MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 82 two consecutive promotions

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  Chapter 82 Upgraded two levels in a row

   "Wait until I break through level 30 and become a soul master!"

"After breaking through to the soul master, my strength can be further improved. With you helping me to check the map, I can avoid the soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old. After I find the Poison Douluo's lair, I can go in and steal it as long as I am sure that the other party is not inside." Home!"

  Su Mo said with a smile.

   This requires relying on Bibi Dong.

  Whether it’s entering the Sunset Forest to help Su Mo explore the map, finding the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye Treasure, or entering the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye Treasure to make sure Poison Douluo is inside, Bibi Dong’s help is needed.

   As for the poisonous circle arranged by Poison Douluo on the outside, Su Mo didn't care.

  He has the eight spider lances attached to the soul bone, and the eight spider lances can help him absorb all toxins from the outside world, preventing him from being poisoned, and at the same time strengthening the eight spider lances!

   "Breakthrough to Soul Master!"

  Hearing what Su Mo said, Bibi Dong was slightly silent.

  It would be very dangerous for the soul master to break into the Sunset Forest alone. After all, there are many soul beasts with a cultivation base of more than 10,000 years in the Sunset Forest.

  With Su Mo's current strength, it is quite dangerous to encounter soul beasts over ten thousand years old.

  However, with her investigation, she can indeed help Su Mo as much as possible to avoid encountering soul beasts with a cultivation base of more than 10,000 years.

In addition, she knew that Su Mo had the Eight Spider Lances. Even if she really encountered a spirit beast with more than 10,000 years of age, as long as it wasn't the kind of spirit beast that chased after humans, Su Mo's physical fitness would be relatively strong. With the blessing, there is no problem in escaping.

   "Then you have to practice quickly. Since you know that there is such a treasure, naturally the sooner you find it, the better!"

  After acquiescing to Su Mo's idea, Bibi Dong also reminded Su Mo to practice quickly.

"I know!"

   "By the way, can't my Eight Spider Lances improve my own soul power by absorbing the soul power of soul beasts? Can I use it for cultivation?"

  Su Mo nodded, and then asked Bibi Dong if he could use the Eight Spider Lances to speed up his cultivation.

  Su Mo remembered that in the original book, Tang San used the characteristics of the Eight Spider Lances to absorb some spirit beasts, but it was for the Eight Spider Lances to absorb them and let them evolve.

  So the ones who absorbed were all spider-like soul beasts, the only exception was the time when they absorbed the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

  In other battles, Tang San also used it on opponents, but it was only to supplement his consumed spirit power.

  The most important thing for Su Mo now is to increase his soul power level, so he wanted to ask Bibi Dong if he could use the eight spider lance's devouring ability to quickly increase his soul power level.

  According to the relevant knowledge he has learned before, it is not good to use the devouring ability to speed up the cultivation speed.

   "Use the devouring ability of the Eight Spider Lances to speed up cultivation?"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dongdai frowned, and her first reaction was that she couldn't do it.

  Although she also devoured a large number of soul masters to save soul power in order to open the Ninth Trial of Rakshasa God, she does not agree to use the devouring ability to take shortcuts in cultivation.

   "Using devouring abilities to increase the speed of cultivation is usually done by fallen people and evil soul masters!"

   "Their martial soul talents are not good, so they can only go astray. Generally, soul masters with better talents will not do that!"

   "Because if you do this, you will easily become obsessed, and even if you are not obsessed, your mind will be eroded!"

   "However, if it's you, if you just devour before level 30 to increase your training speed, I think it's still possible!"

   "You have relatively strong spiritual power and are not easily affected. As long as the devoured soul beasts are not soul beasts with a cultivation level of more than ten thousand years, there is no big problem!"

   "But it is before level 30. After level 30, I suggest you not to continue. It is not a good thing to use the devouring ability to take shortcuts!"

"You are twin martial souls, and you have been training your physique. After you break through level 90 and become a Titled Douluo, you can quickly increase your level by attaching a soul ring to the second martial soul. This is the best way. Safe way!"

  Bibidong helped Su Mo analyze, and finally approved of Su Mo's idea, but not fully approved.

   "Before level 30 is enough!"

  Su Mo immediately laughed when he heard the words.

  He also knows that it is not good to use the devouring ability to take shortcuts, but in order to steal Poison Douluo's lair early, Su Mo thinks it is necessary.

  At first he was a little worried, but after hearing what Bibi Dong said, he felt relieved.


  After the battle with the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, the Shrek team won the silver badge.

  Everyone in the Shrek team also got the silver badge in the individual competition, and all of them were promoted to silver soul masters.

  In addition to Su Mo getting the gold badge, Tang San also got the gold badge.

  Because of his individual and duo competitions, like Su Mo, he had a record of undefeated victories.

  Xiao Wu is still a little short of points.

   After all, she lost to Su Mo in the individual competition.

  As for the original book, Xiao Wu's winning streak is exactly the same as Tang San's, but only Tang San has won the gold badge and Xiao Wu doesn't. Su Mo doesn't know how her points are calculated.

   And after all members of the Shrek team got the silver badge, the second stage of special training that Yu Xiaogang made for everyone was completed ahead of schedule.

   It is estimated that Yu Xiaogang did not expect everyone to be so fierce at the beginning. The special training plan was originally expected to be about three months, but it was completed in one month.

   "I believe you all already know that Shrek Academy will join Tiandou Royal Academy!"

   "The second phase of the three-month special training that was originally planned for you, you have now completed it ahead of schedule!"

   "This is great, even I didn't expect you guys to do it so well!"

   "So in the next two months, everyone should take a good rest, and then go all out to cultivate your soul power. The third stage of special training will continue after you arrive at Tiandou Royal Academy!"

  After Yu Xiaogang gathered Su Mo and others again, he made new arrangements for everyone.

   "Wow~ Really, Master!"

"Very good…"

   "It's finally time to relax..."


  After hearing Yu Xiaogang's arrangement, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and others were very excited. Some were because of Yu Xiaogang's praise, and some were because they could rest for two months.


  After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Bibi Dong's figure suddenly appeared next to Su Mo.


   "It's so nice to say, it's not because the Shrek team can't meet a decent opponent in the Soto City Soul Arena, and even if they play in the team competition, they won't get much training effect!"

  It turned out that Bibidong heard Yu Xiaogang's words and came out to hate him.

   "Shameless, trash!"

   After a few curses, Bibi Dong returned to Su Mo.


   Su Mo really couldn't laugh or cry about this, Bibidong would mock or curse Yu Xiaogang if she got the chance now, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable!

  Yu Xiaogang doesn't care how he arranges Su Mo, he can also take advantage of two months to go out and use the Eight Spider Lances to increase his cultivation speed.

  After everyone disbanded, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong came to the familiar boulder in the back mountain to enjoy their time alone.

   "I didn't expect Shrek Academy to be disbanded!"

   "Su Mo, can we leave Shrek now?"

   "Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy with Shrek, as if our Shrek Academy is not very popular, and we have to join someone else's academy!"

   Then Ning Rongrong talked to Su Mo about leaving Shrek Academy.

  If she hadn't thought about leaving Shrek, Ning Rongrong might not have cared too much.

  But since they all decided to leave, Ning Rongrong felt that there was no need to lose face once.

   "What you said really makes sense!"

  After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Su Mo's hands, which were originally promoting the development of Ning Rongrong, paused slightly.

  He really didn't consider this issue, especially after going to Tiandou Royal Academy this time, it is estimated that he will suffer a lot of difficulties and humiliation as before.

  Su Mo is to ensure that certain things must be followed, and Su Mo doesn't care about being made things difficult, but Ning Rongrong has no need to suffer this grievance at all.

   "In this way, I have something to confirm with Tang San and the others to Tiandou Imperial Academy before I leave!"

   "Rongrong, you don't have to go, isn't the Qibao City where your Qibao Glazed Tile School is located is near the Tiandou Emperor Capital?"

   "After arriving at the Heaven Dou Imperial Capital, you can use the excuse that you want to go home and go back to the sect first, and then you don't need to return to the team. Just write a letter stating that you will quit the Shrek team!"

   "Then I will quit soon and go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to find you!"

  In order to avoid Ning Rongrong being wronged, Su Mo quickly thought of a solution for Ning Rongrong.

   "You have to go to Tiandou Royal Academy before leaving!"

   "The method is very good, but I don't want it, I will wait until I go with you!"

  After listening to Su Mo's words, Ning Rongrong shook his head quickly. Su Mo's solution is good, but she just doesn't want it.

   In order to be able to leave with Su Mo, let's lose face if we lose face!

   "You little idiot!"

  Hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Su Mo immediately turned over, pressed Ning Rongrong under him, and looked at Ning Rongrong face to face and nose to nose.


   What happened next is naturally needless to say.


  The next day, after talking to Ning Rongrong, Su Mo went out by himself.

   Shrek Academy won't take care of the students going out. When they let you move freely, they let you move freely, as long as you practice well.

   For the Shrek team, the next two months can be regarded as a real free-range teaching.

   Su Mo, who went out alone, had no way to hunt in the spirit beast forest captive in Wuhun Temple, so he could only go to the nearest wild spirit beast forest.

  Because Su Mo has not broken through level 30, there is no need to absorb the spirit ring, so the Spirit Hall will not let Su Mo enter.

   Unless Su Mo entered with a team to help others hunt for spirit rings.

  But how is this possible? Su Mo doesn't want to expose the Eight Spider Lances to others, especially since he still needs to use the Eight Spider Lances' devouring ability to practice.

  If this is seen by others, it is a proper behavior of an evil soul master!

  Puff Chi—

   After entering the nearest wild soul beast forest, Su Mo quickly hunted an 800-year-old soul beast, the iron claw civet.

   Then after asking Bibi Dong to help monitor the surrounding movement in the air, Su Mo summoned the Eight Spider Lances behind him, and all eight spider legs pierced into the iron claw civet who was about to die in front of him.


  When Su Mo activated the devouring feature attached to the Eight Spider Lances, it was visible to the naked eye that a stream of energy from the Iron Claw Beaver was absorbed by the Eight Spider Lances and flowed continuously towards the Eight Spider Lances.

  The soul power and vitality of the iron claw civet were being swallowed by the Eight Spider Lances, and then gathered on Su Mo.


  At the same time, Su Mo also felt a huge surge of soul power coming from his body, just like when he absorbed the soul ring.

  Su Mo quickly sat cross-legged on the ground and began to refine.

  The soul power absorbed through the Eight Spider Lances also needs to be refined before it can be transformed into its own soul power.

   Unless it is simply to supplement the soul power consumed by oneself.

It didn't take long for Su Mo's second soul ring to absorb the 1,200-year-old soul ring, but now he only absorbed the energy of an 800-year-old soul beast, and Su Mo found that the time he spent might be even longer. Long.

   It took a full hour for Su Mo to complete the refinement of the soul power absorbed in his body.


   "Fortunately, I didn't devour a soul beast with a cultivation base of more than a thousand years, otherwise it might be broken. I don't know how long it will take to refine it!"

   "However, there is no way to convert all the devoured energy into my soul power. Most of it has been consumed by volatilization, and only a small part of it has really been transformed into my cultivation!"

   "But even this small part is equivalent to half a month of my practice!"

   "No wonder so many people have taken the path of evil soul masters. It's really much faster to take shortcuts!"

  Su Mo carefully felt the changes in himself, and then made a judgment.

   After that, he left the Soul Beast Forest.

  The soul power from the devouring, he also needs to digest and get used to it for a few days before he can continue to devour it, otherwise it will be difficult to bear it.

  So it was like this, while Su Mo was practicing in Shrek, he would go out every few days and use the Eight Spider Lances to devour soul beasts to speed up his cultivation.

  Su Mo, who originally needed four or five months to continue to upgrade, was promoted from level 26 to level 27 after one month, and finally caught up with Ning Rongrong's spirit power level.

  Before everyone was about to leave Shrek, Su Mo's soul power level was raised from 27 to 28, surpassing Ning Rongrong.

   During this period, the others in Shrek did not notice that Su Mo's spirit power level had continuously increased.

  Because according to what Bibi Dong said, when Su Mo returned to Shrek, he always kept his soul power in a half-saturated state, so that no one would perceive that Su Mo's soul power had improved.

   It wasn't until he went to Tiandou Royal Academy that Su Mo couldn't hide it. He said that he had raised another level, from level 24 to level 25!

   In more than two months, Su Mo has been promoted to another level before the others have upgraded, which really shocked everyone.

  Su Mo said that it was because he had an epiphany when he was practicing marksmanship and suddenly improved.

  This kind of situation is rare in the world of soul masters, but it does happen occasionally.

  Ma Hongjun and the others can only envy Su Mo's luck.

   "It's useless for you to be envious. This kind of situation is rare in the entire soul master world. I can only say that Su Mo is lucky!"

   "Let's go, it's time for us to set off for the Heaven Dou Royal Academy!"

  Yu Xiaogang finally said to everyone.


  ps: The fourth change. There is another update in the evening, with a total of 20,000 words.

  (end of this chapter)

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