MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 108 Explosive soul bone

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  Chapter 108 Explosive Soul Bone

   About eighteen thousand years, less than twenty thousand years.

   This is the answer Su Mo got from Bibi Dong. It is much higher than the limit of the soul ring absorbed by a normal soul king, but it is still not up to the limit that a soul emperor can absorb.

   Compared with Tang San's fourth spirit ring in the original book, it is much higher.

The next day, Su Mo accompanied Ning Rongrong back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and after notifying Ning Feng of the good news that he and Ning Rongrong had broken through, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo also accompanied Su Mo to the Soul Palace. Beast forest hunting soul ring.

  Su Mo didn't hunt for soul rings by himself this time. Last time he entered the Sunset Forest alone, it was very dangerous after thinking about it afterwards.

  Even with Bibi Dong acting as the spirit of vision for him, Su Mo has been attacked by spirit beasts over ten thousand years in succession, although Su Mo was fine in the end.

  But what if he fails to escape in a short time and encounters other ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, even if the crypt spider that attacked Su Mo is a tens-of-thousand-year-old or even fifty-thousand-year-old soul beast...

  In short, Su Mo intends to enjoy the treatment of Title Douluo leading a team to hunt for soul rings this time, instead of taking risks by himself.

  Ning Rongrong's soul ring is relatively easy, because the soul ring and soul skills of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda are all fixed, you only need to find a soul beast with a suitable age.

  So Ning Rongrong quickly completed the absorption of the fourth soul ring, a 5000-year purple soul ring.

  The fourth soul skill, like other Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial souls, gains defense boost.

   "Eighteen thousand years, Su Mo, are you sure you want to find such a high cultivation soul beast?"

  After solving Ning Rongrong's soul ring, Sword Douluo couldn't help asking Su Mo again.

   After all, in Sword Douluo's opinion, if Su Mo can absorb the ten thousand year quality soul ring, he will already surpass others by a big level. Isn't eighteen thousand years too high?

  He was worried that Su Mo would not be able to bear it!

   "Grandpa Jian, no problem, my current physical fitness can bear it!"

  Su Mo heard Jian Douluo's words, and quickly assured him.

   At this point, he can still trust Bibi Dong.

  He himself felt the same, and could even be a little higher, about 19,000 years, and Bibi Dong thought it would be a little less in order to ensure that Su Mo could bear it.

   "Since you have this confidence, Old Bones and I will try our best to help you find a suitable soul beast!"

  Seeing that Su Mo was so confident, Sword Douluo no longer worried about anything.

   Then Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were in the soul beast forest, helping Su Mo find a suitable soul beast.

  For his fourth soul ring, Su Mo didn't want any fancy abilities, as long as it could increase his attack power.

  Su Mo's No. 1 Martial Soul pursues the ultimate destructive power.

   It would be great if it could have good speed while possessing extreme destructive power.

  Fortunately, the second and third soul skills in front of Su Mo both gave Su Mo a good speed increase.

   Even with the help of two Titled Douluo, it took three days for Su Mo to find a suitable soul beast.

  A golden liger with a cultivation base of 16,000 years is not only a metal soul beast, but also a soul beast with strong attack power, which is very suitable for Su Mo.

  The only shortcoming is that the number of years of cultivation is a little bit low.

   "Just this golden liger, 16,000 years is enough for me!"

  Su Mo quickly made a decision and chose this golden liger.

  Suitability is the most important thing!

   It's not so easy to find one with the right attributes and the right age!

   Soul beasts over 10,000 years old are more difficult to find, unlike the ones with thousands of years of age, there are more in number, so you can choose slowly.

   "Okay, Su Mo boy, wait a moment, the old man will take it down!"

   Sword Douluo became even more satisfied when he heard this, and prepared to help Su Mo take down the golden liger.

  Because 16,000 years is 2,000 years less than 18,000 years, he is more at ease.

   "Grandpa Jian, wait, this golden liger, leave it to me to deal with it myself!"

   "As long as Rongrong can help me!"

  Seeing that Jian Douluo was about to make a move, Su Mo said hastily.

   "Haha, that's fine, then do it yourself!"

   Sword Douluo didn't object when he heard the words. If Su Mo faced the golden liger alone, he might not feel relieved, but if Ning Rongrong was added, then there would be no problem.

  He knows Su Mo's combat effectiveness.

   "Well, then I will trouble the two grandpas to help us sweep the formation!"

  Su Mo nodded, then looked at Ning Rongrong.

  Ning Rongrong naturally wouldn't object, but instead looked eager to try.

Finally, under the plundering formation of the two titled Douluo, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong displayed their martial soul fusion skill Nine Treasure Soul Hunting Spear, and after entering the combined state, they rushed towards the A golden liger.

  After Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tower evolved, the two soul fusion skills were not affected and could not be used, but the martial soul fusion skills changed from the original Seven Treasures Soul Hunting Gun to Nine Treasures Soul Hunting Gun.

  In the state of the martial soul fusion skill, the increase obtained remains the same, but the Nine Treasure Soul Hunting Gun itself has been enhanced a lot, and its lethality is stronger.

   "The first soul skill: penetration!"

   "The third soul skill, Soul Chasing Blade!"

  Facing such a soul beast with a cultivation base of more than 10,000 years, Su Mo naturally takes the lead in the combined state.

  Su Mo didn't go too far to send a few soul-hunting crossbow attacks to the golden liger.

   Dealing with this golden liger is for practice, so there is no need.

  As soon as he made a move, Su Mo hit the opponent with the Soul Chasing Blade first, and a two-meter-long spear blade slashed forward.


  After sensing Su Mo's approach, the golden liger roared, and a strong golden light bloomed on his body, and Su Mo's third soul skill was blocked.

   But blocking the soul-chasing effect of Su Mo's third soul ability is useless unless dodging, so the soul-chasing mark of Su Mo's third soul ability is still successfully engraved on the golden liger.

  Afterwards, Su Mo brandished the Nine Treasure Soul Hunting Gun, and charged towards the opponent.




  Su Mo soon fought with the golden liger, attacking the opponent's body, making metal collision sounds continuously, the golden liger with metal hair is not weak in defense.

  Unfortunately, it was facing the Nine Treasures Soulhunting Spear in the state of being one with the Purple Gold Spear Horcrux, and the defense of the golden hair was not enough.

  If Su Mo didn't use the Purple Golden Spear, this golden liger could still compete with Su Mo Ning Rongrong under the martial soul fusion skill.


   Facing Su Mo's attack, wounds began to appear on the golden liger, and the blood gradually stained its golden hair red.


  After realizing that he was no match for a weak little girl, the golden liger roared again and again, but there was a hint of retreat in his eyes.


   Then the golden liger roared suddenly, and a wave of sound came towards Su Mo, which stunned Su Mo for a second or two.


  When Su Mo came back to his senses, he saw that the golden liger had turned and ran away.

   "Want to run? There is no door!"

   "Second Soul Skill - Thunderbolt Strike!"


  Seeing this, Su Mo directly displayed the complete second soul skill. While the soul-chasing effect was still there, he exploded at several times the instantaneous burst speed, and caught up with the golden liger almost instantly.


  Then the Nine Treasures Soulhunting Gun in Su Mo's hand stabbed fiercely behind the Golden Liger.


   I don't know how painful the injury is, but it actually made the golden liger utter such a scream.


  When Su Mo pulled out the spear, the three-meter-high golden liger fell to the ground with a bang.


   Then a black soul ring emerged from the opponent's body.


   Appearing with it, there is also a soul bone exuding golden light.


  (end of this chapter)