MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 1138 shot

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  Chapter 1138 Shot


  However, although the footsteps are keeping up, he has precise control over the distance.

   If you are more than 120 feet away from the secret guard rear, you are naturally farther away from the leader of the mystic.

   This distance is beyond the scope of "True Seeing" and "Legendary Magic Crystal".

in this way…

   "If he didn't notice it, he would go directly to the next place."

   "But if you notice it, keep it quiet..."

  Following behind the secret guard at a leisurely pace, in the darkness, Isaac's eyes flashed coldly.

  If you really noticed it, but kept your face, it is nothing more than knowing something wrong, so you want to meet with the red-robed bishop, or even send a message back to the royal family for help.

   In addition, he is always hanging outside the range of the magic crystal ball. If the leader of the mystic master can't find him following him, it is naturally impossible to go to the next target!

  So, to determine whether the next research can be safe or not, all we need to do is to see where the next goal of the leader of the mystic is!

Although this kind of catching up will inevitably waste some time for him, but as long as there is a final confirmation, even if the time he stays here is not long, at least, the time he stays here this time is very limited, but this It is worthwhile, even necessary, to invest some time.

  The departure of the secret guards in front is like marching in a hurry.

   In just a moment, the front team was already walking out of the mausoleum.

  The mystic mages followed closely behind.

   Again, the rear team hurriedly followed.

  Seeing that the leader of the mystic mage had already walked out, Isaac also quickened his pace.

  The entrance and exit of the mausoleum not only has an enchantment seal, but also has mechanism control.

  If he slows down, wait until the mechanism over there is closed, and then reopen it, which is naturally not a secret.

   After a few steps, the figure followed behind the secret guard team.

  Among the royal secret guards, there are quite a few paladins.

   The team that walked in the last line even had three layers of divine aura superimposed together.

  The sacred aura of a paladin basically has the permanent effects of "detecting evil" and "aura of courage".

  However, even the leader of the legendary paladin's secret guards couldn't break through the "legendary hiding" through the effect of the divine aura. Naturally, Isaac didn't care about the overlap of these auras at all.

  Following this team without a trace, it was a breeze, and he walked out before the entrance of the mausoleum was closed again.

  Besides the exit, it was naturally the secret room with the black sarcophagus.

  The size of the secret room determines that the secret guards in front cannot all stay here and wait for the rear team.

  When Isaac walked out with the team, there was only a team of five people in the secret room, who apparently stayed aside to close the mausoleum mechanism.

  However, although the number of this team is small, but...


Isaac was not in a hurry to keep up with the secret guards, he went out of the secret room, and walked out from under the enchantment of the faint white light. He just paused in the secret room, and looked at the secret room thoughtfully. Several people.

   Two mystics, three secret guards!

   There are mystics who are easy to understand.

   These are the people who guard the castle of the conjurers, and they naturally know the mechanism best!

  But the secret guard, the most important thing, is one of the secret guards...

   "Is there really a problem?"

  Looking indifferently at the leader of the secret guard in the fine gold armor, Isaac's eyes flickered with coldness.

   It seems that it is not that he is too sensitive!

  The legendary magic crystal held by the leader of the mystic mages is indeed extraordinary!

  But... Keeping this secret guard leader here, is it because he thinks that he can entangle him so as to create opportunities for others?

   Then Isaac's thought flashed across.

  A mystic is activating the mechanism and closing the entrance to the mausoleum.

   Almost the next moment.


  Outside the secret room, but not in front of the door, but hiding on the side, Master Baenze also sent out a summons.

  At this moment, in front of him, the "Observer's Eye" with dark blue electric light flowing endlessly, seemed to be waves of abnormal spiritual light, constantly rippling.

  Without the interference of the "Abyss Essence", Archmage Baenze is very familiar with and understands this abnormal aura.

   That one still kept up!

   Not too surprising.

  After all, it is perfectly normal for him to be unable to detect the existence of abnormalities in person, and to have doubts about the fluctuations of the "Eye of the Observer".

   Fortunately, this person shot without being inside the mausoleum.

   In this way, it is time for him, and Bradrick, to prepare!

  After this summons was issued, Archmage Baenze waved his scepter again.

   "Get in!"


   There was a clatter.

   Also from both sides of the door of the secret room, a large number of gargoyles flew into the secret room in an instant.

  It seems that these constructs who left the mausoleum the first time have already been quietly ambush here like stone statues.

   They move.

   "Anti-Magic Field!"

  In the secret room, the two mystics who seemed to be just about to close the mechanism of the mausoleum suddenly cast their spells, and they were even "anti-magic fields"!

  The "anti-magic field" has a ten-foot radius of coverage, but the cooperation of the two can cover a considerable area of ​​the secret room.

  Nine times out of ten, the unknown enemy must be a powerful legendary spellcaster, but no matter what kind of spellcaster, encountering the "anti-magic field" is still a big headache!

  In addition to this time, a large number of gargoyles are pouring in.

   There are also legendary paladins who are already waiting...

  Master Baenze himself moved at will.

With the high-level instant-casting supermagic scepter in hand, no matter how extraordinary the unknown enemy inside is, whether he is attacking directly with magic or restraining him to create opportunities for Graham and his two assistants, this All are enough to grasp.

  And once the unknown enemy has to deal with him...

   Naturally, the gargoyle group can directly drown it again!

  More, Bradrick's cooperation can also catch up!

  Gargoyles were pouring into the secret room one after another. Archmage Baenze stepped across and looked into the secret room.

  But this is the moment.

   "No fun!"

  Isaac sneered slightly.

  These ants actually want to use such means to beat him out aimlessly...

  This is too beautiful!

  Of course, to be able to make such an arrangement in a short period of time, these mystic mages are rich enough in terms of combat experience.

   But unfortunately, above the level, this is too much difference!

   "Over limit - instant - time freeze!"

  Although they look down on these people, since they are looking for death, Isaac will naturally show no mercy.

  As soon as he raised his hand, under the cover of "Legendary Concealment", a note of "Time Stillness" was sent out instantly without any clue.

   Following that, everything around came to a standstill in an instant.

   Four rounds of time!

  While he was sure of this, he glanced around calmly.

  There is no need to look at the situation inside the secret room, but there are only two mystics, plus those paladins, and then, the gargoyles that are attacking from the outside.

   Outside the secret room, the figure of the leader of the mystic mage appeared, and the high-level super magic scepter and the legendary magic crystal were still in his hands.

However, in the case of not being able to break through his "Legendary Concealment", this is the high-level instant-casting super-magic scepter in his hand, but he can't make any countermeasures against his "instant-casting-time stillness" response.

Such an archmage, even if he is a genuine legendary mage, is obviously inferior to the lich archmage and ghost archmage enslaved by him, at least alone, not when performing ritual spellcasting. The same is true for the Mist Master, let alone compared with the three leaders and giants of Felin Mokui.

  Only this point of exposure, Isaac is counted. These people here are not qualified to cause trouble for him.

   But the red-robed bishop who has not shown up until now, if he can really manipulate the holy artifact, or even further manipulate the sealing barrier, then there is a little possibility of causing trouble.

   But, that's it!

   No matter what red robe you wear, you are still just a bishop!


  As soon as he raised his finger, a projection was thrown outside the secret room, behind the leader of the mystic mage.

   "Shaping control-burning cloud technique!"

  The projection is used as the source of the spell.

  A thick cloud of white hot smoke directly covered a large area outside the door of the secret room, not only drowning the leader of the mystic mages, but also spread horizontally, engulfing a large area of ​​mystic mages and secret guards.

   "Rainbow Law Wall!"

   Still use the projection as the source point.

  As soon as he raised his hand, in front of the leader of the mystic mages, and behind those gargoyles, there was a wall of seven-color magic, which blocked the entire space.

  In any case, this is a legendary spellcaster after all, whether he has mastered the "Great Disintegration Art" or not, let alone for the time being, at least, it is obviously impossible to master the "Legendary Dispel Art" without research.

   In this regard, Isaac will not miss the precautions that should be taken.

  Three rounds have passed.

  The last round, this is the turn of these people in the secret room.

   "Over Limit-Extreme Effect-Meteor Burst!"

   "Energy Control - Fel Energy Replacement!"

   "Shaping control!"

   At the moment when the time-stop ended, four meteor fireballs burning with raging dark magic flames swayed out in front of Isaac.

  Terrifying purgatory evil energy, but they never waited for more reactions from the people around them.

  Boom! boom! boom! boom!

  The four meteor fireballs did not bombard any target at all, they exploded directly.

  In just a moment, the dark flames flooded the entire secret room.

  Although only the "extreme effect" super magic was performed, even though it was still from the Warlock profession, the strength of this spell was still beyond the tolerance limit of all people, including the legendary paladin.

  The "anti-magic field" of the two mystics, it was too late to complete the display, and they were burned to death in an instant amidst the raging dark magic flames.

  Those paladins, those gargoyles, but those who were in the secret room also had no strength to struggle, and all life was burned to death in the dark magic flame.

  There was only a roar of infinite sorrow and anger, which erupted from the magic flame.

   "God's Grace!"


  Paladins are protected by divine power, and have strong immunity against all attacks.


  Even at this moment, the legendary paladin's body is bursting with extremely strong divine protection power, but under the strength of Isaac's spell, this is the same kind of damage that cannot be avoided by dodge.

  However, after all, Isaac only performed the "extreme effect" super magic. After all, the four meteors exploded directly, instead of exploding after hitting Graham, which means that four bombardment damages were lost.

  At this moment, even after enduring all the damage from the evil energy of the dark magic flame, the vitality of this legendary paladin has not been completely burned.

  The injury is extremely serious, but...

  Burning from endless grief and anger, infinite devotion was ignited. Graham roared, and the blazing sacred light was actually blooming from within his body!

   At this moment, the legendary paladin looks like he has transformed into a life in the heavens. Whether it is the gold armor or the two-handed epee, they are all filled with sacred energy.

   "Slay evil!"

  The professional ability of a paladin!

   "Powerful evil slash!"

   The legendary feat based on the premise of "Slaying Evil Slash", when performing an attack of "Slaying Evil Slash", the multiplier of the additional damage can be increased!

   "Holy Strike!"

   It is also a legendary feat based on the premise of "Evil Slaying Slash". No matter what kind of attack is carried out, even if it is not "Evil Slaying Slash", it can also cause an additional blow of holy power to all evil camps!

  In an instant, these two legendary specialties were activated at the same time. If he turned into a celestial envoy, Graham didn't seriously injure himself at all, and after performing any recovery, he roared to the ground and swept towards the sky in front of him.

  At this moment, he still cannot observe the existence of the unknown enemy.

  However, when the dark flames were raging, he saw an empty space in the secret room!

  At this moment, regardless of the serious injury, Graham broke out desperately, and Graham was going to deliver a desperate blow before the enemy had time to shift position!

   Not only his side.

   At the same moment when the time stop ended, when the "burning cloud technique" synchronized to the normal speed layer, not only began to cause continuous burning damage, but also blocked the vision of everyone...

  Outside the secret room, surrounded by white-hot smoke, the heart of Archmage Ba Enze suddenly turned cold.

  If we talk about the moment before, he is still confident enough to completely trap the unknown enemy inside.

  This moment...

   Unimaginable heart palpitations!

   "Time stands still!"


   "What's more... there are no signs of casting spells like this!"

  Master Baenze couldn't imagine how the people inside could achieve it.

  However, at this moment, he didn't have time to think more.

   "Instant - time stops!"

   With a wave of the high-level super-magic scepter, at the first moment, he also performed the instant "time stop".

   The instantaneous switching of the flow layer at an hourly speed, when everything in front of me finally came to a standstill.

  At this point, the leader of the mystic mage, while observing the surrounding situation as much as possible, at the same time, the thought that was almost frozen by Sen Han had time to continue.

   "Rainbow Law Wall!"

   "Also, here's the projection!"

  (end of this chapter)

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