MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 1068 retreat

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  Chapter 1068 Retreat

(already edited)

Fighting against Felin Mokui, Yada Tanshul was submissive, and it was only after the two of the ghosts had an accident that they really showed some strength under the rage and intercepted the "wailing daughter" Stay for a while, other times, it's just fishing.

  But fighting with the elves is completely different.

  After receiving the urgent message from the City of Ghosts, knowing that Laila and the others had disappeared, they were not targeting them secretly, but directly attacked the City of Ghosts.

   Without hesitation, Yada-Tanshul didn't even notify Hajhorner, and directly launched the magic ceremony, preparing to lift and weaken the various blocking and suppressing effects of the "Shadow Shield".

  You must know that although the banning and suppression of the "Shadow Shield" does not distinguish between the Felin Mokui and the elves, they are both equally effective.

   But in fact, with Felin Mokui's natural high magic, this restriction affects them far more than the elves, I don't know how much more serious it is.

  In the past, Felin Mokui beat Efraska so hard that he couldn't breathe. Even if Laila and others came to help, they still couldn't beat them.

  But after the "Shadow Shield" was completed, this situation was completely reversed, and even the leaders of those giants could only shrink deeply in the depths of the Gray Cloak Mountain and the ground.

  Yada-Tanshul is now preparing to remove most of the restrictions. This is precisely to restore the magic power of the Felin Mokui to a certain extent. If this step is really completed...

   The battle situation on Efraska's side has undergone a fundamental reversal again, which is perfectly normal!

  However, the elves were clearly prepared for this.

  Almost as soon as the ceremony on their side was in progress, the two Beren Liches teleported to them at the first moment, and another instant cast spell directly disrupted the normal progress of the ceremony.

  But they are fast, and Yada Tanshul, who no longer fishes, is not slow either.

   With just one step, the "Shadow Leap" directly reached the boundary of the "Shadow Barrier".

  The multiple abilities of the holy champion warrior exploded at the same time, and they are guiding the power of the night lady's holy energy with the essence of a ghost creature.

Yada-Tanshul's sudden eruption was not only terrifying, but also much more terrifying than when he intercepted the "Waiting Daughter". During the swing of the giant sword, it also passed through the essence of shadow creatures, And the power of the night lady's holy power is the magical effect of the "shadow shield".

  Such a sword swept across...

The two Liches of Belem, even though they had already been vigilant enough to the strength of the Shade Prince, at this time, they were shrouded by this terrifying sword force, and even moreover, they were swept away by the sudden spread of this dark realm. Both of them, the two Beren Liches all changed their colors.

  However, although the spread of the Dark Domain has an hindering effect on spells and is limited to them, the figures of the two Beren Liches do not show any signs of falling.

   On the contrary, when Yada-Tanshul was approaching like a demon god, without thinking about it, the figures of the two immediately retreated to the higher sky.

The Beren Lich is born with the ability to "fly in the air", which is a supernatural ability, completely unrepressed and hindered by the "Shadow Shield", let alone guided by Yada Tanshul , swept out, this part of the dark domain.

   And they retreated.

   "Yang Yan explodes!"

   "Shaping control!"

  From the sky behind, there was obviously no figure, but an incomparably dazzling incandescent flame flew towards this side in an instant like a white rainbow.

The figure of Yada Tanshul had just escaped from the "Shadow Shield", and he hadn't even chased down the two Beren Liches in front of him. At this moment, his gaze shrank to extreme.

  Shadow creatures, this is a powerful transformation that takes place by integrating the essence of the shadow world into the soul through a series of rituals.

  In the dark environment, this transformation is even stronger than the usual Lich transformation.

   But, the biggest, and perhaps the only weakness...

  Shadow creatures are more sensitive to sunlight than drow.

  In the daylight environment, all characteristics of ghost creatures, including special abilities, will be suppressed and completely invalid.

That is to say, don't talk about "Shadow Leap", don't talk about "Shadow Teleportation", don't talk about "Fast Healing" and "Invisibility", etc. In the daylight environment, the spell resistance and attribute enhancement of ghost creatures are also completely disappeared. up.

  Ordinary daylight environment is like this, let alone magical daylight environment!

  In order not to be restricted by the sunlight environment as much as possible.

  Generally speaking, all ghost mages will inevitably prepare spells such as "Darkness" and "Deep Darkness".

  But... no matter what "Darkness" and "Deep Darkness", how could it be able to resist the scorching sunlight environment of "Sunburst"?

  Among conventional spells, the only one that can suppress "Yang Yan Explosion" is the ninth-level spell "Darkness of the End"!

  Of course, a legendary enchantment like "Shadow Shield" is naturally not included in the list of conventional spells.

   If "Sun Flame Explosion" is cast within the "Shadow Shield", although it still has fire damage, but in terms of brightness, it is only at the level of lighting a lamp, and it will be destroyed immediately!

  However, Yada-Tanshul broke out of the "Shadow Barrier" at this time!

  Because of the dark energy guided by him, this is not the real "shadow enchantment" after all.

   I don’t think that such a dark realm can resist the scorching brilliance of the “Yang Flame Explosion”.

in this way…


   "Advanced super magic scepter!"

   "One link and one link!"

   "Use these two Belem Liches to interrupt our ceremony. Once I kill them, I will encounter Imsford, and perhaps other Belem Liches ambushing them, or even..."

  When a certain name floated in his heart, Yada Tanshul regained his complete composure in an instant.

  Leila and others attacked the "City of Ghosts"!

  The elves are also so well prepared for targeting!

  Combined with that person's "outdated and not waiting", this is probably already "outdated"...

   "Damn it!"

   "These guys are so desperate!"

   In their minds, Yada-Tanshul already knew it well, and they lost this round!

Be it him, Haj Horna, or even his father, and Rui Valan, no one could have predicted that Laila and the others would raid the "City of Ghosts", and more importantly, they actually completed the positioning accurately. Really attacked in!

  With such an attack first, it is naturally impossible to send any reinforcements from the City of Shadows.

   And here...

  Not to mention people like Belem Lich and Imsford, the one under the ground is even more indescribably powerful.

  No matter how conceited Yada-Tanshul is, even with the favorable environment of "Shadow Shield", he has no confidence that he can win the elves' betrayal!

   "I can only give this side to them and Felin Mokui!"

   "Go back to the city of ghosts first, deal with the attack of Lila and the others first, turn around, and then attack this side again..."

   It's a pity that for the time being, he might not be able to release a layer of shackles for Felin Mokui, so that these evil monsters can exert more power!

  It means that the scorching light ball flew towards it in an instant, and suddenly exploded and spread like a blazing sun. The endless flames were spreading in all directions...

  Countless thoughts flashed in my heart, and the figure of Yada Tanshul stopped in midair, and raised her hand.

   "Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

  Although the intelligence attribute, Yada-Tanshul is not very powerful, and above the level of spell knowledge, there is less bonus.

  However, with a career level as high as level 31 and strong enough life energy to withstand the recoil, Yada Tanshul was still able to master the instant cast of the "Legendary Dispel".

  As soon as he raised his hand, a dark green light shot out.

  The blazing white flames that filled the sky disappeared completely in an instant.

  But he didn't continue to hunt down the two Beren Lich above, and he didn't even pay attention to where the "Yangyan Burst" came from.

  Yada Tanshul's gaze secretly scanned the surroundings quickly, and the figure stepped back into the "Shadow Shield" one step at a time.

   And at this time.

  From below, all kinds of magic are also flying upwards.

  Naturally, it is the spellcasters of the ghosts who, after avoiding the bombardment of the "delayed burst fireball", are attacking the Beren Lich one after another.

  Although the Beren Liches are legendary spellcasters, they will inevitably be in a hurry when faced with so many spell bombardments at once.


   "Not good!"

  Yada Tanshul was not only not happy, but he was looking around, and suddenly shrank.

  A figure appeared!

  Baro Balrog!

  Given that ghost creatures are very familiar with "shadow matter", he can see that this is a semi-real projection made of shadow matter created by "projection technique"!


   "He really came too!"

   "Using the 'projection technique'... this is to cast the spell normally on the barrier, and then use the projection to cast the spell!"

Yada Tanshul would not be afraid of anyone, even Lila and Kelben, but, in the blink of an eye, she had crushed the "Wailing Daughter" like a crush, and her magical ability was simply incredible. Yada Tanshul, who can be called unbelievable, has a real taboo.

   Even though I haven't fully figured out the details of this person, but...

  Yada Tanshul has already made a judgment.

All the people he has encountered still exist. I am afraid that only the supreme city lord, only the chief guardian elder of Dragon Shadow City, and only the shadow lord of Malagrim, have the ability to be with this possibility of juxtaposition.

   Those magic sunflower leaders, at least, all the magic sunflower leaders he has ever seen must have some inferiority.

  Just when he cast a "Legendary Dispel Spell" instantly, this man suddenly cast a projection below him...

   "Shadow Shadow!"

   It was almost a conditioned reflex, Yada Tanshul cast a spell-like ability in a flash, and said coldly: "Lei, are you going to meddle in the matter between us and the elves?"

  Shadow Mirror Image, this is a spell-like ability similar to "Mirror Image", which does not require words or actions, so he can speak while casting it.

  However, unlike "Shadow Leap", it can be casted by just moving one's footsteps. This type of magic ability requires a normal standard casting time.

  Originally, seeing Mr. Lei also arrived, Yada Tanshul should have used "Shadow Leap" to dodge instantly.


  The ability of "Shadow Leap" can be used by ghost creatures almost unlimitedly, but the interval between each use requires two rounds, which means there is a "cooling time" of twelve seconds.

  Here, just three or four seconds ago, he had already "Shadow Leap" over, so it was naturally impossible to "Shadow Leap" back now.

  In addition, just completed the instant cast spell, and dispelled Imsford's "instant cast - sun burst", and it is also impossible to continue the instant cast spell...

  Mr. Lei is pointing at him!

   Such timing is almost pinpointing his lifeline!

  If it is true this time, if he is the only one, even if he will be like the "wailing daughter", there is a great probability that he will be pushed down by one wave.


  He still has the help of the ghosts, and he still has Lamorek!

   At this time, Lamolek's "instant cooldown" is almost over.

  Based on the relationship between their brothers, if Mr. Zhen Ruolei takes action against him, Lamolek will never sit idly by!

Therefore, while shouting coldly, Yada Tanshul, who was casting "ghost mirror image", turned around without stopping at all, just trying to bypass Mr. Lei's transformed Barlow. Projection of the Balrog, approach Lamorek and them!

   "If it's out of date, it won't wait!"

   "I gave you a chance, but you chose to give up!"

  Isaac's indifferent voice came directly from the projection.

   And with this sound...

   "Exceeding Limit - Fixed Shot - Instant - Extreme Effect - Withering Technique!"

   "Energy Control - Fel Energy Replacement!"

  Using the dragon's natural ability to cast spells silently, combined with the "over-limit-fixed cast", while speaking, this does not affect Isaac's spellcasting at all.

His eyes were facing Yada-Tanshul, and his hands didn't point to them, but there was a huge purgatory evil energy. In an instant, a cloud of darkness had formed, covering an incomparably huge area, and suddenly it was Sweeping towards the ghost mages below.

  It is also instantaneous, which is much larger than the previous "instant-delayed burst fireball" of the Belem Lich, both in terms of power and range.

  Especially, Isaac certainly wouldn't miss the wall of force field below.

  The cloud of darkness sweeping down is pressing down from directly above the force field wall.

  The ghost mages behind the force field wall can't use this to dodge at all.

   "All spread out!"

   But this time, Lamolek did not counterattack or disperse.

   While shouting heavily, he took a step back, but his figure disappeared into the darkness again.

   Seeing this, one after another, those high-level ghost mages around him also carried out "Shadow Leap".

  Not in the state of "ceremony assistants", but also maintaining a high degree of vigilance. At this time, they will naturally not be so caught off guard when they were attacked by the first wave before.

   "Composite spell casting - beyond limit - instant cast - extreme effect - time still!"

   Isaac's second spell also came out at this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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