MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 159 Everyone knows that Tang Hao is ungrateful

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  Chapter 159 Everyone knows that Tang Hao is ungrateful

   "I know what Uncle Ning wants to ask, no!"

   "Only I can use this self-created soul skill!"

  Su Mo shook his head.

   "That's it, that's a pity!"

  Ning Fengzhi could only express regret when he heard the words, and then continued to ask Su Mo: "Then without bringing other people, can you use this soul skill more concisely and faster?"

   "Well, if I don't bring other people, I can complete the teleportation in an instant!"

  Su Mo nodded affirmatively this time.

   "Doesn't this mean that you can escape at any time when you encounter danger?"

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, Ning Fengzhi hastily continued to ask.


   Su Mo affirmed again.

   "Hahaha, good good!"

   "Su Mo, your self-created soul skill is really surprising. With this soul skill, you will be invincible!"

  Hearing Su Mo's affirmative answer, Ning Fengzhi was extremely pleasantly surprised and praised repeatedly.

   "This is really invincible!"

   Bone Douluo also exclaimed in shock.

   "Rongrong, Su Mo's soul skill is too powerful..."

  Ye Lingling grabbed Ning Rongrong's arm and couldn't help being amazed and envious when she looked at Su Mo's figure.

   "That's right, he's Su Mo!"

  Hearing Ye Lingling's admiration, Ning Rongrong also felt honored.

   "Well, there is something I didn't tell you before. In fact, when I was in the capital of killing, I was chased and killed by a strong man. I also relied on this ultra-long-distance teleportation to save myself from danger!"

  Su Mo nodded, and then, as if remembering something, he told his experience of being chased and killed in the killing capital.

  Su Mo is going to reveal the existence of Tang Hao, and then let Ning Fengzhi and the others know that Tang Hao has targeted Su Mo in this way, and the Haotian School will not be much better in the future.

   This is to tell Ning Fengzhi and others that Haotianzong may be an enemy in the future.

  In this way, if Su Mo really succeeds in cooperating with Wuhundian in the future, he can better persuade Qibao Liulizong to join Wuhundian.

   "What? There are still such strong people in the killing capital?"

   "Who is the other party?"

  Bone Douluo and the others were shocked when they heard Su Mo's words.

  They knew that Soul Ring and Soul Skills could not be used in the City of Slaughter, and they also knew how strong Su Mo's combat power was when the use of Soul Ring Soul Skills was restricted.

  At the beginning, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were not Su Mo's opponent when they teamed up.

   Now they heard that Su Mo was actually hunted down in the killing capital, and they were naturally very shocked.

   "I suspect it's Haotian Douluo Tang Hao!"

  Su Mo's expression became a little dignified, and then he slowly expressed his guess.

  Although Tang Hao never showed up, Su Mo knew that it was Tang Hao.


   "Is it Haotian Douluo?"

   "Su Mo, are you sure?"

   "Is Haotian Douluo actually in the capital of killing?"


  Hearing the character Su Mo mentioned, Ning Fengzhi and the others were shocked and couldn't believe it.

  Especially Jian Douluo, his eyes were full of disbelief.

   Tang Hao knew about it. When he went to Shrek Academy to meet Su Mo, he met Tang Hao, and he also knew that Tang San was Tang Hao's son.

  He also sold Tang Hao in front of him, did not appear in Shrek, and did not attack Xiao Wu.

  Even after returning to Zongmen, he didn't mention Tang Hao's matter.

   Tang Hao also said that he remembered Sword Douluo's favor.

  Then if Tang Hao was really the one who attacked Su Mo in the Slaughter City, then Tang Hao's actions would be too inappropriate.

  Under the circumstances of being in debt to others, they actually attacked Su Mo of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

   "Su Mo, are you sure that person is Haotian Douluo?"

   Sword Douluo quickly questioned Su Mo.

   "Well, the spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer, and it has such a strong strength. I can't think of anyone else except him!"

   "And I suspect that he is Tang San's father. I was attacked by him in the Slaughter City after Tang San entered the Slaughter City. He should have entered the Slaughter City to protect Tang San!"

  Su Mo replied.

   "What? Tang San actually entered the Slaughter Capital?"

   "Tang San is the son of Haotian Douluo?"

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, Ning Fengzhi and the others were surprised again.

  Only Sword Douluo was slightly shocked after hearing Su Mo's words. After hearing Su Mo's answer, he was basically sure that it was Tang Hao who attacked Su Mo.

  Others may not be clear, but Jian Douluo is very clear about the relationship between Tang San and Tang Hao.

   "Su Mo, why do you think Tang San is Haotian Douluo's son?"

  Bone Douluo looked at Su Mo and asked.

  Ning Rongrong and the others also looked at Su Mo.

   They were very familiar with Tang San, but they never thought that Tang San would be the son of the legendary Haotian Douluo.

  Hearing Ning Fengzhi's question, Sword Douluo, who knew the truth, didn't rush to speak. He also wanted to see where Su Mo guessed the relationship between Tang San and Tang Hao.

   "You all know that Tang San has twin spirits, and one of them is the Clear Sky Hammer!"

"When Shrek Academy was preparing to join Tiandou Royal Academy, Xiao Wu's 100,000-year-old soul beast was exposed, and a titled Douluo with the Clear Sky Hammer appeared and snatched Xiao Wu from Poison Douluo. gone!"

   "We also saw Xiao Wu in the Star Dou Forest before, and Xiao Wu was safe and sound after being robbed!"

   "Then the person who took the shot must have something to do with Tang San, and it was because of Tang San that he rescued Xiao Wu!"

   "Then this person is most likely Tang San's father, after all they all have the Clear Sky Hammer spirit."

   "So I can be sure that the person who shot me in the capital of killing is the one who shot me in the first place!"

  Su Mo spoke slowly, expressing his own analysis.


   "It seems that this is really the case!"

  After hearing Su Mo's analysis, Ning Fengzhi and the others' eyes were shocked. After hearing Su Mo's words, let alone whether that person is Tang Hao, it is certain that he has a close relationship with Tang San.

   "Sovereign, Su Mo is right, that person is Haotian Douluo Tang Hao!"

   At this moment, Sword Douluo, who was extremely satisfied after listening to Su Mo's analysis, did not continue to hide, and affirmed Su Mo's guess.

  Then, Sword Douluo spoke about what happened when he went to Shrek Academy and encountered Tang Hao.

   "It's really Haotian Douluo, Tang San is actually his son!"

   "No wonder, no wonder Tang San has such a strong talent..."

  After listening to Jian Douluo's words, Ning Fengzhi and the others suddenly realized that Tang San was really Tang Hao's son.

   Regarding this point, they are still able to accept it very quickly.

   After all, Tang San's talent is very powerful, and Tang Hao is also the youngest Titled Douluo ever. If Tang San is Tang Hao's son, then it can explain why Tang San has such a powerful talent.

   "Just why? Why did he attack Su Mo?"

   "At the beginning, he owed Uncle Jian a favor, but now he not only refuses to repay the favor, but also takes action against Su Mo, isn't it too shameless?"

  Ning Fengzhi frowned quickly, puzzled, but also very angry.

  So Tang Hao is not polite when it comes to criticizing.

  He did not believe that Tang Hao would not know the relationship between Su Mo and their Qibao Glazed Tile School.

   "What is there to say, since he dares to attack Su Mo, he is the enemy of our Qibao Glazed Tile School!"

   "It seems that there is a reason why he will be wanted by Wuhundian!"

   Bone Douluo was the same, and said directly angrily.

   There is no need to study the reason at all, he only knows that Tang Hao has indeed done something to Su Mo.

   "I never expected that Tang San's father is actually this kind of person!"

   "It's just shameless!"

   "He's still titled Douluo, it's really shameless to attack a junior!"

  Ning Rongrong also cursed angrily.

   "Yes, Rong Rong is right!"

  Ye Lingling also followed suit.

   "Su Mo, do you know why Tang Hao attacked you?"

   Sword Douluo was calmer, and he couldn't figure out why Tang Hao attacked Su Mo, so he asked Su Mo.

  He felt that Su Mo might know.

   "I do have a guess..."

  Hearing Jian Douluo's words, Su Mo nodded, and then Su Mo spoke out his previous guess. "...I can't think of any other reason besides this one!"

   "It must be because of this reason!"

   And Ning Fengzhi immediately agreed with Su Mo's guess after hearing Su Mo's analysis.

  Before he knew that Su Mo's self-created Horcrux Unity and Training Equipment into the Soul, he knew that Su Mo's invention could bring changes to the world of soul masters.

   But he didn't think about it too deeply. After Su Mo said this, he could immediately understand why Tang Hao wanted to kill Su Mo.

  It is to prevent Su Mo's invention from spreading in the world of soul masters.

  If he was the suzerain of Haotian School, maybe he would do the same.

   "Shameless, I can't imagine that the mighty Haotian Douluo is such a despicable villain!"

   But when the person targeted was his son-in-law, Ning Fengzhi couldn't agree, and opened his mouth to curse at Tang Hao.


   "Shameless villain!"


   "It's because of this reason that you actually did something to Su Mo!"

  Ning Rongrong was even more angry, and cursed again and again.

  She didn't expect that the reason why Tang Hao attacked Su Mo was because Su Mo was too good.

   "Su Mo, what are you going to do?"

  Ning Fengzhi finally looked at Su Mo and asked.

  Su Mo was bullied, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School naturally wanted to seek justice for Su Mo.

   It's just that Tang Hao's current identity is someone who was kicked out of the sect by Haotianzong, so it's not easy for them to go to Haotianzong directly.

  But if Su Mo wanted to, they would definitely support it.

   "As for the integration of the Horcrux and the training of the weapon into the soul, I originally planned to make it public when I had the opportunity!"

   "Since Tang Hao is so afraid of me spreading it, then I'll just make it public!"

   "As for the matter of finding Tang Hao to settle accounts, there is no rush, he didn't come out so quickly in the killing capital!"

   "It's not appropriate to go directly to Hao Tianzong, so let's just pretend that the person who didn't know that he was attacking me was Tang Hao!"

   "In the future, when I am strong enough, I will personally settle accounts with him!"

  Su Mo heard Ning Fengzhi's words, and quickly gave the answer.

Ning Fengzhi and the others didn't know the current situation of the Haotian School, but Su Mo did. Ten years ago, the Haotian School, which had no other titled Douluo except Tang Hao, is not ordinary now, including the suzerain Tang Xiao, but has Seven titled Douluo.

  Adding Tang Hao, there are eight titled Douluo.

  If this news gets out, everyone will be shocked.

   You must know that the reason why Haotianzong was forced to close the sect by the Wuhundian was because the Haotianzong was downcast and too weak. After the death of the previous suzerain, there was no title Douluo.

  But it's good now, there are seven Titled Douluo not counting Tang Hao.

   Who wouldn't be shocked?

  The Blue Lightning Tyrannical Dragon Sect, which is also the top three sects, has only one Titled Douluo, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect also has only two.

  So Su Mo knew that it was not worthwhile to find Haotianzong at this time. Even if Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo had the assistance of Ning Fengzhi, they could not do anything against the current Haotianzong.

  Then it’s better to disclose the integration of Horcruxes and the training of weapons into the soul, so that Tang Hao’s worries will come true. This is the best way to get revenge on Tang Hao.

  Of course, after the strength is sufficient, it is the most direct way to seek revenge on Tang Hao.

   But that is later.

   It is indeed Su Mo's idea to disclose the integration of Horcruxes and the training of weapons into the soul.

  Because of this kind of thing, it can help him create a reputation. In the future, no matter whether he passes the inheritance assessment to become a god, or he creates a **** position himself, having a reputation is a good thing.

   With reputation, it can be easily turned into faith, and faith is a good thing.

   "Are you really going to do this?"

   "This is not a trivial matter. You should know it through Tang Hao. Although you will get the gratitude of many people by doing this, it will also offend some people at the same time!"

  Ning Fengzhi became serious when he heard Su Mo's words.

   "It's okay, Uncle Ning, you all know my current ability. As long as I want to run, no one can keep me!"

  Su Mo smiled confidently when he heard the words.

  Since possessing the ability of ultra-long-distance teleportation, Su Mo has become much more courageous and confident.

  Even Tang Hao can't kill him, who else should he be afraid of?

   "Okay, since you said so, uncle will help you make it public!"

   "Overall, this is a good thing!"

  Seeing Su Mo's confident look, Ning Fengzhi didn't say anything more, and quickly agreed.

  This kind of thing is a good thing.

   Can gain the favor of almost all weapon soul masters.

  As for the beast spirit master, it is said that Su Mo is currently researching, as long as he researches the invention of strengthening the beast spirit master, he will make it public as soon as possible.

   "Leave this matter to me, now we will help you hunt for your sixth soul ring first!"

   "By the way, Su Mo, what quality soul ring are you going to hunt this time?"

  After Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, he quickly asked about Su Mo's goal this time.

   "As long as it's a soul ring under 80,000 years old, it's fine!"

  Hearing what Ning Fengzhi said, Su Mo quickly put the matter on the hunting spirit ring, and then answered Ning Fengzhi's question.


  (end of this chapter)

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