MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 163 Xiao Wu Sacrifice

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  Chapter 163 Xiao Wu Sacrifice

   But there is only a little change.

  These soul beasts are already related to Tang Hao, and they are enemies.

   "You can choose not to believe it, then I will take your little dance sister and leave!"

  Hearing what Da Ming and Er Ming said, Su Mo just smiled faintly.


   After speaking, I saw Su Mo leading Xiao Wu, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, completely disappearing from Da Ming and Er Ming's perception.

   "Little Miss Wu..."

  After Da Ming sensed that Xiao Wu's aura had completely disappeared, his face turned pale with shock.


  However, in the next second, Su Mo reappeared with Xiao Wu.

   "See it?"

   "If I want to take your little Miss Wu away, you can't stop it at all!"

  After Su Mo came back, he continued to carry Xiao Wu, and then spoke to Da Ming and Er Ming.


  Hearing Su Mo's words, Daming's face was extremely ugly.

  It doesn't know what to do now.

  If you don’t listen to Su Mo, Su Mo will take Xiao Wu and leave directly.

  Su Mo's goal is a 100,000-year soul ring, and he still needs others to take the initiative to sacrifice. He can imagine what Xiao Wu will suffer.

   To be honest, it never thought of this way.

  There are human beings who can be so despicable.

  But what makes it even more unbelievable is Su Mo's ability, which can completely disappear with Xiao Wu at once.

   If it does not agree to Su Mo's request, Miss Wu will really suffer.

  Just let it sacrifice itself, and it is afraid that after doing so, Su Mo still does not intend to let Xiao Wu go, then their sacrifices will be in vain.


  Er Ming didn't think so much, but just roared angrily at Su Mo.

  If it wasn't for Xiao Wu in Su Mo's hands, it would have gone up to Su Mo and tried its best.

   Such a little brat is just a brat, he will be beaten to death directly.


   Xiao Wu, who was controlled by Su Mo, even though she couldn't speak at this time, she kept shaking her head and struggling, and she knew at a glance that she was telling Da Ming and Er Ming not to agree to Su Mo.

  Just looking at Miss Xiao Wu, Daming sighed after struggling for a while.

   "I can promise you, but if you want to let the giant ape go away, I will be enough to sacrifice, and you won't be able to absorb so many soul rings!"

   Daming said.


  Hearing Da Ming's words, Er Ming roared angrily, apparently disagreeing.


  Xiao Wu struggled even more.

   "Okay, it depends on whether it wants to go or not!"

  Su Mo glanced at Er Ming and smiled faintly.

   First get a hundred thousand year spirit ring.

  And he felt that Er Ming probably didn't want to leave alone.


   "I won't go, I will come to offer sacrifices!"

   "Da Ming, you go!"

   Sure enough, Er Ming roared angrily.

  Although there is no way to speak human words, Er Ming can still use his mental power to convey what he wants to say.


  After hearing Da Ming and Er Ming's words, Xiao Wu continued to struggle violently in Su Mo's hands.

  She doesn't want Da Ming and Er Ming to sacrifice, and she doesn't trust Su Mo either.

  It's just that Xiao Wu is useless no matter how anxious she is.

what to do? what to do?

  Xiao Wu was extremely anxious, she knew that she would definitely not be able to run today, but she didn't want Da Ming and Er Ming to have an accident.


  Finally, a strong wave of soul power suddenly erupted from Xiao Wu's body.

  I saw a huge circular soul power energy shield erupting from Xiao Wu's body, and then enveloped Su Mo, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo in it.

   "Little Miss Wu!"

"don't want…"


  Seeing the movement on Xiao Wu's body, Da Ming shrank his eyes and exclaimed.

  Er Ming also roared angrily.

  Because they are soul beasts, it is immediately obvious that Xiao Wu is actively offering sacrifices!


  Huge energy exploded on Xiao Wu's body, and Su Mo couldn't control Xiao Wu for a while.

   "Da Ming, Er Ming!"

   "You guys go!"

  After breaking away from Su Mo's control, Xiao Wu rose slowly, and said to Da Ming and Er Ming with a smile on her face.

  Of course, Xiao Wu's smile also contained reluctance and unwillingness.

  She didn't want to leave just like that, but she knew that after being caught by Su Mo, she couldn't run away.

   Moreover, Da Ming and Er Ming were actually prepared to offer sacrifices for her.

   Of course she couldn't see this happening.

  So Xiao Wu thought of sacrificing herself, and she took the initiative to do so.

   In this way, Da Ming and Er Ming would not be afraid of being threatened by Su Mo.

  With the strength of Da Ming and Er Ming, they can still leave as long as they don't try to be tricked.


  After Xiao Wu finished speaking, even greater soul power erupted from her body, and then rushed towards Su Mo's figure.

   After she started the sacrifice, she couldn't stop it.

  So even if she breaks free from Su Mo's control, she cannot interrupt the sacrifice.


   "Little Miss Wu..."


  Seeing that Xiao Wu chose to offer sacrifices, Da Ming and Er Ming were extremely sad and indignant.

   "Er Ming, let's go!"

   After knowing that Xiao Wu's sacrifice was irreversible, Daming finally took a deep look at Su Mo and chose to leave.


   It’s just that Er Ming doesn’t want to leave.

  But when Da Ming curled his tail, he curled up Er Ming directly, and then left with Er Ming.

  Er Ming didn't struggle either, he just roared angrily.

Facing Da Ming and Er Ming's departure, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo wanted to catch up, but found that they were blocked by the sacrificial shield produced by Xiao Wu when he sacrificed, so he couldn't go out and could only look at Da Ming and Er Ming left.

   Immediately, the two of them looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect things to develop like this.

   "Although we let them escape, our goal has been achieved!"

   "This kid Su Mo has a 100,000-year soul ring!"

   Bone Douluo then laughed.

  Unable to chase Da Ming and Er Ming, he simply stopped chasing, but looked at Su Mo who was accepting Xiao Wu's sacrifice.

  Sword Douluo too, they can only watch now.

   The sacrificial shield produced by Xiao Wu's sacrifice, if it is destroyed from the inside, he thinks it can still be destroyed.

   It's just that he was afraid of affecting the effect of Xiao Wu's sacrifice, so he didn't force it open.

   "You actually chose to take the initiative to sacrifice!"

  Su Mo also looked at Xiao Wu in surprise at this time.

   To be honest, Xiao Wu's operation was something he hadn't expected before.

  But after thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that Xiao Wu's choice is quite clever.

   In this way, Xiao Wu saved Da Ming and Er Ming.

   I really didn't expect this girl to be so smart.

  In Su Mo's impression, Xiao Wu has always been a Yazi who is not very smart in love.

   "I didn't expect that you would attack me!"

   "Could it be that in your eyes, I am just a soul beast?"

   Seeing Su Mo's surprised look, Xiao Wu just looked at Su Mo coldly, and then asked questions.

   "That's not true, I also regarded you as a friend!"

  Looking at Xiao Wu who could no longer reverse the sacrifice, Su Mo shook his head.

  Xiao Wu will die soon because of the sacrifice, so Su Mo simply let Xiao Wu die more clearly.

   "I just know that you like Tang San, and Tang San is already my enemy, so you will be my enemy in the future!"

   "Since this is the case, I don't need to be soft on you!"

  Su Mo continued to speak.


   "What's wrong with the third brother?"

   "How could he be your enemy?"

   "How is the third brother now?"

  Xiao Wu heard that Su Mo actually mentioned Tang San, and immediately started asking questions.

   "Look, you are so excited and nervous when it comes to Tang San!"

  Su Mo looked at the excited Xiao Wu, just snorted coldly, and then continued: "Your third brother is fine for the time being, but since he is my enemy, the future is hard to say!"

   "I don't believe it, how did the third brother become your enemy?"

   "The third brother is not that kind of person at all? Did you do something to the third brother first?"

  Hearing that Tang San was fine, Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned to question Su Mo.

  Anyway, in her heart, Tang San is the best.

  After Tang San knew her identity, he was still willing to protect her.

  As for what Su Mo said about treating her as a friend, she didn't believe it at all.

  The way she looks now is thanks to Su Mo!

   While Xiao Wu was talking, the energy in her body was still pouring into Su Mo's body uncontrollably.

   "Tang San really didn't do anything to me, and I didn't do anything to Tang San either!"

   "It's just that Tang San's father, Tang Hao, once chased and killed me. Since Tang San is Tang Hao's son, he must also be my enemy in the future!"


  While accepting Xiao Wu's sacrifice, Su Mo also told Xiao Wu the truth, so that she would understand.

   "It's actually because of Uncle..."

   "Impossible, uncle, he is not that kind of person..."

  After listening to Su Mo's words, Xiao Wu was very surprised. She didn't expect the truth to be this. She believed that at this time, Su Mo would not lie to her again.

  But she still couldn't accept it.

  In her opinion, Tang Hao is also a very good person.

  Otherwise Tang Hao would not have saved her from Poison Douluo, and personally escorted her back to the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

   And Tang Hao also told her that as long as they truly love each other, soul beasts can also be with humans.

  Because his wife, Tang San's mother, was also a woman transformed into a hundred thousand year spirit beast.

  God knows how surprised and pleasantly surprised she was when she found out about it.

  It turned out that Tang San also had the blood of a soul beast, no wonder she always felt that Tang San was very kind.

  A man who can fall in love with soul beasts, and a strong man with the title of Douluo, she doesn't believe that Tang Hao will be the person in Su Mo's mouth.


   "That's because you don't know, Tang Hao is still a sect dog..."

  Su Mo chuckled, and then explained why Tang Hao wanted to attack him.

   "That uncle is also protecting the sect, it's not his fault!"

   It's just that after Xiao Wu listened to Su Mo's words, she was speaking for Tang Hao.

   "...From Tang Hao's standpoint, you are right!"

  Su Mo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he didn't refute. Instead, he agreed with Xiao Wu's words.

   "So this is purely a matter of position, just like us humans and soul beasts, no one is right or wrong, only you die!"

  After Su Mo finished speaking this time, he didn't say anything anymore, but closed his eyes, and absorbed the huge energy from Xiao Wu's sacrifice wholeheartedly.

   And Xiao Wu's figure is becoming more and more illusory, as if it will disappear at any time.

   Feeling her own situation, Xiao Wu also knew that she would disappear completely soon.

   "Third Brother..."

   Xiao Wu called Tang San in her mouth, her heart was full of regrets, she had no way to see Tang San again.

  Looking at Su Mo in front of her, Xiao Wu felt even more grief and indignation.

   Su Mo in front of her was the one who came to arrest her, but she chose to sacrifice to him on her own initiative.

   Thinking that her soul ring and soul bone would be given to Su Mo cheaply, making Su Mo stronger, Xiao Wu was filled with reluctance.

   "And he's the third brother's enemy!"

   "If he is stronger, the third brother will be even more dangerous!"

  Looking at Su Mo in front of her, Xiao Wu felt ruthless again.


  Afterwards, another wave of energy erupted from the already illusory Xiao Wu, and a special energy was also sacrificed by Xiao Wu, and then flowed into Su Mo together.

   This is Xiao Wu getting ruthless and sacrificed her own soul.

Although this will make Su Mo more powerful, it can preserve her complete soul. She is going to hide her soul on Su Mo. If Su Mo really attacks Tang San in the future, her soul can Worked.


  Su Mo, who was absorbing the energy from refining Xiao Wu's sacrifice, felt a special energy entering his body, and was slightly taken aback.

  Opening his eyes, Su Mo saw Xiao Wu's figure, which completely turned into energy and dissipated before his eyes.

   But even so, Su Mo could tell from feeling the extra energy in his body that it was the power of the soul.

   "Xiao Wu also sacrificed her soul?"

  Su Mo was slightly taken aback, there is such a good thing?


   Before Su Mo could think about it, Su Mo had successfully condensed his sixth soul ring, a red 100,000-year soul ring.


   "One hundred thousand year soul beast!"

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were shocked when they saw the sixth soul ring condensed from Su Mo's body, and looked at the scene in front of them happily.

  This is a hundred thousand year soul ring!

   Moreover, Su Mo is still the sixth soul ring, and he has absorbed the 100,000-year soul ring.

  With the 100,000-year soul ring, Su Mo's future is even more limitless.

   "There are still one hundred thousand years of soul bones!"

   Bone Douluo laughed, and saw a soul bone appear on Su Mo's other arm.


  After Su Mo successfully condensed his sixth soul ring, his soul power level also rose all the way.

   Level 61, Level 62, Level 63, Level 64... Level 67.

  In the end, Su Mo's soul power soared to level 67.

  Among them, some were brought by absorbing the 100,000-year soul ring, and some were slowly accumulated from Su Mo's inability to upgrade in the past six months.

  Su Mo had reached level 60 half a year ago.

  Although it was impossible to upgrade in the past six months, the soul power brought by cultivation has been accumulated there all the time.


  (end of this chapter)

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