MTL - Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall-Chapter 325 Are you done?

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  Chapter 325 Are you done?

   At this moment.

  Dugu Yan next to him also had his eyes lit up.

  Taking the opportunity to bring up what I once mentioned in the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, I hope Ye Qifeng will change his idea of ​​calling himself:

  "Yes, yes, yes, Lingling and Auntie Ye are right, Son, I am not much older than you, why don't you call me Miss Yan, just like Lingling, call me Yanyan."

  Who knew, as soon as she finished speaking, Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling's mother and daughter immediately caught their eyes.

  Ye Lingling tilted her head slightly, first glanced at Duguyan, then at Ye Qifeng, and finally turned back to Duguyan's slightly charming face.

   Finally noticed a strange thing.

   That is the sight of good friend Dugu Yan, who seems to have been fixed on Ye Qifeng all the time, never leaving even for a second.

  The most important thing is.

  From the eyes of her best friend Dugu Yan, she felt a strong admiration, so strong that it almost overflowed her eyes.

  Ye Lingling thought for a while before she became convinced of a certain possibility.

  In an instant, her small mouth under the veil suddenly opened, and an imperceptible shock flashed in the depths of her eyes, as if she had discovered some shocking secret.

  Of course, while Ye Lingling was shocked, she also felt flustered and embarrassed.

  Because she herself seems to have a little bit of the same thoughts as her best friend Dugu Yan, um, only a little

  Thinking of this, Ye Lingling blushed and lowered her head.

  However, from the corner of his eye, he unconsciously glanced at Ye Qifeng.

  Ye Huiyin's heart skipped a beat, and she said in her heart, it's bad, this Miss Yan from the Dugu family seems to be interested in Xiaofeng? ah this


  At this moment, Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling's mother and daughter almost simultaneously discovered the abnormality in Duguyan's words, and there was something wrong with her.

  Ye Qifeng is not a fool, so he naturally noticed Ye Lingling's sneaky gaze, and also understood her little thoughts.

   Dugu Yan won't say anything, that blatant look, anyone can see what she's thinking.

  At this moment, Ye Qifeng couldn't help but feel a little headache, and wanted to reject their proposal to change their names.

  But facing the three gorgeous beauties with their own advantages and disadvantages, and their expectant eyes, Ye Qifeng's tone froze, and he couldn't say any more words of rejection.

  So he planned to agree.

  However, one can't treat one more favorably than another, and if she agreed to Ye Lingling, she naturally had to agree to Duguyan.

  Thinking, Ye Qifeng looked at the three beauties Ye Huiyin, Ye Lingling and Duguyan who were standing side by side, and said to them softly:

   "Okay, just listen to Sister Ye. From now on, I will call your names, Lingling and Yanyan."

   Got Ye Qifeng's promise.

  Ye Huiyin's soft and beautiful face suddenly showed a gratified smile.

  Ye Lingling's mouth, which was hidden under the black veil, also secretly outlined a smile, and her watery blue eyes also narrowed into a crescent moon.

   And Dugu Yan was even more overjoyed, her coquettish melon-seeded face curled up into a charming arc, radiating charm for a while, captivating the soul.

  When Ye Qifeng and the others finally walked out of the quiet room and came to the courtyard outside.

  The time has come to the end of the afternoon, and the sky is about to enter the evening.

   "Holy Son, are you finished?"

   Sensing Ye Qifeng and others coming out of the quiet room, Dugu Bo, who consciously acted as a guard and guard outside, appeared in front of them in a flash.

  Ye Qifeng's face turned dark when he heard it, and his face twitched, thinking, what do you mean we're done? What kind of tiger and wolf is this.

  However, I also understand that Dugu Bo is just a simple greeting, and doesn't have that kind of meaning.

   "I'm sorry, senior."

  Ye Qifeng nodded to Dugu Bo, and cupped his hands.

   "Thank you, senior, for the quiet room."

  At this time, Ye Huiyin led her daughter Ye Lingling, bowed to Dugu Bo Yingying, and thanked her.


  Dugu Yan let out a coquettish cry, ran to Grandpa with light lotus steps, and took his hand affectionately.

   "Haha, don't bother, it's just a trivial matter."

   Dugu Bo laughed, first fondled his granddaughter's hair, then said something hearty to Ye Qifeng, and then looked at Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling mother and daughter, and waved at them:

   "Patriarch Ye, little girl Lingling, from now on we will all be under the command of the Son of God, and we are our own people, so don't be so polite."

"OK, all right."

  Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling looked at each other, then nodded slightly.

  Ye Qifeng glanced at the sky and planned to say goodbye, but before he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something.

  So, facing Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan and his grandson in the courtyard, he confessed:

   "By the way, senior, Yan Yanyan, when you go to the Binghuo Liangyiyan to practice, you might as well bring Lingling there too."

   "After all, the aura of the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan is extremely rich, suitable for cultivation, and very good for the growth of soul power."

   "And Sister Ye, if you have time, you can go with me."

   As he spoke, Ye Qifeng turned his gaze to Ye Huiyin, changed his voice, and said in a slightly serious tone:

   "However, there is one thing to note."

   "Sister Ye hasn't taken immortal herbs yet, her cultivation level is only in the realm of soul sage, and her physical strength is also limited. She doesn't have the ability and method to resist the powerful weather aura from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye."

   "So if Sister Ye is going together, you must remember that you must not stay in the eyes of the Ice and Fire Yinyi for a long time, so as not to be eroded by the extreme poison of ice and fire there and endanger yourself."

  Looking slightly, Ye Qifeng turned his gaze to Ye Lingling who was snuggling beside his mother Ye Huiyin, and said to her in a calm tone:

   "As for Lingling, she has already taken immortal herbs, and her physique has been baptized and strengthened, so it doesn't matter. There is no need to be afraid of the extreme ice and fire attributes inside."

   "Binghuo Liangyiyan, where is that?"

  After Ye Qifeng finished speaking, Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling, mother and daughter, were a little confused, and they asked out their doubts in unison.

  Ye Qifeng was slightly taken aback.

  Suddenly realized that what he just said was rising, but he seemed to have forgotten to introduce the situation of Binghuo Yinyanyan to the mother and daughter, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

   Fortunately, at this time, Dugu Yan answered the questions of Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling's mother and daughter with a clear voice, attracting their attention:

   "Lingling, Aunt Ye, it's like this."

   "The Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye was originally my grandfather's medicine garden, located in the depths of the Sunset Forest, but now it belongs to the Son of God."

   "It is a place with extremely rich aura of heaven and earth, a natural cornucopia called a plant paradise, which can cultivate inestimable treasures of heaven and earth."

   "For example, Lingling, the celestial herb you took, Yuduo Tianhaitang, came from the Binghuo Liangyi Eye."

   As he spoke, Dugu Yan glanced at Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling, whose expressions had gradually changed from ignorance and doubt to suddenness, and continued in a soft voice:

   "In addition, the Binghuo Liangyiyan is not only a place where natural treasures are born, but also a good place for cultivation, because the aura of heaven and earth there is too strong."

   "Cultivating in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi is more than two or three times faster than practicing in other places. This is what I have personally experienced, and it is absolutely true."

   "It is precisely because of this that the Holy Son wants Lingling and Aunt Ye to go there to practice together."

   "So that's how it is."

  Listening to Duguyan's narration, Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling's mother and daughter now have a general understanding of the situation of Binghuo Liangyiyan, and also understand Ye Qifeng's good intentions for them, and they can't help but feel warm again.

   Subconsciously, the mother and daughter turned their eyes to Ye Qifeng at the same time, their beautiful eyes filled with gratitude and other emotions.

  Dugu Yan didn't notice the strangeness between the mother and daughter. After a pause, she continued:

   "Although cultivating in the eyes of Ice and Fire Liangyi has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, as the Holy Son said, the aura of heaven and earth there also contains terrifying energy of heaven and earth, and there are also two extreme attributes of poison of ice and fire."

   "Whether it's the erosion of the energy of the heavens and the earth, or the erosion of the poison of ice and fire, it is indeed dangerous for Aunt Ye who has never taken fairy herbs."

   "However, with Aunt Ye's cultivation and physique of the soul sage realm, it is not a problem to stay in the eyes of ice and fire in a short period of time."

   "Just seize the opportunity and exit in time."

   "It is also possible to enter the eyes of ice and fire to practice again in the future after the damage caused by the energy scour of heaven and earth is eliminated, and the poison of ice and fire that invades the body is expelled."

  After Duguyan finished speaking, Ye Qifeng thought about it, took her words, and explained to Ye Huiyin:

   "Sister Ye, I still have a lot of fairy herbs in my hand, but there are none that are suitable for you to take."

   "The celestial herb that best suits my sister's Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit is Yuduotian Haitang, but it has already been taken by Lingling."

   "So if my sister wants to get rid of the curse of Jiuxin Begonia and solve the defect of Wuhun, she can only wait for me to breed the next Yuduotian Begonia."

  In fact, Ye Qifeng also has a Qiluo tulip in his hand, which can also dispel curses, solve the defects of the martial soul, and promote the evolution of the martial soul.

   But there is a catch.

   is the effect of Qiluo Tulip, which is only effective for treasure-type martial souls.

  Ye Huiyin's martial soul is Jiuxin Begonia, which belongs to the plant martial soul, and it does not match the attributes and functions of Qiluo Tulip.

  So it's not suitable for Ye Huiyin to take.

  The rest of the fairy herbs are also either not suitable, or have little effect, and it is a waste to give them to Ye Huiyin.

  Of course, if you don't consider getting rid of the curse and solving the defects of the martial soul, there are two fairy herbs that are suitable for Ye Huiyin to take.

  That is.

  The divine treasure among the immortal herbs, the immortal among the immortals, the king of flowers, Acacia heartbroken red.

  As well as the supreme fairy, the nobleman among flowers, the delicate fragrance and Qiluo fairy.

   It's just these two fairy herbs, there are also some problems.

  The first is Acacia Broken Heart Red.

   Not to mention, Ye Qifeng already has a candidate in his heart for this fairy herb.

  Even if you give it to Ye Huiyin, she probably won't be able to take it off.

  After all, Acacia Heartbroken Red is not an extraordinary product. It is up to you to choose the master. If you want to take it off, you must have true love and sincerity.

   Judging from Ye Huiyin's current situation of being single for many years, I'm afraid she can't even pick it off, let alone take it.

   Let’s talk about Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin.

  Its greatest function is to restrain all poisons, neutralize all toxins, and enhance immunity, which has the effect of prolonging life.

  Even if you give Ye Huiyin the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product to carry or take it, it may be able to strengthen your physique a little, but the effect is really not great, and it is completely unnecessary.

  So, Ye Qifeng couldn't come up with a fairy herb suitable for Ye Huiyin for a while, so he could only wait for the second Yuduo Tianhaitang to be cultivated before giving it to her.

  Hearing Ye Qifeng's explanation, Ye Huiyin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled softly, and said softly:

   "It's okay, Xiaofeng, sister is not in a hurry, you can wait slowly."

  Anyway, Lingling has already taken the immortal herb, dispelled the curse, and solved the defect of the martial soul. I am already satisfied.

   As for the inheritance of Jiuxin Begonia Wuhun, it is enough to rely on Lingling, um, and you, Xiaofeng. Ye Huiyin said silently.

  Ye Qifeng didn't know what Ye Huiyin was thinking.

  He rested his hand on his chin, thought for a while in silence, and then raised his eyes to look at Ye Huiyin:

   "How about this, Sister Ye, stretch out your hand, and I'll give you a few things first."

  Ye Huiyin heard that, she didn't know what Ye Qifeng was going to give her, but she subconsciously stretched out her hands.

  In the next moment, in her white and smooth hands, suddenly there were more than a dozen small jade boxes with hollowed out and complicated patterns, piled up into a hill.

"This is.?"

  Holding the jade box that suddenly appeared in her hand, Ye Huiyin blinked and asked with a hint of doubt in her tone.

  Ye Qifeng put a smile on his face and introduced:

   "Sister Ye, these are top-quality herbs, all of which are tonic herbs. There is one plant in each jade box."

   "Their quality is one level lower than that of fairy herbs, and their efficacy is not as good as that of fairy herbs, but they still have good effects, and their effects are relatively mild."

   "Every time you go to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, sister, you can take out a plant and take it. This will help prolong the time you stay and practice in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye."

   "These are the best herbs?!"

  Ye Huiyin was taken aback for a moment, then immediately exclaimed softly.

   Immediately, he concentrated his attention, released several strands of soul power, which penetrated into the jade box one after another, and carefully perceived it.

   Really, really the best herb!

   And all of them!

   From the majestic medicinal power contained in it, it can be seen that their quality is much higher than the top-quality medicinal herbs in the Ye family's collection.

  At this moment, Ye Huiyin was a little dumbfounded.

  She herself is a healing soul sage, and her martial soul is also a plant-type martial soul that is naturally compatible with plants, Jiuxin Begonia.

   In addition, their Ye family is originally a family of medicine, and they have a wide knowledge of medicinal herbs.

Even without opening the jade box, Ye Huiyin was able to judge from the majestic medicinal power contained in it just by relying on the affinity of the Jiuxin Begonia Martial Soul for plants, and was convinced that the jade box contained all of them were of high value. herbs.

To know.

  High-quality medicinal herbs are precious enough, and top-quality medicinal herbs are even rarer.

  Even if you exhaust the entire Ye family, you can't find a few herbs that reach the highest grade.

  The top-quality medicinal herbs are enough to be used as the treasure of the Haitang Medical Center, or even a family inheritance treasure.

  Ye Qifeng took out a dozen plants for her at once?

  Ye Huiyin had to be surprised and horrified.

  To tell the truth, she has lived for more than 30 years, and this is the first time she has seen so many top-quality medicinal herbs.

   "Xiaofeng, this is too precious, my sister can't take it."

  Knowing the preciousness of the top-quality herbs in her hands, Ye Huiyin quickly stretched them out to Ye Qifeng, wanting to hand them back to him.

  (end of this chapter)

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