MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 166 secret law open

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  Chapter 166 Secret law disclosure

  Shrek Academy.

  Compared to the Shrek Academy a few years ago, the Shrek Academy today is more lively and has more students.

  Although in the last soul master competition, the Shrek team did not get a very good ranking.

  But the performance of the Shrek team is quite impressive.

   This also made many people who didn't know Shrek Academy know about Shrek Academy, and it has recruited more students in recent years.

  Similarly, with more students, the probability of being able to recruit geniuses is also greater.

   What disappointed Flender Yu Xiaogang and the others was that they received more students and more geniuses, but none of them were comparable to the previous Shrek team.

  The only thing that makes Yu Xiaogang happy is the performance of Dai Mubai and the three of them.

  Dai Mubai didn't know if he was stimulated by Zhu Zhuqing's departure, he practiced extraordinarily hard in the past few days, and now he has broken through to Soul King, and is now a level 50 Soul King.

  Because the fifth soul ring was not absorbed beyond the limit, the soul power level did not increase after absorbing the soul ring.

  In addition to Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun both broke through to level 48. I believe that after a year, both of them will be able to break through level 50 and become a soul king.

   This is exactly the same as Yu Xiaogang predicted a few years ago.

   "In another year, Xiao Ao and Fatty will definitely break through to the Soul King!"

   "In addition, if Tang San also returns in time, then our Shrek team will have four soul kings this time!"

   "Our Shrek team will definitely get a good ranking this time!"

   "I just don't know when Tang San will come back, and if he can come back in time!"

   "We haven't heard anything about Tang San until now!"

   "I don't know where Haotian Mian took him to practice!"

  Flender and Yu Xiaogang sat drinking tea together, talking about the current Shrek team, Flender was full of expectations.

   Just talking about Tang San, he was a little worried.

   "Don't worry, Xiaosan promised, he will definitely come back in time!"

  Yu Xiaogang said with a smile when he heard what Flender said.

   Just saying that, Yu Xiaogang is actually very anxious in his heart.

   It's already this time, and the soul master competition will start in a year, but he doesn't even have any news about Tang San.

   I don't know how far Tang San has cultivated now, whether Tang San has broken through to the soul king, and what soul ring he has absorbed.

  In short, Yu Xiaogang is very anxious in his heart.

   "Even if Tang San doesn't come back, our current Shrek team is not weak anymore!"

   "In the last Soul Master Competition, there were three soul kings in the Wuhun Hall, which was already the strongest. This time, it's our Shrek team's turn to have three soul kings!"

   "If Tang San can come back in time, he will be the four soul kings!"

  Flender smiled when he heard this, and didn't care too much about whether Tang San could come back in time.

  Because in his opinion, the Shrek team in a year's time will be strong enough even without Tang San!

  But if Tang San could come back, it would be even better.

   "Flender, don't forget that Su Mo and Ning Rongrong can still participate in the soul master competition!"

   "If the two of them are here, the situation will be hard to say!"

  Yu Xiaogang saw that Flender was so confident, so he quickly reminded him.

  Hearing Yu Xiaogang's conversation, the smile on Flender's face suddenly subsided.

  If Su Mo and Ning Rongrong continue to participate in the soul master competition this time, it is indeed difficult for the Shrek team to beat the Heaven Dou royal team composed of Su Mo and Ning Rongrong.

  Because last time, the Wuhundian team with three soul kings was defeated by the Heaven Dou Royal team.

   After a few years, Dai Mubai and others grew up, and Su Mo and Ning Rongrong must also grow up, and their strength must be stronger.

   "Even if you can't win the championship, it's good to be the runner-up!"

  But soon, Flender smiled indifferently.

  For him, it doesn't really matter whether he can win the championship, as long as he can get the reputation of Shrek Academy is enough.

   And the Shrek team, which has basically been able to steadily have three soul kings, even if it fails to get a good ranking, as long as it appears in the soul master competition, everyone will be able to let everyone know about Shrek Academy.

   Those belonged to three soul kings!

   "Xiao Gang, you don't have to be too persistent. Being able to teach three soul king students is enough to prove your ability!" Then Flender also persuaded Yu Xiaogang.

   Flender couldn't bear to see Yu Xiaogang depressed all these years.

  He was with Liu Erlong, but he didn't dare to be completely together, he felt uncomfortable just looking at it.

  Sometimes he really wants to persuade Yu Xiaogang, don't care what other people think or think, just be with Liu Erlong for real.

   However, there may be some reasons, so Flender did not persuade.

  At least in this way, Liu Erlong, whom he likes, is still physically pure.

   "...It's different. Others don't know it, but I know it very well. Although Dai Mubai and the others have my guidance, their achievements are not all due to my teaching!"

   "Only Xiao San is the one who taught me with all my heart and soul!"

   "Only when my mistress succeeds can I truly prove myself!"

  Yu Xiaogang shook his head quickly when he heard the words. In his opinion, only Tang San could be regarded as his disciple, who was taught by him.

  Oscar's grades were taught by Shrek Academy, and he has some of the credit, but not all of them.

   "Okay, then we can only hope that little guy Tang San can come back in time!"

  Hearing what Yu Xiaogang said, Flender had no choice but to give up.

   "By the way, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect announced that some martial arts knowledge will be announced in the near future. Xiaogang, what do you think it will be?"

   Flender then remembered something, and asked Yu Xiaogang.

   "Oh? Tell me carefully!"

  Yu Xiaogang was taken aback when he heard the words. He hadn't heard about this matter yet, so he quickly asked Flender to explain it carefully.

"Is such that…"

  Flender saw that Yu Xiaogang didn't know yet, so he explained it in detail.

  However, he doesn't know much, he just heard that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School seems to be planning to announce some martial arts knowledge.

  Because he didn't know, he asked Yu Xiaogang and asked Yu Xiaogang to guess.

   "Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Knowledge of Martial Soul!"

   "The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has always been self-cherishing, such as their distraction control secret method, so what they want to announce should not be the knowledge of martial arts mastered by the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School!"

   "It's knowledge invented by Su Mo!"

   "You can't be wrong, it is Su Mo's Horcrux Unity, and there may be an evolutionary secret method that allows Qi Wuhun to evolve!"

  After hearing what Flender said, Yu Xiaogang tapped his fingers on the table and quickly made his judgment.

  The more he talked to the end, the more convinced Yu Xiaogang became.

  He just didn't know that Su Mo's method of evolving martial souls was called practicing weapons into the soul, so he said it was the secret method of evolving martial souls.

   "It turns out that Su Mo's Horcrux is united!"

   "That's right, it must be!"

   When Flender heard Yu Xiaogang say this, he also remembered the secret method invented by Su Mo.

  The fact is also the same. A few days later, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect announced to the entire soul master world the two secret methods of horcrux unification and training equipment into the soul.

   At the same time, it also explained that this was invented by Su Mo.

   Moreover, Su Mo is also currently studying the secret method of the evolution of the beast martial soul. As long as there is a discovery, Su Mo will choose to announce it as soon as possible.

   "The Horcrux is one!"

   "Practice into the soul!"

   "Wu Wuhun can still be used like this!"

   "My God, no one has discovered such a simple method..."

   "It's no wonder that Su Mo's level increased faster and faster at the beginning. It turns out that he has mastered the method of martial soul evolution!"

   "It's really great to be willing to publish it!"

   "Haha, I am also a Wuhun, I will try it right away..."

   "It's a pity, mine is a beast spirit, so I can't try it!"

   "I hope Su Mo can discover the method of evolution of the beast spirit soon..."


  One stone stirs up waves.

  When the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect made public the two secret methods invented and created by Su Mo, the entire world of soul masters erupted.

   This is the first time that someone has disclosed such a simple and clear way of Wuhun evolution.

  Even if Su Mo said it, there is still a prerequisite for martial soul evolution, which requires a certain amount of talent.

  But it's better than not knowing anything, even if they can't use it, as long as they master the method, they can let their younger generations try it in the future!

  However, everyone first tried to unite the Horcruxes, and then they discovered that it was indeed feasible.

  In the case of the Horcrux being united, their attack power has indeed become stronger.

  As long as they find a suitable weapon, it is equivalent to raising their martial soul to a higher quality level, and all the soul masters who use the martial soul are very excited.

  Of course, those soul masters whose martial soul quality is already relatively high, the feeling is not so obvious.

  Because if they want to achieve the same effect as others, they need to find a better quality weapon.

   But a good weapon is not so easy to find.

  Everyone usually disdains to use weapons, let alone pay attention to what good weapons are available.

   But even so, everyone is still grateful to Su Mo, because Su Mo announced the integration of Horcruxes, allowing them to find a way to quickly improve their combat effectiveness.

  Similarly, let them know that Wuhun can still evolve, and tell them how to evolve.

   It's just that they have such talent, we have to look back to know.

  Suddenly, the weapons of the entire Douluo Continent began to sell, and the prices continued to rise, and the supply of better weapons was in short supply.

   "What did the little guy think? He actually made this secret method public!"

  In the Hall of Spirits, Pope Bibi Dong became more and more curious about Su Mo after learning about the situation.

  She was very curious about Su Mo before, especially after knowing that Su Mo had also passed the experience of the Killing City.

   It's just that she didn't expect that Su Mo would be so talented in the research of martial arts knowledge, and he discovered the two secret methods of horcrux integration and training weapons into the soul.

   What surprised her even more was that Su Mo chose to make them public.

   "Not bad, very proud of Xiaogang back then!"

   Pope Bibi Dong appreciated this very much. She saw the shadow of Yu Xiaogang in Su Mo.

  Back then, Yu Xiaogang was also very generous with his statistical inventions, and made public his martial arts knowledge of the top ten core competitiveness of martial arts.

  Pope Bibi Dong also knew that the reason why Yu Xiaogang was willing to disclose it at the beginning was more because he wanted to prove himself intellectually.

  Because Yu Xiaogang is not good at cultivation, he can only prove himself through knowledge and wisdom.

  So Pope Bibidong still admires Su Mo for being able to disclose the two secret methods.

   In this regard, Su Mo may be stronger than Yu Xiaogang back then.

   "This little guy really brought me a lot of surprises!"

   "With these two secret methods, the strength of Wuhundian will be further improved, which is a good thing for Wuhundian!"

  Afterwards, Pope Bibi Dong laughed happily.

  Su Mo's two secret methods are made public, and the ones who get the most benefits are undoubtedly their Wuhundian.

  Because they have the most soul masters in Wuhundian!

  The culprit who caused Su Mo to choose to disclose the secret law in advance, Haotianzong, also learned of Su Mo's secret law at a later time.

  Because the Haotian School closed the sect, it was naturally a little late to get the news from the outside world.

   Complete isolation is naturally impossible.


   "Are young people today so powerful?"

   "At such a young age, not to mention winning the soul master competition, he can still discover these two secret methods!"

  After hearing the news, Tang Xiao, who hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, immediately praised Su Mo.

   "Indeed, this young man named Su Mo is amazing!"

   "Yes, with these two secret methods, the strength of our Clear Sky School will be further strengthened. Our Clear Sky Hammer is the strongest weapon, the Martial Soul!"

   "That's right, we have to thank this kid properly!"

   "What's good, this kid defeated Tang Hao's son in the soul master competition last time!"

   "That's right, and after these two secret methods are made public, the Wuhundian will get the most benefits, and the strength of the Wuhundian will be stronger than before!"


  After hearing Tang Xiao's words, many elders also spoke out.

  Some of them agreed with Tang Xiao's words, while some expressed their disapproval, and instead pointed out the harm in it.

  As for Tang San's identity, when they heard the news, they were sure that it was Tang Hao's son.

  Twin souls, the Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Grass, who else could there be besides Tang Hao and the son of the 100,000-year-old soul beast, the Blue Silver Emperor?

   It's just that even if they knew, they didn't have the idea of ​​finding Tang San back to recognize his ancestors.

  Even if he wanted to come back, Tang Hao would bring him back.

   "The emergence of these two secret methods is not a good thing for our Haotian School!"

   "Don't forget, our Clear Sky Hammer is already a top-level martial soul, whether it's horcrux integration or training weapon into soul, it's very difficult for us to find a suitable weapon!"

   "But other sects are different, this will narrow the gap between us and other martial souls!"

   Soon, some elders realized the problem, and spoke out with solemn expressions.


  (end of this chapter)