MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 96 Bibi Dong awakened earlier

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  Chapter 96 Bibi Dong Awakens Earlier


  After manipulating the Eight Spider Lances behind his back, Su Mo felt that after being completely integrated, he could manipulate it more easily.

   With a flash of his figure, Su Mo came in front of Dugu Bo.

  Puff Chi~

   Then Su Mo controlled one of the spider legs, and gently stabbed it towards Dugu Bo's arm.

  I saw the tip of the Eight Spider Lances piercing Dugu Bo's arm, but the wound that should have been rapidly spread by the poison did not change at all.

  When Su Mo retracted the Eight Spider Lances, he could still see a little red blood flowing from the small wound on Dugu Bo's arm, without any sign of poisoning.

   "Su Mo, what are you doing?"

  Seeing Su Mo's operation, Bibi Dong asked curiously.

   "No, I'm just giving it a try. Now I probably guess what the fairy grass that Dugu Bo ate is!"

  Su Mo smiled slightly, he just tried it.

  Dugu Bo's invulnerable appearance made Su Mo guess about the fairy grass he ate.

  Su Mo forgot what the name is, but it must be the fairy grass that Yang Wudi of the Broken Clan dreamed of!

  The fairy grass itself does not have the function of detoxification, but it is a holy anti-drug product, which is invulnerable to all poisons.

  Any toxins, don't try to infect it.

   Dugu Bo probably also knew the characteristics of this fairy grass, so when he finally found that he couldn't suppress the snake venom in his body, he would choose this dead horse as a living horse doctor!

  Although this fairy grass cannot detoxify, if you eat it, it is possible to obtain the same ability of being invulnerable to all poisons and expel all toxins from the body.

  Even if Dugu Bo can practice again in the future, he will not be able to take the path of poisonous kung fu, he must choose again.


   After putting away the Eight Spider Lances behind his back, Su Mo didn't care about Dugu Bo any more, turned around and walked towards Binghuo Liangyiyan.

  The most important purpose of his coming here is to harvest fairy grass.

   Now that the destination has arrived and the grass jelly is within reach, Su Mo naturally doesn't want to delay any longer.

  Su Mo first glanced around the entire medicine garden, and the two most distinctive Ice Fire Immortal Herbs, Star Anise Xuanbingye and Lihuo Xingjiaoshu, were first recognized by Su Mo.

Of course, Su Mo doesn't know their respective names. He only knows that the ice and fire two fairy grasses can be said to be the most precious two fairy grasses in the ice and fire Yangyi eye, because they absorb the hot spring and the ice respectively. Two fairy grasses born from the Yinquan.

   Of these two celestial grasses, one is red all over, and will be burned if approached, and the other is ice blue, and will be frozen if approached, so it is easy to distinguish.

   And these two fairy grasses are Su Mo's biggest goals.

  Because Su Mo knew the usefulness of these two celestial herbs and how to take them, he only needed to take them at the same time to offset their side effects.

  There is also a golden chrysanthemum that Su Mo recognized, which is exactly the same as Ju Douluo's Wuhun Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

   "This is Xiao Wu's Acacia Heartbroken Grass... Oh no, it should be Acacia Heartbroken Red!"

  Then Su Mo found the last fairy grass he could recognize, Acacia Heartbroken Red, because this fairy grass, like the chrysanthemum, has appeared many times in the anime, and it is still easy to identify.

   Moreover, Su Mo still remembered that this fairy grass had to be pulled out together with the stone on which it was rooted, otherwise the fairy grass would be destroyed immediately.

  Mainly because Tang San boasted about it in the original book, and there is also a love story exclusive to it, which made Su Mo more impressed.

  Su Mo looked at the root system of Acacia Heartbroken Red, and it really took root on a small black stone. Now Su Mo was more sure.

   "The Ice Fire Jelly will be discussed later, the others will be harvested first!"

  After Su Mo took out a white jade knife from the soul guide, he began to harvest the herbs on the spot. It doesn't matter whether it is fairy grass or the best herbal medicine, just pack it up and take it away.

   As for using a white jade knife, it is because Su Mo remembers that some of them need special picking methods, and they need to be picked with jade.

  Originally, Su Mo prepared a lot of jade boxes, and planned to use them to hold those herbs that looked more like fairy herbs, but now that he has a treasure bag that can store living things, he doesn't need them anymore.

   "This, and this, both contain a lot of energy!"

   Bibi Dong also played her role again, she could feel the energy contained in those top grade herbs.

  However, Su Mo even picked all the unremarkable ones. Did he take them all away? Anyway, there is a treasure bag that can hold them.

  Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were slightly troubled when she saw this, and she simply didn't speak.

   Soon all the flowers and plants in the medicine garden were harvested by Su Mo, and the originally vibrant medicine garden became a bare piece, leaving only the two ice and fire jelly plants.


   After taking a deep breath, Su Mo summoned the Eight Spider Lances on his back, and then resisted an unbearable heat wave and came to Li Huo Xingjiaoshu.


  A spider leg slid past behind, Liehuo Xingjiaoshu was cut off by Su Mo, and then clamped with two spider legs.

  After the two spider legs clamped the raging apricot vegetable, the place where the original green spider legs touched the fairy grass quickly made a sizzling sound, turned red, and spread rapidly.

  Su Mo didn't even look at it, his figure flashed, and soon came to the star anise Xuanbing Ye, and also used two spider legs to cut off the fairy grass and clamp it.

   Immediately afterwards, Su Mo quickly controlled the Eight Spider Lances and placed the two celestial grasses together in front of him.


  When the two celestial grasses approached, a wave of energy rippled out, and then the cold air and heat wave on the two celestial grasses disappeared together.

   "It's done!"

  Su Mo smiled faintly, then sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the two celestial plants at the same time.

  As Su Mo circulated his soul power and sucked in his mouth, the two celestial grasses flew into Su Mo's mouth together.

  The entrance melted, and the two jelly plants quickly turned into two waves of energy, one hot and the other cold pouring into Su Mo's body.

  Plop plop~

  Su Mo then found that his heart was beating rapidly, his body became hot and cold, and sweat dripped down on the ground, some of which scorched the ground, and some of it froze the ground.


  Under the alternating heat and cold, Su Mo couldn't help screaming.

   That feeling is really uncomfortable.


   Without hesitation, after Su Mo stood up, he quickly plunged into the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye. The Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye can help Su Mo relieve pain, and can also help Su Mo absorb and refine the two immortal grasses.

   Sure enough, after entering the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Su Mo felt less uncomfortable. Although he was still alternating hot and cold, he was able to grit his teeth and hold on.


   Then Su Mo, in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, closed his eyes and practiced, speeding up the refining of the two immortal grasses in his body.

  Su Mo could feel that his physique was being continuously strengthened by the alternate tempering of the two energies of ice and fire fairy grass.

  At the same time, the two immortal grasses, Binghuo and Binghuo, still had some energy pouring into the Martial Soul space in Su Mo's body.

   "This is to help me evolve a martial soul!"

  After Su Mo felt this, his heart moved, and his consciousness quickly entered his own martial soul space.

  The most important function of the grass jelly is to evolve the martial soul.

  In the original book, after Tang San ate the Ice Fire Immortal Grass, in addition to his improved body through tempering and the ability to be immune to poison, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass also evolved, gaining the ability to be immune to ice and fire.

   After entering the Martial Soul Space, Su Mo saw a blue and a red streamer intertwined and flowing in from the outside, and then hit Su Mo's soul-hunting gun Martial Soul like a meteor.


  Just when these two energies were about to collide with Su Mo's soul hunting gun, an accident happened.

  I saw the **** mist next to the hunting gun, suddenly trembled slightly, and then produced a strong devouring power, the evolutionary power of the two immortal grasses, Binghuo, was immediately absorbed by the **** mist.

"This is…"

  Su Mo's heart moved, and he was a little surprised. Could it be that the Rakshasa God Martial Soul can evolve without awakening? Then can his Rakshasa martial soul evolve from a remnant soul into a real god-level martial soul?

  Thinking of this, Su Mo did not prevent the power of evolution from being snatched by the Raksha God Martial Soul, but followed the evolution power of the Ice Fire Immortal Grass to the Raksha realm in the **** mist.

   Then Su Mo saw that the evolutionary power of Binghuo Xiancao was continuously flowing into the blood pool, and finally all entered the Raksha Martial Soul in the blood pool.

   It is really recovering the Rakshasa God Martial Soul.

  Su Mo understood it at a glance. Since he got in touch with the Rakshasa God Wuhun last time, now he can feel the situation of the Rakshasa God Wuhun at any time.

  So Su Mo knew that at this time, the Raksha God Martial Soul was using the power of the fairy grass to recover after stealing the evolutionary power of the ice fire fairy grass.

As Su Mo knew before, the Rakshasa God Martial Soul is just a remnant soul. Because of the incompleteness, Su Mo needs to break through the Soul Sage level 70 before he can awaken, and the awakened Rakshasa God Martial Soul cannot reach the level of a god-level martial soul. quality.

  Bibi Dong turned into his martial soul is really quite special, the martial soul is just a remnant soul, but Bibi Dong's spiritual memory is very complete.

  However, Bibi Dong, who has a complete spiritual memory, does not have any offensive ability, and can only provide Su Mo with some auxiliary abilities.

   "It's my body that is recovering. If this kind of power is enough, maybe my body can truly reach the god-level quality, and it can be awakened in advance!"

  Bibi Dong's consciousness beside Su Mo was also very excited and pleasantly surprised.

  She didn't expect that the power of the grass jelly could help her recover.

   "Su Mo, eat all the remaining jelly grass, so maybe I can wake up right away!"

   Excited, Bibi Dong immediately proposed to Su Mo.

   "No, you can't eat grass jelly indiscriminately, some of them will kill you!"

   "Dugu Bo will be useless after eating the fairy grass, and I don't know if it can be rebuilt!"

  Su Mo was a little moved when he heard the words, but he quickly shook his head.

  And one of the fairy grasses, Su Mo will leave it to Ning Rongrong. If he eats it by mistake, Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda will not be able to evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

   "Okay, then how do you plan to get the picture book of fairy grass!"

  Hearing what Su Mo said, Bibi Dong could only calm down, and then asked Su Mo.

   "I know three people who know these fairy grasses!"

   "One is Yang Wudi from the Pozhi Clan, the other is Tang San, and the other is Ju Douluo from the Spirit Hall!"

   "If you want to understand the remaining grass jelly, you can only start with the three of them!"

  Su Mo said.

   "What? That guy Ju Douluo actually understands this?"

  Bibidong was shocked when she heard Su Mo's words. She didn't expect to hear Ju Douluo's name from Su Mo's mouth.

   Even Wuhundian doesn't have any knowledge about fairy grass, but how does Chrysanthemum Douluo know?

   "Well, Ju Douluo's martial soul is a fairy grass, and his family should have knowledge of this!" Su Mo nodded.

  Of course, this is Su Mo's guess, or it may be because Ju Douluo's martial soul is also a fairy grass, so he understands it naturally!

  Just like the Martial Soul of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, it can identify gems, and Chrysanthemum Douluo's Martial Soul may be able to identify medicinal herbs.

   "I didn't expect that guy to have such abilities!"

   "Yang Wudi's Broken Clan is a family of alchemists, I can understand this knowledge!"

   "But how did Tang San know these things? According to you, the Haotian School probably doesn't know these things either!"

   Bibi Dong nodded, and then she was a little puzzled that Tang San knew these fairy grasses.

   "That guy Tang San, he won't be the same as us, he is also a reborn person?"

   "It must be like this, otherwise how would Tang San know these fairy grasses, as well as those hidden weapons he mastered and those strange self-created soul skills..."

   Before Su Mo could answer, Bibi Dong thought of a possibility.

"I think so!"

  Su Mo laughed dumbly, unexpectedly Bibi Dong guessed this.

  But it was precisely because she was like this that she dared to guess like this, and she guessed right.


   At this time, the evolutionary power produced by the Ice Fire Grass has also been completely absorbed by Bibi Dong in the blood pool.

   Bibi Dong in the blood pool did not show any changes, but Su Mo knew that Bibi Dong inside had recovered a lot.

  Originally, he needed level 70 to awaken the Rakshasa Martial Soul, but now level 50 is enough to break through to the soul king.

   Bibi Dong's awakening time has come earlier!

   This was also a surprise for Su Mo.

  Continuing to take the herbal jelly in the future can also help Bibi Dong continue to recover, and continue to advance the time for the awakening of the Raksha God and Martial Soul.

  Thinking of this, Su Mo's consciousness also left the Martial Soul Space, because the ice-fire quenching has been completed.


  After his consciousness returned to his body, Su Mo felt an indescribable joy all over his body, and every cell in his body was cheering.

  Su Mo can clearly feel that his physique has been greatly improved. If he absorbs the third soul ring now, Wannian will have no problem at all.


  After emerging from the water surface of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, Su Mo took a deep breath, and then plunged back into the water.

  Su Mo wants to dive down to see if there is any treasure in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

  He knew that the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye was formed after the death of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King, so he wanted to see if he could find a better treasure.

   But as he dived deeper and deeper, Su Mo gradually found that his body, which had been tempered by ice and fire, could not bear the bipolar power of ice and fire under the eyes of the ice and fire.

   "No, I can't go down!"

   "I can only try again after my physical fitness is stronger!"

   After feeling unable to bear it, Su Mo had no choice but to give up.


   Soon Su Mo jumped out of the water and landed on the shore.

  Then the first time, Su Mo took out the spare clothes in the soul guide and put them on. When he entered the eyes of the ice and fire Liangyi, all the clothes except the soul guide Su Mo disappeared.

   "Now my body should be immune to ice and fire, and I'm still invulnerable to all poisons!"


  Su Mo summoned his soul hunting gun while talking.

   Seeing the Soul Hunting Gun that didn't change even if he ate two celestial grasses, Su Mo was a little speechless.

   "Forget it, if there is no evolution, there will be no evolution. It would be better if the Rakshasa Martial Soul can be restored to the god-level quality!"

   "And my soul-hunting gun martial soul, even without the evolution power of the celestial grass, I can evolve by myself!"

   Smiling, Su Mo put away the hunting gun.

  Compared with the evolution of the soul-hunting gun, Su Mo still thinks that the recovery of the Raksha God's martial soul is more important. After all, his soul-hunting gun can be evolved through refining the soul.

   Otherwise, just now when Su Mo was in his own martial soul space, he would have prevented the Raksha God martial soul from snatching the evolutionary power of Ice Fire Immortal Grass.

  And Tang San in the original book, after the Blue Silver Grass evolved, he didn't get the ability of ice and fire, but he got the double immunity of ice and fire. Su Mo also got this ability, and the soul hunting gun doesn't need the ability of ice and fire.

   "No, no, my current state is not just a physical increase, this feeling is more like a reborn transformation..."

  Just after putting away the soul hunting gun, Su Mo found that his current state was definitely not as simple as a great increase in physical fitness.

   With a slight movement of his eyes, Su Mo immediately began to practice on the spot.

   Moreover, what Su Mo used was the original meditation practice.


   Following Su Mo's practice, a wave of energy from heaven and earth poured into Su Mo's body. The speed was far faster than Su Mo's new cultivation technique.

   "Haha, sure enough, although my martial soul has not evolved, but after being tempered by the Ice Fire Immortal Grass, my cultivation talent has been greatly improved, no worse than a genius who is born with full soul power!"

   "And my cultivation limit has been completely solved!"

  Su Mo, who opened his eyes, suddenly laughed heartily.

  His cultivation talent has been completely solved, and it is no longer his shortcoming.

  He originally thought that his martial soul hadn't evolved, and his cultivation talent hadn't evolved along with it, but now it seems that he didn't, he just didn't evolve his martial soul.

  Just like Zhu Zhuqing and others in the original book, after eating the fairy grass, their cultivation talents have been improved, but their martial soul has not evolved much.

   There is also Tang San's later disciple Jixiang, after eating the fairy grass Tang San gave, he only changed his cultivation talent and Wuhun, and there was no change, it was still a silver needle.

  In short, although Su Mo's current soul-hunting gun and martial soul have not been evolved, his cultivation talent has actually been completely transformed.

   "This old guy, he hasn't woken up yet!"

   "I don't know if he will go crazy with anger after seeing this bare medicine garden!"

   "It's time to wake him up!"

   It took a while for Su Mo to calm down from his excitement, and then he saw Dugu Bo who hadn't woken up in the distance.

   After arriving in front of Dugu Bo, Su Mo took out a pot of water from the soul guide, and splashed some on Dugu Bo's face.

   With the splash of clear water on his face, Dugu Bo frowned, and soon opened his eyes, a pair of normal eyes that no longer appear green.

   "Am I okay?"

  After waking up and finding that he was not dead, Dugu Bo was overjoyed at first, and then he saw clearly that there was a person standing in front of him, and he was immediately taken aback.

"Who are you?"

   "Damn it, you tied me up?"

   "Let go of this old man!"


  After Dugu Bo woke up and realized his condition, he immediately struggled.


   It was just that after summoning his own martial soul, Dugu Bo, who wanted to directly break the shackles on his body with his huge soul power, was dumbfounded.

   "My soul power level..."

   "And my soul ring..."

"How can this be…"

   Dugu Bo was completely dumbfounded all of a sudden, and stood there in a daze, unable to accept this reality.

  His soul power actually dropped to level 41, and he even lost a soul ring on his body.

   This is what he has cultivated all his life in exchange for!

   "Senior, Senior Dugu!"

   Seeing Dugu Bo standing there in a daze, Su Mo stepped back a little before waking him up.

   "Is it you? Did you make this old man like this?"

   "It's you, right??"

   "You are dead, you are dead!"

  After hearing Su Mo's voice, Dugu Bo immediately glared at Su Mo with red eyes and roared angrily.

   "Senior Dugu has forgotten that he was poisoned before, right?"

  Looking at Dugu Bo who was falling into madness, Su Mo kindly reminded him.

Hearing Su Mo's reminder, Dugu Bo's expression froze for a moment, and then he realized that he was poisoned before, and before he died, he chose a herbal medicine and ate it. , and then know nothing.

  Leaving aside the soul power and soul ring on his body, at least he is completely transparent now, and there is no sign of poisoning at all.

  He hasn't felt such a healthy physical condition for many years.

"How is this going?"

   "You know what's going on, don't you?"

  Dugu Bo finally calmed down, then raised his head and asked Su Mo in a deep voice.


  ps: This chapter is two in one, and there is another chapter tonight.

  (end of this chapter)