MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 12 before running

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   Chapter 12 Before Running

  If your own strength is not enough to overwhelm everything, then it is time to use the strength of your subordinates!

   Even the dragon mother has to subdue the monsters to serve her, and she is still a young dragon, why not?

When Eltana really had this knowledge and tried to use it, she directed the monsters to divide their labor and cooperate to give full play to their respective strengths and specialties. Without Old Barry's Madeira Sentinel, she could no longer stop her from advancing. footsteps.

  The ogre wielded a giant stick and savagely opened the way ahead.

   The orc savage warriors were not to be outdone, and also charged ahead.

   But when the human sentinels were not ready to collide with them head-on, the kobolds were the first to show their power.

Consciously being swept in the face by the Yite Monster, Kulara vented her anger on her subordinates. The kobold who was originally despicable and timid, was driven by him forcefully, no matter what traps were traps or not. Drive them to the front of the battlefield first.

   Immediately, large-scale slings roared and covered the battlefield.

   The human longbowmen only shot a few arrows, and before they could really show their power, they fell into a situation where they could only retreat, they could only distance themselves, and then try to fight back.

   Seeing a face-to-face, the monsters rushed into the second line of defense. The wounded human sentinels retreated, looking in a state of embarrassment. Altana, whose wounds were gradually healing, finally showed a satisfied look.

   She doesn't think these humans can escape a few.

  Because before launching the offensive, she had already ordered the Ett monster to go around in a circle and lurked behind these people.

   With some composure, the two young dragons walked at the back of the battlefield unhurriedly.

"Dear Altana, I have to congratulate you, you commanded so well in Longsheng's first war. From now on, I will never slander you for having no brains, as long as you think, you Wisdom and strength are equally important." Isaac was praising Long Jie with a sincere expression on his face, and in order to show his sincerity, he even revealed his previous slander.

"If you want to say something, just say it quickly." Eltana was not confused by her brother. Comparing the two dragons, one was covered with wounds, and the other had no scratches. She would give her brother a good look. is weird.

   She was even thinking about whether she would kick her younger brother into the battlefield when she crossed this mountain and actually launched an attack on the Fortress of Rodinburgh.

   This should be a good idea!

  Isaac obviously didn't know what she was thinking, but the thinking direction of their siblings was basically the same.

  Isaac asked: "The human outpost has been defeated by you, and then we will face the fortress. I wonder when Sylvia will show up?"

  Dragon mother doesn't come, he really doesn't want to hit the fortress.

He heard the orc leader Ogden say that the fortress of Rodinburg is guarded against the monsters in the Forest of Thorns. It has a large number of heavy weapons, among which are heavy ballistas specially designed for air strikes. Even the dragon mother has to hide, let alone a young dragon like them.

"If Sylvia doesn't come, the fortresses are all the same. If you can't fight during the day, then attack at night. If you can't fight in one day, then two days." Eltana didn't know the whereabouts of Long Ma, but she was right. She had thought about how to attack the fortress.

   "But don't forget, how did we get here." Isaac's voice was faint.

   All the way, they walked for six full days before they walked out of the forest of thorns.

The biggest reason for    is nothing more than military rations and military discipline.

   Let the monsters attack the fortress at night against the rain of arrows, maybe.

   But didn’t stock up on food, let them go to night raids hungry…

  Isaac is really not optimistic. Maybe one defeat, after two defeats, the entire army will collapse and disband.

   So he continued: "I have an idea, if Sylvia comes, she will naturally listen to everything."

   "But before she comes, should we consider bypassing the fortress first, entering the human country, and looting those places with no defense facilities."

   "This way, at least you don't have to ram the fortress's defenses."

   "Maybe they can lure the fortress guards out. In the absence of geographical advantages, they can still beat us?"

  Altana's expression changed.

If there was no battle in the mountains and forests, and she did not have enough understanding of the geographical conditions, she might directly scold her younger brother for being cowardly and overconfident in her own strength, far from looking down on villages and small towns." Little thing", thinking that this is not worthy of her first battle with Longsheng.

   But now, after growing up, she is not the same as before.

  Isaac saw Long Jie's expression in his eyes, and finally decided to make it clear, "My sister, I think we have come, and it's time to think about ourselves.

   Sylvia feels that we have grown up, and if we want to continue to shelter under her wings, we must fight for her and plunder for her wealth.

   But the human race is not a weak race. In fighting for her, the dangers we encounter are endless.

   In contrast to this, the distribution of the spoils we can get is probably insignificant.

  Look at the human race, there are warriors among the sentinels who can be equipped with heavy armor all over the body. If such equipment is generous enough for the ogres, and even for us, I don’t know how much it can improve our combat power.

   However, this is clearly not possible. Whether it is our inheritance experience or the situation of the monsters under her command, we have been told very clearly that no matter how hard we try, we can only pick up the little bits of debris that flowed from between her fingers. Taste.

   This return does not match our efforts.

   Moreover, under her wings, we also have to fight, which may be... more dangerous. "

   "So? Are you going to leave?" Altana finally heard what her brother meant.

   I don't want to take shelter under Long Ma's wings anymore, don't I just want to leave?

   She didn't expect that her always lazy brother would make such a decisive decision. This decision... Even she only thought about it once or twice in her heart.

   "That's right."

  Isaac did not deny: "I don't think leaving would be more dangerous than fighting the Terran all year round.

If we can find a suitable place to relocate, we will join hands, from small to large, from small to large, first subdue some goblins, subdue some kobolds, and then consider occupying the mines, accumulating wealth, and then continue to expand our power and continue to go out. Expansion, step by step, is no worse than being exploited by Sylvia all the time.

   And, right now, as long as we are not seriously injured in this war, we can take away what we deserve before Sylvia doesn't assign it. "

   What is the most tempting thing for dragons?


   Under the command of Long Ma, it is dangerous and has no money.

   and leave, not to mention the future, you can run away with the wealth that is about to be robbed in front of you...

  Isaac felt that his wise Long Jie would definitely make the right decision after careful consideration.

  Altana's eyes rolled around for a while: "Have you found a place to live?"

   "No, but on the human side, there must be treasures like maps." Isaac shook his head.

   "Then we'll talk about it later." Altana didn't give him an answer right away. She felt the need to think carefully about such a big decision.

  Isaac is not surprised.

  's original plan was to persuade Long Jie after the war ended, when Long Jie was fascinated by wealth.

   But now, he felt that Long Jie was no longer the Long Jie he used to be, and that he had enough judgment to let her understand his thoughts in advance.

   In this way, they can cooperate with each other in the following wars.

   (end of this chapter)