MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 129 won the championship

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  Chapter 129 won the championship


  Finally, under Su Mo's strong attack, Xie Yue failed to block Su Mo's attack, and was severely knocked out by Su Mo.

  Finally, the figure flew out of the ring in embarrassment.

   "Evil Moon!"

"elder brother!"

  Yan and Hu Liena, who had already been eliminated one step ahead, hurriedly caught Xie Yue, each with extremely ugly expressions.


  After eliminating all the golden generation, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong could no longer maintain the combined state, and quickly withdrew from the martial soul fusion state.

  Crack~! Kacha~

  After exiting, Su Mo also quickly put away the Eight Spider Lances behind his back.

   Then he and Ning Rongrong watched the battle of Yu Tianheng and others.

   There were only four people left in the Wuhundian team at this time, and now there are only two people left.

  When they found that Xie Yue and the others had been eliminated by Su Mo, they became even more desperate. After losing their fighting confidence, they were quickly defeated by Yu Tianheng and the others.


   "We actually won..."

   "We won the championship..."


   After Yu Tianheng and others defeated their opponents, they were very surprised to see that Su Mo and Ning Rongrong had already dealt with the three members of the golden generation first.

  They couldn't believe that their Heaven Dou Royal Team actually won the final victory.

  The champion of this year's Martial Soul Competition is really their Tiandou Royal Team.


   "Such a strong Wuhundian team actually lost to Tiandou..."

   "This is too incredible..."

   "It's so shocking..."

"Besides, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong seem to be very young. They must be old enough to participate in the next soul master competition. Now their strength is so strong, and no one will be the next one. Their opponents are gone!"


  Other people in the auditorium couldn't believe it after seeing the Tiandou Royal Team win the final victory.

  Although they had already expected the golden generation to be beaten by Su Mo, they were still very shocked when they actually saw this scene.

   You need to know the obvious combat effectiveness of the two teams, but there is so much difference!

  The Heaven Dou Royal Team can't even do all the Soul Sect members, and there is one Ye Lingling who is the Soul Master.

  But the team configured like this defeated the Wuhundian team with three soul kings.

  No matter how you think about it, it is unimaginable.

  If they didn't see it with their own eyes, but heard what someone said, then they would definitely think that person was lying.

   "But it's a good thing!"

   "Finally, the Wuhundian team did not win the championship for three consecutive times!"

   "Yes, the championship was won back by our Tiandou once. If Su Mo and Ning Rongrong continue to appear in the next round, it will definitely be ours!"

   "As long as it is not taken by Wuhundian, I will be happy!"


  After being shocked, they also readily accepted such a result, and they were very happy to see the Wuhun Hall suffer.

  The only one who is not happy is Wuhundian.

  Even if Yu Xiaogang didn't really want to see Su Mo proud, he would be very happy if the Tiandou Royal Team won the championship.

  First, this makes Wuhundian feel uncomfortable!

  Since being abandoned by Pope Bibi Dong, he has also hated Wuhundian, so he must be happy to see Wuhundian suffer.

  Secondly, his nephew Yu Tianheng is also in the Tiandou Royal Team, and is also the captain of the Tiandou Royal Team. If the Tiandou Royal Team wins the championship, Yu Tianheng will also gain a lot.

   "I declare that the champion of this Soul Master Competition will be won by the Royal Sky Dou Team!"

   "Congratulations to the Heaven Dou Royal Team, or the final honor!"

   After seeing the defeat of the Wuhundian team, the host of Wuhundian had no choice but to announce the victory of the Tiandou Royal team.

   Then Pope Bibi Dong, who was in a bad mood, also stood up.

   "Congratulations, you have won this year's Soul Master Competition!"

   "The Douluo Continent is lucky to have outstanding rising stars like you!"

   "This is the reward prepared by Wuhundian for the champion team, and I will give it to you now!"

Even though he was in a bad mood, Pope Bibi Dong congratulated Su Mo and the others with a smile on his face. Then he waved the scepter in his hand, took out three soul bones from the space of the soul tool, and sent them to Su Mo and the others. .

   "It's really a soul bone!"



  Seeing the three soul bones in front of them, Yu Tianheng and the others were very excited, and finally Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Tiandou Royal Team, put away the soul bones for the time being.

   "I actually took out the spirit bone, and it's still three pieces!"

   "Wuhundian is really rich and powerful!"


  People from other teams were also very surprised when they saw that Pope Bibi Dong really took out the three soul bones. They didn't expect the Spirit Hall to be so bold.

  Three incomparably precious soul bones, you can give them if you say so!

  While surprised, they also had to be overwhelmed by the strength of Wuhundian.

   At this point, this year's Soul Master Competition is over.

  All the teams are ready to leave after leaving Wuhundian. After the competition is over, everyone should go back to their respective homes.

   "Su Mo, for these three soul bones, you and Rongrong each have one, and the remaining one is for Yanzi!"

   "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have won the championship this time, so don't be too polite!"

  After returning to the hotel, Yu Tianheng took out the three soul bones and asked Su Mo and Ning Rongrong to choose two first.

  After hearing what Yu Tianheng said, Shi Mo and the others had no objections.

  Because they also know that they relied on Su Mo and Ning Rongrong to win the championship in this competition.

  Being able to win the title of champion is already a big enough harvest for them, and they dare to ask for the soul bone again.

  Yu Tianheng wanted a piece for Dugu Yan because Su Mo and Dugu Yan had said that Dugu Yan's eyes were not normal, he was poisoned, and he was poisoned by his own martial soul.

   To resolve this situation, the only way to truly resolve this situation is to force the green scale snake venom into the soul bone after absorbing a piece of soul bone.

  Su Mo knew about Dugu Yan's situation, so as a teammate, he naturally wouldn't just sit idly by, let alone just say a solution.

   "Okay, then Rongrong and I will not be polite!"

   "Give us the head soul bone and the arm soul bone, and the left leg soul bone to Dugu Yan!"

  Hearing what Yu Tianheng said, Su Mo was not polite, and finally took the 50,000-year-old head soul bone and right arm soul bone.

The reason why he didn't take the soul bone of the left leg was because Su Mo was unwilling to give the soul bone of the head to Dugu Yan, and the soul bone of the right arm was of the fire attribute, which was not suitable for Dugu Yan to store the venom of the green scale snake, so he had to give the soul bone of the left leg to Dugu Yan. The bone was given to Dugu Yan.

  After the soul bone was allocated, Dugu Yan couldn't wait to go back and absorb it.

  The green scale snake venom on her body has troubled her for a long time, now that she has a soul bone, she naturally wants to solve the problem on her body first.


   "Teacher, I'm sorry, I let the teacher down!"

  In the Pope's Palace, Hu Liena knelt on one knee in front of Pope Bibidong. She felt very ashamed, so she came to plead guilty to Pope Bibidong.

  Behind Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan also knelt there.


   "The performance of the three of you really disappointed me!"

   "Those three soul bones were originally selected by me specially for you, but now they are all good, and they all belong to someone else!"

  Looking at the three Hu Lienas below, Pope Bibidong became furious, and unceremoniously reprimanded the three Hu Lienas.

  The three soul bones were originally selected by her.

  The head soul bone is the most suitable for Hu Liena, the right arm soul bone is suitable for the fire attribute, and the left leg soul bone is suitable for Xie Yue, which was carefully selected by her.

  It's all right now, and I won't give it up to others.

   "You three, from tomorrow, all of you will go to the Death Canyon for experience, give me two years of experience there and come back!"

  Afterwards, Pope Bibi Dong announced the punishment for the three of Hu Liena.

   "Yes, Your Holiness the Pope!"

   "Yes, Your Holiness the Pope!"

  Xieyue and Yan immediately complied when they heard such a punishment.

  Only Hu Liena didn't agree, and looked up at Pope Bibi Dong, and said firmly: "Teacher, I want to go to the City of Slaughter, I want to practice in the City of Slaughter!"

  The failure of this soul master competition made her very unwilling.

  So Hu Liena desperately wants to make herself stronger.

  Wanting to grow herself up quickly, Hu Liena thought of the killing capital that her teacher, Pope Bibi Dong, had been to. Although it was dangerous there, as long as one could get out of it, the growth would be huge.

  So Hu Liena decided to go to the capital of killing!


   "Are you going to the capital of killing?"

   "No, that place is too dangerous!"

  Hearing Hu Liena's decision, Pope Bibi Dong was surprised at first, and then vetoed Hu Liena's decision.

  Although she is very disappointed with Hu Liena's performance in this soul master competition, she still cares about Hu Liena very much, so she doesn't want Hu Liena to go to such a dangerous place.

   Having been to the capital of killing, she knows more about the danger there than anyone else.

   "Teacher, only by going to the capital of killing can I grow up faster!"

  Hu Liena just stubbornly looked at Pope Bibi Dong, and said firmly.


  Seeing Hu Liena's appearance, Pope Bibidong immediately knew that Hu Liena had really made up her mind.

   "Well, since you want to go, go for it!"

   "But promise me, you must come back!"

  After being silent for a while, Pope Bibidong finally agreed to Hu Liena's request.

  In addition to not wanting to hit Hu Liena's determination, it is also because she thinks she still has a certain influence in the killing capital.

  By virtue of her status as the Pope of the Spirit Hall and the status of the God of Death, she can provide Hu Liena with a certain amount of protection in the City of Slaughter.

  The rest depends on whether Hu Liena can get out of it.

"is teacher!"

   "I promise I won't disappoint the teacher again this time!"

   Hu Liena said firmly.


   "After a while, I will personally send you to the killing capital!"

  Pope Bibi Dong nodded with a headache.

  Before sending Hu Liena to the Slaughter City, she must make some preparations for Hu Liena to improve her strength, so that she can safely send Hu Liena to the Slaughter City.

  For example, bring out another soul bone suitable for Hu Liena!

  In short, she is still very concerned about Hu Liena, and really treats Hu Liena as her daughter.

  In the original book, Bibi Dong secretly visited Hu Liena several times, which shows how much Bibi Dong cares for Hu Liena.

   There is no comparison with Qian Renxue.


   On the second day, all the sixteen teams from the Heaven Dou Empire that came to participate in the competition, under the **** of the soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire, set off to go back.

  When they went back, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong stopped with the team, but went with Ning Fengzhi Sword Douluo and the others.

   "Su Mo, after going back this time, do you plan to stay in Tiandou Royal Academy or directly apply for graduation?"

   "At the age you and Rongrong are now, you don't need to rush to graduate. In this way, you can continue to participate in the next Soul Master Competition!"

  On the way, Ning Fengzhi also asked about Su Mo's future plans.

  With Su Mo's current strength, he can apply for graduation.

   "Yes, Brother Su Mo, I don't think you and Junior Sister need to be in such a hurry to graduate!"

   "The next Soul Master Competition, Tiandou will depend on you!"

   As soon as Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, Qian Renxue rushed to speak first.

  As the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, she naturally wants to think about the Heaven Dou Empire, so she must be thinking that Su Mo and Ning Rongrong can continue to participate in the next Soul Master Competition in five years.

  Although she is the young master of Wuhundian in real identity, she is actually unwilling to see the champion of the soul master competition being won by a team other than Wuhundian.

   "Well, then Rongrong and I should not graduate yet!"

   "However, we don't go to Tiandou Royal Academy often!"

   "Cultivating in the academy now is of little help to me!"

  Su Mo did not refuse after hearing what Ning Fengzhi and Qian Renxue said.

   What will happen five years later, he has no idea at all.

  This time the soul master competition, because Xiao Wu didn't come, Tang San's identity has not been exposed, so Tang San can definitely participate in the next soul master competition.

  He didn't know if Yu Xiaogang would continue to lead Tang San and the others to participate. If he would, then it would not be impossible to participate in another session.

   Besides, this is what he promised Bibi Dong, to make Yu Xiaogang feel bad, to shatter Yu Xiaogang's hope.

   It’s just Tiandou Royal Academy, Su Mo is not going to go.

   "Haha, this is absolutely fine!"

   "Brother Su Mo, you and your junior sister don't need to go to the academy, as long as you can continue to participate in the next soul master competition!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Qian Renxue suddenly laughed.

   "Uncle Ning, this is the soul bone rewarded in this contest, and Rong Rong and I both got one!"

   "I plan to keep this head soul bone for myself, and I hope that Uncle Ning can replace this right arm soul bone with one suitable for Rong Rong, and then let Rong Rong absorb it!"

   "This fire-attributed right arm soul bone is not suitable for me or Rong Rong!"

  Su Mo then took out the two soul bones, and said to Ning Fengzhi.

  He also thought about giving Ning Rongrong the head spirit bone.

  In the end, Su Mo still felt that it was better for him to absorb it, so that he could grow up faster.

  He doesn't know what the future situation will change. It is necessary to quickly improve his strength.


  (end of this chapter)

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