MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 143 Goodbye Xiao Wu

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  Chapter 143 Goodbye Xiao Wu

   "Osmanthus trees are youthful in the Baili River, and partridges cry until the afternoon is cool. The peaks in Yanping and Tianjin are like cutting, and the sword goes to the river and the water grows."

   After Sword Douluo recited a poem, terrifying sword energy surged towards the Dark Evil God Tiger like the water of the Yangtze River.


  Facing Sword Douluo's attack this time, the Dark Devilgod Tiger's eyes once again showed a strong intention to retreat, and it had to leave.

   It's just that it's not easy for it to leave, so it can only be anxious.

  But the Dark Devilgod Tiger is also very smart, with a high IQ.

  After fighting for so long, it seemed that both of them were attacking with all their strength, but they seemed to be holding back their strength, afraid of really killing it.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger rolled its eyes, and suddenly understood something.


  After that, layers of black aura emerged from the Dark Devilgod Tiger, constantly resisting Sword Douluo's attacks.

  At the same time, it completely hid its figure in the black mist.

  Outside, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo could only see that their attacks had hit the Dark Devilgod Tiger, but they couldn't see how the Dark Devilgod Tiger was hurt inside.

   "It's really difficult!"

  Seeing this scene, Sword Douluo couldn't help frowning.

  In this case, it was difficult for him to judge the strength of the shot. He was afraid that if he killed the opponent, then Su Mo would not be able to obtain the soul ring of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

   But even so, as long as the Dark Devilgod Tiger is not allowed to escape, he will be able to take down the opponent sooner or later.

   It's just that, it won't be so fast.

   "Not good, there are other powerful soul beasts coming!"

   After a while, Jian Douluo's expression turned to one side, he raised his head to look into the distance, and his expression became serious.

  Because the two spirit beasts he felt had very strong auras.

   It may even be a hundred thousand year soul beast.

  If these two powerful soul beasts choose to attack them, it will be troublesome.

  The soul beasts of the dark demon are likely to run away because of this.

   "Su Mo, a powerful soul beast is coming!"

   "It's the two hundred thousand year soul beasts with that little rabbit!"

   At the same time, Su Mo also received a notification from Bibi Dong.

  Through Bibi Dong's field of vision, Su Mo found that Da Ming and Er Ming who came from a distance, sitting on top of Da Ming's head, was a petite figure, which was Xiao Wu.

   "It's them..."

  After knowing that it was Xiao Wu and the others who came, Su Mo heaved a sigh of relief. It was Xiao Wu and the others who came, so they definitely would not come to help the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

  No soul beast will help the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

  Da Ming and Er Ming had a feud with the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

  They came here this time, probably to drive away the Dark Devilgod Tiger.


   "Humans are actually fighting the Dark Devilgod Tiger!"

   "Little Miss Wu..."

  Da Ming, who came from a distance, also discovered the situation at this time, and immediately became worried.

  The one who can fight against the Dark Devilgod Tiger must be the Title Douluo, so Da Ming is worried that if the other party finds Xiao Wu, he will attack Xiao Wu.

  So their best choice is not to go there.

  While speaking, Daming stopped directly, looked at it from a distance, and did not pass by.

   It and Er Ming came here just to drive away the Dark Devilgod Tiger, and now that the Darkmoongod Tiger is being dealt with, there is no need for them.

   "It's Su Mo and Ning Rongrong!"

   At this time, Xiao Wu on top of Daming's head also quickly saw Su Mo and Ning Rongrong who were watching the battle from a distance, and his eyes lit up immediately.

  Afterwards, Xiao Wu looked around, trying to find Tang San's figure.

  When Su Mo and Ning Rongrong left Shrek, Tang Hao had already rescued Xiao Wu from Tiandou Royal Academy.

   Later Tang San saw Xiao Wu, and when he bid farewell to Xiao Wu, he didn't say anything about this unhappy matter.

  So Xiao Wu didn't know that Su Mo and Ning Rongrong had left Shrek.

  So when Xiao Wu saw Su Mo and Ning Rongrong here, she must have looked for Tang San's trace immediately.

  Unfortunately, Xiao Wu could only be disappointed. After searching around, Xiao Wu did not see any other Shrek members except Su Mo and Ning Rongrong.

  After not seeing Tang San, Xiao Wu no longer has the urge to go.

  Because she didn't know how Su Mo and others treated him after her identity was revealed.

   What's more, there are two Titled Douluo over there, not only threatening her, but also threatening Da Ming and Er Ming.

  In the absence of Tang San, Xiao Wu still has a certain IQ, so I know to be careful.

   "Miss Wu, are they people you know?"

  Da Ming became curious when he heard Xiao Wu's words.

   There is actually a titled Douluo who will not attack Xiao Wu after knowing about it?

   "Well, but I only know two of them, they are my former classmates!"

  Xiao Wu said.

   "Oh, Miss Wu, you don't want to go there, do you?"

  Da Ming let out a cry, and then said worriedly.

  It seems that Da Ming still knows a lot about Xiao Wu's character, and knows that Xiao Wu is likely to pass.

   "No, we'll just watch here!"

   "Let's see the situation!"

  Xiao Wu shook her head and said with a smile.

   "Okay, listen to Miss Wu!"

  Da Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

   "Miss Wu, since you know them, why don't we go there!"

   "With the help of Da Ming and I, we will definitely be able to wipe out that Dark Devilgod Tiger!"

   "That kind of soul beast shouldn't be allowed to live!"

  Hearing the conversation between Da Ming and Xiao Wu, Er Ming didn't understand.

  In its view, eliminating the Dark Devilgod Tiger is more important.

   "Stupid, how do you know that those two Titled Douluo won't attack us?"

   "Not to mention Miss Xiao Wu is here too!"

  Da Ming scolded Er Ming when he heard what Er Ming said. "We'll just watch here. If nothing happens, the Dark Devilgod Tiger won't be able to escape, and those two Human Titled Douluo will destroy it!"


   Er Ming shrank his neck, not daring to say anything more.





  While Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo found two hundred thousand year spirit beasts approaching from a distance, they were also relieved after seeing that there was no attack from a distance.

   In this way, they can concentrate on dealing with the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

   "Rongrong, I saw Xiao Wu!"

  Seeing that Xiao Wu and the others didn't come, Su Mo didn't care, and just turned to talk to Ning Rongrong.

  He knew that Ning Rongrong had always been thinking about Xiao Wu in his heart, and wanted to know how Xiao Wu would live or die after being captured.

   Now that he saw Xiao Wu, Su Mo naturally told Ning Rongrong the news, so that she could rest assured.

   "Really? Where is Xiao Wu?"

   Sure enough, after hearing Su Mo's words, Ning Rongrong suddenly cried out in surprise.

   "Behind us, on the head of that one hundred thousand year soul beast..."

  Su Mo motioned to Ning Rongrong's back.

  Ning Rongrong turned around, only to realize that there was such a colossal monster approaching in the distance. Although he could only see a head from a distance, he could still imagine how huge it was.

   "It's really Xiao Wu!"

   "Great, Xiao Wu is really fine!"

  Ning Rongrong was first shocked by Daming's figure, and then found Xiao Wu's figure, and immediately became happy.

   "Then... is that a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

  Ye Lingling also looked behind her in shock, she didn't expect that they would encounter a hundred thousand year soul beast.

   Then she also saw Xiao Wu's figure.

   She also knew Xiao Wu. After all, their Heaven Dou Imperial Team was defeated by the Shrek team including Xiao Wu, but this was the first time she saw Xiao Wu.

   "They didn't come up, we don't need to worry about anything!"

   "They should also come here to drive away the Dark Devilgod Tigers. After all, Dark Devilgod Tigers are not only harmful to humans, but also to soul beasts!"

  Su Mo comforted the two women.

  Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling relaxed after hearing the words.





   Afterwards, Su Mo and the others continued to look at the battlefield, while Xiao Wu and the others watched from a further distance.

  Under the continuous attacks of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, the protection of the evil **** displayed by the Dark Devilgod Tiger, that is, the black mist around him also gradually dissipated, becoming less and less.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger failed to find a chance to escape until the surrounding black mist was completely destroyed.

  "Sister Luosha, help me pay attention to the movement of the Dark Devilgod Tiger. When it falls down, it should quietly send away a bead. That is the most precious thing on the Dark Devilgod Tiger!"

  Seeing the situation of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Su Mo hastily told Bibi Dong in his heart.

  In Su Mo's view, the bead on the Dark Devilgod Tiger is the most precious.

  The birth of the Dark Devilgod Tiger is also inseparable from it. The Dark Devilgod Tiger has not become extinct because of its existence.

  As long as that bead is obtained by a tiger soul beast, the new Dark Devilgod Tiger will reappear.

  In the original book, after Tang San killed the Dark Devilgod Tiger, the bead escaped directly.

  Unfortunately, it seems that he was unlucky, somehow he traveled to the world of Tianzhu Transformation, and was absorbed by the protagonist Zhou Weiqing.

  A bead actually has the ability to travel through the world.

  Su Mo will definitely not let it go.

  Su Mo believes that after he obtains the bead, he will be able to better cultivate his own power of time and space.

   "Well, I see!"

  Bibi Dong heard Su Mo's words, and quickly responded to Su Mo.

   Bibi Dong was also a little surprised by this, she didn't expect that the Dark Devilgod Tiger actually had other treasures on her body.


Sure enough, not long after, when the Dark Devilgod Tiger believed that he could no longer escape, when it was repelled by Sword Douluo, a thumb-sized bead quietly emerged from its body, and then a void Ripples appeared, and the beads disappeared directly, falling tens of meters away, and then rolling further and further away.

  Because it was too small, neither Sword Douluo nor Bone Douluo could find it.

   Only Bibi Dong has been paying attention, so she discovered it in time.


  Su Mo, who was seen through Bibi Dong's field of vision, flashed his figure, stabbed out with the spear in his hand, pierced through the void, and came to the bead in a flash.


  The bead sensed Su Mo's approach, and the original slow rolling movement suddenly picked up speed, and fled away in an instant.


  Seeing this, Su Mo immediately chased after him.

   It is a bead after all. Although it has a good ability, it is still difficult to escape when Su Mo discovers it.

   Not long after, this bead exuding a dark aura was caught in Su Mo's hand.


  At this time, the Dark Devilgod Tiger in the distance also roared angrily.

   Obviously found that Danzhu was intercepted by Su Mo.

  Unfortunately, the Dark Devilgod Tiger, who was already at the end of his crossbow, was useless no matter how angry he was. He was quickly knocked down by Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo together, and the huge figure fell heavily on the ground with a bang.

Puff puff-

   Immediately afterwards, Bone Douluo summoned some huge skeletons, and fixed the Dark Devilgod Tiger on the ground.

   "Boy Su Mo, come quickly!"

   After Bone Douluo controlled the dying Dark Devilgod Tiger, he quickly said to Su Mo in the distance.

   "Well, here I come!"

   After Su Mo put away the dark devil tiger's pill, he hurried to the dark devil tiger.


  Seeing Su Mo approaching, the Dark Devilgod Tiger let out a final roar, struggling and trying to attack Su Mo.


  Su Mo just snorted coldly, pointed the soul hunting gun in his hand and stabbed directly into the Dark Devilgod Tiger's head, and sent the seriously injured Dark Devilgod Tiger away completely.

   "It's finally done. This Dark Devilgod Tiger is too difficult to deal with. If it's just me, I won't be its opponent at all!"

  Bone Douluo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, and said in a tone of fear.

  He didn't expect that a 30,000-year-old soul beast would possess such powerful strength.

   "It is indeed very strong, as expected of the Dark Devilgod Tiger!"

   After Sword Douluo put away the Seven Killing Sword, he also exclaimed.

   After glancing at Su Mo, Sword Douluo asked worriedly: "How is it? Are you confident to absorb its soul ring?"

   Sword Douluo was really worried that Su Mo couldn't bear the soul ring of this Dark Demon Tiger.

   "It's okay, Grandpa Jian, I can take it!"

  Su Mo said with a smile, he also asked Bibi Dong just now, and Bibi Dong said that the problem is not serious.

  Especially after the Dark Devilgod Tiger's pill escaped just now, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo couldn't see it, but Bibi Dong could see that the power contained in the Dark Devilgod Tiger was much weaker.


  As soon as Su Mo finished speaking, a black ten thousand year soul ring emerged from the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

   "No problem, Su Mo, you can absorb it!"

  After Bibi Dong saw this, she spoke to Su Mo more at ease.

   "Miss Wu, we should leave!"

  Where Da Ming in the distance saw that the Dark Devilgod Tiger had really been killed, he was also very happy, and then hurriedly said to Xiao Wu.

   "Well, let's go!"

  Xiao Wu also knew that it was time to go, and she didn't intend to go up to talk to Su Mo Ning Rongrong about the past.

  If there were no two Title Douluo, she would definitely go up, but with Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, she would have no idea of ​​going up.

   "Alright, Er Ming, let's go!"

  When Daming heard this, he quickly talked to Er Ming, then turned around and left.

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo also noticed this scene, but neither stepped forward to stop it.

   Not only because they sensed the strength of Da Ming and Er Ming, but also because they had just fought a battle with the Dark Devilgod Tiger, which consumed a lot of energy.

   Besides, there are Su Mo and others around. If we really want to fight, everything is unpredictable.

  So they could only watch the two hundred thousand year soul beasts leave.

  Su Mo didn't care even more, he only wanted to absorb the soul ring of the Dark Devilgod Tiger in front of him now.

   Only Ning Rongrong saw Xiao Wu leaving directly, feeling a little regretful and disappointed, unable to speak.


  (end of this chapter)