MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 118 Shrek

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  Chapter 118 The first battle against Shrek

   After entering Wuhun City, the sixteen teams of Heaven Dou Empire moved in under the arrangement of Wuhun Palace.

  This time I came with so many teams from the Heaven Dou Empire, and there are also many people from sects.

   Especially those sects behind the colleges have come.

   Among them, the most special one is naturally the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Ning Fengzhi as the suzerain and the two titled Douluo level elders are all old.

   Together with him, there is also the prince Xue Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire, he is here on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Emperor Xue Ye did not come.

  Su Mo seriously suspected that Qian Renxue took this opportunity to come back to Wuhun Hall to visit her mother and grandfather.

  On the second day, the sixteen teams represented by the Heaven Dou Empire and the sixteen teams represented by the Star Luo Empire came to the Hall of Spirits.

  All the teams of the two empires met on the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

  Of course, the two sides also entered the arena separately under the introduction of the host of the Wuhun Temple.

   "Finally, let us invite the last team of this competition to enter, they are the Wuhundian team representing our Wuhundian!"

   Under the introduction of the host, the last team also appeared.

  The members of the Wuhundian team came out after the host finished speaking.

   The so-called golden generation is headed by Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan, followed by their four teammates.

  The members of the Wuhundian team have an extremely powerful aura when they appear on the stage, and they are full of confidence.

   "It's amazing confidence, it must be the confidence accumulated from a lot of victories!"

   "As expected of the Wuhundian team, the whole team feels strong, sharp and unrivaled!"

   "That woman is so beautiful..."

   "Isn't this momentum too strong? This year's championship won't be taken away by the Wuhundian team again, right?"


  Looking at the Wuhundian team that came out at the end, the people in other teams felt a sense of intimidation coming, and they all felt the strength of the Wuhundian team.

   "As expected of being given the title of the Golden Generation, the three leading members are very strong!"

   "Our team doesn't have such momentum at all!"

   "It seems that this year's champion is still Wuhundian!"

   "Wuhundian is also full of confidence in this, otherwise it would not have given out the fast soul bone as a reward for the champion!"


  The contestants who participated in this competition were astonished, and the representatives behind the teams in the square appearance battle were also surprised by the momentum of the Wuhundian team.

   "What an amazing momentum!"

   "You said, the first three people who are called the golden generation can't really be soul kings?"

  In the Tiandou team, after Yu Tianheng felt the strength of the Wuhundian team, he felt a little bad.

   "Yeah, I feel that the momentum of the people in front is really too strong!"

   "Hope we don't confront them so soon!"

  After hearing Yu Tianheng's words, Shimo and Brother Shimo also became worried.

   "What's the use of worrying? Even if there are three soul kings in the Wuhundian team, we are not incapable of fighting! Just fight at that time!"

  When Ning Rongrong heard the words of Yu Tianheng and the others, he immediately retorted in dissatisfaction.

  Worried about that before I hit it.

   "Rong Rong is right, what's the use of worrying so much? Our goal is to be the champion. No matter how strong the opponent is, we just need to defeat them!"

   "Yes, yes, Rong Rong is right!"

  Compared to the boys in the team, the two girls, Duguyan and Ye Lingling, didn't have so many worries, and immediately supported Ning Rongrong's statement.

   "That's right, the big deal is that you can protect Lingling well, and leave the rest to me and Rongrong!"

  Su Mo also said confidently at this time.

   "Rongrong is right, I am not confident enough, I don't believe in everyone's strength, this is my fault!"

  Yu Tianheng also knew at this time that he had said something wrong, and quickly admitted his mistake.

   And at this time, Bibi Dong, who is the pope of the Wuhun Temple, finally appeared, walked out from the building above, and looked down at everyone present.

   "See the Pope!"

   "See the Pope!"

  The guards of the Wuhun Hall all around knelt down on one knee following Pope Bibi Dong's appearance.

  Su Mo and the others stopped talking, and looked up at Pope Bibi Dong above.

   Seeing Pope Bibi Dong appearing above, Su Mo also looked carefully.

  Because he was used to seeing Bibi Dong, Su Mo didn't feel much awe of Pope Bibi Dong in front of him. Instead, he looked at him and compared him with Bibi Dong in his body.

  Compared to Bibi Dong in his body, the Pope Bibi Dong in front of him is colder, and his aloof aura is also stronger than Bibi Dong in his body.

   This is not because Pope Bibi Dong's temperament is really stronger than Bibi Dong's, but because Bibi Dong has been with Su Mo for a long time, and naturally she will not show such a superior temperament when facing Su Mo.


  Su Mo's gaze was bolder, as if Pope Bibidong had noticed it, and immediately looked at Su Mo.

  Seeing this, Su Mo quickly put away his presumptuous gaze and lowered his head.

   Pope Bibidong quickly turned his eyes away when he saw Su Mo lower his head. After scanning around, his eyes lingered on Yu Xiaogang in the auditorium.

  Yu Xiaogang also looked at Pope Bibidong, but only calmly.

  Instead, it was Liu Erlong who was next to Yu Xiaogang. After seeing Pope Bibidong's gaze resting on Yu Xiaogang, he quickly grabbed Yu Xiaogang's hand, and then looked at Pope Bibidong demonstratively.

  When Pope Bibi Dong saw such a scene, his eyes instantly became colder.

  But at this time, she is not easy to get angry, so she can only pretend not to care and turn her eyes away from Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong.

   "Being able to appear here proves that you are all the best of the younger generation!"

   "I'm looking forward to your performance in the finals!"

   "For this reason, Wuhundian has shown enough sincerity as a reward for the champion of this competition..."

  After retracting his gaze, Pope Bibi Dong spoke, making a speech for the final round of the competition.

  After the simple speech, Pope Bibi Dong handed over the arena to the host.

   "I believe that everyone knows the rules of the finals, so I won't explain further!"

   "In the first round, the Heaven Dou Royal Team, the Star Luo Team and the Wuhundian Team have a bye, and the other 30 teams will compete against each other!"

   "Now, please send a player from each team to draw lots to decide your opponent in the first round!"

  The host of Wuhundian didn't talk too much nonsense. After a simple explanation, he asked each team to send members to draw lots.

  Shrek team, Tianshui team, Blazing team...

   Soon all the teams sent members to draw lots, and the results of the lottery came out soon.

   "The result is out!"

   "The first match will be Team Blazing vs Team Barak!"

   "Then these two teams will stay, and all other irrelevant personnel will leave here to watch the game in the auditorium!"

  After the results came out, under the explanation of the host, the competition in the final circle officially started.

  The first battle was the civil war of the Heaven Dou Empire, both teams belonged to the Heaven Dou Empire.

  Barack's team was the representative team of the kingdom where the former Shrek Academy was located.

   The result is naturally needless to say, the Barak team is definitely not the opponent of the Blazing team, and it is a pity that they were eliminated in the first round.

   After the Fiery team won, the game continued.

   After three days, the first round of the competition was over. Fifteen teams were eliminated in one fell swoop, and with the addition of three seeded teams, there were eighteen teams left.

  The Shrek team was lucky, they didn't meet a strong team in the first round, and successfully entered the second round.

   In the second round of the competition, the Thunderclap team from the Heaven Dou Empire had a bye with the No. 1 team from the Star Luo Empire, and the remaining 16 teams competed against each other.

   "Finally it's our turn!"

   "I'm going to draw lots!"

  Ning Rongrong couldn't wait until now, and when the second round of lottery was held, she volunteered to go up and draw lots.

   "Hee hee, number one, we are the first to play!"

  After Ning Rongrong came down, he happily reported the good news to Su Mo and others.

   Anyway, in Ning Rongrong's opinion, this is good news, because they will be able to play soon.

   "Great, we're first!"

   "It's finally time to start!"

  Shi Mo and Brother Shi Mo became excited when they heard the good news about Ning Rongrong.

   "I don't know who our opponent is?"

  Only Yu Tianheng, who is about to enter the battle preparation state, looks at the other teams, wanting to know which team their opponent will be.

   "The first match of the second round of the finals will be between the Heaven Dou Royal Team VS Shrek Team!"

   "Now invite two teams to play!"

   Soon, the host told Su Mo and the others who their opponent was.

   "Our opponent is actually the Shrek team!"

   "Great, now I can take revenge!"

   "Now we are not afraid of the Shrek team!"


  After learning about their opponent, Yu Tianheng and the others were surprised, but at the same time cheered up.

   Except for Su Mo and Ning Rongrong, everyone else always remembered their defeat by the Shrek team in their hearts.

  At the beginning, they were beaten too badly by the Shrek team, and they were defeated by the Shrek team without any power to fight back.

  Although after Su Mo and Ning Rongrong arrived, they also knew that it was because the Shrek team used weapons, Su Mo used Horcrux Unity, and Tang San used hidden weapons to defeat them so thoroughly.

  But they still find it difficult to accept, thinking it is their shame.

   "Come on everyone, this time we must defeat Shrek!"

   Now that she finally had a chance to avenge her shame, even Ye Lingling became more motivated to fight.

   "Our opponent is Zhuqing and the others!"

   Only Ning Rongrong, who was originally excited, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

  She thought it would be a little bad to personally eliminate the Shrek team!

  Yes, Ning Rongrong is also full of confidence now, very confident in the current team, and doesn't think that Tang San and their current Shrek team have any hope of defeating them.

   "No matter who the opponent is, we just need to defeat them!"

   "Anyway, Tang San and the others can't go far, and let others defeat them, why not let us come!"

  Su Mo rubbed Ning Rongrong's head and said with a smile.

  Ning Rongrong felt embarrassed, but Su Mo felt good.

  He felt that Ning Rongrong's luck was really good, and he was able to draw the Shrek team.

   Su Mo was very happy to be able to personally defeat the Shrek team and eliminate them.

   "Well, then let's defeat them!"

   "By the way, let Yu Xiaogang take a good look at it, Su Mo, you are the best!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Ning Rongrong quickly let go of the entanglement in his heart, and became full of fighting spirit again.

  She just felt a little embarrassed to defeat Zhu Zhuqing and the others with her own hands, but she was full of passion for defeating the team led by Yu Xiaogang.

  Hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Yu Tianheng on the other side felt a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't hear Ning Rongrong's words.

   "Let's go, let's play!"

   After Yu Tianheng spoke, he took the lead and walked up the ring.

   "It's actually the Heaven Dou Royal Team!"

   "Isn't our luck too bad?"


  When Su Mo and the others knew who their opponent was, the Shrek team naturally also knew that their opponent was Su Mo and the others.

   All of a sudden, including Tang San, their expressions became serious.

  Because they all know how strong the current Heaven Dou Royal Team is, Teacher Qin Ming has already told them the basic situation of the Heaven Dou Royal Team.

   Except for one Ye Lingling, all members are Soul Sects, much stronger than their Shrek team.

   Their Shrek team, only Dai Mubai and Tang San are two soul sects.

  And they also know that Su Mo and Ning Rongrong can use the martial soul fusion technique, which was once a big killer move of their Shrek team.

  Now, it's their turn to prepare to face such a big killer move.

  Because they knew Su Mo and Ning Rongrong well, everyone including Tang San lacked confidence before the match started.

   It's just that Dai Mubai and the others feel very unwilling because of the lack of confidence.

  Because none of them wanted to lose to the Heaven Dou Royal Team.

  Because the Tiandou Royal Team was their defeated opponent before.

   Now I may be revenged, and I am very unwilling to think about it.

  Especially Tang San, he didn't want to be defeated by Su Mo.

  Besides because he didn't want to fail, he also knew that his teacher Yu Xiaogang also didn't want to see them being defeated by Su Mo.

  Tang San looked back at Yu Xiaogang, and sure enough, he saw that his teacher's expression was also very ugly at this time.

  Yu Xiaogang's mood at this time is really as bad as eating a mouthful of Xiang.

   "Don't think so much, just use all your strength to fight!"

   "In this battle, we don't have to hide it anymore, just take out the hole cards, otherwise we may never have a chance to use them again!"

  Yu Xiaogang quickly calmed down, and then gave instructions to Tang San and the others.


  (end of this chapter)

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