MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 120 Regretful Yu Xiaogang

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  Chapter 120 Regret Yu Xiaogang

  ps: The previous chapter has been changed, Su Mo interrupted Tang San and the others, and did not let them use the seven-in-one fusion skill.


   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

As Su Mo swung the hunting gun in Su Mo's hand, eighteen gun blades swung out from Su Mo's gun blade, and most of them attacked Jiangzhu and Oscar, and the others were all covered by Su Mo's attack .

  This is another soul skill transformed by Su Mo on the basis of the third soul skill. From the original single attack, Su Mo changed it to a group attack.

  The consequence is that the attack power of every spear blade that Su Mo slashes is severely weakened.

  However, when Su Mo made such a change, what he pursued was not destructive power, but the soul-chasing effect attached to each spear blade.

  Su Mo's soul-chasing blade, unless it is avoided or completely destroyed, will be marked by Su Mo with the soul-chasing effect.

   "White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

   "Hundred Claws of the Netherworld!"

   "Phoenix FireWire!"

   "The King of the Rock!"


   Facing Su Mo's attack, Tang San and the others also went up to meet it, either using soul skills to meet Su Mo's attack, or using their bodies to block it!

  Jiang Zhu and Oscar are support system soul masters and can't defend against it, so it's up to Dai Mubai and Tai Long to stand in front of her.

  Su Mo's soul-chasing mark was successfully marked on the two of them.

  As for the others, they haven't been successfully marked for the time being. Su Mo's Soul Chasing Blade was either avoided or wiped out, and failed to be marked.

  But being able to successfully mark the two is enough for Su Mo, and he can already use them to exert the soul-chasing effect.

   "Nine Treasures are turned out of Liuli. Nine Treasures are famous, and one is called: Strength!"

   "Second: Speed!"

   "San Yue: Soul!"

   "Siyue: Defense!"

   At this time, all of Ning Rongrong's soul skills fell on Su Mo and other teammates.

  Su Mo's various states instantly increased by 50%.


  Combined with Su Mo's soul-chasing effect, Su Mo's figure rushed to the Shrek team in an instant, waving the soul-hunting gun in his hand, and attacked the Zhuzhu, one of the two auxiliary soul masters.

  The one standing in front of Jiangzhu is Tai Long who only has the strength of the soul master.

"not good!"

  Seeing Su Mo's attack, Tai Long's expression changed, and he quickly stood in front of Jiang Zhu.


  With Tai Long's strength, he couldn't stop Su Mo at all. With just one blow, Tai Long was repelled by Su Mo.

   "Second Soul Skill - Thunderbolt Strike!"

  After repelling Tai Long, Su Mo used the second soul skill against Zhuzhu.

   "Second soul skill White Tiger Light Wave!"

  Dai Mubai, who was originally protecting in front of Oscar, now came to support, and aimed at Su Mo with Baihu Lieguangbo!

   "Your opponent is me!"



   It was just Dai Mubai's attack, which was stopped by Yu Tianheng who rushed up after Su Mo.

   "The fourth soul skill Blue Silver Golden Silk Formation!"

   At the critical moment, Tang San still made a move, and used a move of the fourth spirit skill again to protect the falling pearl inside.


  I saw Su Mo's second soul skill attacking on it, and the blue, silver and gold silk array was quickly shattered.

  In front of Su Mo now, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass couldn't stop Su Mo's attack at all.


  However, Tang San still passed the blue silver entanglement in time, bound Jiangzhu's body, pulled her away, and avoided Su Mo's next attack.

   slap slap—

  At this time Yu Tianheng had already fought against Dai Mubai, and with Ning Rongrong's boost, Dai Mubai was not Yu Tianheng's opponent at all, and was forced to retreat repeatedly by Yu Tianheng.


Dai Mubai secretly hated, he had fought against Yu Tianheng before, but with Ning Rongrong's assistance, he and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills could completely beat Yu Tianheng, without Thinking of being hanged and beaten by Yu Tianheng in turn.

   "Boss Dai, I'll help you!"

   Fatty Ma Hongjun saw this, he hurried forward and joined hands with Dai Mubai to deal with Yu Tianheng, only then barely blocked Yu Tianheng's attack.

   "Ghost Spike!"


  When Ma Hongjun helped Dai Mubai join hands to deal with Yu Tianheng, a figure also quickly attacked Su Mo.

   "Third Soul Skill - Nether Slash!"

  After Zhu Zhuqing approached Su Mo, he followed up with a third soul skill.


   It was just Zhu Zhuqing's sneak attack, which was easily blocked by Su Mo's counterattack.


   Immediately after that, there was no need to use soul skills, Su Mo swept the soul hunting gun in his hand, and directly swept Zhu Zhuqing away.

   "Zhu Zhuqing!"

  Seeing the situation, Jiang Zhu hurriedly treated Zhu Zhuqing.

   It can be said that the Tiandou Royal Team, just Su Mo and Yu Tianheng rushed into the Shrek team, and made the Shrek team a little difficult to deal with.

   "Admit defeat, the current you, even the two of us can't stop it!"

  After Su Mo swept away Zhu Zhuqing, he didn't stop Zhu Zhuqing from being treated by Zhu Zhuqing. Instead, he temporarily stopped, looked at Tang San and the others and said slowly.

  With Su Mo's current strength and Ning Rongrong's support, the Shrek team, except for Tang San, really couldn't stop his attack.

  Tang San was also able to barely block Su Mo because he had mastered the self-created soul skill like Ghost Shadow Mizong, otherwise it wouldn't work.

  Unable to use hidden weapons, the current Tang San is no match for Su Mo at all.

  He can only use his Tang Sect skills to pull Su Mo.

   "Impossible, defeat us if you have the ability, it is impossible for us to admit defeat!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Dai Mubai was the first to respond angrily.

   "That's right, if you hadn't interrupted our soul skills just now, do you think we would be afraid of you?"

  Tai Long was also upset.

  Although they knew that it was impossible for them to be the opponents of the Heaven Dou Royal Team, it was impossible for them to admit defeat.

   "Su Mo, it is impossible for us to admit defeat!"

   "I'll be your opponent!"

   "Now you and I are both Soul Sect, we just have a fair contest to see who is stronger!"

   Tang San also looked up at Su Mo at this time, and said to Su Mo with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

   Tang San planned to use him alone to hold Su Mo back, because he also saw that with the help of Ning Rongrong, no one in the Shrek team could hold Su Mo back except him.

  However, he can only hold back Su Mo, and it is difficult to defeat Su Mo in the boosted state. If Su Mo passes him by and directly attacks other people, it will be difficult for the Shrek team to deal with it.

  That's why he said that, as long as Su Mo agrees, he can rely on his own ability to hold Su Mo alone.

   "Fair fight?"

   "You want to hold me back alone, and then let Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have a chance to use the martial soul fusion technique, maybe they can beat others, right?"

  Hearing what Tang San said, Su Mo smiled lightly.

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Tang San's face suddenly turned ugly: "Don't you dare?"

   "Sorry, this is a team battle, I won't play heads-up with you!"

  Su Mo didn't say anything, but just refused directly.

  Su Mo is still very interested in beating Tang San one-on-one in a relatively fair arena.

  And without Tang San, the rest of the Sky Dou team would have almost no difficulty fighting against the rest of Shrek.

  Even if Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing used the martial soul fusion technique, it would be very difficult to defeat the other six members of the Tiandou team except him.

   But even so, Su Mo will not agree to it. He can win relatively easily, so why take risks?

  Su Mo didn't even let Tang San and the others use the seven-in-one fusion skill, so how could he agree to Tang San's heads-up.

   "The first soul skill: penetration!"

   "Second soul skill, Ben Lei!"

   After the words fell, Su Mo stopped talking nonsense, and his figure flashed, this time Su Mo attacked Oscar.

   "Damn it!"

  Seeing this, Tang San's heart suddenly sank.

   Sure enough, Su Mo was still so difficult to deal with, he didn't match up with him at all, and started attacking other members of the Shrek team directly.

  And he can only choose to help his teammates defend.

  In this case, he might as well face Su Mo alone!

   "The fourth soul skill Blue Silver Golden Silk Formation!"

Seeing the terrifying speed of Su Mo rushing towards Oscar, Tang San felt even more uncomfortable. Su Mo's speed was too fast, and his Blue Silver Grass couldn't catch up at all, so he could only use the instant soul skill to protect Oscar again. Woke up.


  The result was still the same, his blue, silver and gold silk array couldn't withstand the soul hunting gun in Su Mo's hand, and it shattered after a few strokes.


   Fortunately, at this time, Oscar had already eaten the mushroom sausage and flew into the air.


  Su Mo raised his head and glanced at Oscar who flew into the air, just hummed lightly, and then his figure flashed, and he attacked Jiangzhu.

  Su Mo has long-range attacking soul skills, but Oscar is also very fast in the air, and his soul-chasing blade can be easily dodged, so he simply attacks other people first.

  Oscar has mushroom sausages that can fly into the air, but Zhuangzhu doesn't, and the rest of the Shrek team doesn't either.

  Because of the Shrek team, in order to display their seven-in-one fusion technique, Oscar simply didn't reserve enough sausages within one minute of summoning the martial soul.

   What he used just now was just made, and there is no extra for others for the time being.

   "Ghost Spike!"


   "The King of the Rock!"


  Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun of the Shrek team are teaming up to deal with Yu Tianheng. Zhu Zhuqing and Tai Long tried to protect Jiangzhu successively, but they were easily wounded and repulsed by Su Mo!

  Su Mo didn't directly put them down, the goal was clear, which was to attack their healing soul masters.

   "The fourth soul skill, Bilin Poison Formation!"

   At this time, behind the Heaven Dou Royal Team, Dugu Yan also started her field control ability, summoning a poisonous mist to fill the entire Shrek team.

  Under the poison formation, the members of the Shrek team will be constantly eroded by the poisonous fog, and their condition will become worse and worse.

   This is Dugu Yan's control skill.

   Moreover, Dugu Yan's poisonous mist is also very toxic, eroding the enemy and killing the enemy at the same time.

   It's just that Dugu Yan didn't dare to use too strong a toxin, otherwise his team would have committed a foul if the opponent died.

   Uncontrollable deaths are acceptable, and it is a foul if death occurs in an obviously controllable situation.

   It depends on the judgment of the referee. Anyway, the soul master competition does not want death, so there are still restrictions on this aspect.

  After being filled with poisonous fog, most people in the auditorium could not see clearly what happened inside. They could only see the vague battle situation and hear the sound of battle coming from inside.

   "It's over, Xiaosan and the others are going to lose!"

  Yu Xiaogang in the auditorium saw this and heaved a long sigh, knowing that the Shrek team was hopeless.

  Tang San once said that using realgar wine can break Dugu Yan's snake venom, but this is a competition, it is impossible to use realgar wine for you.

   "Tang San and the others are already very good at getting here!"

   "Tian Dou Royal Team is really strong, it's normal that Tang San and the others are not opponents!"

  Liu Erlong took Yu Xiaogang's hand and comforted him softly.

   "Yeah! You said it too!"

  Yu Xiaogang also knew this truth, so he nodded helplessly.

   "Originally your goal is not this competition, Tang San and the others have the advantage of being young, and the next competition is their stage!"

   "Don't worry, with Tang San's excellence, the Shrek team will definitely not stop at this point in the next competition!"

   Liu Erlong continued to comfort him.


  Yu Xiaogang nodded again in a low voice.

  He also knew that Liu Erlong was right, but just looking at the figures of Su Mo and Ning Rongrong, Yu Xiaogang felt an unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

  Tang San and the others have the advantage of being young, but Su Mo and Ning Rongrong are also very young. In the next Soul Master Competition, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong can also participate.

  He no longer doubts whether Su Mo and Ning Rongrong can break through to Soul King five years later.

   Definitely possible.

  Then Su Mo and Ning Rongrong, the two soul kings, can still perform the martial soul fusion skills, and the girl named Ye Lingling in the Tiandou Royal Team can also participate in the next soul master competition.

   With these three people, Yu Xiaogang felt that if he was given a team with Su Mo as the core, he could easily form an invincible team.

  With Su Mo's intelligence, he knew that if Su Mo also participated in the Soul Master Competition next time, he would definitely be able to form a new team according to what Su Mo wanted.

  Then Shrek team, it is still very difficult to be the opponent of Tiandou royal team!

   Then his idea of ​​leading a team to win the championship will be difficult to realize.

  Looking at the blurred battle image in the poisonous fog, Yu Xiaogang seemed to be able to see that Su Mo was killing all directions inside at this time, even his most proud disciple Tang San was not Su Mo's opponent.

  Unless Tang San added a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, he really didn't think that Su Mo would be defeated by Tang San after being boosted by Ning Rongrong's assistance.

   Or use a hidden weapon for Tang San, but it can't be used here!


  Yu Xiaogang sighed bitterly in his heart, regretting again.

  It would have been nice if he had taken his time and stopped targeting Su Mo so quickly.

  If Su Mo and Ning Rongrong were in the Shrek team, maybe he would be able to lead the Shrek team to win the championship in this competition.

  Now, Su Mo, who was once disliked by him, has become the Shrek team's biggest opponent.

   Not only this soul master competition, but also the next one.


  (end of this chapter)