene, Mu Ge was overjoyed.


   "High priest, get up, you don't need to kneel when you see me in the future!"

  Afterwards, Pastoral hurriedly got Bo Saixi up.

  He likes Bo Saixi to kneel in front of him, but not when he is serious.

   "Yes, Lord Seagod!"

  After hearing Muge's words, Bo Saixi also stood up.

  At this time, Bo Saixi looked at the pastoral eyes, full of faith and worship.

  Looking at Bo Saixi like this, Mu Ge naturally felt Bo Saixi's blind belief in himself, it seemed that as long as he asked Bo Saixi to do something, Bo Saixi would do it.

  It was as if the old sea **** needed Bo Saixi to sacrifice himself in order to pass on his position, so Bo Saixi didn't hesitate at all.

  It feels like God is facing his fanatics.

  Thinking of this, Mu Ge's heart suddenly moved.

  Perhaps, now is the best time for Bo Saixi to offer herself.

  Because at this time, Bo Saixi had just completely transferred his belief in the old Sea God to him.

   After a long time, this blind belief will naturally weaken, because after all, Pastoral is not the old sea god.

   Pastoral is what Bo Saixi watched as he became stronger step by step to inherit the Seagod position. Even if Bo Saixi continued to believe in him, he would not reach the level of a fanatic so easily.

   "High Priest, if I need you to offer your purity to serve me now, would you be willing?"

  Thinking of this, Muge looked directly into Bo Saixi's eyes and said.


  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Bo Saixi's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and Tang Chen's figure flashed in her mind.

  But soon, Bo Saixi only had the Sea God Pastoral that he believed in.

   "Master Sea God, this is my honor!"

  Bo Saixi looked at the pastoral, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

   "Haha, then I'll be rude!"

  Hearing Bo Saixi's words, Mu Ge suddenly laughed.

  Afterwards, Mu Ge stepped forward and hugged Bo Saixi's delicate body, seeing her pretty blushing face, and kissed her directly.



   "Master High Priest!"

  Seeing that the golden beam of light above the Sea God Temple completely disappeared, the secretary guarding the entrance of the Sea God Temple suddenly let out a mournful cry, knelt on the ground and couldn't help crying.

   Not long after, Sea Dragon Douluo and others also arrived at the entrance of Sea God Temple.

  When they saw the sad secretary kneeling there, they couldn't hide their grief.

   "The High Priest..."

  Sea Dragon Douluo murmured, then knelt down at the door of the Sea God Temple.

   It is to send Bo Saixi off respectfully, and it is also to wait for the appearance of the idyll here.

  Besides Sea Dragon Douluo, the other Guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars also knelt at the door of the Sea God Temple, silently thinking about Bo Saixi, while waiting for the pastoral to appear.

   "What's wrong with everyone?"

   Ning Rongrong, who was brought here by the Sea Witch, looked at the situation in front of him but was at a loss.

   But Ning Rongrong is good at observing words and expressions, knowing that everyone is in a bad mood, she will not speak indiscriminately, so she stands beside the sea witch and waits with everyone.

   And this wait is half a day.

   "Why hasn't Master Muge come out yet?"

   "Did Master Muge fail?"

  Finally, Seahorse Douluo couldn't help but speak out.

   But after all, Seahorse Douluo continued to kneel and did not dare to stand up.

   "The golden light of Seagod Ninth Trial has disappeared for such a long time..."

   "No, if Mr. Muge fails, wouldn't the high priest sacrifice in vain..."

   "Everyone, don't think about it, we just continue to wait!"


  After Seahorse Douluo spoke out, the other guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars also spoke out.

   Sea Horse Douluo's worries were also their worries, but in the end it was Sea Dragon Douluo who suppressed everyone's emotions and let everyone continue to wait.

  The guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, Bo Saixi's secretary, and Xiaobai were waiting outside the Sea God Temple, but they didn't know that in the Sea God Temple, Muge was doing whatever he wanted on Bo Saixi.

   It wasn't until the next morning that Mu Ge led Bo Saixi to open the gate of the Sea God Temple, and walked out with Bo Saixi.

   Pastoral walked in front, Bo Saixi walked behind.

   It was just Bo Saixi who was walking behind, and his walking posture was obviously a little abnormal.

   Moreover, Bo Saixi's gaze at the back of the pastoral figure is also very complicated.

  It's a little bit of gnashing of teeth.

  Bo Saixi glared at Muge's back shamefully and angrily. She really didn't expect that she would be so "willingly" planted in Muge.

   Halfway through, she woke up completely.

   "Tang Chen..."

   "You and I are destined to have no part after all..."

  After Bo Saixi sighed in his heart, he also put Tang Chen down.

   After all, nothing happened between the two of them, and their relationship has not been confirmed. If you want to say how deep the relationship is, there is no.

  Bo Saixi misses him because Tang Chen is the only man she can see, the only man she can feel from the bottom of her heart.

   Now that she has dedicated herself to the pastoral, she naturally let Tang Chen go.


  (end of this chapter)

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