MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 9 Are you so annoying?

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  Chapter 9 Are you annoying?

   "Sister Goddess is going to ask me to learn from Yu Xiaogang, so that I can help you awaken faster?"

   "I don't want it, I don't want to be laughed at!"

  Su Mo naturally saw Bibi Dong's plan at a glance, before Bibi Dong could speak, he shook his head and refused.

   The right time is also to show his smart side in front of Bibi Dong.


   Bibi Dong felt very angry, and her chest hurt from being angry.

   This kid is smart, but why is he so annoying!

   "What were you doing just now?"

   Suppressing the anger in her heart, Bibi Dong didn't answer Su Mo's words, but asked what Su Mo was doing just now.

  Su Mo Zha Mabu stood upright. She saw it after she appeared, but she didn't interrupt Su Mo.

   At the same time, I was a little curious about what Su Mo was doing.

   Judging from Su Mo's state, it is not difficult for her to guess that Su Mo is exercising, but is there such a way of exercising?

   "Sister Goddess, I'm exercising!"

   "I've read the book, and it says that exercising can improve the effect of cultivation!"

  Bibi Dong didn't talk about the apprentice Yu Xiaogang, Su Mo also relaxed, and then explained to Bibi Dong.

   "Who taught you to exercise like this?"

   Bibi Dong asked curiously.

   "No one taught me, I read it in a book!"

  Su Mo naturally cannot say that he learned it in his previous life.

   "Read it in a book? Is that book still there?"

   "I don't know where I lost it, but I can't find it!"

   "Then tell me what it says in the book!"

  Bibidong is still very concerned about Su Mo's cultivation, and she can't let Su Mo mess around.

   Originally, the talent is not good, if he continues to act recklessly, then there is really no hope at all.

  Seeing Bibi Dong asked, Su Mo did not hide it, but introduced the practice of stance in detail.

  He also wanted to know from Bibi Dong her views on stance cultivation.

  Although there is no such way of cultivation in this world, Bibi Dong's martial arts knowledge is also very powerful. Su Mo felt that it was necessary to ask Bibi Dong for advice.

   "This way of cultivation seems to be really good..."

  After listening to Su Mo's explanation, Bibi Dong's eyes lit up, and suddenly found that Su Mo's stance practice is very strange.

  Some key points and theories are very mature, and they don't seem to be random.

  Even Bibi Dong felt that this kind of stance was highly cultivated, much better than running and weight-bearing exercises.

   "What's the name of that book you saw? Where did you find it?"

  Bibi Dong asked Su Mo curiously. She never thought that there was such a way of exercising in this world, and she had never discovered it before.

   "Tai Chi Pile!"

   "The elders of the family must have bought it from outside!"

  From Bibi Dong's expression, Su Mo knew that his stance practice was extraordinary in Bibi Dong's view.

   Also, very few soul masters in this world know how to exercise their bodies. Even Yu Xiaogang, a master of theory, knows about running and weight training.


   Facing Su Mo's affirmative answer, Bibi Dong was noncommittal, anyway, she believed that it would definitely not be available outside.

  Seeing Su Mo, she didn't know, and she wasn't interested in asking any further. It was just a way of exercising anyway.

   "Well, it looks pretty good, then you should practice hard!"

   "If something is wrong, stop immediately and tell me!"

   "I can't stay outside for a long time, so I'll go back first!"

  After Bibi Dong praised and encouraged a few words at random, her figure disappeared and returned to Su Mo in a flash.

  She originally wanted to introduce Yu Xiaogang's strengths, but seeing that Su Mo was still so resistant, she planned to speak slowly.

   Bibi Dong disappeared, and Su Mo continued to practice.

   It’s just that instead of continuing to practice stance, it’s enough to practice stance for a certain amount of time every day.


  Su Mo summoned his soul-hunting gun and martial soul, and then danced with the guns in both hands.

   Swish Swish Swish—

  I saw Su Mo picking, stabbing, or sweeping, each move was very methodical, and the hunting gun was displayed in Su Mo's hands, which looked very fierce.

  In his previous life, Su Mo was very good at using long spears.

  Since his martial soul is a spear in this life, Su Mo naturally plans to practice again, so that this body can also be mastered proficiently.

   Then, keep improving!

  Practicing marksmanship is also exercising your body.

  Su Mo has already discovered that after having soul power, it is indeed possible to start exercising at a young age.

   With the nourishment of soul power, there is no need to worry about causing damage to the young body!

  The days passed like this.

  Su Mo is practicing hard every day. In addition to cultivating soul power, he is also practicing stance and spear skills.

  Bibi Dong also found out that Su Mo was able to use the marksmanship so fiercely without being taught, and was also very surprised.

  After asking Su Mo, Su Mo only said that it is all based on feeling, self-taught!

  Bibi Dong might not believe someone else's words, but she has to believe Su Mo's words.

  Because Su Mo has no one to teach, she couldn't be more clear.

   For a moment, Bibi Dong was also amazed by Su Mo's talent.

   Then he felt a pity in his heart, it's a pity that such a powerful talent was shown in Su Mo's marksmanship, not in his martial soul aptitude.

  A week later, Su Mo obviously felt that his physical fitness had improved a lot.

  Accompanied by it, the upper limit of soul power that can be increased every day has also been improved.

   It’s just this kind of improvement, which can only increase Su Mo’s cultivation limit by less than one-tenth, and it still can’t achieve the effect Su Mo wants.

  Su Mo knew this was inevitable, but he was still a little depressed.

  "Physical fitness is helpful to the cultivation of soul power, but it can only play a icing on the cake effect, and it can't play a key role!"

   "The most important thing in cultivating soul power is to look at the talent of the martial soul!"

   "Little guy, you work hard, and you are the most persistent kid I have ever seen!"

   "It's just that your martial soul talent is doomed, no matter how hard you try, you can't become a very powerful soul master!"

   "Let's go find Yu Xiaogang!"

   "Rather than being ridiculed by others, it's more handsome to be a more powerful soul master, isn't it?"

   "As long as you worship Yu Xiaogang as your teacher, he can help you solve your talent problem!"


  After seeing Su Mo's situation, Bibi Dong cruelly told Su Mo the facts about the talent of the Martial Soul.

   Then he encouraged Su Mo to learn from Yu Xiaogang.

  Su Mo is so depressed!

  He didn't dare to shout at Bibi Dong.

  Are you really annoying?

   Originally, Su Mo was depressed enough that his talent was not good enough, but Bibi Dong kept bringing it up.

  Su Mo can see that Bibi Dong will never give up until she achieves her goal!

   "All right, all right, sister Goddess, I listen to you!"

   "I'm going to find Yu Xiaogang right now!"

   The impatient Su Mo simply agreed.

  Since you are sure that Yu Xiaogang will accept me, then I will let you see if he will accept me.


   The book has been signed, and veterans can vote for monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion