MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 1085 too cautious

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   "Tell me, what's the situation with that one?"

  With Danilo and Elis in place, Isaac was looking into the depths of the tunnel, and the voice suddenly sounded again.

  The Shadow Guard's previous report was just saying that the leader of the Mokui had appeared.

  But among the three leaders of Felin Mokui, it is not clear which one is showing up here, and what ability is revealed.

  Seeing that the main force of the monsters is going to kill them, and seeing that they are going to meet those magic sunflowers, Isaac inevitably has some interest in knowing in advance.

   "Should be Scarlet Leader Simpson!"

"Danilo knows this one, and Laila had a direct fierce battle with this one. According to the information Leila gave Danilo, the life energy level of this magic sunflower leader should be around 35. When mastered Three times of 'Automatic Instant Casting' and two times of 'Composite Casting', he is the most powerful of the three leaders of Mokui..."

  Although Du Bois came here last night, at this time, he already has a lot of understanding of the information of the leader of Mokui.

  Crimson leader Simpson, the leader of the joint leaders of Felin Mokui!

  The life energy level is around 35, which means that the warlock level is the same!

   Coupled with the combination of "automatic instant spell casting" and "spontaneous casting of all known spells", he even mastered the double "composite spell casting"...

  Even Isaac frowned secretly.

The leader of the magic sunflower is the leader of the magic sunflower. With such magical ability, combined with its level of destiny, it is hard to say, not to mention Laila and Kelben, even the "Storm Queen" Simbu, the head of the seven sisters. Can beat, even, even if it's just as good as this one!

   If you really want to fight alone, you can overwhelm this one alone... This is probably only possible if the old ghost of Minnis returns!

   For such a powerful enemy, Isaac inevitably has the same taboo.

   Fortunately, the shadow shield is still there!

  Bound by the power of the shadow shield, this leader of the magic sunflower has been weakened after all!

   Otherwise, if you want to be enemies with this and a group of Felin Mokui at the same time, I am afraid that Isaac will also have to retreat first, and then take it easy from the side!

   "Such a guy, since he is an enemy... or killing him here is the best ending!"

   This flash of thought.

  In the depths of the tunnel as far as the eye can see, the vanguard of the monster army is also rushing in.

   This vanguard army composed of gnolls and bear goblins, under the direct control of the leader of Mokui, is crazy and bloodthirsty.

  From the darkness in the depths of the tunnel, it just emerged from the darkness, and the madness to pounce on and bite even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of it, has already directly impacted Isaac and others.


   Isaac doesn't care about these at all.

   No matter how bloodthirsty or crazy the monster army is, to him, it is no different from a flock of sheep.

  His hands were attached behind his back, his gaze was just looking there indifferently, but one after another, scorching fire beads continuously appeared in front of him, and flew out again.

  Dun, the huge circles of flame explosions one after another are constantly sweeping in the vanguard army that is rushing madly.

   No matter how crazy and bloodthirsty the monster army is, under the continuous bombardment of this explosion, which can cover a 20-foot radius of scorching fireballs, as many as they come, they are all free!

   But a moment.

  The depths of the tunnel are already covered with charred corpses of monsters.

   And at this time.

  From behind, beholders one after another finally began to appear.

  The main eye had already been opened, and the anti-magic field covered the monster army. Finally, when another scorching fire shot came, it disappeared directly within the area of ​​the anti-magic field.

   And with the appearance of these beholders.


   "It's actually a magic-like ability!?"

   Further back, where Isaac and the others cannot see directly with their eyes.

   Crimson leader Simpson doesn't care how his monster army is bombarded by fireballs.

  More, in the eyes of the leader of the magic sunflower, there is some thoughtful look.

  Even though he didn't observe it with his own eyes, he still has certainty from his perception that the "fireball" bombardment in front is not a real spell, but a spell-like ability!

   Again from the number of bombings...

  Obviously, this type of spell ability is still a type that can be cast at will!

  Such a spell-like ability...

   Before I knew it, the leader of the Mokui thought about it, what is the origin of the people over there?

  And...what's the relationship with that giant dragon?

At this moment when the "Well of Radiance" is approaching, the leader of the magic sunflower has also become extra cautious. up!

   Even though he hadn't really had any contact with this giant dragon, he had already had scruples in mind.

   At this time, the ceremony is over... This giant dragon must be waiting for them in front!

   "Those who can cast 'fireball' at will, this should be the most likely for those high-level Baatezu in Ebatoll Hell."

   "Although it is difficult to directly link the Barthez devil with Efraska's elf, if the giant dragon really comes from the evil camp and is related to him, it is not impossible."

   Simpson's profile.

  Samuel, who is also the leader of Mokui, is also not in a hurry.

  This time is different from before.

  Before, the tunnel was too straight, and they also fell under the threat of "earthquake", so Simpson took action himself.

   But this time, they were not within the immediate threat range.

  Using the vanguard army and the beholders, first try to see what ambushes are on the opposite side, and then see, when they will kill them, it is not too late.

  Mere sacrifice is completely out of their eyes.

   It seems that although the "Well of Radiance" is just ahead, the two leaders of Mokui are as calm as a mountain!

   And they're in no rush...

  Naturally, the other felin mokui were also very patient.

  In addition to sending a group of beholders with several heads to cooperate with the vanguard, these beholders are hidden in the rear, only sensing from afar, but let alone make a move, not even showing their heads.

   Until a while later.

  When a powerful and familiar magic wave suddenly oscillates on the opposite side...

   "Lord of the Underground!"

  The eyes of these magic sunflowers all moved.

   But this time, no one countered directly.

  The "Lord of the Underground", of course, can bury a part of the vanguard, and then collapse the tunnel in front, but... that's all!

   After that end, arrange for the beholders to penetrate.

   They have such a manpower!

  If this sacrifice can be used to consume key spells and even legendary spells on the opposite side, it would be very cost-effective for them.

  First came the "Lord of the Underground", and soon, the "Earthquake Technique" also started.

  In the tunnel at the front, the extremely violent vibrations erupted in a rapid time.

   Simpson had a wave of thoughts in his mind, and once again, a whole team of beholders began to gather.



   "It's so stable, even more bearable!"

   At this time, it is the Lich Archmage who is carrying out the "Lord of the Underground".

   Facing the "anti-magic field" of those beholders, Isaac also found it troublesome even if he was not prepared to put in too much effort.

   In addition, Felin Mokui is always hidden.

   Simply, he made the Lich Archmage perform the "Lord of the Underground" in advance.

   However, what he didn't expect was that the Lich Archmage was also the "Lord of the Underground" and the "Earthquake Technique", which soon caused the tunnel to collapse.

  However, those felin mokui shrank extremely, and there was still no sign of their emergence!

   Isaac's heart moved a little, but it meant to count these guys.

   It seems that the decisive battle is imminent, and these guys are trying to keep their "triggering skills" as much as possible, so as to keep their cards to deal with various changes!

  Compared to this, sacrificing some monster troops to consume the magic power here is simply too worth it!

  However, this is certainly worth it to Felin Mokui, but...

   "It's also good!"

   "You are all so cooperative, I will not let you down!"

  A slight sneer appeared, and Isaac couldn't have been better at this!

  Although it is a little regrettable that he failed to meet the leader Mokui face to face, but...he didn't mean to force it.

  For the Lich Archmage, five consecutive "earthquake spells" completely collapsed the tunnel in front of them, completely disconnecting their side from the monster's side.

  Isaac waved his hand, and a series of "Arcane Magic Eyes" quickly spread to the front tunnel.

"let's go!"

   Before the "Arcane Magic Eye" passed through the collapsed ruins, it began to reconnaissance the monster army.

  Isaac shouted again, turned his head to the "Well of Radiance", and at the same time called out Danilo and Elis.

  The duration of the "anti-magic field" can even reach several hours. At this time, the "anti-magic field" is naturally still on the two of Danilo.

   There is no intention to directly cancel it.

  When Isaac called them out, they kept a little distance from the three of Isaac and returned to the "Well of Radiance".

   A moment.

  When Isaac quickly returned to the underground hall, he walked directly into the center of the magic circle that the loyal servant had already constructed.

   "So it is!"

  Arcane magic eyes drilled through some gaps in the ruins, and Isaac was able to pass through them, and observed that the beholder team continuously released "disintegration rays" on the ruins.

  However, only these beholders, the Felin Mokui who really manipulated them, still didn't see any of them.

  Isaac was not in a hurry. As soon as he thought about it, the numerous "Arcane Magic Eyes" scattered again, and quickly disappeared in various hidden corners of the tunnel.

  In this environment destroyed by continuous "earthquake techniques", there are too many such hidden corners.

  The next step is naturally to wait patiently.

  If you want to attack those magic sunflowers, at least you have to wait until the traces of the magic sunflowers are really revealed.

   Otherwise, who can be sure whether these magic sunflowers have suddenly shifted?

   For example, transferred to the sewer, double-teamed from the front?

  When the beholders are in groups, it is easy to connect the tunnel.

   It's only a few minutes.

   From the arcane magic eye hidden in the crack above the ruins, Isaac observed that the "dissociation rays" of the beholders had penetrated a cave in the ruins.

  Although the cave is still a bit small, it must not be able to pass through the beholders, nor can it pass through the Faerín Mokui.

   However, it is nothing more than a matter of further expansion.

"three minutes!"

  In his heart, Isaac quickly estimated the time for the tunnel to completely penetrate.

   At that time, regardless of whether Felin Mokui walked out on his own initiative, or on his side, the Arcane Magic Eye was further thrown into the depths of the tunnel to investigate...

  Do it, or what, when the time comes, I will be sure!

  At this moment, everyone is counted, and the decisive battle is imminent.

  All shrank to the side of the main hall, and everyone was making final preparations for the battle.

  In the main hall, the atmosphere was more silent and serious.

  The passage of time, in such a dignified atmosphere, is exceptionally slow.

   One second, another second, Isaac gradually reached the final countdown.

  Suddenly, a summons made his heart move.

   "The Felim Mokui at both ends of the sewer have been repelled. Within three minutes, we will arrive at the 'Well of Radiance'!"

   Imsford's arraignment.

  He and the Beren Lich came with reinforcements, and this is the encounter with the Felin Mokui.

  However, this is also normal. Isaac had estimated that Felin Mokui would have a corresponding snipe attack in the sewer.

  Only two magic sunflowers, which is even less!


   "Since Felin Mokui was repulsed by them, no accident, this news must have reached the scarlet leader."

   "Emsford and the others arrived here within three minutes..."

   "Let's see if this one will come out sooner!"

   Thoughts flashed for a moment, Isaac also replied "received" to Imsford's summons.

  Following his gaze, he continued to sink into the perspective of the "Arcane Magic Eye".

   After a blink of an eye, the work of the beholders to penetrate the tunnel was finally completed.

   Already gathered, a large army of monsters began to march immediately.

   Indispensably, there is also a beholder, passing through closely behind.

   It is still the anti-magic field with the vanguard.

  From here to the entrance, there is no obstacle.

   Seeing these monsters is entering the underground space.

   "Lord of the Underground!"

   This time, it was Isaac who performed the spell.

   After the spell is completed in a blink of an eye.

  He threw the "Earthquake Technique" one after another towards the entrance.

  The sudden violent shaking of the ground was inevitably over there, causing various collapses, and it was the beholder and the vanguard that were trapped there together.

   At the same time.

   On the other side of the Arcane Magic Eye, quite a few of them are also swimming.

  Using the cover of this "earthquake", there was a magic eye, who went through the tunnel, and then quickly touched the depths of the tunnel along the dark corner of the top floor.


   That's it.

   In his heart, Isaac suddenly moved again.

  A strange feeling, coming from the magic eye of the arcane, seems to be...

   "I finally found you!"

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