MTL - Dragon-Blooded War God-v40 Chapter 1245 Legion play martial arts

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Next, Jiang Shenwu did not think too much.

The snow-clearing dragon girl became a little cautious, and came to Jiang Shenwu’s face, first to him.

"Hello, younger brother, can you know your name?"

The snow-covered dragon girl squinted and asked, by the way, introduced herself: "I am Ruo Ruolan, from the Holy Land."

Jiang Shenwu nodded and said: "Jiang Shenwu, from the Wuji Xuanbing Holy Land."

"Ginger God Wu of the Five-Point Black Ice Holy Land?"

The girl, Ruolan, heard the words and frowned slightly. It felt like she had heard the name, but she couldn’t remember it when she thought about it.

No way, the holy frost holy land is far away from the five-pole black ice holy land.

Perhaps I heard about a news about Jiang Shenwu, such as defeating Zhao Qingtian... but she will not look at this kind of news carefully, and it is estimated that she just forgot to forget it.

After all, too far away, she really does not need to understand the details.

The other eleven people led by the girl, Ruo Ruolan, have no impression of the name Jiang Shenwu.

Although Jiang Shenwu is quite famous now, he is only famous among the four major races.

Within the Dragon Protoss, it is not so famous, and only some of the strongest people know him. For example, the generals of Qinglin, this level, know that Jiang Shenwu was sent by the Emperor Shenlong to help.

The main strategic significance of this Jiang Shenwu is that he now seems to be the peak of the imperial level, but with four stars at least the strength of the second layer of supernatural power, and it can almost reach the fourth level of super god. Powerful existence!

This kind of existence, the strategic significance on the battlefield is really too great, even more useful than a true super-god fourth-tier dragon warrior general.

The dragon warrior generals who are truly super gods on the fourth floor will be restricted by the strong players dispatched by the other side once they are on the battlefield.

But Jiang Shenwu will not!

On the battlefield, he was originally like an ordinary peak of the royal family. He was in the chaotic battlefield environment, and basically no strong one would notice him.

But his combat power is enough to make him rampage in the chaotic battlefield, killing a large number of hostile powerhouses!

This strategic significance is definitely not simple.

"Okay, my brother."

The girl, Ruo Ruolan, always feels that Jiang Shenwu’s strength is not as good as her. After all, it seems that she is the peak of the emperor, so she is called “teacher”.

She does not know what kind of strategic significance Jiang Shenwu will have on the battlefield, but in any case, since Vice President Qing Lin said so, she should naturally believe this, and it is impossible to doubt what Jiang Shenwu is.

"Since you ask each of us to attack you for a fragrant time, let's find a place... Yes, we are the first layer of the super-god, and I will lighten it later."

The girl, Ruo Ruolan, finished with Jiang Shenwu and turned back to tell her team members.

"No, no."

Jiang Shenwu immediately said: "You can play all your strengths. Don't worry, your strength will not hurt me, and it will not pose too much threat to me. And you can use your full strength, I can complete my preparation as soon as possible. ""

Ready to work?

Is beating preparation before the war?

People can't quite understand the logic of this...

However, for the attitude of Jiang Shenwu, the two young people on the first floor of the super god, as well as the young girl Ruo Ruolan, are somewhat unconvinced.

What is the power of them that still hurts Jiang Shenwu?

This is too small for them!

It is clear that Jiang Shenwu is just a kid at the peak of the royal family. How can it resist the offensive of the first layer of their super god?

Anyway, they decided to give Jiang Shenwu some color after the opening!


After a musk time.

The people found the Legion of the Dragon Fortress to play the battlefield as a venue for the exercise.

This army group played the martial arts field. It was also borrowed from the army of the Dragon Fortress after Jiang Shenwu and Moya exchanged. They were able to train two hours in it.

And this is also the best performing battlefield within the entire Longteng Fortress.

In the martial arts field, the Aura of the Heaven and Earth can be used to quickly restore the strength of the Dragon Protoss in the training exercise, and also enhance the fit between people and the aura of the heavens and the earth, perhaps enabling people to improve their cultivation faster. Plus practice dragon martial arts.

The average person is not eligible to come to such a regiment to play the battlefield.

Therefore, after coming to such a military field, the girls, Ruo Rulan, were completely convinced of the identity of Jiang Shenwu.

This identity is absolutely not normal!

Otherwise, where can I borrow a legion to play such a venue?

Of course, the venue they rented is only a small part of the army's playing field. The entire army is playing in the battlefield, and many legionaries are practicing.

Jiang Shenwu, a total of thirteen of them entered the army to play the battlefield, and almost did not attract anyone's attention.

After all, all the corps dragons are now in intense training, and no one has the power to distract.

Nothing can attract their attention!

The next big battle is really important for them.

Soon, Jiang Shenwu and Ruo Rulan settled in one of the regiments in the military field.

"I will play first."

A deputy captain of Ruo Rulan, who was the first layer of the super-god who always said that Jiang Shenwu was a swindler, stood up first.

He doesn't think Jiang Shenwu is a liar now, but he still feels uncomfortable. Jiang Shenwu even looks down on them.

No threat to Jiang Shenwu?

He has to give Jiang Shenwu some color!

Then he will play.

Ruo Ruolan also reminded me below: "Don't use all your strength, just show it a little."

The meaning is, the lesson of Jiang Shenwu can, do not hurt Jiang Shenwu really, or if they can not catch up with the war, they become sinners.

"Do not worry, I have a measure."

The young man nodded and went straight to and Jiang Shenwu had turned into a dark dragon, waiting on the stage.

The young man directly turned into a thunder dragon, the body of the dragon on the first floor of the super god, it seems to be a few laps larger than the body of the black dragon of Jiang Shenwu, and the two sides are also extremely different in the momentum!

Now Jiang Shenwu looks like a little dragon warrior.

The opponent is like a super-powerful dragon.

"Get it."

Jiang Shenwu is not afraid at all, but directly calms the other side to shoot.

"Oh, be careful."

The young man snorted and thundered the body of the Thunder Dragon.

The super-powerful means is fully revealed at this moment, the power of the Thunder, the moment of violent!


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