MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 1080 one strike

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  Chapter 1080 One Blow

   "This girl!"

   He was always watching over there, how could Danilo not hear Eileen's deep shout, and not perceive the sudden change of her moon blade?

   He participated in the Battle of Evermeet Island with Eileen, and he knows what power Eileen is mobilizing now.

   He even knew why Eileen would suddenly change the safest plan.

  A ray of memory flashed in Danilo's mind instantly.

  He and Eileen met for the first time, in fact, to investigate Eileen, a lone former harpist who became a suspect in several assassinations.

  Naturally, the final result is needless to say, it was just framed by others.

   But in the process of this investigation, he was also fascinated by this girl, and later came to understand that the reason why this girl walked alone and broke away from the Harper organization was not because she was really indifferent.

Eileen also used to have a close team, but, following the adventures again and again, in several desperate encounters, her teammates all died, and she was the only one who died because of the sword left by her mother, that is, The moonblade she is holding now survived.

   For Eileen, this was undoubtedly another heavy blow after her mother was assassinated.

For this reason, she also suffered from a mental illness of both hatred and fear of magic flames. It was not until the battle of Yongju Island was completely over, after she understood the conspiracy behind the scenes and settled the grievances with the mastermind behind the scenes, did she start from here. In this psychological state, he recovered.

  Before meeting him, the main reason why Eileen walked alone was that she couldn't accept being in such a situation again.

  As for why he is an exception... Danilo has always been conceited about his pestering efforts.

  So, if his judgment is not wrong, the reason why Eileen temporarily changed her plan must be because of the Dragon Shadow Guard. There was something wrong with someone, she couldn't do it, and she gave up on her teammates!


   But it’s nerve-wracking, and Danilo didn’t hesitate at all: “Brothers, the plan has changed, and the decisive battle has moved forward. Kill all these monsters!”

   With a call, Danilo himself has already rushed to the forefront.

   At this time, the elves who were still fighting in the royal city were naturally not timid. One after another, a group of elves rushed to the battlefield.

   Those who had already received him before, were only those who were throwing the holy water, and they had already swung their swords to help Elias.

  Eiles also understood Eileen's determination, and didn't hinder her, but just shouted: "Captain Kuna, take care of Eileen!"

  Eileen can activate Moonblade's ultimate ability, but Elise cannot.

  In fact, his mastery of the Moonblade can only be used by him when it is not for his personal benefit.

  It’s just so much, and now there is still the limitation of the anti-magic field of the beholder, and the magic ability can’t be used normally. No matter how willing Elise is to dedicate everything for Eileen, it is impossible to kill through it immediately.

   However, he can't kill him, but someone can quickly meet him!


   "Elf Moonblade!"

  When Eileen was there, the silver holy light was burning like a flame, and it was magnificent.

   Surrounded by the flames, Eileen is in the anti-magic field, and she is floating in the air.

  In her hand, from the elf moon blade, one, another, and another...

   Soon, all the moonstones were also activated, blooming with incomparably powerful moonlight power.

   Then, from behind Eileen, there are wings of light spreading rapidly...

  A strong sense of threat.

   It was through telepathy that the order to cooperate with the beholder was issued, and Gresham couldn't help shrinking his gaze!

   Fighting with elves is the most annoying thing, and that's it.

  You never know what kind of sacred artifacts are stored in the elves' secret treasury, or even how many sacred artifacts are collected.

  You don't even know what kind of power such a sacred artifact can exert in the hands of an elf, and even whether there will be an elf **** quietly passing through the sacred artifact to interfere in the war here.

  But there is no doubt that in the process of capturing Efraska, the elves' endless sacred artifacts and the support of the elves and gods are their biggest troubles.

  At this time, when the half-elf on the opposite side came to this trick again, even he instinctively felt a threat...


  It was intended to take down the **** of several kobolds, but Gresham finally had to pause.

   Gazing at the movements and momentum of the half-elf, Gresham narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Follow, but no action is seen.

   "Time-lapse - time stands still!"

  Just performed the instant trigger of the "trigger technique". Yesterday, because of the resurrection, he also dropped a life energy level. At this moment, Gresham is also having difficulty directly interrupting the extraordinary call of the half-elf to the power of the sacred weapon.

  Similarly, before the extraordinary call was finally completed, it was also difficult for Gresham to accurately grasp the intensity of the next attack.

   Simply, once again, Gresham chose the safe method.

  Ai Lilin's side, in rapid time, is like becoming the descendant of the goddess of the moon, with infinite brilliance and majestic blazing.

   On Gresham's side, a "delay-time still" is also close to completion.

  At this moment, he no longer paid attention to the battle between the kobolds and the beholders. All the focus, Gresham was completely concentrated on Eileen.

  The half-elf's momentum has been completed!

  The strong and incomparably threatening sense, as if the sharp edge had jumped to his eyes, and the deep chill penetrated his soul...

  Gresham counted, and the next blow of the half-elf could really threaten him.

  At least, in the restricted environment of this "Shadow Shield", there is a real threat to him.


   is in response to this idea.


  As if gnashing her teeth and bearing unbearable pressure, Eileen roared.

  The man and the sword had already merged into the group of silver flames, and then there was a flash of aurora.

  Dun, it doesn't matter whether it is a prisoner of souls or a giant, and the "anti-magic field" is already opened, which is a beholder floating in the air.

  The gorgeous silver aurora flashed for a moment, and everything was completely pierced.

  The man and the sword seem to be integrated at this moment, controlling the boundless lunar energy at the speed of an aurora, and there is even a certain sacred and extraordinary fluctuation in it...

   This kind of power is definitely not at Eileen's current level, it can be controlled, even if it is only controlled.

  However, on the Moonblade, those ten moonstones, especially one of them, the silvery moonlight that constantly emanates, has shared most of the pressure for her.

   This prevented Eileen from slashing out with a sword. She had to sacrifice her life before killing the enemy.

  Such a sword locked Felin Mokui, piercing through the air...


   The Well of Radiance.

  Even through the transformation of the "Power Card", Isaac's eyes are opening at this moment when he is greedily absorbing evil magic energy.

  Although it was stronger than ever before, he could tell that it was Eileen's Moonblade.

  Although there is still some gap compared with the "Sword Saint Lord" who is also a holy sword strike, but this strike of Eileen can undoubtedly enter his eyes.

   "As a half-elf in charge of the Moonblade, I can actually do it to this extent..."

   "This little girl is really amazing!"

   "However, to make her work so hard... Is it because Felin Mokui has arrived?"

   Realizing this, Isaac didn't feel any extra waves in his heart.

  The arrival of these magic sunflowers was slower than he expected, but it was better.

  However, of course he would not dislike the slowness of the other side.

   The more the opponent wants to be stable, the more he will naturally welcome it.

   "Let Archmage Du Bois go to meet Danilo and the others."

  A thought of the soul passed to Kuye, the leader of the first mage group, who was waiting in the hall.

   Kuye immediately took the order and quickly swept down the passage below.

  Isaac narrowed his eyes again.

  Although Felin Mokui's arrival was much slower than he expected, but...

   Not in a hurry to go head-to-head with these guys.

   As for the "Well of Radiance", it is evil magic energy with special effects. If it can absorb more, it is better for him to absorb more!

   Soul level.

  At this moment, the "Card of Power" seems to have completely transformed into the form of the "Mysterious Eye" under the dual effects of the "Seed of Change" and the "Seed of Spell".


   "Six rounds!"

  Facing Eileen's sword directly, Gresham could feel the unparalleled power, and he could even realize that it seemed to be the moonlight power that locked his soul.


   Not much discoloration.

   Before the sword arrives, his "delay-time stillness" has already been completed.

  Duration of six rounds!

   "Rainbow Law Wall!"

   "Wall of Force!"

   "Wall of Force!"

   "Wall of Force!"

   "Wall of Force!"

   "Rainbow Orb!"

   There is no single casting of high-level spells.

  In addition to the front, Gresham created a "Rainbow Magic Wall" to destroy the magic effects on the half-elves as much as possible, and even cause various effects on the half-elves themselves.

   In its own place, a similar effect was carried out, except for the creation of a stronger "Rainbow Ball".

  Purely, he just performed four "force wall techniques".

  The wall of force field, this is the most powerful defense in the first place. If the half-elf can break through the "Rainbow Magic Wall" and break four walls of force field in a row...


   With the completion of the six spells, the time stop is also over.

   Almost at the next moment, the aurora formed by the fusion of Eileen's human and sword has penetrated the "Rainbow Law Wall".

  The momentary contact...

  The strong elemental explosion, this powerful protection spell of the eighth-level protection system, was actually destroyed in place as if it had been subjected to the "Great Disintegration".

   Without stopping, the aurora penetrated the "wall of force field" again.

   There was almost a sound, and the four force field walls were also shattered in the blink of an eye.

  The divine power of the moon!

   It should be the divine power related to that "Sehanne-Moonbow"!

  The power of the gods, this is the most incredible power in the world, and magic will lose its luster in the face of such a stalwart power.

   Seeing that the half-elf had shattered five protections in an instant, Gresham's eyes were serious, but he didn't feel any surprise or panic.


"about there!"

  Although the sacred artifact is often bound to the existence of the power of the gods, it is only a sacred artifact after all.

  The power of this moon blade is certainly beyond imagination, but the continuous interference on the magic level will eventually consume the divine power it inspires.

  When this is the most critical and only Gresham's taboo power is weakened...

   "Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

  Aurora finally pierced the "Rainbow Ball" and faced him, even in the "Vision of True Knowledge", it was a somewhat blurred shadow of a human sword in front of Zhihong.

  Casting the spell almost intuitively, Gresham's eyes shrank slightly, and a thin dark green light appeared directly in front of the Moonblade.

  Compared to the mighty might of Moonblade's strongest power, this dark green light is almost inconspicuous, but the momentary contact...

The silver glow on the moonblade suddenly faded. The figure was almost indistinct in the shape of the flame, and Eileen showed her original appearance at the same time. Although the unparalleled holy power of the flame was still there, but…

  Eileen frowned in her heart.

  She is far from being able to control the most powerful ability of the moon blade. What's more, she can barely control it only by arousing the help of her mother and ancestors.

   Once, applied to that one, it was enough.

  But now, facing this Elder Mokui...

  In the momentary confrontation, she clearly felt that the elder Mokui aimed the primary target at the divine power she summoned through the moon blade!

  The power of the gods, although it is high above all life, it cannot be reached, let alone resisted.

  However, there are always some special existences with their special features.

  Among them, legendary spellcasters who have mastered legendary spells are especially unique.

  Legendary spell, which claims to make gods fear.

  Although this statement is routinely exaggerated countless times, some of the implications are correct.

  In some cases, legendary spells can really resist the interference of gods in the material world.

  If the strength of the legendary spell is sufficient, it is also possible to have a certain confrontation with the will of the gods, or even with the incarnation of the gods descending into the mortal world.

The former 27th-level spellcaster, after falling down to 1st level, still has 26th-level Gresham. After first using six levels of magic protection, after arousing the power of the Moonblade, he must intervene accordingly. "Skill", it is pointing to the key position captured by his intuition.

  The momentary contact, and the confrontation at the conceptual level.

  Eileen's blow is still powerful, but...

   "Catch her alive!"

   "I'm going to put her in a dungeon and torture her every day!"

   Sensitive to the blow of the half-elf, the core soul disappeared instantly.

  Gresham sent telepathic fluctuations to the surrounding undead and beholders, sending orders.

  On one side, his huge body not only didn't dodge, but slammed into the silver flame fiercely.

  The two paws on top of the head and the tail spine behind him also moved at the same time.

   This is the area of ​​suppression of the "essence of shadow magic". Naturally, it is impossible for him to give up this position directly to the half-elf.

   And with the blow of this half-elf, it is not enough to kill him alive!

  Going here alone, this half-elf won't be able to escape today!


   (This day is really uncomfortable. I go to bed at eight o’clock every day, I don’t know how much sweat I have in a day, and my cough feels numb...)

  (end of this chapter)

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