MTL - Dragon-Blooded War God-v40 Chapter 1259 Permanent ruins

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In this battle, the other party did not organize a decent counterattack.

Until the two top-ranking powerhouses are about to return, the Dragon Protoss powerhouse has been unable to drag, and Jiang Shenwu is planning to evacuate.

When I left, the entire Mo Kui group was stationed in the camp. There were already tens of thousands of heads of the Kui Kui who could not move, lost their ability to move, and fell to the ground.

These tens of thousands of konjac are all condensed by the dead geeks. As their masters are killed, these konjac become waste products. At most, they become the nutrients absorbed by other geeks. Become some of their cultivation resources.

In other words, this time the Devils’ Legion’s losses were extremely heavy.

When the two top-level commanders returned, they were horrified to find that the available talents of their own regiments were all killed!

Super deputy of the seventh floor or above?

No one left!

All were found by the body and then killed!

The middle-level deputy of the fourth to sixth floors of the super god?

This is a few left, mainly because of the time is too late, Jiang Shenwu they have to retreat.

But in addition, Jiang Shenwu also killed a total of more than 2,000 people from the seventh floor of the Imperial level to the third floor of the Super God. As for the other affected people, they were completely untouched. Counting, of course, these weaker pawns have been killed by at least one or two thousand people, all of which have been affected.

Originally, Jiang Shenwu’s goal was not to be a small **** of these geeks, but when they wanted to kill those deputies, these little pawns were right next to them. In this case, naturally they are directly killed together, even a little Time will not be wasted.

After three hours of departure, Jiang Shenwu returned with a triumph!

This downhill, the power of the Devils' corps in the small world of the Dragon Fortress was almost wiped out. Its main middle and high level combat power has already gone to seven seven eight eight.

They have no ability to launch any aggressive attacks against the fortress.

In this battle, Jiang Shenwu's spiritual sensitivity is even more amazing.

Everyone knows that it is extremely difficult to find the body of the Mo Kui, but it is as simple as eating and drinking for Jiang Shenwu, and you can perceive the location of the Mo Kui body.

This is simply amazing, or it is simply the biggest nemesis of the Mozu.

Such a terrible ability, so that the body of the magic Kui people can not escape, almost become the same existence.

After returning, the people directly gave Jiang Shenwu a celebration feast.

In this way, Long Teng Fortress, these powerful deputy generals, generals and even commanders, all know Jiang Shenwu, a talented young dragon warrior, who appreciates him incomparably.

The Tianshu Stone of Longteng Fortress has long given Jiang Shenwu, and also gave Jiang Shenwu a lot of warfare. These warlords can be exchanged for at least 500,000 gold dragon coins.

It’s just that there’s no news from the Emperor’s Dragon. The main reason is that the war has not yet completely ended. It’s not yet time for Jiang Shenwu’s merits.

Perhaps the Emperor Shenlong has not yet mentioned it. After all, may there be more credit after Jiang Shenwu?

If you want to reward, you will have more resources and reasons. Just like this time, you will directly help the Dragon Fortress to defeat the middle and high-level main force of the Devils' Legion, and let the other middle and high-level main forces be almost completely destroyed.

With such an amazing record, only Jiang Shenwu can do it.

If there is no Jiang Shenwu, even if such a strong person of Qinglin deputy is caught in the enemy camp of the Devils, it is completely fierce.

Even if he is strong, he can't find out where the other's strong body is, so it can easily be exhausted and then strangled...

Jiang Shenwu has almost become a nightmare for the Mozu.

After the celebration feast, Jiang Shenwu took a break.

Next, he is also step by step, and continues to consolidate his own strength.

His Dragon Protoss inherits and repairs, although it has reached the level of the peak of the imperial level, but the combat power that can really be exerted is still not complete.

For the past three months, he has been consolidating his own strength, through the power of engulfing, and through some practical training with the Legionnaires.

Of course, the opponents are the dragons of the royal level.

These dragon warriors are basically not Jiang Shenwu's opponents, but Jiang Shenwuguang used the royal dragon's dragon gods to cultivate against each other, but he still got a lot of gains and played a good role in the consolidation of his strength.


So, Jiang Shenwu continued to consolidate for three months.

During the three-month period, he completely consolidated the dragon gods of the imperial peak.

He is able to play 100% of the strength of the dragon protoss who are the peak of the royal family!

Under such a state, he is confident that he will directly break through to the level of Super Dragon. Of course, he still has no breakthrough ideas. After all, his current combat power has reached the fourth level of Super God. He is not particularly in need of the promotion of the Dragon Protoss.

He still wants to give it a try and see if he can enter an intermediate relic before breaking through the super dragon.

The high-level relics are still a bit high for the current Jiang Shenwu, but the intermediate relics are tantamount to a treasure house filled with treasures for Jiang Shenwu.

Even... Jiang Shenwu is also planning to travel to some permanent intermediate ruins.

These permanent intermediate relics are basically explored by the old guys of all ethnic groups. They have been open and have been explored, but there are still many secrets that have not been fully explored.

Entering such intermediate ruins means fighting against the most powerful elites of other races.

Whether the opponent has a war or martial arts ~ ~ are definitely the strongest of the peaks of the royal family, and still have been cultivated to the fire, and the fit between the soldiers and the soldiers has reached its peak.

Such a force is basically easy to deal with the ordinary super-god first-tier powerhouse.

For Jiang Shenwu, if you encounter such an old guy, it must be very difficult. The opponent has absolutely rich combat experience and cannot be defeated by Jiang Shenwu so easily.

These old guys who have lived for so long, even if the frontal combat power is not strong, they definitely have their own set of survival rules. Within the intermediate relics, where is it easy to be killed by the juniors?

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu still wants to challenge, and among the permanent intermediate ruins, many super strong existences have been unearthed.

For example, there are some nine-inscriptions on the heavenly and earthly saints, which have become the treasures of the ethnic groups of all ethnic groups and can shelter their race for a long time.

Just like the heaven and earth sacred products that the Emperor Shenlong received this time, it is rarely obtained in the ordinary ruins. This kind of heaven and earth sacred goods is the most probable in the permanent ruins.

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